Ce que ça corrige :
Fixing Parent error on Mirage 2000 giving a CTD when going AB.
- 4.2 A-10 3d cockpit back (new one has the stick texture broken)
- Too big shadow on AM-NL, AM-NO and 52+ fixed
- 3dbuttons.dat fixed.
- HAD in DTC fixed.
- Old ALQ-131 skins back.
- PRI/SEC switch callbackslot number on art/ckptart/16_ckpit.dat fixed.
- 600 fuel tank in SSD for CCIP and HAF F-16s.
- Fixed CTD with Storage tank (Parent 288) + damaged texture for it. (DrawPolyATGL).
- Fixed 600 gal tank last lod with Ptype9 and no texture which could causes a CTD.
- Replacement of a missed old taxisign at Kimpo.
- Fixed campmap (default art/resource folder) which were broken (BIG_AWACS_MAP_ID one). Before, the awacs view was not displayed when asked in F4Patch. It is now. Same maps as before.
- Updated textures for F-16C-40/42/50/52 and F-16D-40/52 bottom to have 4 dispensers on it.
- Updated dispensers for F-16C-40/42/50/52 and F-16D-40/52 in acdata to have 4 dispensers.
- Fix for wrong taxisigns on Wonsan/Kadena
- Rack 2 bombs and Rack 4 bombs fixed for Mirage 2000
I think there are 2 other things in simdata, something related with cbu and bombtypes.lst. (dégats des CBU).