In vs.1.1 you can add buildings in the mission editor. Trees however are not among them. There is away around this though explained hereafter.
I've found filenames with a cmd extension in the
...lockon\bazar\terrain\structures\high folder. Some of them resemble the buildings in the dropdown list in the mission editor.
By simply replacing these file by a tree graphic file, you can please trees in your mission just like an Ammodump or roadblock.
If you look in the
...structures\high folder you will notice files like
Trees_xxx.cmd or
Forrest_xxx.cmd (where xxx are numbers).
I didn't use the Forrest_xxx.cmd files since they contain to large tree formations.
I did use the following Trees_xxx.cmd files:
these are respectivly:
The red arrow indicates the heading that must be selected if the trees are to be positioned as displayed.
I've localized a few building files that aren't used by lomac in the standard theatre so removing/editing them won't harm the standard scenery. these files are:
In order to be able to see the trees in my mission-file proceed as follows:
Backup folder ...lockon\bazar\terrain\structures\high .
Delete files:
Copy file Trees_375.cmd and rename the copy wc.cmd
Copy file Trees_1.cmd and rename the copy Konteiner_brown.cmd
Copy file Trees_1265.cmd and rename the copy Konteiner_red3.cmd
Copy file Trees_375_375.cmd and rename the copy Konteiner_white.cmd
That's all.
I've made a mission with more then 1250 (the editor stops counting after 1000 objects) tree-formations around airbases.
Download the mission-file here: ... /trees.mis
TekaTeka has made it LOMAN compatible. Grab it here:
Unfortunally lomac needs time to place al the objects so loading the mission takes a while. You will also notice a delay when adding new static-objects. Please be patient.
Here are some
before and after shots.
You get the idea
Looking forward to your screenies and movies.