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Autogen tweak that might help
Many of you have been frustrated that you can't control the density of autogen trees verses buildings because we only have one slider to cover both of them. Some have also been frustrated that our lowest autogen setting is more dense than FS2004 at max density.
If you add these two lines to the [TERRAIN] section of your FSX.CFG, you can define the max number of objects in a terrain cell for trees and buildings independently. The slider will scale down from the numbers you set as the slider is moved to the left. The max tree value in FSX as released is coded to default to 4500 and the building default is 3000 (as shown below) and the absolute max FSX will recognize at all is 6000. Of course if you raise the values beyond the defaults, you will obviously be increasing density and lowering fps (so don't complain if you do this...). The point in sharing this information is that with these settings you can specify what the values are yourself. Set buildings or trees at 0 and you won't get any of those objects no matter where the slider is set.
Ce qui est interessant:
- quand on met l'autogen au minimum dans FSX, c'est quand meme plus dense que le max de FS9

- grace a ces deux nouvelles lignes, on peut regler independament la densite des batiments et celle des arbres, ce qui n'est pas possible a partir de l'ecran de config de FSX (un slider commun pour les deux).
De quoi grapiller allegrement quelques FPS en plus