Question : RPK types for Mirage

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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Inscription : 26 janvier 2007

Question : RPK types for Mirage


Message par JollyJumper »

For the owners of the big, expensive and hard to find DTU books ;D

Mirage III/5/50
The external fuel tank with bomb carrying capability.

I've found references to several variants :
RPK 10
RPK 12 (iirc... or 13.. )
RPK 17

Anyone knows more about them ?

The early versions had the fore and aft release units not staggered. Usable only for bombs with a certain
length to prevent collision of them with the landing gear covers on the insides.
Later versions had the forward inside release unit moved forward to fix that limitation.
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Inscription : 26 janvier 2007

Re: Question : RPK types for Mirage


Message par JollyJumper »

Bump :)
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As du Manche
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Re: Question : RPK types for Mirage


Message par Deltafan »


-RPK 10 : ... /1123.html ... ageIII.pdf
-RPK 11 : 500 litres carburant + 4 bombes de 250 kg (la bible 4, page 201)
-RPK 17 : Réservoir supplémentaire d’une contenance de 500 litres et permettant l’emport de 4 charges allant des 125 kg aux MK82 de 500 livres normales ou SNAKEYE. Celui-ci est fixé en point interne sur mirage M5F directement sans intermédiaire. Il existe un modèle spécifique gauche RPK-17G et un droit RPK-17D
-RPK ? : RPK-? (~500/600 l fuel+ 36*68 mm rokets + 3* Durandal or 4*500 lbs bombs) ... ageIII.pdf
-? : ... hera-.html
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 445
Inscription : 26 janvier 2007

Re: Question : RPK types for Mirage


Message par JollyJumper »

As I see it now, it is:
RPK-10/11 ( difference ? ) seem to be the early variant where the two forward-mounted bomb-racks were placed side-by-side.
RPK-17 is the modified variant with the two forward bomb-racks mounted "in-line", with the respective inboard rack moved forwards.
This caused the specific left and right ( RPK-17G / RPK-17D ) variants.
That change was necessary to allow the loading of longer bombs ( Mk82 and similar ) without interference of the forward inboard bombs with the
main landing gear.
It was also possible to load heavier stores ( 400 kg class ) on the outboard racks ( 2 bombs max per RPK )

The last .. RPK ? , Ive seen photos of it, it looks like a "Super JL-100", a big tank with a 36-shot rocket launcher .
I think that thing was never bought by anyone of the Mirage operators.

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