Help with .cdds editing

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Inscription : 13 octobre 2008

Help with .cdds editing


Message par Kulbit »

Hi mates

following the Cosmonaut's tutorial (never ending thanx for it!!!) i've updated the "R2" CDDS file of LoReload mod with new textures for the runway and the taxyways. The CDDS studio worked fine and i've obtained the new R2 cdds files with my updates.
Then i overwrite the old R2 cdds file in the Bazar/World folder with the new one but.... starting the sim it shows me the old textures (the ones of the original LoReload R2 file) even if the old file was overwritten by the new one.
The Modman and the CDDS explorer shows that the .cdds was right edited (i can even extract from it my edited files) and all the textures are on 24 bit .....

Where I wrong? :pc:

In the graphics cfg file i I left the two original lines added by the Loreload mod :

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\R1.cdds";
common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\R2.cdds";

since I used the same name (R2) for the new cdds file
Do I have to change them?

By the way how is possible that the game shows the old textures even when the old cdds file was overwritten and there are no others textures in the textures temp folder?

Thanks a lot to all who can help me!
Case Antec Three Hundred - Asrock P4i65G - P4 3.2 Ghz - 2Gb RAM DDR400 dual channel - Nvidia Ge Force 7600 GT 256 Mb - Soundblaster XFi Gamer- screen Philips 200WB 20" - Saitek X45-
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Message par Azrayen »

Kulbit a écrit :since I used the same name (R2) for the new cdds file
Do I have to change them?
Not at all.

Kulbit a écrit :By the way how is possible that the game shows the old textures even when the old cdds file was overwritten and there are no others textures in the textures temp folder?
My first guess was that some textures remain in temptextures, but you seem to have checked it.
Therefore, my only other idea (at this time) is that you edited the wrong textures, i.e. you edited for example a texture named "toto.bmp" but when you checked in game, LO used tata.bmp in the area you were flying.

Sorry, no other clue... it seems really weird...

Did you, by any chance, test your edited CDDS on another computer ?

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Message par Michelange »

i've updated the "R2" CDDS file of LoReload mod with new textures for the runway and the taxyways
What did you do ?
- Only add textures for runway and the taxyways ?
- Add also new textures for the A-10 ?

- In the first cas it's normal.
- In the second case, you must also add the new skin slots to the folowing files : A-10.skins, A-10-OBLOMOK-WING-L.skins and A-10-OBLOMOK-WING-R.skins and créate new slots in MEINIT.XLM.

You can find some infos in french here use translator. It's based on cosmonaut's tutorial.

- If you've replaced some skins of the A-10, without adding new one, be sure that they have the same name as the old one.
By the way how is possible that the game shows the old textures even when the old cdds file was overwritten and there are no others textures in the textures temp folder?
- That's normal, first LO is searching the skin in R1/R2.cdds, then if he didn't find it, he is searching the skin in WorldtextureBMP.cdds, WorldtextureBMP1.cdds etc...
- If Lockon didn't find any skin, generaly he show's the last one of all listed skins in A-10.skins.

Other info : If you write in graphics.cfg:

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldtextureBMP.cdds";
...... blablabla.......
common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\R1.cdds";
common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\R2.cdds";

he is looking first in WorldtextureBMP.cdds, it depends where "WorldtextureBMP.cdds" is placed in the list (befor/after "R2") in graphics.cfg


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Inscription : 13 octobre 2008


Message par Kulbit »

Well mates!
I discovered the trick!! :sweatdrop

After made some trials with different missions i've noted that the new cdds (wich is regarding only the runway/taxyways and parking areas) shows off only in spring season and not in the others one where the old FC cdds was still present...!!
I think the problem is that FC call different CDDS files for spring and winter,and the "common" texture doesn't override spring and winter calls.
So i've open the graphics.cfg file and found these:

highFolder = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

then i 've Insert the following immediately below this line:
highFolder = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\NAME OF THE NEW FILE.cdds";
summer = ".\\Bazar\\World\\NAME OF THE NEW FILE.cdds";
spring = ".\\Bazar\\World\\NAME OF THE NEW FILE.cdds";
winter = ".\\Bazar\\World\\NAME OF THE NEW FILE.cdds";
autumn = ".\\Bazar\\World\\NAME OF THE NEW FILE.cdds";

and my new edited cdds works at the best with all my new textures and in all seasons without overload the temp textures folder!!! :Jumpy:
Case Antec Three Hundred - Asrock P4i65G - P4 3.2 Ghz - 2Gb RAM DDR400 dual channel - Nvidia Ge Force 7600 GT 256 Mb - Soundblaster XFi Gamer- screen Philips 200WB 20" - Saitek X45-
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Inscription : 29 décembre 2004


Message par Azrayen »


Sorry I read you too quickly yesterday, I haven't seen your problem was related with run/taxiways, and so didn't think of seasons issues...:blushing:

Well, you found the tip by yourself, so that's perfect ! :sorcerer:

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