Changées parce que certaines personnes ont crié assez fort... Faudra t'il vraiment en arriver a gueuler plus fort qu'eux pour avoir gain de cause? Le volume de protestation importe t'il davantage que les arguments avancés? Quid de la prépondérance du fond sur la forme?
Changes in US weapon wasn't for P-38 But for US MGs class of weapon. Sorry , but its not about dispercion but about recoil.... Users were crying for non-realistic and non-historical and finally they got it. Sorry I'm tired of some stupid people that even can't read with attention the docs that they sent me that to say that we are wrong when these docs just confirm what we model...
pardon, je suis tellement triste que j'avais oublié de poster le lien complet vers la discussion : ... #200103415