j'évoquais plus haut le pb du clipping et de la transparence des structures et j'oubliais que le très efficace Tekka Tekka avait déjà fait un mod pour régler cette question.
Structures Visibility Mod 1.1
Pour ceux qui ne veulent pas foutre le dawa dans leur graphic.cfg, il nous dit comment faire pour optimiser manuellment son graphic.cfg.
How to tweak the visible distances:
- Open \Config\graphics.cfg and find the "Camera" section. There are 3 groups of 11 parameters; Low, Medium and High. Choose the group you specified as the "VISIB RNG" in the in-game graphics options, and edit the "structures" parameter in it.
The "structures" parameter has two numbers. The first number is the coefficient of the visible distances. If you increase/decrease this number, the visible distances will increase/decrease at the same rate approximately. The second number is the clipping distance in meters. This is the farthest distance the structures show up. The highest value allowed is 10000. The value beyond 10000 won't increase the clipping distance.
Default "structures" parameters:
Medium structures = {40, 5000}; High structures = {200, 10000};
Recommended values:
Version Distance coefficient Clipping distance Medium 30-80 10000 High 150-400 10000 The highest clipping distance is recommended for both versions because only the "Very Far" group will show up at the clipping distance and the influence to the frame rate is minimal.
If the version is Medium and the new parameter is "structures = {50, 10000};", the visible distances will be as below.
Group Visible distance Near 2.5km Moderate 3.75km Far 5km Very Far 10km
Et on dit ?..... Merci Tekka Tekka

t un
Ps : Pour ne pas altérer les réglages "Low" "medium" et "high" on peut ajouter ses propres préselections en collant à la suite dans le graphic.cfg son propre code.
j'ai commencé à tester des réglages que je ne garantie pas encore. D'ailleurs, s'il y a des abérrations dans les valeurs que j'ai mises, bha faut pas hésiter à me dire ;-)
near_clip = 0.2;
middle_clip = 4.;
far_clip = 60000;
structures = {150, 10000};
trees = {8000, 15000};
dynamic = {300, 20000};
objects = {2000, 35000};
mirage = {2000, 8000};
surface = {10000, 80000};
lights = {60, 10000};
lod = 1.;
near_clip = 3.6;
middle_clip = 5.;
far_clip = 60000;
structures = {150, 10000};
trees = {8000, 15000};
dynamic = {300, 20000};
objects = {2000, 50000};
mirage = {2000, 8000};
surface = {8000, 60000};
lights = {60, 10000};
lod = 1.;