un mot de GMX qui pourrait...

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8735
Inscription : 04 août 2001

un mot de GMX qui pourrait...


Message par rollnloop »

bien vous intéresser:

My name is Ben Harring, I am from G2 Games. G2 are the publishers of Battle of Britain 2 in the UK.

GMX have informed us of the complaints from customers regarding Battle of Britain 2. We have been instructed by GMX Media to resolve the problems for the map and manual by re-printing them for customers who have purchased the game and request them from us.

We will provide you information on how to claim the map and manual on Tuesday 6th.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Ben Harring.

http://shockwaveproductions.com/forum/v ... 5275#15275
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

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