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Inscription : 08 octobre 2003



Message par C3PO »

Hi All,

Please forgive my lack of French here, but I would like to say "hello" and offer any advice and help I can for those of you with Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. Thank you for purchasing the simulation -- I'll be visiting here much more frequently!

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Pilote Confirmé
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Message par RaZoR31 »

:hello: C3PO... nice to see you here... :cowboy:

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Message par C3PO »

Thank you -- it's great to be here. I am just embarrassed that I cannot speak your language.


Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Message par zoom51 »

C3PO a écrit :Thank you -- it's great to be here. I am just embarrassed that I cannot speak your language.

keep up the good work dude !
Gigabyte K8NS PRO939-Nforce3 Ultra//6800GT@Ultra(81.94)//Venice3200@2.8Ghz-fsb280//1Go Twinx XMS XL-synchro-
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Jeune Pilote
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Inscription : 20 août 2001


Message par Alfa-84- »

Bienvenue :cowboy:

I speak very very little english i'm sorry :sad:

please answer at my question

For install the 1.03 patch
-- on 1.02 patch
-- or erase completly AF and re install CD and patches ?
Config : Intel 10600k (overclock), 32 Go de Ram, 3 SSD, CG 3080 msi

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Message par C3PO »

alfa FFW04 a écrit :Bienvenue :cowboy:

I speak very very little english i'm sorry :sad:

please answer at my question

For install the 1.03 patch
-- on 1.02 patch
-- or erase completly AF and re install CD and patches ?
You can install on top of patch 1.02 by running the "bfopsupdate.exe" in the Battlefield Operations folder and following the instructions.

If it won't update, uninstall Allied Force using windows add/remove programmes tool and then delete the Lead Pursuit folder which is left behind. Then reinstall AF from the CD and run the bfopsupdate.exe. Good luck!


Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1743
Inscription : 20 août 2001


Message par Alfa-84- »

thanks :cowboy:

finaly is the same result ?

(in online with the two procedures in the same flight)
Config : Intel 10600k (overclock), 32 Go de Ram, 3 SSD, CG 3080 msi
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Black Wolf
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Message par Black Wolf »

C3PO a écrit :Thank you -- it's great to be here. I am just embarrassed that I cannot speak your language.

It's nice to see you here, and don't worry, if there is an important request or question from the french community or important information from you I'm sure there will allways be someone to translate from french to english or from english to french ;)

See you soon :)
A ceux qui nous ont quittés trop vite : bon vol les gars !
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Message par Markus »

Nice to see you here !! :cowboy:

As Black Wolf, we translate into french or english the posts without problems. I don't speak english very well, but, there'will be always someone for make the translation as well as possible.

I would like create here a direct link with LP.

As a matter of fact, we have some good developpeurs would like to discuss with you about their works in Falcon.
They have worked on others versions of Falcon before AF, but they would like to show you the results of their fly models, skins or others works for Falcon with the intention of doing something with you for AF.

Is it possible ??

See you soon... .

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Légende volante
Légende volante
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Inscription : 02 novembre 2002


Message par Jallie »

hello Chriss...

You are welcomme here...

nice to see you in our french forum.
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 VR PIMAX  Crystal   Chassis JCL-V2  bi-Simu + Simshakers x4 AURA .
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Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

Markus a écrit :Nice to see you here !! :cowboy:

As Black Wolf, we translate into french or english the posts without problems. I don't speak english very well, but, there'will be always someone for make the translation as well as possible.

I would like create here a direct link with LP.

As a matter of fact, we have some good developpeurs would like to discuss with you about their works in Falcon.
They have worked on others versions of Falcon before AF, but they would like to show you the results of their fly models, skins or others works for Falcon with the intention of doing something with you for AF.

Is it possible ??

See you soon... .

Yes, we have a Third Party Add-onn Agreement in place -- please visit the downloads section of our site for more information :)


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Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

Jallie a écrit :hello Chriss...

You are welcomme here...

nice to see you in our french forum.
Merci -- good to be hear :)

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Grand Manitou
Grand Manitou
Messages : 28411
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par Ghostrider »

Nice to see you here ..!!
It's great ..
Great to have a direct "link" to LP for question or advice ....
French spoken community is very active on F4 and then now on AF ...
English is not our first language but we ll try to translate the best we can ;)
Moniteur F/A-18C à l AVM http://avm-fr.com/
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Cougar FFW04
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Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Hi C3PO,

Welcome on the C6 forum,

Nice to see you here :cowboy:

I have a few questions :

First one is regarding bugs (or suspected bug) report. Is there any official thread for that ? The problem is that many people report on possible bugs in specific thread. For exemple, regarding the "LWAT possible bug" I reported on Frugals forum, you (ED_1 as well) gave me some issues (alhought they are finally not convaincing in view of the tests I did in an SA3 test mission - I will let you know soon). As another exemple somebody reported a possible bug with maverick/GBU on moving targets. Recently I experienced something similar but I cant find anywhere wether it's identified as a bug or not... Anyway, generally you or somebody else from LP reply but after a while, the thread sink and finally we never know if LP consider it as a bug or not. You know testing is very time consuming and when we have no official statement about problems reported It's quite frustrating (not to say depressing)... May be it could be a good idea to open an official admitted bug thread locked for everybody except LP members. I am quite sure Frugal would agree with that. This would not mean that LP intends to correct them immediatly but at least we would know that LP is awarded of that problem. It would be great from my opinion.

Second question is regarding patch : You wrote somewhere (on SimHQ forum I guess) that some LP members are still committed on Falcon AF. Is there any plan for newcomming patchs correcting identified issues ?

For the last question, I am quite sure you cannot give me details but may be you can tell us a few words... So here is the question : Everybody purchassing your product note that Falcon AF has a parent directory (namely "Battlefied operation" or so). Does it mean that LP is already working on a new product ? If yes, what kind (edit : iniaty I misspell "king" instead of "kind", may be it's premoditory :tongue: ) of product : a new flyable aircraft worthy of the name (i mean with specific avionic and behavior), compatible or no not with AF ? :detective

That's all and thanks again :cowboy:

And please, go on :usflag:

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Mike Charlie
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Message par Mike Charlie »

Hello C3PO, (btw, have you really been built by Darth Vador? o_O)

In the frog and mirage land, wellcome you are.

Thanks for your work around quality on Falcon4AF. Keep on with your test and validation process wich provides good results. We are eager of new improvements in realisme in a no regression pattern. ;)

As a newbie, playing with the keyboard and a single stick, and trying to master realistic avionic (that is to say: allways tuning keymap configuration), may I suggest you some feature(s) in the area:
  • add a command to print the keymap (or generate a printable file)
  • or add a graphic interface to have an immediate view of a customized keyboard.
  • or eventually give us a documentation on the *.key file format.
And as we say: "Check Six" et "Bons vols".
:cheers: za prijatejlistvo izmedju narode! (to friendship between people!)
ImageMike, alias Vortex, aka Kilo Echo en finale.
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Inscription : 14 avril 2004


Message par GunMan »

Hello C3PO ;) I don't speak english, Google translator is my friend ;)

We are... (i open my dictionary) happy to see you on C6 ;)

Welcome on board :)
"Man must rise above the Earth [...] for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." Socrate
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Pilote Confirmé
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Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par Sparrow »

Hello C3PO,

Nice to see you on this board.

It's very good to have a "direct pipe" with you and finally LP... that's proove LP listen community and it's the better thing we can imagine, it's very important to can speak directly with the team. :)

CU soon on this board ;)

PS: Sorry for my poor english.
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Pilote d'essais
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Messages : 6495
Inscription : 31 janvier 2003


Message par Scrat »

Ah ! C3PO !

Nice to see you here. We shall be able to talk about Falcon 4 : Allied Forces.
I have one or two big questions. I shan't talk about your policy concerning enhancement of avionics,etc... Maybe LP has other projects under construction and doesn't wish to implement them presently.

First question ---> Why didn't LP put in AF all the job done by BMS and/or FF teams ? Please do not use the ol' worn argument of "multiplayer stability" but something more convincing ;)

Second question ---> Why does LP not permit users to mod AF easily ? By this I talk about editing new textures for aircrafts, objects, weapons. Once more, all that made Falcon 4 prettier than the default version isn't possible in Allied Forces (weapons skins can be modified, aircrafts ones can't :( ). What is the reason for this impossibility (except "multiplayer stability") when it's now proven that all that concerns skins, terrain tiles remains on your computer and isn't transmitted on the network ?

I eagerly wait for your answers.
"Et c'est à cet instant qu'il vit la Mort arriver, chevauchant une plaine de feu pour s'emparer de son âme..." Tom Clancy - Les dents du tigre

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4017
Inscription : 13 février 2004


Message par Electro »

Yeah ! Good to see you around here. You did a wonderful job in terms of stability and campaign.

Personnaly, I would greatly appreciate a more complete 3D pit, i.e. showing anlogic instrument (I don't ask for 3D clickable 3D pit, but I would just like to see the HSI, the AOA, and the other instruments appear).

Keep up the good work ! :cowboy:
C2D E 6750, Asus P5KC, Nvidia 8800 GT 512 Mo, 2 Go de RAM, Cougar FFSB R1, TIR PRO 3 + VE, PC dash 2


Nouvelle Recrue
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Inscription : 23 juillet 2004


Message par papyvolant »

Nice to see you here !
:usflag: Sorry for my poor english : that leads me to ask you again to plan english subtitles in further version of Allied Force (as it is in former "old" Falcon).
It would be a great help for those, like me, who have difficulties in understanding messages (especially ATC communications...).
Many thanks ! ;)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 - 2 DD 250 et 80 Go - RAM 4 Go
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 6495
Inscription : 31 janvier 2003


Message par Scrat »

Je te rassure papyvolant. Pour avoir essayé AF, j'ai aussi eu du mal à comprendre la voix de l'ATC (l'ATC de FF3 est beaucoup plus facile à comprendre).

Translation for C3PO:
Don't worry papyvolant. For I tried AF, I also had difficulties to understand ATC voice (FF3's ATC is a lot easier to understand).
"Et c'est à cet instant qu'il vit la Mort arriver, chevauchant une plaine de feu pour s'emparer de son âme..." Tom Clancy - Les dents du tigre

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Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

Hi Everyone -- thank you all for your kind words. I'll answer as much as I can :)

@ Cougar FFW04:

Regarding the RWR warning tone, I believe we are still looking into it further. I'll let you know the outcome.

Yes, we are committed to Allied Force and there will be further patches for the product. The next, Patch Three (v1.0.4) should be released within a month. The changelist will be published nearer the time because it's not yet at lockdown.

As for the "Battlefield Operations" directory I can explain more: Falcon 4.0: Allied Force will be part of a series of simulations under the banner of the "Battlefield Operations Series". I cannot say anything more at this time, but Lead Pursuit is committed to producing top-class military simulations for the discerning and intelligent gamer. As for compatibility with AF -- wait and see! But there's a clue in the word "series" :)

@ Mike Charlie:

Please check the downloads area of our website at http://www.lead-pursuit.com. There are new printer-friendly keycards for nine languages, including the beautiful French language.

We're hoping to produce similar tutorials for Allied Force as the one produced as the Pit Trainer, ie an interactive tutorial. More on this later.

You CheckSix -- We Check Ahead :))

@ Sparrow and GunMan:

Thanks for your kind words -- I'll pass them on to the team :)

@ Scrat:

This is a very fair question and something we're often asked. People have said that the graphics in BMS look very nice and they indeed do. Why they are not implemented to the same degree in Allied Force is because the code does not belong to us. Some of the guys in BMS have publicly offered us the rights to use the code and that was very generous of them. But to implement those changes at a late stage in development, and maintain stability, was very difficult. You cannot just yank out some big chunk of code and put in another without compromising the simulation. So, I know this will sound boring, but stability is the key reason. We have gone to tremendous lengths to make sure it's the most stable, enjoyable version of Falcon yet. Certainly the feedback from both players who enjoy Single Player and Multiplayer have stated that stability has improved tremendously. So, we have to be very careful to ensure that any changes do not affect stability. Big changes to the graphics code has a deep affect in Falcon because the graphics code is tied to many parts of the simulation.

Another reason for not implementing the code in AF is for IP reasons. This is also the first simulation from Lead Pursuit and so it is a simulation coded by Lead Pursuit's internal coding experts. I think they have done a superb job too -- especially with the enhancements which come with Patch Two. I think many people will agree with me.

Now to the issue of modifications: first, we actively encourage people to modify Allied Force as per the terms of the Third Party Add-on Agreement. There is no reason why someone who has a great skin and who wants it included in Allied Force should not submit it to Lead Pursuit. What Lead Pursuit will not do is encourage widespread, uncontrolled modding which led to issues of stability and fractured communities over the last few years we all know about. And yes, skins CAN cause CTDs -- it is a myth to suggest that texture enahncements do not affect the simulation in some way. Lead Pursuit is a "clearing house" for the creative geniuses in the community. Stay tuned for the first of those releases.

@ Electro:

I'm afraid there are no immediate plans for an enhanced 3D pit. This will come in our next product and exceed the levels of expectation of the very best 3D pits already on the market :)

@ Papyvolant:

This is a fair point and would greatly help our non-native English speaking customers :)

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Inscription : 08 octobre 2003


Message par C3PO »

By the way: I've mentioned this site on the news page of our site as a place to go for help and expertise with Allied Force. I would be delighted to post news items about any articles on the game you might produce, such as those which help new players get to grips with different parts of the simulation. Please send me a message and I'll make sure it gets a chunk of our news page assigned to it!

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4017
Inscription : 13 février 2004


Message par Electro »

Thanx for those many details about future and, again, I would like to thank you for what you've done : your game is just wonderful !
C2D E 6750, Asus P5KC, Nvidia 8800 GT 512 Mo, 2 Go de RAM, Cougar FFSB R1, TIR PRO 3 + VE, PC dash 2

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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
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Inscription : 31 janvier 2003


Message par Scrat »

Concerning the diffusion of skins, I have never seen someone doing retention thus preventing his work from being available for everyone.
Moreover, you can prefer one special for the Viper, another one for the Hornet, etc... But if skins are included in your next patch, what if there are skins that, for personal reasons, I do not like ?
"Et c'est à cet instant qu'il vit la Mort arriver, chevauchant une plaine de feu pour s'emparer de son âme..." Tom Clancy - Les dents du tigre

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