As-tu essayé le weather9.rar ? ... ather9.rar
Just unrar the 2 files into your BoB II Folder.
Back up the originals first.
This release has two known issues that are being worked for 2.04 patch release.
Issue#1 slow down for the first 10-15 seconds. Use the following workaround until 2.04 patch release:
Go to your BOB install directory, open BDG.TXT and find the line
and change it to
Issue#2 the RAF gunsight. Use the following temporary workaround until 2.04.
Smokin256 has created a modified RAF gunsite graticule for use with the test .exe. It overcomes the immediate problem until the full 2.04 patch is out.
This goes in your COCKPM16 folder. Back up the original first.