Question for C3PO

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Messages : 2232
Inscription : 31 mai 2003

Question for C3PO


Message par MayDay-MayDay »


Since begining I have an issue with Falcon AF. I'm behind shared internet connenction and everytime that I try to connect to the server I have time out message.

I opened all ports as required by the program and I even forward them. But I still have same problem.

What is strange is the fact that with Lockon and Il-2FB I have no problem at all connecting to servers and I didn't even forward router's port for those programs.

Now we are aproaching 1.06 version and I still don't see any solution to my problem. Is there a way that you can help me to solve this problem or at least report it to team responsable for network code.

Thnak you.
Image Amat victoria curam. (Catulle) La victoire aime l'effort

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Messages : 153
Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

What router do you have and can you post a pic showing the ports forwarded page of your router's set up screen?

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Messages : 2232
Inscription : 31 mai 2003


Message par MayDay-MayDay »


I have this router Router

It is lynksys product WRV54G.

So this is how it works my connection. The internet connection comes to the router and the I connect to the router using the WIFI. Other PC is connected to that router too.

As for port TCP and UDP required by Falcon I forwared them both to my internal IP which is

Now I was thinking that it was firewall issue or anti hacker protection and I tryed to use DMZ for my internal IP but it didn't work. Always connection time out. However if I connect my PC directly to the internet then it works without problem. But I can't have such set up permanantly.

Now while using wifi set up I can join Red Orchestra, Battlefield 2, Lockon, Il-2 Fb, Hyperlobby....

However I didn't have to do anything particular for those games. I only checked if ports were open at that is all.

As for image I can't post it atm sorry.
Image Amat victoria curam. (Catulle) La victoire aime l'effort

Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 563
Inscription : 17 août 2003


Message par Nayfe »

tas pas mis "Block Anonymous Internet Requests" a tout hasard ? je sais pas si t'as cette option sur ce modele du linksys, mais sur mon modele, ca posait probleme et j'arrivais pas a me connecter :)

enfin moi chez moi ca a marché comme ca mais ca a peut etre rien a voir o_O

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Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 153
Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

I have a similar Linksys router and it works fine here ... do check your ports are forwarded correctly.

Edit: Double check that your PC connecting wirelessly does actually have the ... you can check using "ipconfig /all" in the command prompt bit (without the commas).

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