
Phantoms Phlies Phorever!

Je vous laisse chercher à quoi ressemble un AN-2 Colt si vous n'en avez jamais vu..1. In case you hadn't noticed, the AN-2 is the AN-2 of the 1920s. Any comparison between that worthless piece of flying FOD that you buzz around in and the COLT is insulting to the many men who have fought and died in the AN-2. Mainly "died". Not much "fought". Anyway, the AN-2 was flying crop-dusting, and transport missions over Eastern European farms and Polish Air-shows, dropping pesticide, and delivering people to distant locations long before your flying toy was a wet dream in the minds of the Texas Congressional Delegation.
The F-16 was designed to be a cheap, day VFR fighter and no amount of training or money will ever be able to overcome that imitation. If any aircraft today approaches the potential for comparison to the AN-2, it is the NASA Space Shuttle and/or the Concorde.
2. Any attempt to inflate your basement-level status by comparison to what is, quite simply the best aircraft built and the Defender of Farming for over 70 Years, is a pitiful attempt to boost your ego by comparing yourself to better men flying a better aircraft. The AN-2 has flown more types of missions, in a superlative fashion, than the F-16 could ever consider. We would all love to see the day when an F-16 lifts off with 12 Paratroopers and four canisters of pesticide on a Polish Air-show mission. And the AN-2 became the world's best ever distributor of cattle parts with 1920s technology, and the ability to land in fields full of cows.
3. The simple fact of the matter is that the dismal combat performance of the F-16 in the Gulf War is directly responsible for the continuing service of the AN-2, used to transport the F-16 parts back to base.
It wasn't the F-16 that ran a pesticide drop through the most intense air defenses ever encountered by the USAF over Baghdad on the first night of the war. The only reason "Magnum" is even in your vocabulary is because the dwindling number of AN-2's led to LESS targets for SAM installations.
The only people that have not caught on to the glaring inadequacy of the F-16 are the people who drive them. The only foreign customer stupid enough to purchase the F-16 since the war has been Taiwan, largely because: they are Taiwanese, and - therefore - stupid.
4. To wrap this up, we greatly resent the misguided and faulty comparison of the AN-2 Colt to the Fighting Falcon. Any resemblance between the AN-2 Colt, All-Weather, Pesticide Deliver/Transport (Mostly Airshows), and the Viper is limited to the fact that both are aircraft
Ouais ben, n'empêche que le F-4 il en a descendu un de An-2 au Vietnam, d'abord !TOPOLO a écrit :Ayant citer ce texte sur un forum FF, apres une bonen série de troll, j'ai trouvé la parodie suivante assez intéressante pour être postée ici, même sans traduction:
Je vous laisse chercher à quoi ressemble un AN-2 Colt si vous n'en avez jamais vu..
La bande bleue autour du nez et le "non-hook raising" m'ont fait hurler de rire :laugh:Any resemblance between the McDonnell Douglas Phantom II Supersonic, All-Weather, Fighter-Bomber (Mostly Bomber), and the miserable, single-seat, single-engine, computer designed, fly-by-wire, composite airframe, software-driven, day VFR, ice-FOD sucking, weakdick bubble canopied, target missing, ground impacting, non-hook raising, auto trimming, piddlepack ejecting, G-LOCing piece of flying pork barrel politics is limited to the fact that both aircraft have an F- designation. Your aircraft should have a blue stripe painted around the nose and "FOR TRAINING USE ONLY" stenciled on the fuselage.
Absolument génial, j'en ai encore mal au bide!!Ayant citer ce texte sur un forum FF, apres une bonen série de troll, j'ai trouvé la parodie suivante assez intéressante pour être postée ici, même sans traduction:
Exact... Mais bon, le F-16 peut aussi larguer des Mk82 lisses; là n'est pas la questionCeci étant, pour PD7, le F-4 aussi il pouvait larguer UNE bombe guidée qui fait mouche puis traiter d'autres objectifs, regarde ce qu'ils ont fait au pont de Tan Hoa
J'aime bien le principe, ça ressemble aux joutes orales traditionnelles dans les cafés marseillais (*)......
Editor's note: Waving the bullshit flag is a time-honored tradition amongst fighter pilots. Young Captain Best made himself a target and these guys took the shot. The "Doofer Book" to which the Weasel aircrew refer is the squadron's repository for documenting the dumb-ass things people say and do...forever.
This process is certainly not politically correct and I hope it never is.
Nope pas dutout dans le sens ou le F-16 n'agit pas dutout par le trim. En fait c'est une remarque tout a fait normale que tu me fais car depuis des années (et je le pensais aussi ya un an), on a coutume de dire que le F-16 c'est "met ton nez ou tu veux, il s'occupe du reste". En fait c'est meme le contraire.mitor74 a écrit :Salut Amraam,
Juste une petite question en passant. Les commandes de vol électriques du F-16 ne s'apparentent-elles pas effectivement à de l'auto-trim, voire du follow-up trim?...