Open Beta Patch Change Log
Coming soon...
• Integration into DCS World
• Implemented several measures to prevent network DoS-attacks.
• Implemented initial resource manager.
• Added third-party models: watchtower and corrected power lines pylon.
• The easy communication radio menu is now opened with the [\] key.
• The realistic communication radio menu is now opened with the [RAlt - \] key.
A-10C Fixes
• Ground shadow z-fighting when viewed from within the cockpit.
• JTAC's IR pointer misses the target.
• Constantly repeated radio reports from wingmen, particularly after leader landing.
• A-10C flight A-10C takeoff from runway. Wingmen would suddenly "freeze" between air and ground.
• Fuel Quantity Gauge is no longer always on.
• Some buttons became non-clickable when view is zoomed.
• Altimeter ELECT/PNEU switch is now operating correctly.
• JTACs sorted by range in radio menu.
• Several electrical devices in cockpit not working properly.
• AXIS TUNE button sometimes not being active after assignment.
• Periodic crash when changing gameplay options.
• Mouse cursor sometimes being invisible in game.
• Crash after a collision with a civilian traffic object.
• Crash when a ship is destroyed.
• Possible crash on mission load if civilian traffic is present in the mission.
• Multiplayer chat key stops working.
• "Red" Oliver Hazard Perry more powerful compared to "Blue" assignment.
• Su-33 flight leader doesn't taxi on the deck.
• After starting a mission, setting "BARIC SYSTEM" is reset to "CYCLONE".
• Modifier Switch Function missing.
• MLRS M270. Strange aiming logic.
• BGM-109B Tomahawk. Incorrect flight model.
• MBT Leopard-2. Inaccurate collision model.
• E-3 model that resulted in refueling error.
• Tanks don't open fire when on the move.
• Possible client hang after connect to server.
• MP client slots stay unusable for a long period of time if the previous client timed out.
• Terrain object incorrect water reflections.
• The Tu-160 and Tu-22 landing without landing gear.
• SA-11. After a salvo launch from two launchers, the missiles collide.
• JTAC use of "TERMINATE" communication.
• Simulator hang when a mission contains a Chaparral SAM.
• Tornado IDS. GUI error when the set bombing point is a waypoint actions.
• Possible crash when a SAM missile hits a Su-33.
• Any aircraft assigned to "Bombing Runway" will not attack and simply go to the next waypoint.
• JTACs appearing with the same number in radio list, if there are more than four of them in the mission with the same callsign.
• Missing tunnel entrance texture.
• Nalchik airbase runway defects.
• Mineralnye Vody airbase runway and taxiway problems.
• Tuned AI aircraft refueling behavior.
• Ctrl+S calls SAVE AS dialogue instead of saving file immediately.
• Rockets are removed from fuselage hardpoints of Su-27/30/33/34.
• Minvody airbase, tuned lights on the western edge of runway (RW 12).
• APC and AAA not attacking ships.
• APC MTLB firing sound continues after unit has stopped firing.
• Ships open fire on infantry at distance of 15 km.
• PAPI lights at Batumi were in the wrong position.
• Aircraft shelters' self shading is tuned.
• Increased the explosive mass of Grad rocket warhead to full warhead mass, from 12 to 18.4.
• SA-9 target detection has been adjusted.
• Air defense re-target to priority target.
• LVTP-7 large aiming errors.
• FSG Molniya gun barrel jitter when aiming.
• Multiplayer. Water starts flickering when mission is restarted.
• Adjusted terrain avoidance for some AI aircraft that were wildly over-exaggerating maneuvers, making them unable to fly set course.
• Multiplayer. Possible client not hearing response from Tanker.
• Several minor bugs in Mission Editor.
• Possible situation of SAMs not engaging targets if ships are present in the mission.
• Kuznetsov aircraft carrier deck lighting.
Upcoming A-10C Patch Change Log
Topic author - Elève Pilote
- Messages : 641
- Inscription : 18 mars 2009
Bonne nouvelle ! Vivement que ça sorte, comme ça on aura P-51D + BS2 + A10C sur le DCS World ce qui devrait améliorer l'efficacité et la réactivité de ED sur les mises à jour. (Et donc améliorer les simus plus rapidement et voir les nouveaux modules venir plus vite)
t'es sur de ca ?greg765 a écrit :Bonne nouvelle ! Vivement que ça sorte, comme ça on aura P-51D + BS2 + A10C sur le DCS World ce qui devrait améliorer l'efficacité et la réactivité de ED sur les mises à jour. (Et donc améliorer les simus plus rapidement et voir les nouveaux modules venir plus vite)

Le passé fait que pas tout à fait ^^Flaps a écrit :t'es sur de ca ?
Mais en théorie, je dis bien en théorie, ça devrait être (un peu) moins le bourbier avec ce DCS World.
(Bon, je pense que ça serait encore mieux si y'avait que des versions anglaises des produits mais bon ^^)
Disons que toutes les mises à jour touchant à l'environnement pourront se faire "sur tous les simus" d'un coup, sans attendre un patch pour untel, puis un autre pour tel autre...
Et puis y'aura un vrai noyau, qui devrait faciliter l'intégration des futurs modules concernant le multi, et éviter les n patchs...
Mais bon, c'est ED alors y'aura bien des soucis autre part, je leur fait confiance