une idée comme ça...

Pour discuter des campagnes disponibles, des missions et planifier des missions online

DK Coyote
Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 624
Inscription : 06 janvier 2003


Message par DK Coyote »

Ne placez pas de sacs de sable autour des DCA, j'ai testé ça les rends inopérantes contres des avions à basse altitude.

Dommage, ça donnait un certain style :(

PS: Il faut aussi faire attention à ne pas les cerner par des arbres à proximité sinon on a le même problème re :(
" Tu regardes à l'intérieur de toi et tu deviens aware of your own body! "

J'ai besoin de votre soutien sur King of chaos, cliquez sur le chiffre correspondant à l'image, vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire en cliquant sur "join the war!", merci d'avance ;)
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7101
Inscription : 13 janvier 2003


Message par Gaston »

Bon... je me pose quand même quelques questions quand je vois le nombre d'objets placés sur les maps : pas loin de 1000 dans certains cas. D'accord, visuellement, c'est magnifique. Mais qu'est-ce que ça donne pour les petites configs ???

Ce que je veux dire, c'est que si vous vous donnez de la peine à créer ces maps, à y mettre une ambiance, et que par la suite, ils deviennent inutilisables, c'est quand même bien dommage !!! Alors, est-ce que cela a été testé sur de petites configs ??? Et ça donne quoi ???
Lorsque le sage lui montre la Lune, l'imbécile regarde le doigt

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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

on peut pas tester tant que c'est pas fait.... c'est le problème.Par contre les 1ères maps serviront d'expérience pour les suivantes (il y en a un paquet qd même).

sinon c'est quoi petite config ? PIII1.0GHZ ? y'en a plus trop de nos jours,mais pour eux ça restera "fichiers de base" à mon avis :(

moi j'ai fait un survol de ma base pour voir si ça restait fluide,et ça l'est.

xp2600+,9700pro,1gig pc3200

maintenant si ça pose des probs de fluidité au final,il faudra élaguer...ce qui est plus rapide que de construire :)

par contre j'ai fait une sauvegarde de mon fichier avec AVIONS STATIQUES SEULEMENT,au cas où des gens seraient interessés plus tard,justement pour ces petites configs,et je vous conseille de faire de même :)
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

heu,au fait gaston,il s'agit de templates,on remplit toute la carte et le générateur choisit les objets qui sont dans la zone de mission.

c'est l'IA (sol,vol) qui bouffe le plus,le reste c'est principalement de l'affichage.Je pense avoir presque 10000 objets à la fin dans mon template...
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7101
Inscription : 13 janvier 2003


Message par Gaston »

10'000 objets ??? Fiouuuuuuuuh... bon, je vais m'intéresser à ça, mais pas tout de suite : j'ai plusieurs choses sur le feu (campagnes en cours, mais pas seulement...), et pour certaines, vous devriez avoir des nouvelles très prochainement !!! Alors, une chose après l'autre... ;)
Lorsque le sage lui montre la Lune, l'imbécile regarde le doigt

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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

ça y est je lui ai fait peur :(

au départ il faut juste les avions statiques,environ 100-150 objets à placer suivant les cartes.La suite peut attendre :)
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 27
Inscription : 15 avril 2003


Message par II/JG52_Bubi »

C'est sur que ça fait du boulot ... mais qd on voit les screenshots du boulot en cours :blink: waou!
Roll, j'ai "Checké" mes MP.
Il devrait y avoir un retour la ;)
Allez maintenant c'est l'heure idéale pour planter des arbres!
Bubi, il a pas peur de personne!
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

je confirme que la base de bubi que j'ai testée est.... sublime.

mais un peu trop lourde pour les fps :(

je suis sûr que la version finale sera impecc' :)
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 27
Inscription : 15 avril 2003


Message par II/JG52_Bubi »

Je ne sais pas pq, mais je ne sais pas vérifier moi meme (les objets n'apparaissent pas :()
Seulement les avions ...
Je m'y remets ce soir en tenant compte du fait qu'il faut défricher ;)
Bubi, il a pas peur de personne!

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 27
Inscription : 15 avril 2003


Message par II/JG52_Bubi »

Une base à quelques kilimoètres au Nord de Orel:






Voila ou j'en suis.
j'essaie de voir pourquoi ça ne fonctionne pas chez moi ...
J'ai joué les bucherons et aimerai voir si il y a besoin d'en abattre d'autres ;)
Si le FPS se porte mieux, ben ... voici ma première base :D
Bubi, il a pas peur de personne!

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 27
Inscription : 15 avril 2003


Message par II/JG52_Bubi »

Ah oui, tant que j'y suis, sait-on détruire des objets genre des filets de protections et avions. Comme après un straffing quoi!
Ca peut être bien par exemple un avion détruit dans l'enceinte de la piste (atterro ratté) ou une épave victime d'un straffing justement.
Bubi, il a pas peur de personne!
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

oui,avec le pinceau "destruction". mais ça ne marche ni pour les avions, ni les véhicules... ni pour quoi que ce soit qui n'est pas "par défaut" sur la map...
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 27
Inscription : 15 avril 2003


Message par II/JG52_Bubi »

Voila maintenant, je peux voir ce que je fais car bosser à l'aveuglette ce n'est pas évident ;)
Donc, dans l'état actuel des choses, c'est ok
Je prépare un cadeau (kdo en language SMS :P) que j'enverai par mail.
Now, wait and see ...
Bubi, il a pas peur de personne!
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...



Message par fight69 »

Un p'tit coup de rouge pour la route...... :blink:
Lvov 41 red

MAP Lviv/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
army 1
playerNum 0
0_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
1_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrainA 1
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3_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain/AA 1
4_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
5_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
6_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
7_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrainA 1
8_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrainA/AA 1
9_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain/AA 1
10_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
11_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
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24_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoTrain 1
25_Chief Vehicles.RussiaCarsColumnA 1
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97_Chief Vehicles.RussiaCarsColumnA 1
98_Chief Vehicles.RussiaCarsColumnB 1
79100.00 148100.00 20.00 0 12 5.555555820465088
83500.00 143700.00 20.00
83500.00 141900.00 20.00
83500.00 141700.00 -148.00
83500.00 141300.00 -148.00
83500.00 141100.00 20.00
83700.00 140900.00 20.00
85700.00 140900.00 20.00
86300.00 140300.00 20.00
86300.00 136500.00 20.00
87500.00 135300.00 20.00
87500.00 134500.00 20.00
85300.00 125300.00 20.00 0 9 5.555555820465088
85900.00 124700.00 20.00
85900.00 117500.00 20.00
86100.00 117300.00 -146.00
86500.00 116900.00 -146.00
86700.00 116700.00 20.00
86700.00 113900.00 20.00
87100.00 113500.00 20.00
87100.00 110900.00 20.00
89100.00 103300.00 20.00 0 8 5.555555820465088
97700.00 103300.00 20.00
98900.00 104500.00 20.00
104300.00 104500.00 20.00
104500.00 104500.00 -235.00
104900.00 104500.00 -235.00
105100.00 104500.00 20.00
106900.00 104500.00 20.00
98100.00 94500.00 20.00 0 15 5.555555820465088
98300.00 94700.00 -203.00
98700.00 95100.00 -203.00
98900.00 95300.00 20.00
100300.00 95300.00 20.00
100900.00 95900.00 20.00
100900.00 96100.00 20.00
100900.00 96300.00 -204.00
100900.00 96700.00 -204.00
100900.00 96900.00 20.00
101700.00 97700.00 20.00
102900.00 97700.00 20.00
105100.00 99900.00 20.00
106700.00 99900.00 20.00
109700.00 102900.00 20.00
97100.00 93300.00 20.00 0 24 5.555555820465088
97100.00 92900.00 20.00
97300.00 92700.00 -200.00
97500.00 92500.00 -200.00
97700.00 92300.00 20.00
97700.00 91500.00 20.00
97700.00 91300.00 -199.00
97700.00 90900.00 -199.00
97700.00 90700.00 20.00
97300.00 90300.00 20.00
97300.00 88500.00 20.00
99100.00 86700.00 20.00
99100.00 85500.00 20.00
98100.00 84500.00 20.00
97500.00 84500.00 20.00
97100.00 84100.00 20.00
97100.00 83700.00 20.00
95700.00 82300.00 20.00
95700.00 81900.00 20.00
95500.00 81700.00 -196.00
95100.00 81300.00 -196.00
94900.00 81100.00 20.00
94900.00 80300.00 20.00
95500.00 79700.00 20.00
96100.00 77900.00 20.00 0 10 5.555555820465088
96300.00 77700.00 20.00
96300.00 76300.00 20.00
96500.00 76100.00 20.00
96700.00 75900.00 -194.00
97100.00 75500.00 -194.00
97300.00 75300.00 20.00
99500.00 73100.00 20.00
99500.00 69300.00 20.00
96500.00 66300.00 20.00
95500.00 62500.00 20.00 0 18 5.555555820465088
95300.00 62300.00 -180.00
94900.00 61900.00 -180.00
94700.00 61700.00 20.00
94100.00 61100.00 20.00
93500.00 61100.00 20.00
93300.00 60900.00 -520.00
92900.00 60500.00 -520.00
92700.00 60300.00 20.00
92500.00 60100.00 20.00
91500.00 60100.00 20.00
90500.00 59100.00 20.00
90500.00 57100.00 20.00
91100.00 56500.00 20.00
91100.00 53100.00 20.00
89300.00 51300.00 20.00
88500.00 51300.00 20.00
87100.00 49900.00 20.00
66100.00 28700.00 20.00 0 15 5.555555820465088
66100.00 30500.00 20.00
64900.00 31700.00 20.00
64900.00 32100.00 20.00
62100.00 34900.00 20.00
62100.00 37300.00 20.00
61700.00 37700.00 20.00
61700.00 38900.00 20.00
61900.00 39100.00 -111.00
62300.00 39500.00 -111.00
62500.00 39700.00 20.00
62500.00 41900.00 20.00
62900.00 42300.00 20.00
62900.00 43900.00 20.00
63300.00 44300.00 20.00
64100.00 45500.00 20.00 0 27 5.555555820465088
64100.00 46100.00 20.00
64700.00 46700.00 20.00
66100.00 46700.00 20.00
66500.00 47100.00 20.00
67300.00 47100.00 20.00
67900.00 47700.00 20.00
69900.00 47700.00 20.00
70900.00 46700.00 20.00
72300.00 46700.00 20.00
73700.00 48100.00 20.00
73900.00 48100.00 -121.00
74300.00 48100.00 -121.00
74500.00 48100.00 20.00
75300.00 48900.00 20.00
75300.00 49100.00 20.00
74900.00 49500.00 20.00
74900.00 50300.00 20.00
75500.00 50900.00 20.00
76100.00 50900.00 20.00
76300.00 51100.00 -123.00
76700.00 51500.00 -123.00
76900.00 51700.00 20.00
77500.00 51700.00 20.00
77900.00 51300.00 20.00
79100.00 51300.00 20.00
79300.00 51500.00 20.00
13300.00 2500.00 20.00 0 14 5.555555820465088
13300.00 5100.00 20.00
13300.00 5300.00 -22.00
13300.00 5700.00 -22.00
13300.00 5900.00 20.00
13300.00 7300.00 20.00
15100.00 9100.00 20.00
15300.00 9300.00 -21.00
15700.00 9700.00 -21.00
15900.00 9900.00 20.00
16500.00 10500.00 20.00
16500.00 14500.00 20.00
20100.00 18100.00 20.00
22300.00 18100.00 20.00
24100.00 19700.00 20.00 0 16 5.555555820465088
26100.00 21700.00 20.00
26100.00 22700.00 20.00
26700.00 23300.00 20.00
26900.00 23300.00 -38.00
27300.00 23300.00 -38.00
27500.00 23300.00 20.00
28100.00 23900.00 20.00
28100.00 25100.00 20.00
30900.00 27900.00 20.00
30900.00 28700.00 20.00
31100.00 28900.00 -41.00
31500.00 29300.00 -41.00
31700.00 29500.00 20.00
31900.00 29700.00 20.00
33300.00 29700.00 20.00
85100.00 103100.00 20.00 0 10 5.555555820465088
84900.00 103100.00 20.00
81100.00 99300.00 20.00
78900.00 99300.00 20.00
78500.00 98900.00 20.00
76900.00 98900.00 20.00
74700.00 96700.00 20.00
74700.00 96100.00 20.00
72900.00 94300.00 20.00
72500.00 94300.00 20.00
69100.00 92700.00 20.00 0 14 5.555555820465088
68700.00 92700.00 20.00
68500.00 92900.00 -136.00
68100.00 93300.00 -136.00
67900.00 93500.00 20.00
63900.00 97500.00 20.00
62700.00 97500.00 20.00
62500.00 97700.00 20.00
62300.00 97700.00 20.00
61700.00 97100.00 20.00
60900.00 97100.00 20.00
60300.00 96500.00 20.00
58700.00 96500.00 20.00
58500.00 96700.00 20.00
57700.00 98300.00 20.00 0 29 5.555555820465088
56700.00 99300.00 20.00
56700.00 100300.00 20.00
56500.00 100500.00 20.00
56300.00 100700.00 -89.00
55900.00 101100.00 -89.00
55700.00 101300.00 20.00
55300.00 101700.00 20.00
55100.00 101900.00 -88.00
54700.00 102300.00 -88.00
54500.00 102500.00 20.00
54300.00 102700.00 20.00
53500.00 102700.00 20.00
53300.00 102500.00 -87.00
52900.00 102100.00 -87.00
52700.00 101900.00 20.00
52500.00 101700.00 20.00
52300.00 101700.00 -86.00
51900.00 101700.00 -86.00
51700.00 101700.00 20.00
50700.00 101700.00 20.00
47500.00 104900.00 20.00
45700.00 104900.00 20.00
45100.00 105500.00 20.00
44900.00 105700.00 -78.00
44500.00 106100.00 -78.00
44300.00 106300.00 20.00
43900.00 106700.00 20.00
43700.00 106700.00 20.00
21100.00 116100.00 20.00 0 13 5.555555820465088
26700.00 110500.00 20.00
27100.00 110500.00 20.00
27300.00 110500.00 -522.00
27700.00 110500.00 -522.00
27900.00 110500.00 20.00
29700.00 108700.00 20.00
32700.00 108700.00 20.00
32900.00 108700.00 -65.00
33300.00 108700.00 -65.00
33500.00 108700.00 20.00
34500.00 107700.00 20.00
35500.00 107700.00 20.00
114500.00 104700.00 20.00 0 20 5.555555820465088
115500.00 105700.00 20.00
116500.00 105700.00 20.00
119500.00 108700.00 20.00
120500.00 108700.00 20.00
121100.00 109300.00 20.00
121100.00 109500.00 -365.00
121100.00 109900.00 -365.00
121100.00 110100.00 120.00
121300.00 110300.00 -366.00
121700.00 110700.00 -366.00
121900.00 110900.00 20.00
122300.00 110900.00 20.00
122500.00 110700.00 20.00
124700.00 110700.00 20.00
125500.00 111500.00 20.00
125700.00 111700.00 -370.00
126100.00 112100.00 -370.00
126300.00 112300.00 20.00
127100.00 113100.00 20.00
129300.00 114300.00 20.00 0 17 5.555555820465088
131900.00 116900.00 20.00
134300.00 116900.00 20.00
134500.00 117100.00 -403.00
134900.00 117500.00 -403.00
135100.00 117700.00 20.00
139500.00 117700.00 20.00
139900.00 118100.00 20.00
140100.00 118300.00 -404.00
140500.00 118700.00 -404.00
140700.00 118900.00 120.00
140900.00 118900.00 -405.00
141300.00 118900.00 -405.00
141500.00 118900.00 20.00
141900.00 119300.00 20.00
141900.00 120700.00 20.00
143300.00 122100.00 20.00
145700.00 121900.00 20.00 0 21 5.555555820465088
148900.00 121900.00 20.00
149300.00 122300.00 20.00
149300.00 122500.00 -406.00
149300.00 122900.00 -406.00
149300.00 123100.00 20.00
149300.00 123700.00 20.00
150500.00 124900.00 20.00
150500.00 125500.00 20.00
152300.00 127300.00 20.00
152300.00 128500.00 20.00
153100.00 129300.00 20.00
153100.00 129700.00 20.00
153300.00 129900.00 20.00
153500.00 130100.00 -491.00
153700.00 130300.00 -491.00
153900.00 130500.00 20.00
154100.00 130700.00 20.00
154300.00 130900.00 -517.00
154500.00 131100.00 -517.00
154700.00 131300.00 20.00
155300.00 133300.00 20.00 0 27 5.555555820465088
154300.00 133300.00 20.00
154100.00 133300.00 -479.00
153700.00 133300.00 -479.00
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147300.00 133500.00 -481.00
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144900.00 133500.00 -482.00
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140700.00 133700.00 20.00 0 11 5.555555820465088
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96900.00 129900.00 20.00 0 23 5.555555820465088
102300.00 129900.00 20.00
102500.00 129900.00 -224.00
102900.00 129900.00 -224.00
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108100.00 131300.00 -226.00
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115900.00 130500.00 -227.00
116100.00 130500.00 20.00
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158700.00 96900.00 -412.00
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115900.00 101100.00 -347.00
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125300.00 98100.00 -345.00
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127300.00 97500.00 20.00
128100.00 96700.00 20.00
169900.00 124700.00 20.00 0 5 5.555555820465088
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174100.00 116700.00 20.00
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33500.00 150500.00 20.00 0 9 5.555555820465088
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23300.00 139500.00 20.00
24018.52 67582.46 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
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25900.00 67500.00 -45.00
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28054.90 73202.70 120.00
28668.18 66918.25 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
28700.00 66700.00 20.00
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31375.96 59918.48 120.00
29434.41 54144.94 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
29500.00 53700.00 20.00
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32500.00 50700.00 -53.00
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33998.00 48202.00 120.00
33828.42 48371.42 120.00
38784.48 48422.50 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
39300.00 48500.00 20.00
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45300.00 49900.00 -60.00
45700.00 49900.00 -60.00
45900.00 50100.00 120.00
45784.23 50210.76 120.00
23814.16 38459.32 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
23900.00 37700.00 20.00
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27646.14 32941.35 120.00
28208.16 79742.64 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
28500.00 79500.00 20.00
28700.00 79500.00 -52.00
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35514.51 76574.85 120.00
36689.64 76217.21 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
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38273.53 80764.50 120.00
38171.35 81990.74 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
38300.00 82100.00 20.00
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40572.73 89143.78 120.00
41185.85 90012.35 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
41500.00 90100.00 20.00
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44300.00 90700.00 20.00
44500.00 90900.00 -61.00
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47010.46 93333.42 120.00
48798.75 94712.95 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
48900.00 94700.00 20.00
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51300.00 95500.00 20.00
51500.00 95500.00 -80.00
51900.00 95500.00 -80.00
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54300.00 97300.00 20.00
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55300.00 97300.00 -92.00
55700.00 97300.00 -92.00
55900.69 97369.78 120.00
35105.76 101763.78 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
35300.00 101500.00 20.00
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38069.17 95581.53 120.00
31222.66 126492.89 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
31500.00 126300.00 20.00
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34952.48 120719.39 120.00
32857.66 129711.78 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
33100.00 129500.00 20.00
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40500.00 132100.00 20.00
40777.10 132164.27 120.00
42616.46 132266.45 120.00 0 5 2.6388890743255615
42900.00 132100.00 20.00
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48500.00 132300.00 20.00
49565.14 132368.63 120.00
51302.30 132419.70 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
51700.00 132100.00 20.00
53700.00 132100.00 20.00
54500.00 131300.00 20.00
59700.00 131300.00 20.00
60039.25 131704.42 120.00
27186.32 142052.94 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
27300.00 141900.00 20.00
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27300.00 141100.00 -46.00
27300.00 140700.00 -46.00
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28100.00 136300.00 20.00
28157.90 136126.13 120.00
28208.16 135359.73 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
28100.00 135100.00 20.00
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31631.41 128717.60 120.00
11909.45 136637.59 120.00 0 4 2.6388890743255615
12100.00 136700.00 20.00
20500.00 136700.00 20.00
20697.48 136943.63 120.00
49003.10 133724.75 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
48900.00 133900.00 20.00
48900.00 135900.00 20.00
52700.00 139700.00 20.00
52900.00 139900.00 -84.00
53100.00 140100.00 -84.00
53300.00 140300.00 20.00
53243.82 140571.20 120.00
61061.10 145782.73 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
61300.00 145700.00 20.00
61500.00 145500.00 -94.00
61700.00 145300.00 -94.00
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65700.00 140700.00 20.00
65863.85 140469.41 120.00
61878.60 131681.91 120.00 0 16 2.6388890743255615
62100.00 131500.00 20.00
62500.00 131500.00 20.00
63300.00 130700.00 20.00
64700.00 130700.00 20.00
65100.00 130300.00 20.00
65300.00 130100.00 -97.00
65500.00 129900.00 -97.00
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66500.00 128900.00 20.00
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67500.00 129100.00 -98.00
67700.00 129300.00 -98.00
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68520.71 129432.92 120.00
61112.19 127542.46 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
61100.00 127100.00 20.00
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63300.00 125900.00 20.00
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64300.00 121500.00 20.00
64177.80 121206.92 120.00
65250.75 117681.46 120.00 0 5 2.6388890743255615
65500.00 117500.00 20.00
66700.00 116300.00 20.00
72500.00 116300.00 20.00
72659.25 116455.25 120.00
74345.34 104959.28 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
74500.00 104700.00 20.00
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81549.46 106134.42 120.00
63360.30 119009.89 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
63300.00 118700.00 20.00
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61300.00 113900.00 20.00
60700.00 113300.00 20.00
60700.00 111700.00 20.00
60448.00 111448.10 120.00
60294.71 127082.63 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
60300.00 126700.00 20.00
59100.00 125500.00 20.00
58700.00 125500.00 20.00
55900.00 122700.00 20.00
55594.14 122637.52 120.00
50280.44 111039.35 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
50900.00 111100.00 20.00
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53500.00 115100.00 20.00
53300.00 115300.00 -85.00
53100.00 115500.00 -85.00
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52300.00 116700.00 20.00
52324.17 116915.50 120.00
36638.55 121155.82 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
36900.00 121100.00 20.00
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42900.00 126300.00 20.00
43025.17 126418.39 120.00
76848.89 147571.00 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
76900.00 147300.00 20.00
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75100.00 140300.00 20.00
75009.53 140060.30 120.00
75009.53 138578.59 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
75100.00 138300.00 20.00
75100.00 137300.00 20.00
75700.00 136700.00 20.00
75900.00 136500.00 -131.00
76100.00 136300.00 -131.00
76300.00 136100.00 20.00
77500.00 134900.00 20.00
79300.00 134900.00 20.00
79700.00 134500.00 20.00
80067.77 134542.23 120.00
76031.42 148133.30 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
76100.00 147900.00 20.00
73500.00 145300.00 20.00
73100.00 145300.00 20.00
72100.00 144300.00 20.00
71841.77 144198.84 120.00
79710.13 148235.20 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
79700.00 147900.00 20.00
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83700.00 142100.00 20.00
83900.00 141900.00 -149.00
84300.00 141500.00 -149.00
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84700.00 141500.00 120.00
84666.17 141695.28 120.00
85534.75 142257.31 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
85700.00 142100.00 20.00
85900.00 142100.00 20.00
86100.00 142100.00 -150.00
86500.00 142100.00 -150.00
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88500.00 143900.00 -151.00
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90100.00 144900.00 -207.00
90500.00 144900.00 -207.00
90700.00 144900.00 20.00
92900.00 144900.00 20.00
93147.60 145016.34 120.00
95140.27 145067.44 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
95300.00 144900.00 20.00
99900.00 144900.00 20.00
100500.00 144300.00 20.00
102700.00 144300.00 20.00
102906.42 144096.66 120.00
104592.50 144454.31 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
104700.00 144300.00 20.00
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108300.00 144300.00 -209.00
108900.00 144300.00 -209.00
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111700.00 143500.00 20.00
111847.75 143483.55 120.00
113176.17 143381.34 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
113300.00 143100.00 20.00
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120700.00 142500.00 20.00
120891.25 142666.59 120.00
123599.17 143125.89 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
123598.00 143198.00 120.00
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124100.00 143700.00 -214.00
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125900.00 143900.00 -215.00
126100.00 143700.00 20.00
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129300.00 143300.00 20.00
129883.64 143279.17 120.00
121759.82 141133.27 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
121900.00 140900.00 20.00
122500.00 140300.00 20.00
122500.00 138500.00 20.00
123100.00 137900.00 20.00
123100.00 135500.00 20.00
123037.14 135206.44 120.00
147255.31 152118.30 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
147300.00 151900.00 20.00
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145722.53 144863.59 120.00
156247.73 128462.14 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
155700.00 128500.00 20.00
155100.00 129100.00 20.00
155100.00 129300.00 -514.00
155100.00 129700.00 -514.00
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153100.00 132100.00 -492.00
152700.00 131700.00 -492.00
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151700.00 131300.00 20.00
151547.16 131527.73 120.00
150372.91 131681.91 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
149900.00 131300.00 20.00
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145700.00 129900.00 -389.00
145300.00 129500.00 -389.00
145100.00 129300.00 20.00
144998.00 129402.00 120.00
144956.16 129586.20 120.00
152058.91 130301.50 120.00 0 19 2.6388890743255615
151900.00 130100.00 20.00
151700.00 129900.00 20.00
151700.00 129100.00 20.00
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149100.00 127500.00 20.00
148900.00 127500.00 -390.00
148500.00 127500.00 -390.00
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147900.00 126700.00 -391.00
147900.00 126300.00 -391.00
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147100.00 125100.00 20.00
146900.00 125100.00 -392.00
146500.00 125100.00 -392.00
146233.45 125192.17 120.00
140306.66 122228.78 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
140500.00 122300.00 20.00
140700.00 122100.00 20.00
140500.00 121900.00 -394.00
140100.00 121500.00 -394.00
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138500.00 120500.00 -396.00
138100.00 120500.00 -396.00
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136100.00 120500.00 20.00
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135700.00 120100.00 -399.00
135300.00 119700.00 -399.00
135198.00 119598.00 120.00
135095.16 119571.92 120.00
159139.25 107207.35 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
159100.00 107500.00 20.00
159100.00 108300.00 20.00
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159900.00 114100.00 20.00
159905.64 114360.42 120.00
159956.73 115433.38 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
159900.00 115700.00 20.00
159900.00 116900.00 20.00
160300.00 117300.00 20.00
160300.00 122300.00 20.00
160416.56 122433.14 120.00
160723.14 123148.45 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
160900.00 123100.00 20.00
161300.00 123500.00 20.00
161300.00 124500.00 20.00
160900.00 124900.00 20.00
160900.00 125900.00 20.00
160900.00 126100.00 120.00
160900.00 126300.00 20.00
161100.00 126500.00 20.00
161100.00 127300.00 20.00
160900.00 127500.00 20.00
160900.00 128300.00 20.00
161029.69 128411.50 120.00
170839.59 107973.77 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
170300.00 107900.00 20.00
170100.00 107900.00 20.00
169900.00 107900.00 -461.00
169700.00 107900.00 -461.00
169500.00 107900.00 20.00
169100.00 107900.00 20.00
167300.00 109700.00 20.00
164700.00 109700.00 20.00
164500.00 109900.00 20.00
164452.94 110528.42 120.00
163482.17 111090.46 120.00 0 14 2.6388890743255615
163300.00 111100.00 20.00
163100.00 111300.00 20.00
162500.00 111300.00 20.00
161500.00 112300.00 20.00
161300.00 112300.00 20.00
161100.00 112300.00 -451.00
160700.00 112300.00 -451.00
160500.00 112300.00 20.00
159300.00 112300.00 20.00
158500.00 113100.00 20.00
157300.00 113100.00 20.00
156500.00 113900.00 20.00
156431.31 114104.96 120.00
137986.66 120287.21 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
137998.00 120202.00 120.00
138100.00 120100.00 20.00
138300.00 119900.00 -397.00
138500.00 119700.00 -397.00
138700.00 119500.00 20.00
138700.00 119300.00 20.00
138700.00 119100.00 -398.00
138700.00 118700.00 -398.00
138700.00 118500.00 20.00
138700.00 116300.00 20.00
140100.00 114900.00 20.00
140030.39 114615.89 120.00
139008.53 113594.28 120.00 0 15 2.6388890743255615
139100.00 112900.00 20.00
138700.00 112500.00 20.00
138700.00 111900.00 120.00
138700.00 111700.00 20.00
138700.00 109700.00 20.00
138700.00 109500.00 -435.00
138700.00 109100.00 -435.00
138700.00 108900.00 20.00
138700.00 107100.00 20.00
138700.00 106900.00 -434.00
138700.00 106500.00 -434.00
138700.00 106300.00 20.00
138700.00 105900.00 20.00
138548.69 105674.57 120.00
135023.25 98572.60 120.00 0 27 2.6388890743255615
134900.00 98300.00 20.00
134700.00 98300.00 -427.00
134300.00 98300.00 -427.00
134100.00 98300.00 20.00
133900.00 98500.00 20.00
133900.00 98700.00 -428.00
133900.00 99100.00 -428.00
133900.00 99300.00 20.00
133900.00 100300.00 20.00
134100.00 100500.00 -429.00
134300.00 100700.00 -429.00
134500.00 100900.00 20.00
134500.00 101300.00 20.00
134700.00 101500.00 20.00
134900.00 101700.00 -430.00
135100.00 101900.00 -430.00
135300.00 102100.00 20.00
135700.00 102500.00 20.00
135900.00 102700.00 -431.00
136300.00 103100.00 -431.00
136500.00 103300.00 120.00
136700.00 103500.00 -432.00
136900.00 103700.00 -432.00
137100.00 103900.00 120.00
136900.00 104100.00 120.00
136709.31 104192.88 120.00
147387.81 78033.14 120.00 0 18 2.6388890743255615
146900.00 78100.00 20.00
145500.00 79500.00 20.00
145300.00 79500.00 20.00
145100.00 79500.00 -530.00
144700.00 79500.00 -530.00
144500.00 79500.00 20.00
144300.00 79500.00 20.00
144100.00 79700.00 20.00
143900.00 79900.00 -531.00
143700.00 80100.00 -531.00
143500.00 80300.00 20.00
143300.00 80500.00 20.00
143100.00 80700.00 -532.00
142900.00 80900.00 -532.00
142700.00 81100.00 20.00
142300.00 81500.00 20.00
142176.30 81762.96 120.00
149329.34 75427.39 120.00 0 4 2.6388890743255615
149300.00 75300.00 20.00
144500.00 70500.00 20.00
144220.91 70471.35 120.00
151628.55 74507.71 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
151700.00 74300.00 20.00
151700.00 73500.00 20.00
151700.00 73300.00 -300.00
151700.00 72900.00 -300.00
151700.00 72700.00 20.00
151700.00 69300.00 20.00
151500.00 69100.00 20.00
151500.00 66900.00 20.00
151300.00 66700.00 20.00
151270.89 66179.53 120.00
155869.28 44005.80 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
155900.00 43900.00 20.00
155700.00 43700.00 -269.00
155300.00 43300.00 -269.00
155100.00 43100.00 20.00
155100.00 41100.00 20.00
154500.00 40500.00 20.00
154500.00 39300.00 20.00
154100.00 38900.00 20.00
153723.34 38946.85 120.00
151935.91 37311.87 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
151700.00 37100.00 20.00
150300.00 35700.00 20.00
149100.00 35700.00 20.00
147900.00 34500.00 20.00
146700.00 34500.00 20.00
145700.00 33500.00 20.00
145344.70 33479.89 120.00
144577.69 32917.87 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
144500.00 32700.00 20.00
143300.00 31500.00 20.00
143300.00 31100.00 20.00
141900.00 29700.00 20.00
141900.00 28900.00 20.00
141500.00 28500.00 20.00
141500.00 27900.00 20.00
140300.00 26700.00 20.00
140183.67 26531.22 120.00
134461.25 20706.60 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
134500.00 20900.00 20.00
134700.00 21100.00 20.00
135700.00 21100.00 20.00
136500.00 21900.00 20.00
136500.00 22900.00 20.00
137500.00 23900.00 20.00
138300.00 23900.00 20.00
138900.00 24500.00 20.00
139100.00 24700.00 -268.00
139500.00 25100.00 -268.00
139602.00 25202.00 120.00
139672.73 25202.75 120.00
114381.60 24780.17 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
114300.00 24500.00 20.00
117700.00 21100.00 20.00
118700.00 21100.00 20.00
119500.00 20300.00 20.00
119700.00 20300.00 -263.00
119900.00 20300.00 -263.00
120100.00 20300.00 20.00
120206.25 20335.24 120.00
108199.32 25393.32 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
107900.00 25100.00 20.00
105300.00 25100.00 20.00
103700.00 23500.00 20.00
103700.00 21100.00 20.00
104100.00 20700.00 20.00
104214.60 20488.34 120.00
105440.28 19568.66 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
105500.00 19300.00 20.00
105700.00 19100.00 20.00
105700.00 15100.00 20.00
103900.00 13300.00 20.00
103600.92 13233.12 120.00
95630.39 16554.17 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
95500.00 16500.00 20.00
93300.00 18700.00 20.00
92500.00 18700.00 20.00
90900.00 20300.00 20.00
89700.00 20300.00 20.00
89448.10 20437.33 120.00
80609.00 21101.48 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
80500.00 21100.00 20.00
78900.00 21100.00 20.00
78300.00 21700.00 20.00
75900.00 21700.00 20.00
73700.00 23900.00 20.00
73762.52 24013.76 120.00
81017.75 19773.68 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
80900.00 19500.00 20.00
80700.00 19300.00 20.00
80700.00 18100.00 20.00
79500.00 16900.00 20.00
79500.00 13700.00 20.00
79433.85 13437.50 120.00
79995.88 12568.91 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
79900.00 12300.00 20.00
80300.00 11900.00 20.00
80300.00 8700.00 20.00
82300.00 6700.00 20.00
82448.35 6744.29 120.00
71207.85 1532.80 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
71100.00 1500.00 20.00
70300.00 2300.00 20.00
68300.00 2300.00 20.00
67900.00 2700.00 20.00
67900.00 2900.00 -127.00
67900.00 3300.00 -127.00
67900.00 3500.00 20.00
66900.00 4500.00 20.00
66900.00 5700.00 20.00
66609.46 5926.79 120.00
65025.57 6999.75 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
64900.00 6900.00 20.00
63300.00 6900.00 20.00
62700.00 7500.00 20.00
60500.00 7500.00 20.00
59300.00 8700.00 20.00
58300.00 8700.00 20.00
57770.32 9298.95 120.00
52507.73 17524.96 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
52300.00 17700.00 20.00
50700.00 19300.00 20.00
50700.00 20500.00 20.00
49900.00 21300.00 20.00
49900.00 22900.00 20.00
48700.00 24100.00 20.00
48675.75 24678.90 120.00
47653.89 27283.75 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
48100.00 27700.00 20.00
48900.00 28500.00 20.00
48900.00 29700.00 20.00
53100.00 33900.00 20.00
53018.67 34079.16 120.00
54704.75 35663.50 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
54900.00 35700.00 20.00
55900.00 36700.00 20.00
55900.00 37900.00 20.00
56900.00 38900.00 20.00
56900.00 40300.00 20.00
58300.00 41700.00 20.00
58230.17 42509.53 120.00
40756.30 9963.16 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
40500.00 10100.00 20.00
40300.00 10300.00 20.00
40300.00 13300.00 20.00
38300.00 15300.00 20.00
38100.00 15500.00 -18.00
37900.00 15700.00 -18.00
37700.00 15900.00 20.00
37500.00 16100.00 20.00
36900.00 16100.00 20.00
36719.94 16298.73 120.00
32632.49 26823.91 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
32700.00 26700.00 20.00
32700.00 22900.00 20.00
33300.00 22300.00 20.00
33300.00 20700.00 20.00
33300.00 20500.00 -526.00
33300.00 20100.00 -526.00
33300.00 19900.00 20.00
33300.00 18300.00 20.00
33449.98 18138.80 120.00
39019.14 9656.61 120.00 0 16 2.6388890743255615
38900.00 9500.00 20.00
37900.00 9500.00 20.00
37300.00 10100.00 20.00
36100.00 10100.00 20.00
35500.00 10700.00 20.00
35300.00 10700.00 20.00
35100.00 10700.00 -14.00
34700.00 10700.00 -14.00
34500.00 10700.00 20.00
32700.00 10700.00 20.00
32500.00 10700.00 -11.00
32100.00 10700.00 -11.00
31900.00 10700.00 20.00
31100.00 10700.00 20.00
30946.41 10831.75 120.00
26654.58 8174.91 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
26500.00 8300.00 20.00
26500.00 9700.00 20.00
24300.00 11900.00 20.00
24300.00 13900.00 20.00
24610.84 14203.83 120.00
10_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 36146.91 26574.90 600.00 0.0
11_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 36203.58 26595.25 600.00 0.0
12_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 36295.68 26724.47 600.00 0.0
13_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 34851.58 26430.95 600.00 0.0
14_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 36092.83 26926.22 600.00 0.0
16_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 35018.73 26718.83 600.00 0.0
17_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 36235.22 26511.43 600.00 0.0
18_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 36340.47 26564.59 600.00 0.0
19_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 36362.12 26941.68 600.00 0.0
20_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 36309.51 26994.31 600.00 0.0
21_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 41917.83 121972.80 600.00 0.0
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 41863.54 121913.19 600.00 0.0
23_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 42191.98 121963.52 600.00 0.0
24_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 42238.58 121923.74 600.00 0.0
25_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 41683.41 120967.61 600.00 0.0
26_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 41683.41 120913.30 600.00 0.0
27_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 42023.76 120884.16 600.00 0.0
28_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 42925.68 121223.21 600.00 0.0
29_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 145247.89 115782.38 600.00 0.0
30_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 145275.88 115758.61 600.00 0.0
31_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 146077.76 115600.47 600.00 0.0
32_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 146077.76 115540.27 600.00 0.0
33_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145359.85 116077.66 600.00 0.0
34_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145329.60 116045.49 600.00 0.0
35_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145856.66 115666.24 600.00 0.0
36_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145905.64 115670.44 600.00 0.0
37_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 146175.73 116055.27 600.00 0.0
38_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 146210.72 116030.10 600.00 0.0
39_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 145212.91 115813.16 600.00 0.0
40_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 144378.22 62567.18 600.00 0.0
41_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 144764.47 62551.19 600.00 0.0
42_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145546.13 62935.16 600.00 0.0
43_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145600.98 62939.73 600.00 0.0
44_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145648.98 62932.87 600.00 0.0
45_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 145694.69 62937.44 600.00 0.0
46_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 144449.70 62807.16 600.00 0.0
47_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 144551.92 62809.44 600.00 0.0
48_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54070.00 8057.72 600.00 0.0
49_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54063.83 8018.67 600.00 0.0
50_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54892.23 8014.56 600.00 0.0
51_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54921.19 7987.84 600.00 0.0
52_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54953.91 7957.10 600.00 0.0
53_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54061.76 7981.67 600.00 0.0
54_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54746.29 7249.85 600.00 0.0
55_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 54777.12 7286.88 600.00 0.0
56_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 54499.62 7996.60 600.00 0.0
57_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 54499.62 8049.51 600.00 0.0
60_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42152.33 121960.12 495.91 0.0
61_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42169.80 121942.73 496.12 0.0
62_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42116.81 121995.15 495.52 0.0
63_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42134.85 121977.27 495.52 0.0
64_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 42092.87 121990.74 405.51 0.0
65_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 42264.25 121822.82 405.51 0.0
66_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 42260.90 121814.83 405.51 0.0
67_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 54797.69 7977.14 675.52 0.0
68_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 54959.33 7886.27 675.52 0.0
69_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 54952.16 7894.76 675.52 0.0
70_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 54946.90 7899.97 675.52 0.0
71_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 54764.31 7956.82 405.52 0.0
72_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 54752.67 7945.22 405.52 0.0
73_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 54740.45 7933.89 405.52 0.0
81_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 54174.30 8024.47 450.51 0.0
82_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 144445.79 62569.54 450.51 0.0
83_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 144436.70 62423.22 630.52 0.0
84_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 144689.35 62498.72 630.52 0.0
85_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 144684.66 62495.58 630.52 0.0
86_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 144604.79 62420.54 630.52 0.0
90_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 145526.60 62847.58 630.52 0.0
91_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LI_2 1 145520.19 62858.44 450.51 0.0
92_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 146201.20 115865.47 630.52 0.0
93_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 145737.29 115528.63 630.52 0.0
94_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 145959.32 115513.63 630.52 0.0
95_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 145969.32 115511.41 630.52 0.0
103_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 82029.94 129548.72 360.00 0.0
104_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 82017.52 129493.47 360.00 0.0
105_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 82020.91 129446.63 360.00 0.0
106_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 105866.47 129090.38 360.00 0.0
107_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 105869.41 129056.16 360.00 0.0
108_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 107438.58 127740.47 360.00 0.0
109_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 107681.91 127745.88 360.00 0.0
110_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 107676.50 127659.36 360.00 0.0
111_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 107416.96 127653.97 360.00 0.0
112_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 120066.30 128112.13 360.00 0.0
113_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 120110.58 128071.52 360.00 0.0
114_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 119868.27 127937.47 360.00 0.0
115_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 119917.47 127867.36 360.00 0.0
116_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 136071.14 130366.33 360.00 0.0
117_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 136150.10 130257.88 360.00 0.0
118_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 135790.19 130095.22 360.00 0.0
119_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 135903.54 129991.72 360.00 0.0
120_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 136108.20 61034.19 360.00 0.0
121_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 136018.50 61109.18 360.00 0.0
122_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 135843.75 60760.58 360.00 0.0
123_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 135725.67 60841.16 360.00 0.0
124_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 135313.35 60573.16 360.00 0.0
125_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 134974.10 60558.16 360.00 0.0
126_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 134968.48 62514.83 360.00 0.0
127_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 134556.16 62224.33 360.00 0.0
128_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 134616.14 62147.50 360.00 0.0
129_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 134901.20 62589.80 360.00 0.0
130_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 127774.86 41287.73 360.00 0.0
131_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 127944.57 41059.98 360.00 0.0
132_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 127551.58 40662.55 360.00 0.0
133_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 127390.82 40859.40 360.00 0.0
134_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 99349.61 27954.24 360.00 0.0
135_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 99389.16 27849.68 360.00 0.0
136_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 99095.27 27835.56 360.00 0.0
137_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 98956.82 27957.70 360.00 0.0
138_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 32215.22 27552.15 360.00 0.0
139_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 32233.47 27460.97 360.00 0.0
140_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 31923.49 27549.11 360.00 0.0
141_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 31932.59 27457.93 360.00 0.0
143_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 55280.72 17868.38 360.00 0.0
142_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 55356.69 18024.84 360.00 0.0
144_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55339.65 18001.50 405.00 0.0
145_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55332.25 17992.29 405.00 0.0
146_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55324.37 17982.29 405.00 0.0
147_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55314.58 17970.77 405.00 0.0
148_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55349.80 18011.22 405.00 0.0
149_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 55353.80 17882.20 630.00 0.0
150_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 55365.86 17882.33 630.00 0.0
151_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 55342.19 17881.45 630.00 0.0
152_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 55331.44 17880.95 630.00 0.0
153_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55410.43 17959.61 540.00 0.0
154_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55410.87 17970.86 540.00 0.0
155_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55411.12 17945.58 540.00 0.0
156_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 55410.86 17931.34 540.00 0.0
157_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83526.11 128433.50 360.00 0.0
158_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83525.86 128422.88 360.00 0.0
159_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83525.58 128411.83 360.00 0.0
160_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83524.80 128401.21 360.00 0.0
161_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83524.27 128391.38 360.00 0.0
162_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83523.72 128380.80 360.00 0.0
163_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83523.16 128369.80 360.00 0.0
164_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83522.35 128354.32 360.00 0.0
165_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83599.77 128434.13 540.00 0.0
166_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83599.33 128423.41 540.00 0.0
167_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83599.19 128408.49 540.00 0.0
168_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83599.19 128394.50 540.00 0.0
169_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83597.63 128381.66 540.00 0.0
170_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 83596.99 128367.57 540.00 0.0
171_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 83579.94 128325.88 630.00 0.0
172_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 83552.58 128326.80 630.00 0.0
173_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 83559.00 128326.52 630.00 0.0
174_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 83529.46 128312.55 630.00 0.0
175_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 83535.10 128312.77 630.00 0.0
176_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 83609.91 128312.82 630.00 0.0
177_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 148856.10 78671.82 360.00 0.0
178_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 148855.64 78641.85 360.00 0.0
179_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 148855.79 78614.32 360.00 0.0
180_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 148855.57 78575.13 360.00 0.0
181_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 148856.57 78541.72 360.00 0.0
182_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 148785.88 78559.86 360.00 0.0
183_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 148784.70 78641.88 360.00 0.0
184_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 148784.82 78674.13 360.00 0.0
185_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 148784.48 78610.61 360.00 0.0
186_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 148761.54 78588.44 360.00 0.0
187_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 148762.39 78537.86 360.00 0.0
188_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 83874.58 109039.75 360.00 0.0
189_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 83874.82 109017.10 360.00 0.0
190_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83912.69 109061.30 360.00 0.0
191_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83913.60 109030.44 360.00 0.0
192_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83917.24 109000.80 360.00 0.0
193_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 83918.11 108976.97 360.00 0.0
194_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 83875.25 108996.96 360.00 0.0
195_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 83968.80 109078.63 360.00 0.0
196_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 83966.49 109046.60 360.00 0.0
197_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 83967.27 109011.61 360.00 0.0
198_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$ZIS3 1 83966.69 108972.33 360.00 0.0
199_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_AA 1 90769.82 107546.60 360.00 0.0
200_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_AA 1 90790.77 107546.19 360.00 0.0
201_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_AA 1 90812.69 107546.60 360.00 0.0
203_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 90727.32 107544.88 360.00 0.0
202_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 90747.55 107545.69 360.00 0.0
204_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 90769.13 107524.91 360.00 0.0
205_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 90758.63 107524.57 360.00 0.0
206_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 90758.30 107510.21 360.00 0.0
207_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 90758.36 107491.58 360.00 0.0
210_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 90733.25 107567.25 360.00 0.0
211_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 156916.79 131206.57 360.00 0.0
212_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 156915.48 131438.20 360.00 0.0
213_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon11 1 157168.89 131369.10 495.00 0.0
214_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon12 1 157177.70 131377.85 495.00 0.0
216_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 1 157193.22 131392.95 495.00 0.0
215_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 1 157185.44 131385.17 495.00 0.0
217_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 1 157201.64 131401.50 495.00 0.0
218_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 1 157210.64 131409.89 495.00 0.0
219_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon1 1 157219.70 131418.54 495.00 0.0
220_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157189.70 131432.60 405.00 0.0
221_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157182.79 131439.98 405.00 0.0
222_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157191.82 131408.44 495.00 0.0
223_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157182.20 131398.76 495.00 0.0
224_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157174.85 131447.88 405.00 0.0
225_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157168.14 131455.54 405.00 0.0
226_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 157172.22 131388.26 495.00 0.0
227_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 157248.51 131465.48 495.00 0.0
228_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 157155.10 131369.29 495.00 0.0
229_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 129163.13 87680.55 450.00 0.0
230_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 129186.66 87680.60 450.00 0.0
233_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 129193.74 87652.46 450.00 0.0
234_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 129048.94 87673.71 450.00 0.0
235_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 129056.75 87668.16 450.00 0.0
236_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 129058.30 87653.91 450.00 0.0
237_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 129058.80 87639.13 450.00 0.0
238_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 129082.69 87585.99 630.00 0.0
239_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 129090.19 87586.52 630.00 0.0
240_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 129097.88 87586.94 630.00 0.0
241_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 129106.80 87587.83 630.00 0.0
242_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 129113.94 87588.24 630.00 0.0
243_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 162586.19 51617.83 630.00 0.0
244_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 162578.51 51617.47 630.00 0.0
245_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 162570.79 51617.19 630.00 0.0
246_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 162595.39 51617.83 630.00 0.0
247_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 162575.63 51574.51 540.00 0.0
248_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 162575.79 51595.87 540.00 0.0
249_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 162575.97 51586.00 540.00 0.0
250_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 162548.14 51596.41 450.00 0.0
256_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon6 1 109465.69 24333.81 585.00 0.0
257_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon6 1 109477.50 24321.38 585.00 0.0
258_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon7 1 109489.77 24309.70 585.00 0.0
255_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon11 1 109447.27 24352.75 585.00 0.0
259_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon12 1 109456.16 24343.83 585.00 0.0
260_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109461.66 24350.75 585.00 0.0
261_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109472.80 24339.90 585.00 0.0
262_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109496.91 24316.18 585.00 0.0
263_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109481.86 24331.43 585.00 0.0
264_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109530.88 24333.65 485.00 0.0
265_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109537.99 24343.90 485.00 0.0
266_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109548.16 24352.50 485.00 0.0
267_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109556.94 24362.90 485.00 0.0
268_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109564.13 24370.86 485.00 0.0
269_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_PC 1 109572.80 24379.93 485.00 0.0
271_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 109560.66 24283.38 485.00 0.0
272_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 109592.69 24258.25 485.00 0.0
273_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 109573.99 24273.56 485.00 0.0
208_Static vehicl



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208_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97350.89 30714.20 360.00 0.0
209_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97388.75 30711.74 360.00 0.0
231_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97224.36 26275.13 360.00 0.0
232_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97265.44 26272.65 360.00 0.0
251_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97190.44 26276.43 360.00 0.0
252_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 96581.69 17073.40 360.00 0.0
253_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 96594.36 17184.40 360.00 0.0
254_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 98078.69 9038.87 360.00 0.0
270_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 98169.27 9230.26 360.00 0.0
274_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 88303.27 4688.59 360.00 0.0
275_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 88225.86 4638.77 360.00 0.0
276_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 85906.52 2228.80 360.00 0.0
277_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 85847.47 2240.40 360.00 0.0
278_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 112565.39 3238.94 360.00 0.0
279_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 112544.36 3236.32 360.00 0.0
280_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 130785.61 6995.30 360.00 0.0
281_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 130771.88 7113.34 360.00 0.0
282_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 130769.75 7233.55 360.00 0.0
283_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 137945.54 5634.92 360.00 0.0
284_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 137945.67 5664.97 360.00 0.0
285_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 141249.27 12786.68 360.00 0.0
286_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 141251.14 12822.62 360.00 0.0
287_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 128485.64 15731.79 360.00 0.0
288_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 128443.14 12095.30 360.00 0.0
289_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 123943.36 16645.74 360.00 0.0
290_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 104182.19 30167.47 360.00 0.0
291_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 104204.91 30169.20 360.00 0.0
292_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 123018.88 79316.27 360.00 0.0
293_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 123003.63 79148.16 360.00 0.0
294_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131135.10 80548.63 360.00 0.0
295_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131130.82 80661.80 360.00 0.0
296_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131129.16 80780.44 360.00 0.0
297_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131759.57 83008.33 360.00 0.0
298_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131758.89 82918.52 360.00 0.0
299_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 131756.69 82803.10 360.00 0.0
300_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 137048.14 93795.50 360.00 0.0
301_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 149815.89 77927.19 360.00 0.0
302_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 149865.73 77967.36 360.00 0.0
303_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 149913.80 78008.39 360.00 0.0
304_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 161160.14 79052.27 360.00 0.0
305_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 168755.32 87550.77 360.00 0.0
306_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 171600.67 80145.32 360.00 0.0
307_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 117099.89 87659.80 360.00 0.0
308_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 148350.67 109660.00 360.00 0.0
309_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 148436.23 109775.91 360.00 0.0
310_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 123109.30 124285.96 360.00 0.0
311_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 107980.91 118443.63 360.00 0.0
312_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 136084.32 137881.20 360.00 0.0
313_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 157414.39 140906.29 360.00 0.0
314_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 157414.50 140952.10 360.00 0.0
315_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 157413.70 140994.85 360.00 0.0
316_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 164324.91 147936.70 360.00 0.0
317_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 164373.64 147936.79 360.00 0.0
318_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 143072.79 123612.61 360.00 0.0
319_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 142960.10 122992.80 360.00 0.0
320_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 161557.26 134402.19 360.00 0.0
321_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 162084.20 134391.22 360.00 0.0
322_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 157441.89 136636.97 360.00 0.0
323_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 55941.36 14484.35 360.00 0.0
324_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 46349.45 26787.68 360.00 0.0
325_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 70856.10 24605.77 360.00 0.0
326_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 70838.88 24107.75 360.00 0.0
327_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 82418.99 19808.13 360.00 0.0
328_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 82661.47 19786.29 360.00 0.0
329_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 87502.44 20250.22 360.00 0.0
330_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 86538.78 20507.54 360.00 0.0
331_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 99647.58 68735.57 360.00 0.0
332_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 102269.63 71278.88 360.00 0.0
333_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 103874.17 79234.77 360.00 0.0
334_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 98833.27 83977.80 360.00 0.0
335_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97451.13 93981.13 360.00 0.0
336_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 93476.27 99949.75 360.00 0.0
337_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 88872.52 111512.50 360.00 0.0
338_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 85317.67 126384.38 360.00 0.0
339_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 85430.75 126382.50 360.00 0.0
340_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 92808.10 131437.38 360.00 0.0
341_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 89607.41 132872.30 360.00 0.0
342_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 102132.61 139990.57 360.00 0.0
343_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 102268.92 139862.14 360.00 0.0
344_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 97900.69 140586.32 360.00 0.0
345_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 124362.00 68507.75 360.00 0.0
346_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 129512.50 63116.51 360.00 0.0
347_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 130999.38 71866.19 360.00 0.0
348_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 139468.70 76214.41 360.00 0.0
349_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 157199.51 131447.45 360.00 0.0
350_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 157101.48 131444.47 360.00 0.0
351_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 157102.48 131354.64 360.00 0.0
352_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 55415.58 18040.57 360.00 0.0
353_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 55420.89 17878.50 360.00 0.0
354_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 55294.25 17915.19 360.00 0.0
355_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 55391.61 18049.22 360.00 0.0
356_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 55350.68 18044.31 360.00 0.0
357_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 55423.93 17903.24 360.00 0.0
358_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42188.37 121925.34 496.12 0.0
359_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 42205.65 121907.74 496.12 0.0
58_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LI_2 1 42855.49 121217.84 500.00 0.0
59_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2VS 1 42962.49 121118.04 519.10 0.0
360_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41962.10 121010.54 449.10 0.0
361_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41942.29 121010.27 449.10 0.0
362_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41922.35 121010.54 449.10 0.0
363_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41902.67 121010.81 449.10 0.0
364_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41882.33 121010.41 449.10 0.0
365_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 41863.18 121010.41 449.10 0.0
96_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145244.97 115857.44 405.52 0.0
97_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145272.98 115885.90 405.52 0.0
98_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145301.03 115916.73 405.52 0.0
99_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145329.63 115945.33 405.52 0.0
100_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145357.96 115974.21 405.52 0.0
101_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145386.00 116001.43 405.52 0.0
102_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M100A 1 145740.64 115513.78 270.52 0.0
366_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M100A 1 145770.63 115513.50 270.52 0.0
367_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M100A 1 145801.45 115512.94 270.52 0.0
368_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M100A 1 145830.61 115513.22 270.52 0.0
369_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 146089.62 115781.32 315.52 0.0
370_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 146103.82 115767.68 315.52 0.0
371_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LI_2 1 146218.43 115861.42 225.52 0.0
87_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 144453.53 62408.40 270.52 0.0
88_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 144483.92 62408.28 270.52 0.0
89_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 144513.80 62408.35 270.52 0.0
373_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2VS 1 144669.51 62413.91 270.52 0.0
372_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153_M62 1 144543.89 62408.42 270.52 0.0
374_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145699.91 62865.76 450.52 0.0
375_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 145685.48 62866.01 450.52 0.0
74_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$MIG_3EARLY 1 54540.24 7407.14 315.00 0.0
75_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$MIG_3EARLY 1 54561.48 7386.17 315.00 0.0
76_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$MIG_3EARLY 1 54583.56 7364.87 315.00 0.0
77_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 54454.69 8059.32 449.10 0.0
78_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 54414.55 8059.53 449.10 0.0
79_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 54372.92 8059.33 449.10 0.0
80_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 54333.79 8059.43 449.10 0.0
376_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2VS 1 54133.55 8053.16 449.10 0.0
377_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LI_2 1 54634.70 7325.95 315.00 0.0
0_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 34926.12 26660.08 600.00 0.0
1_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 35043.85 26752.24 420.00 0.0
2_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 35018.32 26737.06 420.00 0.0
3_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 34992.80 26721.55 420.00 0.0
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_16TYPE24 1 34966.95 26706.69 420.00 0.0
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 34839.54 26625.40 420.00 0.0
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES4 1 34865.62 26640.95 420.00 0.0
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2VS 1 36075.05 26639.87 210.00 0.0
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LI_2 1 36253.60 26710.64 210.00 0.0

Avatar de l’utilisateur

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

Good Job Fight 69 :)

Maintenant, si tu as le temps,quelques décorations supplémentaires ? :P
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...



Message par fight69 »

J'y cours.... :ph34r: ;)

Pilote émérite
Pilote émérite
Messages : 9474
Inscription : 30 mars 2003


Message par Obelix »

Désolé de poser une question "bête", mais on fait un copier coller des ligne de textes que vous poster et on les colle dans le dossier idoine en effaçant les données d'origines?

Si oui, cela ne marche pas pour Rzev-res et blue! :(
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

je te réponds en MP obélix
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...



Message par fight69 »

Mes 2 premières bases, dites moi ce que vous en pensez:

MAP Lviv/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
army 1
playerNum 0
0_Chief Trains.Germany_CargoTrain 2
1_Chief Trains.Germany_CargoTrain 2
2_Chief Trains.Germany_CargoTrain 2
3_Chief Trains.Germany_CargoTrain 2
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97_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnA 2
98_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnA 2
99_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
100_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
101_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
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109_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
110_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
111_Chief Armor.4-PzIIF 2
79100.00 148100.00 20.00 0 12 5.555555820465088
83500.00 143700.00 20.00
83500.00 141900.00 20.00
83500.00 141700.00 -148.00
83500.00 141300.00 -148.00
83500.00 141100.00 20.00
83700.00 140900.00 20.00
85700.00 140900.00 20.00
86300.00 140300.00 20.00
86300.00 136500.00 20.00
87500.00 135300.00 20.00
87500.00 134500.00 20.00
85300.00 125300.00 20.00 0 9 5.555555820465088
85900.00 124700.00 20.00
85900.00 117500.00 20.00
86100.00 117300.00 -146.00
86500.00 116900.00 -146.00
86700.00 116700.00 20.00
86700.00 113900.00 20.00
87100.00 113500.00 20.00
87100.00 110900.00 20.00
89100.00 103300.00 20.00 0 8 5.555555820465088
97700.00 103300.00 20.00
98900.00 104500.00 20.00
104300.00 104500.00 20.00
104500.00 104500.00 -235.00
104900.00 104500.00 -235.00
105100.00 104500.00 20.00
106900.00 104500.00 20.00
98100.00 94500.00 20.00 0 15 5.555555820465088
98300.00 94700.00 -203.00
98700.00 95100.00 -203.00
98900.00 95300.00 20.00
100300.00 95300.00 20.00
100900.00 95900.00 20.00
100900.00 96100.00 20.00
100900.00 96300.00 -204.00
100900.00 96700.00 -204.00
100900.00 96900.00 20.00
101700.00 97700.00 20.00
102900.00 97700.00 20.00
105100.00 99900.00 20.00
106700.00 99900.00 20.00
109700.00 102900.00 20.00
97100.00 93300.00 20.00 0 24 5.555555820465088
97100.00 92900.00 20.00
97300.00 92700.00 -200.00
97500.00 92500.00 -200.00
97700.00 92300.00 20.00
97700.00 91500.00 20.00
97700.00 91300.00 -199.00
97700.00 90900.00 -199.00
97700.00 90700.00 20.00
97300.00 90300.00 20.00
97300.00 88500.00 20.00
99100.00 86700.00 20.00
99100.00 85500.00 20.00
98100.00 84500.00 20.00
97500.00 84500.00 20.00
97100.00 84100.00 20.00
97100.00 83700.00 20.00
95700.00 82300.00 20.00
95700.00 81900.00 20.00
95500.00 81700.00 -196.00
95100.00 81300.00 -196.00
94900.00 81100.00 20.00
94900.00 80300.00 20.00
95500.00 79700.00 20.00
96100.00 77900.00 20.00 0 10 5.555555820465088
96300.00 77700.00 20.00
96300.00 76300.00 20.00
96500.00 76100.00 20.00
96700.00 75900.00 -194.00
97100.00 75500.00 -194.00
97300.00 75300.00 20.00
99500.00 73100.00 20.00
99500.00 69300.00 20.00
96500.00 66300.00 20.00
95500.00 62500.00 20.00 0 18 5.555555820465088
95300.00 62300.00 -180.00
94900.00 61900.00 -180.00
94700.00 61700.00 20.00
94100.00 61100.00 20.00
93500.00 61100.00 20.00
93300.00 60900.00 -520.00
92900.00 60500.00 -520.00
92700.00 60300.00 20.00
92500.00 60100.00 20.00
91500.00 60100.00 20.00
90500.00 59100.00 20.00
90500.00 57100.00 20.00
91100.00 56500.00 20.00
91100.00 53100.00 20.00
89300.00 51300.00 20.00
88500.00 51300.00 20.00
87100.00 49900.00 20.00
66100.00 28700.00 20.00 0 15 5.555555820465088
66100.00 30500.00 20.00
64900.00 31700.00 20.00
64900.00 32100.00 20.00
62100.00 34900.00 20.00
62100.00 37300.00 20.00
61700.00 37700.00 20.00
61700.00 38900.00 20.00
61900.00 39100.00 -111.00
62300.00 39500.00 -111.00
62500.00 39700.00 20.00
62500.00 41900.00 20.00
62900.00 42300.00 20.00
62900.00 43900.00 20.00
63300.00 44300.00 20.00
64100.00 45500.00 20.00 0 27 5.555555820465088
64100.00 46100.00 20.00
64700.00 46700.00 20.00
66100.00 46700.00 20.00
66500.00 47100.00 20.00
67300.00 47100.00 20.00
67900.00 47700.00 20.00
69900.00 47700.00 20.00
70900.00 46700.00 20.00
72300.00 46700.00 20.00
73700.00 48100.00 20.00
73900.00 48100.00 -121.00
74300.00 48100.00 -121.00
74500.00 48100.00 20.00
75300.00 48900.00 20.00
75300.00 49100.00 20.00
74900.00 49500.00 20.00
74900.00 50300.00 20.00
75500.00 50900.00 20.00
76100.00 50900.00 20.00
76300.00 51100.00 -123.00
76700.00 51500.00 -123.00
76900.00 51700.00 20.00
77500.00 51700.00 20.00
77900.00 51300.00 20.00
79100.00 51300.00 20.00
79300.00 51500.00 20.00
13300.00 2500.00 20.00 0 14 5.555555820465088
13300.00 5100.00 20.00
13300.00 5300.00 -22.00
13300.00 5700.00 -22.00
13300.00 5900.00 20.00
13300.00 7300.00 20.00
15100.00 9100.00 20.00
15300.00 9300.00 -21.00
15700.00 9700.00 -21.00
15900.00 9900.00 20.00
16500.00 10500.00 20.00
16500.00 14500.00 20.00
20100.00 18100.00 20.00
22300.00 18100.00 20.00
24100.00 19700.00 20.00 0 16 5.555555820465088
26100.00 21700.00 20.00
26100.00 22700.00 20.00
26700.00 23300.00 20.00
26900.00 23300.00 -38.00
27300.00 23300.00 -38.00
27500.00 23300.00 20.00
28100.00 23900.00 20.00
28100.00 25100.00 20.00
30900.00 27900.00 20.00
30900.00 28700.00 20.00
31100.00 28900.00 -41.00
31500.00 29300.00 -41.00
31700.00 29500.00 20.00
31900.00 29700.00 20.00
33300.00 29700.00 20.00
85100.00 103100.00 20.00 0 10 5.555555820465088
84900.00 103100.00 20.00
81100.00 99300.00 20.00
78900.00 99300.00 20.00
78500.00 98900.00 20.00
76900.00 98900.00 20.00
74700.00 96700.00 20.00
74700.00 96100.00 20.00
72900.00 94300.00 20.00
72500.00 94300.00 20.00
69100.00 92700.00 20.00 0 14 5.555555820465088
68700.00 92700.00 20.00
68500.00 92900.00 -136.00
68100.00 93300.00 -136.00
67900.00 93500.00 20.00
63900.00 97500.00 20.00
62700.00 97500.00 20.00
62500.00 97700.00 20.00
62300.00 97700.00 20.00
61700.00 97100.00 20.00
60900.00 97100.00 20.00
60300.00 96500.00 20.00
58700.00 96500.00 20.00
58500.00 96700.00 20.00
57700.00 98300.00 20.00 0 29 5.555555820465088
56700.00 99300.00 20.00
56700.00 100300.00 20.00
56500.00 100500.00 20.00
56300.00 100700.00 -89.00
55900.00 101100.00 -89.00
55700.00 101300.00 20.00
55300.00 101700.00 20.00
55100.00 101900.00 -88.00
54700.00 102300.00 -88.00
54500.00 102500.00 20.00
54300.00 102700.00 20.00
53500.00 102700.00 20.00
53300.00 102500.00 -87.00
52900.00 102100.00 -87.00
52700.00 101900.00 20.00
52500.00 101700.00 20.00
52300.00 101700.00 -86.00
51900.00 101700.00 -86.00
51700.00 101700.00 20.00
50700.00 101700.00 20.00
47500.00 104900.00 20.00
45700.00 104900.00 20.00
45100.00 105500.00 20.00
44900.00 105700.00 -78.00
44500.00 106100.00 -78.00
44300.00 106300.00 20.00
43900.00 106700.00 20.00
43700.00 106700.00 20.00
21100.00 116100.00 20.00 0 13 5.555555820465088
26700.00 110500.00 20.00
27100.00 110500.00 20.00
27300.00 110500.00 -522.00
27700.00 110500.00 -522.00
27900.00 110500.00 20.00
29700.00 108700.00 20.00
32700.00 108700.00 20.00
32900.00 108700.00 -65.00
33300.00 108700.00 -65.00
33500.00 108700.00 20.00
34500.00 107700.00 20.00
35500.00 107700.00 20.00
114500.00 104700.00 20.00 0 20 5.555555820465088
115500.00 105700.00 20.00
116500.00 105700.00 20.00
119500.00 108700.00 20.00
120500.00 108700.00 20.00
121100.00 109300.00 20.00
121100.00 109500.00 -365.00
121100.00 109900.00 -365.00
121100.00 110100.00 120.00
121300.00 110300.00 -366.00
121700.00 110700.00 -366.00
121900.00 110900.00 20.00
122300.00 110900.00 20.00
122500.00 110700.00 20.00
124700.00 110700.00 20.00
125500.00 111500.00 20.00
125700.00 111700.00 -370.00
126100.00 112100.00 -370.00
126300.00 112300.00 20.00
127100.00 113100.00 20.00
129300.00 114300.00 20.00 0 17 5.555555820465088
131900.00 116900.00 20.00
134300.00 116900.00 20.00
134500.00 117100.00 -403.00
134900.00 117500.00 -403.00
135100.00 117700.00 20.00
139500.00 117700.00 20.00
139900.00 118100.00 20.00
140100.00 118300.00 -404.00
140500.00 118700.00 -404.00
140700.00 118900.00 120.00
140900.00 118900.00 -405.00
141300.00 118900.00 -405.00
141500.00 118900.00 20.00
141900.00 119300.00 20.00
141900.00 120700.00 20.00
143300.00 122100.00 20.00
145700.00 121900.00 20.00 0 21 5.555555820465088
148900.00 121900.00 20.00
149300.00 122300.00 20.00
149300.00 122500.00 -406.00
149300.00 122900.00 -406.00
149300.00 123100.00 20.00
149300.00 123700.00 20.00
150500.00 124900.00 20.00
150500.00 125500.00 20.00
152300.00 127300.00 20.00
152300.00 128500.00 20.00
153100.00 129300.00 20.00
153100.00 129700.00 20.00
153300.00 129900.00 20.00
153500.00 130100.00 -491.00
153700.00 130300.00 -491.00
153900.00 130500.00 20.00
154100.00 130700.00 20.00
154300.00 130900.00 -517.00
154500.00 131100.00 -517.00
154700.00 131300.00 20.00
155300.00 133300.00 20.00 0 27 5.555555820465088
154300.00 133300.00 20.00
154100.00 133300.00 -479.00
153700.00 133300.00 -479.00
153500.00 133300.00 20.00
153100.00 133700.00 20.00
152700.00 133700.00 20.00
152500.00 133700.00 -480.00
152100.00 133700.00 -480.00
151900.00 133700.00 20.00
149500.00 133700.00 20.00
149300.00 133500.00 20.00
147900.00 133500.00 20.00
147700.00 133500.00 -481.00
147300.00 133500.00 -481.00
147100.00 133500.00 20.00
146900.00 133300.00 20.00
146900.00 133100.00 20.00
146700.00 132900.00 20.00
146500.00 132900.00 -483.00
146100.00 132900.00 -483.00
145900.00 132900.00 20.00
145500.00 132900.00 20.00
145300.00 133100.00 -482.00
144900.00 133500.00 -482.00
144700.00 133700.00 20.00
142900.00 133700.00 20.00
140700.00 133700.00 20.00 0 11 5.555555820465088
137700.00 133700.00 20.00
134500.00 136900.00 20.00
134500.00 138700.00 20.00
134100.00 139100.00 20.00
134100.00 142500.00 20.00
132900.00 143700.00 20.00
132900.00 144900.00 20.00
132100.00 145700.00 20.00
132100.00 146500.00 20.00
131900.00 146700.00 20.00
96900.00 129900.00 20.00 0 23 5.555555820465088
102300.00 129900.00 20.00
102500.00 129900.00 -224.00
102900.00 129900.00 -224.00
103100.00 129900.00 20.00
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106500.00 130500.00 -225.00
106900.00 130500.00 -225.00
107100.00 130500.00 20.00
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107500.00 130700.00 20.00
107700.00 130900.00 -226.00
108100.00 131300.00 -226.00
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113700.00 131700.00 20.00
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115500.00 130500.00 -227.00
115900.00 130500.00 -227.00
116100.00 130500.00 20.00
153300.00 81900.00 20.00 0 35 5.555555820465088
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154300.00 86300.00 -321.00
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155500.00 88100.00 -322.00
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157500.00 93100.00 -413.00
157500.00 93500.00 -413.00
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158700.00 96300.00 -412.00
158700.00 96900.00 -412.00
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115100.00 101100.00 20.00 0 18 5.555555820465088
115300.00 101100.00 20.00
115500.00 101100.00 -347.00
115900.00 101100.00 -347.00
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116500.00 101100.00 -346.00
116900.00 101100.00 -346.00
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123300.00 100100.00 20.00
125100.00 98300.00 20.00
125300.00 98100.00 -345.00
125700.00 97700.00 -345.00
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127300.00 97500.00 20.00
128100.00 96700.00 20.00
169900.00 124700.00 20.00 0 5 5.555555820465088
172100.00 122500.00 20.00
172100.00 118700.00 20.00
174100.00 116700.00 20.00
174100.00 108500.00 20.00
33500.00 150500.00 20.00 0 9 5.555555820465088
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23300.00 139500.00 20.00
24018.50 67582.46 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
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25900.00 67500.00 -45.00
26300.00 67500.00 -45.00
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28100.00 72900.00 20.00
28054.90 73202.70 120.00
28668.16 66918.25 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
28700.00 66700.00 20.00
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31700.00 61500.00 20.00
31700.00 60300.00 20.00
31375.96 59918.48 120.00
29434.41 54144.94 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
29500.00 53700.00 20.00
32300.00 50900.00 20.00
32500.00 50700.00 -53.00
32900.00 50300.00 -53.00
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34300.00 48700.00 -54.00
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33998.00 48202.00 120.00
33828.42 48371.42 120.00
38784.48 48422.50 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
39300.00 48500.00 20.00
39700.00 48900.00 20.00
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41500.00 49900.00 20.00
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45300.00 49900.00 -60.00
45700.00 49900.00 -60.00
45900.00 50100.00 120.00
45784.23 50210.76 120.00
23814.16 38459.32 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
23900.00 37700.00 20.00
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25500.00 33500.00 20.00
26700.00 33500.00 20.00
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27646.14 32941.35 120.00
28208.16 79742.64 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
28500.00 79500.00 20.00
28700.00 79500.00 -52.00
28900.00 79500.00 -52.00
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31500.00 78900.00 20.00
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35514.51 76574.85 120.00
36689.64 76217.21 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
36900.00 76100.00 20.00
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38273.53 80764.50 120.00
38171.35 81990.74 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
38300.00 82100.00 20.00
38300.00 83500.00 20.00
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40500.00 88900.00 20.00
40572.73 89143.78 120.00
41185.85 90012.35 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
41500.00 90100.00 20.00
42100.00 90700.00 20.00
44300.00 90700.00 20.00
44500.00 90900.00 -61.00
44900.00 91300.00 -61.00
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47100.00 92900.00 20.00
47010.46 93333.42 120.00
48798.75 94712.95 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
48900.00 94700.00 20.00
49700.00 95500.00 20.00
51300.00 95500.00 20.00
51500.00 95500.00 -80.00
51900.00 95500.00 -80.00
52100.00 95500.00 20.00
52500.00 95500.00 20.00
54300.00 97300.00 20.00
55100.00 97300.00 20.00
55300.00 97300.00 -92.00
55700.00 97300.00 -92.00
55900.69 97369.78 120.00
35105.76 101763.78 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
35300.00 101500.00 20.00
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38069.17 95581.53 120.00
31222.66 126492.89 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
31500.00 126300.00 20.00
31500.00 125700.00 20.00
33700.00 123500.00 20.00
33700.00 121500.00 20.00
34500.00 120700.00 20.00
34952.48 120719.39 120.00
32857.66 129711.78 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
33100.00 129500.00 20.00
36700.00 129500.00 20.00
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38700.00 130300.00 20.00
40500.00 132100.00 20.00
40777.10 132164.27 120.00
42616.46 132266.45 120.00 0 5 2.6388890743255615
42900.00 132100.00 20.00
48300.00 132100.00 20.00
48500.00 132300.00 20.00
49565.14 132368.63 120.00
51302.30 132419.70 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
51700.00 132100.00 20.00
53700.00 132100.00 20.00
54500.00 131300.00 20.00
59700.00 131300.00 20.00
60039.25 131704.42 120.00
27186.32 142052.94 120.00 0 12 2.6388890743255615
27300.00 141900.00 20.00
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27300.00 141100.00 -46.00
27300.00 140700.00 -46.00
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26900.00 138100.00 20.00
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28100.00 136300.00 20.00
28157.90 136126.13 120.00
28208.16 135359.73 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
28100.00 135100.00 20.00
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30700.00 129700.00 20.00
31500.00 128900.00 20.00
31631.41 128717.60 120.00
11909.45 136637.59 120.00 0 4 2.6388890743255615
12100.00 136700.00 20.00
20500.00 136700.00 20.00
20697.48 136943.63 120.00
49003.10 133724.75 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
48900.00 133900.00 20.00
48900.00 135900.00 20.00
52700.00 139700.00 20.00
52900.00 139900.00 -84.00
53100.00 140100.00 -84.00
53300.00 140300.00 20.00
53243.82 140571.20 120.00
61061.10 145782.73 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
61300.00 145700.00 20.00
61500.00 145500.00 -94.00
61700.00 145300.00 -94.00
61900.00 145100.00 20.00
65700.00 141300.00 20.00
65700.00 140700.00 20.00
65863.85 140469.41 120.00
61878.60 131681.91 120.00 0 16 2.6388890743255615
62100.00 131500.00 20.00
62500.00 131500.00 20.00
63300.00 130700.00 20.00
64700.00 130700.00 20.00
65100.00 130300.00 20.00
65300.00 130100.00 -97.00
65500.00 129900.00 -97.00
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66500.00 128900.00 20.00
67300.00 128900.00 20.00
67500.00 129100.00 -98.00
67700.00 129300.00 -98.00
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68300.00 129500.00 20.00
68520.71 129432.92 120.00
61112.19 127542.46 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
61100.00 127100.00 20.00
62300.00 125900.00 20.00
63300.00 125900.00 20.00
64300.00 124900.00 20.00
64300.00 121500.00 20.00
64177.80 121206.92 120.00
65250.75 117681.46 120.00 0 5 2.6388890743255615
65500.00 117500.00 20.00
66700.00 116300.00 20.00
72500.00 116300.00 20.00
72659.25 116455.25 120.00
74345.34 104959.28 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
74500.00 104700.00 20.00
77100.00 104700.00 20.00
77500.00 105100.00 20.00
79700.00 105100.00 20.00
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81300.00 105700.00 20.00
81500.00 105900.00 20.00
81549.46 106134.42 120.00
63360.30 119009.89 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
63300.00 118700.00 20.00
61300.00 116700.00 20.00
61300.00 113900.00 20.00
60700.00 113300.00 20.00
60700.00 111700.00 20.00
60448.00 111448.10 120.00
60294.71 127082.63 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
60300.00 126700.00 20.00
59100.00 125500.00 20.00
58700.00 125500.00 20.00
55900.00 122700.00 20.00
55594.14 122637.52 120.00
50280.44 111039.35 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
50900.00 111100.00 20.00
53500.00 113700.00 20.00
53500.00 115100.00 20.00
53300.00 115300.00 -85.00
53100.00 115500.00 -85.00
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52300.00 116700.00 20.00
52324.17 116915.50 120.00
36638.55 121155.82 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
36900.00 121100.00 20.00
40100.00 124300.00 20.00
40900.00 124300.00 20.00
42900.00 126300.00 20.00
43025.17 126418.39 120.00
76848.89 147571.00 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
76900.00 147300.00 20.00
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76100.00 143100.00 20.00
75100.00 142100.00 20.00
75100.00 140300.00 20.00
75009.53 140060.30 120.00
75009.53 138578.59 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
75100.00 138300.00 20.00
75100.00 137300.00 20.00
75700.00 136700.00 20.00
75900.00 136500.00 -131.00
76100.00 136300.00 -131.00
76300.00 136100.00 20.00
77500.00 134900.00 20.00
79300.00 134900.00 20.00
79700.00 134500.00 20.00
80067.77 134542.23 120.00
76031.42 148133.30 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
76100.00 147900.00 20.00
73500.00 145300.00 20.00
73100.00 145300.00 20.00
72100.00 144300.00 20.00
71841.77 144198.84 120.00
79710.13 148235.20 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
79700.00 147900.00 20.00
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83700.00 142100.00 20.00
83900.00 141900.00 -149.00
84300.00 141500.00 -149.00
84500.00 141300.00 20.00
84700.00 141500.00 120.00
84666.17 141695.28 120.00
85534.75 142257.31 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
85700.00 142100.00 20.00
85900.00 142100.00 20.00
86100.00 142100.00 -150.00
86500.00 142100.00 -150.00
86700.00 142100.00 20.00
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88500.00 143900.00 -151.00
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89900.00 144900.00 20.00
90100.00 144900.00 -207.00
90500.00 144900.00 -207.00
90700.00 144900.00 20.00
92900.00 144900.00 20.00
93147.60 145016.34 120.00
95140.27 145067.44 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
95300.00 144900.00 20.00
99900.00 144900.00 20.00
100500.00 144300.00 20.00
102700.00 144300.00 20.00
102906.42 144096.66 120.00
104592.50 144454.31 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
104700.00 144300.00 20.00
108100.00 144300.00 20.00
108300.00 144300.00 -209.00
108900.00 144300.00 -209.00
109100.00 144300.00 20.00
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111700.00 143500.00 20.00
111847.75 143483.55 120.00
113176.17 143381.34 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
113300.00 143100.00 20.00
114700.00 143100.00 20.00
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120700.00 142500.00 20.00
120891.25 142666.59 120.00
123599.17 143125.89 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
123598.00 143198.00 120.00
123700.00 143300.00 -214.00
124100.00 143700.00 -214.00
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125900.00 143900.00 -215.00
126100.00 143700.00 20.00
128900.00 143700.00 20.00
129300.00 143300.00 20.00
129883.64 143279.17 120.00
121759.82 141133.27 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
121900.00 140900.00 20.00
122500.00 140300.00 20.00
122500.00 138500.00 20.00
123100.00 137900.00 20.00
123100.00 135500.00 20.00
123037.14 135206.44 120.00
147255.31 152118.30 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
147300.00 151900.00 20.00
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145722.53 144863.59 120.00
156247.73 128462.14 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
155700.00 128500.00 20.00
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155100.00 129300.00 -514.00
155100.00 129700.00 -514.00
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153100.00 132100.00 -492.00
152700.00 131700.00 -492.00
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151700.00 131300.00 20.00
151547.16 131527.73 120.00
150372.91 131681.91 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
149900.00 131300.00 20.00
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146100.00 130300.00 20.00
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145700.00 129900.00 -389.00
145300.00 129500.00 -389.00
145100.00 129300.00 20.00
144998.00 129402.00 120.00
144956.16 129586.20 120.00
152058.91 130301.50 120.00 0 19 2.6388890743255615
151900.00 130100.00 20.00
151700.00 129900.00 20.00
151700.00 129100.00 20.00
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149100.00 127500.00 20.00
148900.00 127500.00 -390.00
148500.00 127500.00 -390.00
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147900.00 126300.00 -391.00
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147100.00 125100.00 20.00
146900.00 125100.00 -392.00
146500.00 125100.00 -392.00
146233.45 125192.17 120.00
140306.66 122228.78 120.00 0 17 2.6388890743255615
140500.00 122300.00 20.00
140700.00 122100.00 20.00
140500.00 121900.00 -394.00
140100.00 121500.00 -394.00
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138500.00 120500.00 -396.00
138100.00 120500.00 -396.00
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136100.00 120500.00 20.00
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135700.00 120100.00 -399.00
135300.00 119700.00 -399.00
135198.00 119598.00 120.00
135095.16 119571.92 120.00
159139.25 107207.35 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
159100.00 107500.00 20.00
159100.00 108300.00 20.00
159900.00 109100.00 20.00
159900.00 114100.00 20.00
159905.64 114360.42 120.00
159956.73 115433.38 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
159900.00 115700.00 20.00
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160300.00 117300.00 20.00
160300.00 122300.00 20.00
160416.56 122433.14 120.00
160723.14 123148.45 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
160900.00 123100.00 20.00
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160900.00 126100.00 120.00
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160900.00 128300.00 20.00
161029.69 128411.50 120.00
170839.59 107973.77 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
170300.00 107900.00 20.00
170100.00 107900.00 20.00
169900.00 107900.00 -461.00
169700.00 107900.00 -461.00
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169100.00 107900.00 20.00
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164500.00 109900.00 20.00
164452.94 110528.42 120.00
163482.17 111090.46 120.00 0 14 2.6388890743255615
163300.00 111100.00 20.00
163100.00 111300.00 20.00
162500.00 111300.00 20.00
161500.00 112300.00 20.00
161300.00 112300.00 20.00
161100.00 112300.00 -451.00
160700.00 112300.00 -451.00
160500.00 112300.00 20.00
159300.00 112300.00 20.00
158500.00 113100.00 20.00
157300.00 113100.00 20.00
156500.00 113900.00 20.00
156431.31 114104.96 120.00
137986.66 120287.21 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
137998.00 120202.00 120.00
138100.00 120100.00 20.00
138300.00 119900.00 -397.00
138500.00 119700.00 -397.00
138700.00 119500.00 20.00
138700.00 119300.00 20.00
138700.00 119100.00 -398.00
138700.00 118700.00 -398.00
138700.00 118500.00 20.00
138700.00 116300.00 20.00
140100.00 114900.00 20.00
140030.39 114615.89 120.00
139008.53 113594.28 120.00 0 15 2.6388890743255615
139100.00 112900.00 20.00
138700.00 112500.00 20.00
138700.00 111900.00 120.00
138700.00 111700.00 20.00
138700.00 109700.00 20.00
138700.00 109500.00 -435.00
138700.00 109100.00 -435.00
138700.00 108900.00 20.00
138700.00 107100.00 20.00
138700.00 106900.00 -434.00
138700.00 106500.00 -434.00
138700.00 106300.00 20.00
138700.00 105900.00 20.00
138548.69 105674.57 120.00
135023.25 98572.60 120.00 0 27 2.6388890743255615
134900.00 98300.00 20.00
134700.00 98300.00 -427.00
134300.00 98300.00 -427.00
134100.00 98300.00 20.00
133900.00 98500.00 20.00
133900.00 98700.00 -428.00
133900.00 99100.00 -428.00
133900.00 99300.00 20.00
133900.00 100300.00 20.00
134100.00 100500.00 -429.00
134300.00 100700.00 -429.00
134500.00 100900.00 20.00
134500.00 101300.00 20.00
134700.00 101500.00 20.00
134900.00 101700.00 -430.00
135100.00 101900.00 -430.00
135300.00 102100.00 20.00
135700.00 102500.00 20.00
135900.00 102700.00 -431.00
136300.00 103100.00 -431.00
136500.00 103300.00 120.00
136700.00 103500.00 -432.00
136900.00 103700.00 -432.00
137100.00 103900.00 120.00
136900.00 104100.00 120.00
136709.31 104192.88 120.00
147387.81 78033.14 120.00 0 18 2.6388890743255615
146900.00 78100.00 20.00
145500.00 79500.00 20.00
145300.00 79500.00 20.00
145100.00 79500.00 -530.00
144700.00 79500.00 -530.00
144500.00 79500.00 20.00
144300.00 79500.00 20.00
144100.00 79700.00 20.00
143900.00 79900.00 -531.00
143700.00 80100.00 -531.00
143500.00 80300.00 20.00
143300.00 80500.00 20.00
143100.00 80700.00 -532.00
142900.00 80900.00 -532.00
142700.00 81100.00 20.00
142300.00 81500.00 20.00
142176.30 81762.96 120.00
149329.34 75427.39 120.00 0 4 2.6388890743255615
149300.00 75300.00 20.00
144500.00 70500.00 20.00
144220.91 70471.35 120.00
151628.55 74507.71 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
151700.00 74300.00 20.00
151700.00 73500.00 20.00
151700.00 73300.00 -300.00
151700.00 72900.00 -300.00
151700.00 72700.00 20.00
151700.00 69300.00 20.00
151500.00 69100.00 20.00
151500.00 66900.00 20.00
151300.00 66700.00 20.00
151270.89 66179.53 120.00
155869.28 44005.80 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
155900.00 43900.00 20.00
155700.00 43700.00 -269.00
155300.00 43300.00 -269.00
155100.00 43100.00 20.00
155100.00 41100.00 20.00
154500.00 40500.00 20.00
154500.00 39300.00 20.00
154100.00 38900.00 20.00
153723.34 38946.85 120.00
151935.91 37311.87 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
151700.00 37100.00 20.00
150300.00 35700.00 20.00
149100.00 35700.00 20.00
147900.00 34500.00 20.00
146700.00 34500.00 20.00
145700.00 33500.00 20.00
145344.70 33479.89 120.00
144577.69 32917.87 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
144500.00 32700.00 20.00
143300.00 31500.00 20.00
143300.00 31100.00 20.00
141900.00 29700.00 20.00
141900.00 28900.00 20.00
141500.00 28500.00 20.00
141500.00 27900.00 20.00
140300.00 26700.00 20.00
140183.67 26531.22 120.00
134461.25 20706.58 120.00 0 13 2.6388890743255615
134500.00 20900.00 20.00
134700.00 21100.00 20.00
135700.00 21100.00 20.00
136500.00 21900.00 20.00
136500.00 22900.00 20.00
137500.00 23900.00 20.00
138300.00 23900.00 20.00
138900.00 24500.00 20.00
139100.00 24700.00 -268.00
139500.00 25100.00 -268.00
139602.00 25202.00 120.00
139672.73 25202.75 120.00
114381.60 24780.16 120.00 0 9 2.6388890743255615
114300.00 24500.00 20.00
117700.00 21100.00 20.00
118700.00 21100.00 20.00
119500.00 20300.00 20.00
119700.00 20300.00 -263.00
119900.00 20300.00 -263.00
120100.00 20300.00 20.00
120206.25 20335.24 120.00
108199.32 25393.32 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
107900.00 25100.00 20.00
105300.00 25100.00 20.00
103700.00 23500.00 20.00
103700.00 21100.00 20.00
104100.00 20700.00 20.00
104214.60 20488.33 120.00
105440.28 19568.66 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
105500.00 19300.00 20.00
105700.00 19100.00 20.00
105700.00 15100.00 20.00
103900.00 13300.00 20.00
103600.92 13233.12 120.00
95630.39 16554.16 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
95500.00 16500.00 20.00
93300.00 18700.00 20.00
92500.00 18700.00 20.00
90900.00 20300.00 20.00
89700.00 20300.00 20.00
89448.10 20437.33 120.00
80609.00 21101.48 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
80500.00 21100.00 20.00
78900.00 21100.00 20.00
78300.00 21700.00 20.00
75900.00 21700.00 20.00
73700.00 23900.00 20.00
73762.52 24013.75 120.00
81017.75 19773.66 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
80900.00 19500.00 20.00
80700.00 19300.00 20.00
80700.00 18100.00 20.00
79500.00 16900.00 20.00
79500.00 13700.00 20.00
79433.85 13437.50 120.00
79995.88 12568.91 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
79900.00 12300.00 20.00
80300.00 11900.00 20.00
80300.00 8700.00 20.00
82300.00 6700.00 20.00
82448.35 6744.29 120.00
71207.85 1532.80 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
71100.00 1500.00 20.00
70300.00 2300.00 20.00
68300.00 2300.00 20.00
67900.00 2700.00 20.00
67900.00 2900.00 -127.00
67900.00 3300.00 -127.00
67900.00 3500.00 20.00
66900.00 4500.00 20.00
66900.00 5700.00 20.00
66609.46 5926.79 120.00
65025.57 6999.75 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
64900.00 6900.00 20.00
63300.00 6900.00 20.00
62700.00 7500.00 20.00
60500.00 7500.00 20.00
59300.00 8700.00 20.00
58300.00 8700.00 20.00
57770.32 9298.95 120.00
52507.73 17524.96 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
52300.00 17700.00 20.00
50700.00 19300.00 20.00
50700.00 20500.00 20.00
49900.00 21300.00 20.00
49900.00 22900.00 20.00
48700.00 24100.00 20.00
48675.75 24678.90 120.00
47653.89 27283.75 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
48100.00 27700.00 20.00
48900.00 28500.00 20.00
48900.00 29700.00 20.00
53100.00 33900.00 20.00
53018.67 34079.16 120.00
54704.75 35663.50 120.00 0 8 2.6388890743255615
54900.00 35700.00 20.00
55900.00 36700.00 20.00
55900.00 37900.00 20.00
56900.00 38900.00 20.00
56900.00 40300.00 20.00
58300.00 41700.00 20.00
58230.17 42509.53 120.00
40756.30 9963.16 120.00 0 11 2.6388890743255615
40500.00 10100.00 20.00
40300.00 10300.00 20.00
40300.00 13300.00 20.00
38300.00 15300.00 20.00
38100.00 15500.00 -18.00
37900.00 15700.00 -18.00
37700.00 15900.00 20.00
37500.00 16100.00 20.00
36900.00 16100.00 20.00
36719.94 16298.73 120.00
32632.49 26823.91 120.00 0 10 2.6388890743255615
32700.00 26700.00 20.00
32700.00 22900.00 20.00
33300.00 22300.00 20.00
33300.00 20700.00 20.00
33300.00 20500.00 -526.00
33300.00 20100.00 -526.00
33300.00 19900.00 20.00
33300.00 18300.00 20.00
33449.98 18138.80 120.00
39019.14 9656.61 120.00 0 16 2.6388890743255615
38900.00 9500.00 20.00
37900.00 9500.00 20.00
37300.00 10100.00 20.00
36100.00 10100.00 20.00
35500.00 10700.00 20.00
35300.00 10700.00 20.00
35100.00 10700.00 -14.00
34700.00 10700.00 -14.00
34500.00 10700.00 20.00
32700.00 10700.00 20.00
32500.00 10700.00 -11.00
32100.00 10700.00 -11.00
31900.00 10700.00 20.00
31100.00 10700.00 20.00
30946.41 10831.75 120.00
26654.58 8174.91 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
26500.00 8300.00 20.00
26500.00 9700.00 20.00
24300.00 11900.00 20.00
24300.00 13900.00 20.00
24610.83 14203.83 120.00
85073.20 75759.35 120.00 0 4 2.3611111640930176
87900.00 74300.00 120.00
89900.00 72500.00 120.00
91201.99 71239.28 120.00
84804.85 75414.60 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
90512.64 71468.96 120.00
98174.10 100544.17 120.00 0 3 2.3611111640930176
102500.00 102300.00 120.00
103383.85 102995.78 120.00
90895.71 124601.13 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
98518.85 124601.13 120.00
90665.89 124064.82 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
98059.17 124103.14 120.00
76722.39 138008.94 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
83387.46 137779.91 120.00
76453.89 137702.48 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
83272.57 137357.70 120.00
46076.23 148466.81 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
52167.80 148313.59 120.00
45999.60 147968.81 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
52090.46 148007.14 120.00
38115.71 17889.49 120.00 0 3 2.3611111640930176
44300.00 20900.00 120.00
45011.30 21796.82 120.00
34323.30 24669.83 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
40797.23 21605.25 120.00
58610.10 4941.62 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
64662.66 4903.33 120.00
58380.26 4328.72 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
64432.82 4328.72 120.00
0_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34811.05 26616.32 420.00 0.0
1_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34836.98 26630.89 420.00 0.0
2_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34863.27 26645.82 420.00 0.0
3_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34888.63 26660.41 420.00 0.0
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34915.04 26676.37 420.00 0.0
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34940.47 26691.09 420.00 0.0
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34972.08 26695.29 420.00 0.0
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 36102.28 26608.68 240.00 0.0
9_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 36126.46 26622.22 240.00 0.0
10_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 36092.48 26621.83 600.00 0.0
11_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 36120.58 26635.38 600.00 0.0
12_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 36295.68 26724.47 600.00 0.0
13_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 34834.57 26460.88 600.00 0.0
14_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 36092.83 26926.22 600.00 0.0
15_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 34892.20 26707.32 600.00 0.0
16_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 34982.67 26760.32 600.00 0.0
17_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 36008.10 26626.39 600.00 0.0
18_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 36029.59 26598.60 600.00 0.0
19_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 36327.50 26891.97 600.00 0.0
20_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 36278.44 26969.45 600.00 0.0
21_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 41917.83 121972.80 600.00 0.0
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 41863.54 121913.19 600.00 0.0
23_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 42191.98 121963.52 600.00 0.0
24_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 42238.58 121923.74 600.00 0.0
25_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 41683.41 120967.61 600.00 0.0
26_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 41683.41 120913.30 600.00 0.0
27_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 42023.76 120884.16 600.00 0.0
28_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 42925.68 121223.21 600.00 0.0
29_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 145247.89 115782.38 600.00 0.0
30_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 145275.88 115758.61 600.00 0.0
31_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 146077.76 115600.47 600.00 0.0
32_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 146077.76 115540.27 600.00 0.0
33_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145359.85 116077.66 600.00 0.0
34_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145329.60 116045.49 600.00 0.0
35_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145856.66 115666.24 600.00 0.0
36_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145905.64 115670.44 600.00 0.0
37_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 146175.73 116055.27 600.00 0.0
38_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 146210.72 116030.10 600.00 0.0
39_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 145212.91 115813.16 600.00 0.0
40_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 144378.22 62567.18 600.00 0.0
41_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 144764.47 62551.19 600.00 0.0
42_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145546.13 62935.16 600.00 0.0
43_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145600.98 62939.73 600.00 0.0
44_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145648.98 62932.87 600.00 0.0
45_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 145694.69 62937.44 600.00 0.0
46_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 144449.70 62807.16 600.00 0.0
47_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 144551.92 62809.44 600.00 0.0
48_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54070.00 8057.72 600.00 0.0
49_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54063.83 8018.67 600.00 0.0
50_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54892.23 8014.56 600.00 0.0
51_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54921.19 7987.84 600.00 0.0
52_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54953.91 7957.10 600.00 0.0
53_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54061.76 7981.67 600.00 0.0
54_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54746.29 7249.85 600.00 0.0
55_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 54777.12 7286.88 600.00 0.0
56_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 54499.62 7996.60 600.00 0.0
57_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 54499.62 8049.51 600.00 0.0
58_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 42857.91 121220.63 495.00 0.0
59_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 42892.48 121186.35 495.00 0.0
60_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 42223.24 121889.70 496.50 0.0
61_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 42240.73 121872.24 496.71 0.0
62_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 42205.32 121906.99 495.52 0.0
63_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 42187.56 121925.02 495.52 0.0
64_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 42092.87 121990.74 405.51 0.0
65_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 42264.25 121822.82 405.51 0.0
66_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 42260.90 121814.83 405.51 0.0
67_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 54797.69 7977.14 675.52 0.0
68_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 54959.33 7886.27 675.52 0.0
69_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 54952.16 7894.76 675.52 0.0
70_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 54946.90 7899.97 675.52 0.0
71_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 54830.83 7990.64 495.52 0.0
72_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 54855.83 7965.64 495.52 0.0
73_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 54888.80 7938.80 495.52 0.0
75_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 54212.55 8054.30 450.51 0.0
76_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 54254.49 8055.35 450.51 0.0
77_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 54696.19 7366.68 225.52 0.0
78_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 54695.43 7320.10 225.52 0.0
79_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 54651.12 7324.71 225.52 0.0
74_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 54136.49 8053.55 270.52 0.0
80_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 54173.33 8055.10 450.50 0.0
81_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kettenkrad 2 54107.18 8061.11 450.51 0.0
82_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 144445.79 62569.54 450.51 0.0
83_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 144436.70 62423.22 630.52 0.0
84_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 144689.35 62498.72 630.52 0.0
85_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 144684.66 62495.58 630.52 0.0
87_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 144633.39 62407.82 270.52 0.0
88_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 144573.96 62407.89 270.52 0.0
86_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 144604.79 62420.54 630.52 0.0
90_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 145526.60 62847.58 630.52 0.0
92_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 146201.20 115865.47 630.52 0.0
93_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 145737.29 115528.63 630.52 0.0
94_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 145959.32 115513.63 630.52 0.0
95_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 145969.32 115511.41 630.52 0.0
103_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 82029.94 129548.72 360.00 0.0
104_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 82017.52 129493.47 360.00 0.0
105_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 82020.91 129446.63 360.00 0.0
106_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 105866.47 129090.38 360.00 0.0
107_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 105869.41 129056.16 360.00 0.0
108_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 107438.58 127740.47 360.00 0.0
109_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 107681.91 127745.88 360.00 0.0
110_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 107676.50 127659.36 360.00 0.0
111_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 107416.96 127653.97 360.00 0.0
112_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 120066.30 128112.13 360.00 0.0
113_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 120110.58 128071.52 360.00 0.0
114_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 119868.27 127937.47 360.00 0.0
115_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 119917.47 127867.36 360.00 0.0
116_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 136071.14 130366.33 360.00 0.0
117_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 136150.10 130257.88 360.00 0.0
118_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 135790.19 130095.22 360.00 0.0
119_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 135903.54 129991.72 360.00 0.0
120_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 136108.20 61034.19 360.00 0.0
121_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 136018.50 61109.18 360.00 0.0
122_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 135843.75 60760.58 360.00 0.0
123_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 135725.67 60841.16 360.00 0.0
124_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 135313.35 60573.16 360.00 0.0
125_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 134974.10 60558.16 360.00 0.0
126_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 134968.48 62514.83 360.00 0.0
127_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 134556.16 62224.33 360.00 0.0
128_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 134616.14 62147.50 360.00 0.0
129_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 134901.20 62589.80 360.00 0.0
130_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 127774.86 41287.73 360.00 0.0
131_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 127944.57 41059.98 360.00 0.0
132_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 127551.58 40662.55 360.00 0.0
133_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 127390.82 40859.40 360.00 0.0
134_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 99349.61 27954.24 360.00 0.0
135_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 99389.16 27849.68 360.00 0.0
136_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 99095.27 27835.56 360.00 0.0
137_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 98956.82 27957.70 360.00 0.0
138_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 32215.22 27552.15 360.00 0.0
139_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 32233.47 27460.97 360.00 0.0
140_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 31923.49 27549.11 360.00 0.0
141_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 31932.59 27457.93 360.00 0.0
143_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 55280.72 17868.38 360.00 0.0
142_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 55356.69 18024.84 360.00 0.0
144_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 55339.65 18001.50 405.00 0.0
145_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 55332.25 17992.29 405.00 0.0
146_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 55324.37 17982.29 405.00 0.0
147_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 55314.58 17970.77 405.00 0.0
148_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 55349.80 18011.22 405.00 0.0
149_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 55353.80 17882.20 630.00 0.0
150_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 55365.86 17882.33 630.00 0.0
151_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 55342.19 17881.45 630.00 0.0
152_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 55331.44 17880.95 630.00 0.0
153_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 55410.43 17959.61 540.00 0.0
154_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 55410.87 17970.86 540.00 0.0
155_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 55411.12 17945.58 540.00 0.0
156_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 55410.86 17931.34 540.00 0.0
157_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83526.11 128433.50 360.00 0.0
158_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83525.86 128422.88 360.00 0.0
159_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83525.58 128411.83 360.00 0.0
160_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83524.80 128401.21 360.00 0.0
161_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83524.27 128391.38 360.00 0.0
162_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 83523.72 128380.80 360.00 0.0
163_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83523.16 128369.80 360.00 0.0
164_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83522.35 128354.32 360.00 0.0
165_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83599.77 128434.13 540.00 0.0
166_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83599.33 128423.41 540.00 0.0
167_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83599.19 128408.49 540.00 0.0
168_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83599.19 128394.50 540.00 0.0
169_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83597.63 128381.66 540.00 0.0
170_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 83596.99 128367.57 540.00 0.0
171_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 83579.94 128325.88 630.00 0.0
172_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 83552.58 128326.80 630.00 0.0
173_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 83559.00 128326.52 630.00 0.0
174_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 83529.46 128312.55 630.00 0.0
175_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 83535.10 128312.77 630.00 0.0
176_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 83609.91 128312.82 630.00 0.0
177_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 148856.10 78671.82 360.00 0.0
178_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 148855.64 78641.85 360.00 0.0
179_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 148855.79 78614.32 360.00 0.0
180_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 148855.57 78575.13 360.00 0.0
181_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 148856.57 78541.72 360.00 0.0
182_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 148785.88 78559.86 360.00 0.0
183_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 148784.70 78641.88 360.00 0.0
184_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 148784.82 78674.13 360.00 0.0
185_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 148784.48 78610.61 360.00 0.0
186_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 148761.54 78588.44 360.00 0.0
187_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 148762.39 78537.86 360.00 0.0
188_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 83874.58 109039.75 360.00 0.0
189_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 83874.82 109017.10 360.00 0.0
190_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83912.69 109061.30 360.00 0.0
191_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83913.60 109030.44 360.00 0.0
192_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83917.24 109000.80 360.00 0.0
193_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 83918.11 108976.97 360.00 0.0
194_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 83875.25 108996.96 360.00 0.0
195_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 83968.80 109078.63 360.00 0.0
196_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 83966.49 109046.60 360.00 0.0
197_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 83967.27 109011.61 360.00 0.0
198_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 83966.69 108972.33 360.00 0.0
199_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 90769.82 107546.60 360.00 0.0
200_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 90790.77 107546.19 360.00 0.0
201_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 90812.69 107546.60 360.00 0.0
203_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$SdKfz251 2 90727.32 107544.88 360.00 0.0
202_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82t 2 90747.55 107545.69 360.00 0.0
204_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82 2 90769.13 107524.91 360.00 0.0
205_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 90758.63 107524.57 360.00 0.0
206_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 90758.30 107510.21 360.00 0.0
207_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 90758.36 107491.58 360.00 0.0
208_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 90780.30 107567.19 360.00 0.0
209_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 90759.58 107567.80 360.00 0.0
210_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 90733.25 107567.25 360.00 0.0
211_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 156916.79 131206.57 360.00 0.0
212_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 156915.48 131438.20 360.00 0.0
213_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon11 2 157168.89 131369.10 495.00 0.0
214_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon12 2 157177.70 131377.85 495.00 0.0
216_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 2 157193.22 131392.95 495.00 0.0
215_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 2 157185.44 131385.17 495.00 0.0
217_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 2 157201.64 131401.50 495.00 0.0
218_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon8 2 157210.64 131409.89 495.00 0.0
219_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon1 2 157219.70 131418.54 495.00 0.0
220_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157189.70 131432.60 405.00 0.0
221_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157182.79 131439.98 405.00 0.0
222_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157191.82 131408.44 495.00 0.0
223_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157182.20 131398.76 495.00 0.0
224_Static ve



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224_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157174.85 131447.88 405.00 0.0
225_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157168.14 131455.54 405.00 0.0
226_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 157172.22 131388.26 495.00 0.0
227_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 157248.51 131465.48 495.00 0.0
228_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 157155.10 131369.29 495.00 0.0
229_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 129163.13 87680.55 450.00 0.0
230_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 129186.66 87680.60 450.00 0.0
231_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 129193.50 87621.58 450.00 0.0
232_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 129193.75 87636.83 450.00 0.0
233_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 129193.74 87652.46 450.00 0.0
234_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 129048.94 87673.71 450.00 0.0
235_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82 2 129056.75 87668.16 450.00 0.0
236_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82 2 129058.30 87653.91 450.00 0.0
237_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 129058.80 87639.13 450.00 0.0
238_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 129082.69 87585.99 630.00 0.0
239_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 129090.19 87586.52 630.00 0.0
240_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 129097.88 87586.94 630.00 0.0
241_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 129106.80 87587.83 630.00 0.0
242_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 129113.94 87588.24 630.00 0.0
243_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 162586.19 51617.83 630.00 0.0
244_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 162578.51 51617.47 630.00 0.0
245_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 162570.79 51617.19 630.00 0.0
246_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 162595.39 51617.83 630.00 0.0
247_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 162575.63 51574.51 540.00 0.0
248_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 162575.79 51595.87 540.00 0.0
249_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 162575.97 51586.00 540.00 0.0
250_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 162548.14 51596.41 450.00 0.0
251_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 162536.39 51594.98 450.00 0.0
252_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 162549.10 51578.58 630.00 0.0
253_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 162547.39 51618.75 630.00 0.0
254_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 162557.44 51618.51 630.00 0.0
256_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon6 2 109465.69 24333.81 585.00 0.0
257_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon6 2 109477.50 24321.38 585.00 0.0
258_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon7 2 109489.77 24309.70 585.00 0.0
255_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon11 2 109447.27 24352.75 585.00 0.0
259_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Wagon12 2 109456.16 24343.83 585.00 0.0
260_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109461.66 24350.75 585.00 0.0
261_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109472.80 24339.90 585.00 0.0
262_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109496.91 24316.18 585.00 0.0
263_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109481.86 24331.43 585.00 0.0
264_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109530.88 24333.65 485.00 0.0
265_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109537.99 24343.90 485.00 0.0
266_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109548.16 24352.50 485.00 0.0
267_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109556.94 24362.90 485.00 0.0
268_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109564.13 24370.86 485.00 0.0
269_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 109572.80 24379.93 485.00 0.0
271_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 109560.66 24283.38 485.00 0.0
272_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 109592.69 24258.25 485.00 0.0
273_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 109573.99 24273.56 485.00 0.0
270_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 165354.67 86126.36 360.00 0.0
274_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 164935.54 86269.52 360.00 0.0
275_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 164815.51 86067.13 360.00 0.0
276_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 165170.10 85905.47 360.00 0.0
277_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156021.26 109045.50 360.00 0.0
278_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156562.32 109050.16 360.00 0.0
279_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156599.10 108484.27 360.00 0.0
280_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156041.45 108440.49 360.00 0.0
281_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156763.70 77336.91 360.00 0.0
282_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157057.44 77320.50 360.00 0.0
283_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157050.45 77188.25 360.00 0.0
284_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 156781.50 77192.11 360.00 0.0
285_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157615.29 57690.51 360.00 0.0
286_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157758.29 57688.22 360.00 0.0
287_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157623.73 57566.87 360.00 0.0
288_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 157777.60 57560.80 360.00 0.0
301_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 109560.66 24283.38 485.00 0.0
302_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 109592.69 24258.25 485.00 0.0
303_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 109573.99 24273.56 485.00 0.0
304_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97350.88 30714.20 360.00 0.0
305_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97388.75 30711.74 360.00 0.0
306_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97224.36 26275.13 360.00 0.0
307_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97265.44 26272.65 360.00 0.0
308_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97190.44 26276.43 360.00 0.0
309_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 96581.69 17073.40 360.00 0.0
310_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 96594.36 17184.40 360.00 0.0
311_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 98078.69 9038.87 360.00 0.0
312_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 98169.27 9230.26 360.00 0.0
313_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88303.27 4688.59 360.00 0.0
314_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88225.86 4638.77 360.00 0.0
315_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 85906.52 2228.80 360.00 0.0
316_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 85847.47 2240.40 360.00 0.0
317_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 112565.38 3238.94 360.00 0.0
318_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 112544.36 3236.32 360.00 0.0
319_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 130785.61 6995.30 360.00 0.0
320_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 130771.88 7113.34 360.00 0.0
321_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 130769.75 7233.55 360.00 0.0
322_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 137945.54 5634.92 360.00 0.0
323_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 137945.67 5664.97 360.00 0.0
324_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 141249.26 12786.68 360.00 0.0
325_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 141251.14 12822.62 360.00 0.0
326_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 128485.63 15731.79 360.00 0.0
327_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 128443.13 12095.29 360.00 0.0
328_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 123943.36 16645.74 360.00 0.0
329_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 104182.19 30167.47 360.00 0.0
330_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 104204.91 30169.20 360.00 0.0
331_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 123018.88 79316.27 360.00 0.0
332_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 123003.63 79148.16 360.00 0.0
333_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131135.10 80548.63 360.00 0.0
334_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131130.82 80661.80 360.00 0.0
335_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131129.16 80780.44 360.00 0.0
336_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131759.57 83008.33 360.00 0.0
337_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131758.89 82918.52 360.00 0.0
338_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 131756.69 82803.10 360.00 0.0
339_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 137048.14 93795.50 360.00 0.0
340_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 149815.89 77927.19 360.00 0.0
341_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 149865.73 77967.36 360.00 0.0
342_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 149913.79 78008.38 360.00 0.0
343_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 161160.14 79052.27 360.00 0.0
344_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 168755.32 87550.77 360.00 0.0
345_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 171600.67 80145.32 360.00 0.0
346_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 117099.88 87659.80 360.00 0.0
347_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 148350.67 109660.00 360.00 0.0
348_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 148436.23 109775.91 360.00 0.0
349_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 123109.30 124285.96 360.00 0.0
350_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 107980.91 118443.63 360.00 0.0
351_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 136084.32 137881.20 360.00 0.0
352_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 157414.39 140906.29 360.00 0.0
353_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 157414.50 140952.10 360.00 0.0
354_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 157413.70 140994.85 360.00 0.0
355_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 164324.91 147936.70 360.00 0.0
356_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 164373.64 147936.79 360.00 0.0
357_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 143072.79 123612.61 360.00 0.0
358_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 142960.10 122992.80 360.00 0.0
359_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 161557.26 134402.19 360.00 0.0
360_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 162084.20 134391.22 360.00 0.0
361_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 157441.89 136636.97 360.00 0.0
362_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 55941.36 14484.35 360.00 0.0
363_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 46349.44 26787.68 360.00 0.0
364_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 70856.10 24605.77 360.00 0.0
365_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 70838.88 24107.75 360.00 0.0
366_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 82418.99 19808.13 360.00 0.0
367_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 82661.47 19786.29 360.00 0.0
368_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 87502.44 20250.22 360.00 0.0
369_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 86538.77 20507.54 360.00 0.0
370_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 99647.58 68735.57 360.00 0.0
371_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 102269.63 71278.88 360.00 0.0
372_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 103874.16 79234.77 360.00 0.0
373_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 98833.27 83977.80 360.00 0.0
374_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97451.13 93981.13 360.00 0.0
375_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 93476.27 99949.75 360.00 0.0
376_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88872.52 111512.50 360.00 0.0
377_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 85317.66 126384.38 360.00 0.0
378_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 85430.75 126382.50 360.00 0.0
379_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 92808.10 131437.38 360.00 0.0
380_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 89607.41 132872.29 360.00 0.0
381_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 102132.61 139990.57 360.00 0.0
382_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 102268.91 139862.14 360.00 0.0
383_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97900.69 140586.32 360.00 0.0
384_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 124362.00 68507.75 360.00 0.0
385_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 129512.50 63116.51 360.00 0.0
386_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 130999.38 71866.19 360.00 0.0
387_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 139468.70 76214.41 360.00 0.0
289_Static vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon_90m 2 88047.10 19150.40 360.00 0.0
291_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 87923.96 19062.65 360.00 0.0
292_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 87816.10 19355.90 690.00 0.0
293_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 87818.33 19376.27 690.00 0.0
294_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 87819.33 19330.22 690.00 0.0
295_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 87819.55 19303.79 690.00 0.0
296_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 87806.82 19322.27 690.00 0.0
297_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 87776.24 19281.77 690.00 0.0
298_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 87779.41 19272.70 690.00 0.0
299_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 87783.60 19265.40 690.00 0.0
290_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 87796.13 19290.88 360.00 0.0
300_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 87768.75 19301.79 360.00 0.0
388_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 87745.52 19340.99 360.00 0.0
389_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 159969.48 70294.77 360.00 0.0
390_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 160402.20 70844.41 360.00 0.0
391_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 160231.10 70941.22 615.00 0.0
392_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 160020.95 70972.74 615.00 0.0
393_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 159706.48 70966.13 615.00 0.0
394_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 159811.60 70729.96 615.00 0.0
395_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 160132.51 70830.88 615.00 0.0
396_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 160130.26 70614.63 615.00 0.0
397_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 159897.82 70561.50 615.00 0.0
398_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A 2 159876.88 70507.19 615.00 0.0
400_Static vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon_90m 2 160155.76 71183.60 615.00 0.0
399_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 160153.76 71190.19 615.00 0.0
401_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 144630.92 104153.44 615.00 0.0
402_Static vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon_60m 2 144632.75 104147.30 615.00 0.0
403_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 144630.98 104128.55 615.00 0.0
404_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 144620.89 104118.75 615.00 0.0
405_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 144603.51 104154.24 615.00 0.0
406_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 144594.75 104143.91 615.00 0.0
407_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 144586.98 104127.16 615.00 0.0
408_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 144565.85 104143.69 615.00 0.0
409_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 144559.95 104124.33 615.00 0.0
410_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 144577.92 104093.63 615.00 0.0
411_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Howitzer_150mm 2 144593.29 104093.36 615.00 0.0
412_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 144563.38 104090.77 615.00 0.0
413_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 144579.19 104161.38 615.00 0.0
414_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 45609.98 30367.36 360.00 0.0
415_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 45476.83 30236.33 360.00 0.0
416_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 45539.83 30241.47 360.00 0.0
417_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 45574.83 30390.33 360.00 0.0
418_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz251 2 45538.80 30364.20 360.00 0.0
419_Static vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon_90m 2 45597.73 30255.90 360.00 0.0
420_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 45604.22 30255.90 360.00 0.0
421_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 45588.44 30235.81 360.00 0.0
422_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 45588.30 30229.63 360.00 0.0
423_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 109483.66 24369.90 585.00 0.0
424_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 109529.77 24403.25 585.00 0.0
425_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 109580.89 24347.65 585.00 0.0
426_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 55421.40 18042.29 360.00 0.0
427_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 55434.87 17871.20 360.00 0.0
428_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 55414.84 17871.22 360.00 0.0
429_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 55449.12 18011.27 360.00 0.0
430_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 55388.90 18042.34 360.00 0.0
431_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 55391.62 17868.88 360.00 0.0
432_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 55292.62 17934.84 360.00 0.0
433_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 157125.80 131372.80 360.00 0.0
434_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 157299.36 131551.85 360.00 0.0
435_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 157214.14 131498.95 360.00 0.0
436_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 42875.32 121203.32 495.00 0.0
437_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 42909.09 121169.28 495.00 0.0
438_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FI_156 2 41976.23 120992.72 480.00 0.0
439_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 146264.81 115880.06 495.00 0.0
440_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 146254.40 115890.85 495.00 0.0
441_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 146243.63 115901.18 495.00 0.0
442_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 146232.86 115911.72 495.00 0.0
443_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 146104.03 115767.93 310.00 0.0
444_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 146089.97 115781.99 310.00 0.0
96_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 145744.66 115538.89 360.52 0.0
97_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 145244.51 115858.14 410.52 0.0
98_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 145271.57 115887.93 410.52 0.0
99_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 145299.84 115917.12 410.52 0.0
100_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 145329.33 115946.01 410.52 0.0
101_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 144604.23 62408.01 270.52 0.0
102_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 144668.74 62407.83 270.52 0.0
91_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 145513.41 62852.26 420.51 0.0
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 34998.78 26710.98 420.00 0.0
446_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FI_156 2 36265.72 26704.37 210.00 0.0
89_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 144484.70 62418.30 270.52 0.0
445_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 144454.20 62418.31 270.52 0.0
447_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110C4B 2 145695.15 62862.57 450.52 0.0
448_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110C4B 2 145673.83 62862.57 450.52 0.0
449_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FI_156 2 42111.03 121987.54 480.00 0.0
450_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 41862.55 121003.59 449.10 0.0
451_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 41882.63 121003.23 449.10 0.0
452_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 41902.46 121003.23 449.10 0.0
453_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_87B2 2 41922.53 121003.35 449.10 0.0
454_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 41850.40 120994.32 390.00 0.0
455_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 42301.29 121677.58 675.00 0.0
456_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 41965.39 121731.01 490.00 0.0
457_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 41979.52 121714.49 490.00 0.0
458_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 42014.67 121688.62 580.00 0.0
459_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 145795.58 115891.37 390.00 0.0
460_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelKadett 2 145776.32 115875.27 410.00 0.0
461_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 145731.92 116143.52 450.00 0.0
462_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E7 2 145768.26 116143.31 449.100 0.0
0_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41450.53 121846.75 360.00
1_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41453.91 121818.35 360.00
2_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41453.76 121790.58 360.00
3_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41462.34 121769.66 360.00
4_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41428.82 121776.04 360.00
5_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41432.01 121803.17 360.00
6_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41425.63 121828.71 360.00
7_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41417.65 121855.84 360.00
8_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41437.29 121865.30 360.00
9_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41459.15 121744.12 360.00
10_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41440.74 121757.49 360.00
11_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41405.33 121782.42 360.00
12_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41410.11 121808.44 360.00
13_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41401.81 121834.31 360.00
14_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41386.00 121810.04 360.00
15_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41481.49 121731.35 360.00
16_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41489.47 121701.03 360.00
17_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41461.82 121712.20 360.00
18_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41459.78 121683.47 360.00
19_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41486.28 121675.49 360.00
20_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41477.10 121650.25 360.00
21_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41454.36 121648.36 360.00
22_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41441.37 121666.88 360.00
23_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41439.59 121724.42 360.00
24_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42335.19 121278.16 360.00
25_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42321.33 121264.30 360.00
26_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42309.61 121249.38 360.00
27_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42314.94 121228.07 360.00
28_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42327.73 121244.05 360.00
29_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42318.14 121289.88 360.00
30_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42298.95 121272.83 360.00
31_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42295.76 121298.41 360.00
32_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42309.61 121311.19 360.00
33_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42342.65 121231.27 360.00
34_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42367.83 121244.87 360.00
35_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42381.17 121259.30 360.00
36_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42343.71 121297.34 360.00
37_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42328.79 121313.33 360.00
38_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42359.70 121219.54 360.00
39_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42331.99 121209.95 360.00
40_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42346.91 121193.97 360.00
41_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42365.03 121201.43 360.00
42_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42326.66 121187.57 360.00
43_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42307.48 121208.89 360.00
44_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42382.08 121195.03 360.00
45_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42394.87 121181.18 360.00
46_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42416.18 121182.24 360.00
47_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42412.98 121163.06 360.00
48_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42410.85 121141.75 360.00
49_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42389.54 121157.73 360.00
50_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42371.42 121169.45 360.00
51_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42347.98 121174.78 360.00
52_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42351.17 121153.47 360.00
53_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42369.29 121147.07 360.00
54_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42388.47 121132.15 360.00
55_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42431.10 121192.90 360.00
56_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42434.30 121166.26 360.00
57_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42434.30 121143.88 360.00
58_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42357.47 121309.40 360.00
59_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42346.04 121322.84 360.00
60_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42395.23 121271.64 360.00
61_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42443.84 121208.54 360.00
62_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42443.84 121187.85 360.00
63_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42443.33 121159.41 360.00
64_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42455.74 121174.92 360.00
65_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42457.81 121199.23 360.00
66_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42468.15 121181.13 360.00
67_bld House$FinlandHangar 1 42347.79 121259.16 680.00
68_bld House$FinlandHangar 1 42405.20 121203.82 680.00
69_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42379.56 121223.03 680.00
70_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42389.39 121238.03 680.00
71_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42400.77 121250.44 680.00
72_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 41990.44 121695.02 405.00
73_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 42016.91 121668.55 405.00
74_bld House$FinlandCountryBigHouse 1 42297.62 121692.81 585.00
75_bld House$FinlandCountryFarm 1 42307.38 121682.04 405.00
76_bld House$CrimeaFarm 1 41957.61 121736.26 585.00
77_bld House$CrimeaFarm 1 41950.27 121743.52 585.00
78_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmall 1 42582.37 121917.95 685.00
79_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmall 1 42587.75 121910.48 685.00
80_bld House$RailShlagbaum 1 42583.61 121916.23 415.00
81_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42592.52 121905.63 415.00
82_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42598.70 121897.59 410.00
83_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42605.25 121889.87 410.00
84_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42611.69 121882.30 410.00
85_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42618.12 121874.80 410.00
86_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42624.65 121867.10 410.00
87_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42631.08 121859.58 410.00
88_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42637.67 121851.92 410.00
89_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42642.67 121838.77 360.00
90_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42651.96 121820.67 360.00
91_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42641.24 121816.06 360.00
92_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42632.63 121833.05 360.00
93_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42658.84 121801.58 360.00
94_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42650.08 121796.82 360.00
95_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42662.90 121780.84 360.00
96_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42669.06 121757.03 360.00
97_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42658.89 121752.67 360.00
98_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42653.41 121776.77 360.00
99_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42642.95 121772.91 360.00
100_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42639.13 121792.76 360.00
101_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42673.77 121733.04 360.00
102_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42660.73 121729.22 390.00
103_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42679.89 121710.71 360.00
104_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42692.71 121717.68 660.00
105_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42694.72 121700.48 660.00
106_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42699.41 121681.25 660.00
107_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42578.57 121922.89 405.00
108_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42571.26 121929.41 400.00
109_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42563.59 121935.82 400.00
110_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42555.94 121942.23 400.00
111_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42548.33 121948.48 400.00
112_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42540.70 121954.73 400.00
113_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42533.06 121960.95 400.00
114_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42525.44 121967.28 400.00
115_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42517.85 121973.66 400.00
116_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42510.15 121979.93 400.00
117_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42502.53 121986.31 400.00
118_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42494.90 121992.75 400.00
119_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42487.17 121999.16 400.00
120_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42479.63 122005.51 400.00
121_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42472.15 122011.73 400.00
122_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42464.64 122017.98 400.00
123_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42457.01 122024.34 400.00
124_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42449.46 122030.62 400.00
125_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42442.08 122036.78 400.00
126_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42434.47 122043.19 400.00
127_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42426.82 122049.55 400.00
128_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42419.16 122055.93 400.00
129_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42411.49 122062.45 400.00
130_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 41437.07 121691.81 400.00
131_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42403.77 122068.82 400.00
132_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42396.19 122075.08 400.00
133_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42388.59 122081.48 400.00
134_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42380.86 122087.94 400.00
135_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42373.46 122094.26 400.00
136_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42365.84 122100.56 400.00
137_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42358.15 122107.07 400.00
138_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42350.56 122113.39 400.00
139_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42342.10 122119.66 400.00
140_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42335.48 122125.99 400.00
141_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42327.89 122132.31 400.00
142_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42320.22 122138.78 400.00
143_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42312.63 122145.04 400.00
144_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42305.04 122151.30 400.00
145_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42297.59 122157.48 400.00
146_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42290.06 122163.88 400.00
147_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42282.61 122170.21 400.00
148_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42274.94 122176.67 400.00
149_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42267.36 122183.00 400.00
150_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42259.64 122189.39 400.00
151_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42251.84 122195.86 400.00
152_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42244.17 122202.24 400.00
153_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42236.57 122208.59 400.00
154_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42228.82 122214.10 400.00
155_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42221.18 122221.22 400.00
156_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42213.60 122227.51 400.00
157_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42205.81 122233.96 400.00
158_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42198.15 122240.38 400.00
159_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42190.46 122246.79 400.00
160_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42182.77 122253.19 400.00
161_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42175.21 122259.49 400.00
162_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42167.45 122265.91 400.00
163_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42159.87 122272.35 400.00
164_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42152.32 122278.67 400.00
165_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42144.73 122285.03 400.00
166_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42137.05 122291.45 400.00
167_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42129.41 122297.79 400.00
168_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42121.60 122304.34 400.00
169_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42114.02 122310.66 400.00
170_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42106.27 122311.02 685.00
171_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42098.37 122305.48 685.00
172_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42090.32 122299.83 685.00
173_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42082.25 122294.15 685.00
174_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42074.09 122288.42 685.00
175_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42066.03 122282.67 685.00
176_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42057.90 122277.01 685.00
177_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42049.83 122271.38 685.00
178_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42041.79 122265.73 685.00
179_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42033.66 122259.98 685.00
180_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42025.50 122254.23 685.00
181_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42017.38 122248.59 685.00
182_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42009.37 122242.93 685.00
183_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42001.26 122237.17 685.00
184_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41993.27 122231.41 685.00
185_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41985.17 122225.67 685.00
186_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41976.99 122219.93 685.00
187_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41968.86 122214.25 685.00
188_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41960.75 122208.45 685.00
189_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41952.79 122202.86 685.00
190_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41944.57 122197.05 685.00
191_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41936.36 122191.17 685.00
192_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41928.27 122185.47 685.00
193_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41920.11 122179.69 685.00
194_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41911.99 122173.89 685.00
195_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41903.96 122168.12 685.00
196_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41896.05 122162.53 685.00
197_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41887.90 122156.76 685.00
198_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41879.69 122150.89 685.00
199_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41871.55 122145.09 685.00
200_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41863.38 122139.31 685.00
201_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41855.24 122133.60 685.00
202_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41846.93 122127.76 685.00
203_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41838.88 122122.09 685.00
204_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41830.76 122116.30 685.00
205_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41822.70 122110.62 685.00
206_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41814.62 122104.83 685.00
207_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41806.37 122099.07 685.00
208_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41798.15 122093.23 685.00
209_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41789.94 122087.46 685.00
210_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41781.91 122081.77 685.00
211_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41773.75 122076.08 685.00
212_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41765.67 122070.32 685.00
213_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41757.72 122064.69 685.00
214_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41749.57 122058.10 685.00
215_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41741.27 122053.02 685.00
216_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41733.12 122047.33 685.00
217_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41724.96 122041.56 685.00
218_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41717.02 122035.87 685.00
219_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41709.14 122030.24 685.00
220_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41700.99 122024.41 685.00
221_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41693.04 122018.71 685.00
222_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41684.96 122013.02 685.00
223_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41676.87 122007.25 685.00
224_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41668.79 122001.56 685.00
225_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41660.70 121995.80 685.00
226_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41652.83 121990.24 685.00
227_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41644.70 121984.45 685.00
228_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41636.55 121978.76 685.00
229_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41628.53 121973.06 685.00
230_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41620.31 121967.23 685.00
231_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41612.15 121961.46 685.00
232_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41603.10 121955.70 685.00
233_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41596.20 121950.14 685.00
234_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41588.04 121944.45 685.00
235_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41580.03 121938.75 685.00
236_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41571.80 121932.99 685.00
237_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41563.72 121927.29 685.00
238_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41555.63 121921.60 685.00
239_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41547.48 121915.83 685.00
240_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41539.25 121909.10 685.00
241_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41531.10 121904.31 685.00
242_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41523.08 121898.68 685.00
243_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41515.14 121893.06 685.00
244_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41506.91 121887.29 685.00
245_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41498.69 121881.60 685.00
246_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41490.46 121875.76 685.00
247_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41482.38 121869.10 685.00
248_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41474.22 121864.23 685.00
249_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41466.14 121858.47 685.00
250_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 41458.12 121852.84 685.00
251_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42835.13 121244.54 385.00
252_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42824.02 121246.27 385.00
253_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42812.73 121245.91 385.00
254_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42804.08 121226.33 385.00
255_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42793.52 121228.79 385.00
256_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42801.35 121248.82 385.00
257_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42814.12 121267.26 385.00
258_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42826.90 121268.86 385.00
259_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42836.89 121266.86 385.00
260_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42849.27 121266.06 385.00
261_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42852.87 121287.24 385.00
262_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42843.28 121289.23 385.00
263_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42832.09 121289.23 385.00
264_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42820.51 121290.03 385.00
265_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42832.09 121304.81 445.00
266_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42854.46 121305.61 445.00
267_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43011.53 121148.30 445.00
268_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43015.33 121124.36 445.00
269_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43012.77 121136.81 445.00
270_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43031.07 121136.81 445.00
271_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43031.44 121150.36 445.00
272_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43041.33 121165.00 445.00
273_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43020.09 121162.81 445.00
274_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 42999.22 121158.41 445.00
275_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43046.82 121178.18 445.00
276_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43023.75 121177.82 445.00
277_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43054.55 121195.88 445.00
278_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43063.29 121186.24 445.00
279_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43060.73 121172.33 445.00
280_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 43068.05 121199.79 445.00
281_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42711.53 121668.77 420.00
282_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42716.46 121660.21 420.00
283_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42721.48 121651.60 420.00
284_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42726.39 121643.14 420.00
285_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42731.21 121634.81 420.00
286_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42736.08 121626.27 420.00
287_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42740.94 121617.67 420.00
288_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42745.91 121609.05 420.00
289_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42750.84 121600.58 420.00
290_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42755.76 121591.86 420.00
291_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42760.61 121583.28 420.00
292_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42765.47 121574.78 420.00
293_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42770.39 121566.13 420.00
294_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42775.31 121557.48 420.00
295_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42780.23 121548.83 420.00
296_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42785.20 121540.09 420.00
297_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42790.12 121531.51 420.00
298_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42794.97 121523.00 420.00
299_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42799.90 121514.50 420.00
300_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42804.57 121506.19 420.00
301_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42809.51 121497.58 420.00
302_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42814.29 121489.16 420.00
303_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42819.18 121480.54 420.00
304_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42823.93 121472.22 420.00
305_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42828.85 121463.63 420.00
306_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42833.71 121455.06 420.00
307_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42838.67 121446.45 420.00
308_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42844.36 121438.35 410.00
309_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42850.82 121430.69 410.00
310_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42857.03 121423.32 410.00
311_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42863.34 121415.84 410.00
312_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42869.65 121408.29 410.00
313_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42875.96 121400.64 410.00
314_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42882.22 121393.05 410.00
315_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42888.69 121385.38 410.00
316_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42895.07 121377.79 410.00
317_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42901.27 121370.27 410.00
318_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42907.60 121362.61 410.00
319_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42913.92 121355.01 410.00
320_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42920.25 121347.49 410.00
321_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42926.62 121339.85 410.00
322_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42932.98 121332.24 410.00
323_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42939.23 121324.71 410.00
324_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42945.56 121317.05 410.00
325_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42951.96 121309.39 410.00
326_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42958.28 121301.79 410.00
327_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42964.61 121294.20 410.00
328_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42971.01 121286.54 410.00
329_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42977.41 121279.09 410.00
330_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42983.76 121271.54 410.00
331_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42990.16 121263.95 410.00
332_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 42996.62 121256.28 410.00
333_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43003.02 121248.62 410.00
334_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43009.42 121240.96 410.00
335_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43015.75 121233.29 410.00
336_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43022.21 121225.70 410.00
337_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43028.61 121218.04 410.00
338_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43035.08 121210.38 410.00
339_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 43041.48 121202.71 410.00
340_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 42109.68 122310.36 600.00
341_bld House$VehicleOpelBlitz36s 1 42923.97 121159.10 480.00
342_bld House$VehicleM1Black 1 42293.63 121685.81 690.00
343_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145395.28 116300.13 540.00
344_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145405.27 116300.12 540.00
345_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145415.33 116300.12 540.00
346_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145425.24 116300.12 540.00
347_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145435.08 116300.12 540.00
348_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145444.92 116300.12 540.00
349_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145454.91 116300.12 540.00
350_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145464.89 116300.05 540.00
351_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145474.73 116300.05 540.00
352_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145484.79 116300.05 540.00
353_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145494.63 116300.05 540.00
354_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145504.61 116300.05 540.00
355_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145514.45 116300.05 540.00
356_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145524.44 116300.05 540.00
357_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145534.35 116300.05 540.00
358_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145544.19 116300.12 540.00
359_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145554.10 116300.12 540.00
360_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145564.02 116300.05 540.00
361_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145573.93 116300.05 540.00
362_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145583.91 116300.05 540.00
363_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145593.75 116300.05 540.00
364_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145603.67 116300.05 540.00
365_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145613.44 116300.05 540.00
366_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145623.28 116300.12 540.00
367_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145633.26 116300.12 540.00
368_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145643.04 116300.12 540.00
369_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145652.81 116300.12 540.00
370_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145662.65 116300.12 540.00
371_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145672.56 116300.12 540.00
372_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145682.26 116300.12 540.00
373_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 145690.04 116300.50 675.00
374_bld House$RailShlagbaum 1 145691.86 116299.07 405.00
375_bld House$RailShlagbaum 1 145698.40 116291.48 585.00
376_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 145700.70 116290.19 675.00
377_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145707.95 116289.98 360.00
378_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145717.86 116289.98 360.00
379_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145727.70 116289.98 360.00
380_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145737.61 116289.98 360.00
381_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145747.46 116289.98 360.00
382_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145757.44 116289.98 360.00
383_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145765.87 116293.32 675.00
384_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145772.80 116300.29 675.00
385_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145779.69 116307.25 675.00
386_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145786.65 116314.21 675.00
387_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145793.47 116321.02 675.00
388_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145800.36 116327.98 675.00
389_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145807.24 116334.80 675.00
390_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145814.06 116341.62 675.00
391_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145820.81 116348.37 675.00
392_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145827.78 116355.43 675.00
393_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145834.67 116362.39 675.00
394_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145841.42 116369.21 675.00
395_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145848.38 116376.24 675.00
396_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145855.34 116383.13 675.00
397_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145862.34 116390.25 675.00
398_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145869.30 116397.21 675.00
399_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145876.05 116404.02 675.00
400_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145883.08 116411.06 675.00
401_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145889.97 116418.01 675.00
402_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145896.93 116425.05 675.00
403_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145903.82 116432.01 675.00
404_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145910.78 116439.04 675.00
405_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145917.74 116445.10 675.00
406_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145924.77 116453.10 675.00
407_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145931.73 116460.13 675.00
408_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145938.62 116467.02 675.00
409_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145945.58 116474.05 675.00
410_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145952.61 116481.08 675.00
411_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145959.64 116488.18 675.00
412_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145966.60 116495.21 675.00
413_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145973.49 116502.17 675.00
414_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145980.10 116508.77 675.00
415_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145987.06 116515.73 675.00
416_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145993.95 116522.62 675.00
417_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146000.84 116529.51 675.00
418_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146007.80 116536.47 675.00
419_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146014.47 116543.29 675.00
420_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146021.43 116550.25 675.00
421_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146028.39 116557.28 675.00
422_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146035.28 116564.17 675.00
423_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146042.38 116571.20 675.00
424_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146049.27 116578.23 675.00
425_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146056.23 116585.26 675.00
426_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146063.19 116592.15 675.00
427_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146070.01 116599.04 675.00
428_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146077.04 116606.14 675.00
429_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146083.86 116613.03 675.00
430_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146090.82 116619.99 675.00
431_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146097.71 116626.95 675.00
432_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146104.60 116633.98 675.00
433_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146111.56 116641.00 675.00
434_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146118.61 116648.06 675.00
435_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146125.59 116655.11 675.00
436_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146133.87 116658.56 360.00
437_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146143.75 116658.59 360.00
438_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146153.72 116658.59 360.00
439_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146163.61 116658.67 360.00
440_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146173.35 116658.67 360.00
441_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146183.24 116658.67 360.00
442_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146193.13 116658.67 360.00
443_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146203.02 116658.67 360.00
444_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146213.06 116658.67 360.00
445_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146223.03 116658.67 360.00
446_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146232.10 116658.67 360.00
447_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146242.83 116658.67 360.00
448_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146252.53 116658.67 360.00
449_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146262.30 116658.74 360.00
450_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146272.28 116658.74 360.00
451_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146282.19 116658.74 360.00
452_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146292.32 116658.74 360.00
453_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146302.16 116658.74 360.00
454_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146312.14 116658.74 360.00
455_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146321.99 116658.74 360.00
456_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146331.76 116658.81 360.00
457_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146341.60 116658.81 360.00
458_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146351.44 116658.81 360.00
459_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146361.00 116658.74 360.00
460_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146370.84 116658.81 360.00
461_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146380.76 116658.81 360.00
462_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146390.60 116658.81 360.00
463_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146400.72 116658.81 360.00
464_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146410.64 116658.81 360.00
465_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146420.48 116658.82 360.00
466_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146430.40 116658.82 360.00
467_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146440.45 116658.82 360.00
468_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146450.43 116658.82 360.00
469_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146460.34 116658.82 360.00
470_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146470.26 116658.82 360.00
471_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146480.31 116658.82 360.00
472_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146490.22 116658.75 360.00
473_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146500.14 116658.75 360.00
474_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146510.12 116658.75 360.00
475_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146520.03 116658.75 360.00
476_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146530.08 116658.75 360.00
477_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146540.07 116658.75 360.00
478_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146549.84 116658.75 360.00
479_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146559.82 116658.75 360.00
480_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146569.80 116658.75 360.00
481_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146579.86 116658.75 360.00
482_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146589.84 116658.68 360.00
483_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146599.89 116658.68 360.00
484_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.74 116653.90 450.00
485_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.74 116643.92 450.00
486_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.72 116633.92 450.00
487_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116624.08 450.00
488_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116614.31 450.00
489_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116604.39 450.00
490_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116594.48 450.00
491_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116584.50 450.00
492_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116574.52 450.00
493_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116564.53 450.00
494_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116554.76 450.00
495_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116544.78 450.00
496_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116535.15 450.00
497_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116525.31 450.00
498_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116515.32 450.00
499_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116505.34 450.00
500_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116495.43 450.00
501_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116485.44 450.00
502_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116475.46 450.00
503_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.86 116465.62 450.00
504_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116455.64 450.00
505_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116445.65 450.00
506_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116435.67 450.00
507_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116425.69 450.00
508_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146604.79 116415.85 450.00
509_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146607.25 116410.39 450.00
510_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146620.39 116398.24 480.00
511_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146616.12 116392.33 480.00
512_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146597.08 116400.87 480.00
513_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146608.24 116385.44 480.00
514_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146623.67 116377.23 480.00
515_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146622.03 116365.08 480.00
516_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146604.63 116372.30 480.00
517_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146607.25 116360.81 480.00
518_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146624.66 116353.59 480.00
519_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146633.85 116336.19 480.00
520_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146604.96 116351.62 480.00
521_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146608.57 116336.84 480.00
522_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146624.33 116333.89 510.00
523_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146614.81 116324.04 630.00
524_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146616.12 116314.84 630.00
525_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146638.12 116325.35 630.00
526_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146635.82 116315.17 630.00
527_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146637.79 116301.71 630.00
528_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146615.13 116306.64 630.00
529_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146617.76 116295.47 630.00
530_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146624.66 116282.99 630.00
531_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146644.69 116290.87 630.00
532_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146645.01 116278.73 630.00
533_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146645.10 116266.25 630.00
534_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146648.95 116256.73 630.00
535_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146648.95 116245.23 630.00
536_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146649.28 116231.77 630.00
537_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146630.90 116267.23 690.00
538_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116224.43 630.00
539_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116214.44 630.00
540_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116204.46 630.00
541_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116194.55 630.00
542_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116184.64 630.00
543_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116174.86 630.00
544_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116165.23 630.00
545_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116155.39 630.00
546_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116145.55 630.00
547_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116135.71 630.00
548_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116125.72 630.00
549_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116115.74 630.00
550_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116105.69 630.00
551_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116095.70 630.00
552_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116085.79 630.00
553_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.72 116075.81 630.00
554_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.65 116065.90 630.00
555_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.65 116055.91 630.00
556_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.65 116046.07 630.00
557_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.65 116036.16 630.00
558_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.65 116026.25 630.00
559_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 116016.27 630.00
560_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 116006.50 630.00
561_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115996.66 630.00
562_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115986.95 630.00
563_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115977.18 630.00
564_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115967.20 630.00
565_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115957.29 630.00
566_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115947.44 630.00
567_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115937.60 630.00
568_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115927.69 630.00
569_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115917.78 630.00
570_bld House$FurnitureFenceLon



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La fin.....

570_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115908.29 630.00
571_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115898.44 630.00
572_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115888.60 630.00
573_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115878.62 630.00
574_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115869.06 630.00
575_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115859.22 630.00
576_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115849.51 630.00
577_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115839.53 630.00
578_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115829.83 630.00
579_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115820.13 630.00
580_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115810.29 630.00
581_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.62 115800.51 630.00
582_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.71 115790.57 630.00
583_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.71 115780.80 630.00
584_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.71 115770.82 630.00
585_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.81 115760.75 630.00
586_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.78 115750.85 630.00
587_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.75 115741.10 630.00
588_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.71 115731.24 630.00
589_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.71 115721.25 630.00
590_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.68 115711.33 630.00
591_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.64 115701.41 630.00
592_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.57 115691.45 630.00
593_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.57 115681.60 630.00
594_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.57 115671.69 630.00
595_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 146649.57 115661.85 630.00
596_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144924.78 115489.10 630.00
597_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144932.94 115498.12 630.00
598_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144927.79 115508.43 630.00
599_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144909.32 115499.41 630.00
600_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144909.32 115514.87 630.00
601_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144928.22 115523.03 630.00
602_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144947.54 115512.29 630.00
603_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144954.84 115499.41 630.00
604_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144950.55 115488.24 630.00
605_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144942.82 115474.93 630.00
606_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144942.39 115463.76 630.00
607_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144948.40 115451.74 630.00
608_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144964.29 115466.34 630.00
609_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144962.57 115481.37 630.00
610_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144968.16 115455.17 630.00
611_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144920.92 115477.93 630.00
612_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144957.85 115429.40 630.00
613_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144952.70 115443.15 630.00
614_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144967.73 115408.36 630.00
615_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144964.29 115419.10 630.00
616_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144974.60 115395.91 630.00
617_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144979.32 115384.31 630.00
618_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144916.19 115534.19 630.00
619_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144900.73 115529.47 630.00
620_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144900.30 115550.94 630.00
621_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144902.45 115541.49 630.00
622_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144920.06 115547.51 630.00
623_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144929.51 115540.64 630.00
624_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144934.66 115535.91 630.00
625_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144915.33 115561.25 630.00
626_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144899.87 115572.42 630.00
627_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144894.29 115563.40 630.00
628_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144896.87 115585.30 630.00
629_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144971.59 115444.87 630.00
630_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144975.03 115434.56 630.00
631_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144980.61 115424.25 690.00
632_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144986.62 115404.07 360.00
633_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144983.62 115374.00 360.00
634_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144995.21 115388.18 360.00
635_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144996.50 115367.56 360.00
636_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144987.48 115359.83 360.00
637_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144996.93 115346.09 360.00
638_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144886.56 115602.91 360.00
639_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144895.58 115598.61 360.00
640_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144883.55 115622.23 480.00
641_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144874.53 115636.40 480.00
642_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144878.83 115643.71 660.00
643_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144872.82 115656.16 630.00
644_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144881.84 115667.76 630.00
645_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144858.22 115666.04 630.00
646_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144859.50 115678.49 630.00
647_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144881.84 115681.93 630.00
648_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144857.79 115690.52 630.00
649_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144877.54 115695.24 630.00
650_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 144863.37 115705.55 630.00
651_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115712.49 630.00
652_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115722.47 630.00
653_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115732.39 630.00
654_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115742.30 630.00
655_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115751.10 630.00
656_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115761.84 630.00
657_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115771.61 630.00
658_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115781.53 630.00
659_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115791.44 630.00
660_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.13 115801.35 630.00
661_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.20 115811.33 630.00
662_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.27 115821.18 630.00
663_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.34 115830.95 630.00
664_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.36 115840.85 630.00
665_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.40 115850.69 630.00
666_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.33 115860.66 630.00
667_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.39 115870.46 630.00
668_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.42 115880.35 630.00
669_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.50 115890.10 630.00
670_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.53 115899.99 630.00
671_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.56 115909.66 630.00
672_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.58 115919.50 630.00
673_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.58 115929.29 630.00
674_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.60 115939.14 630.00
675_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.66 115949.23 630.00
676_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.61 115959.07 630.00
677_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.62 115968.68 630.00
678_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.57 115978.47 630.00
679_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.53 115988.54 630.00
680_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.53 115998.45 630.00
681_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.53 116008.23 630.00
682_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.52 116018.08 630.00
683_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 144860.50 116027.76 630.00
684_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145000.07 115332.71 405.00
685_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145007.17 115325.68 405.00
686_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145014.20 115318.72 405.00
687_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145021.16 115311.83 405.00
688_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145028.12 115304.87 405.00
689_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145035.22 115297.84 405.00
690_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145042.18 115290.88 405.00
691_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145049.07 115283.99 405.00
692_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145056.03 115277.10 405.00
693_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145062.92 115270.22 405.00
694_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145069.67 115263.47 405.00
695_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145076.49 115256.58 405.00
696_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145083.45 115249.55 405.00
697_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145090.41 115242.52 405.00
698_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145097.30 115235.70 405.00
699_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145104.26 115228.74 405.00
700_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145111.22 115221.85 405.00
701_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145118.04 115215.03 405.00
702_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145124.93 115208.14 405.00
703_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145131.89 115201.18 405.00
704_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145138.85 115194.15 405.00
705_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145145.81 115187.26 405.00
706_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145152.77 115180.30 405.00
707_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145159.52 115173.48 405.00
708_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145166.41 115166.59 405.00
709_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145173.37 115159.70 405.00
710_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145180.26 115152.81 405.00
711_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145187.15 115145.85 405.00
712_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145193.97 115139.03 405.00
713_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145200.10 115132.07 405.00
714_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145207.96 115125.11 405.00
715_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145214.92 115118.15 405.00
716_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145221.88 115111.26 405.00
717_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145228.84 115104.37 405.00
718_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145235.73 115097.48 405.00
719_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145242.69 115090.59 405.00
720_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145249.58 115083.70 405.00
721_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145256.47 115076.81 405.00
722_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145263.50 115069.71 405.00
723_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145270.38 115062.68 405.00
724_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145277.34 115055.72 405.00
725_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145284.30 115048.69 405.00
726_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145291.19 115041.73 405.00
727_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145298.15 115034.77 405.00
728_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145304.97 115027.88 405.00
729_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145311.86 115020.92 405.00
730_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145318.95 115013.86 405.00
731_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145326.03 115006.85 405.00
732_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145332.98 114999.86 405.00
733_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145339.98 114992.94 405.00
734_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145346.87 114985.97 405.00
735_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145353.93 114979.03 405.00
736_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145360.83 114972.27 405.00
737_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145367.79 114965.34 405.00
738_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145374.82 114958.40 405.00
739_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145381.85 114951.40 405.00
740_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145388.68 114944.67 405.00
741_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145395.53 114937.80 405.00
742_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145402.40 114930.94 405.00
743_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145409.46 114923.92 405.00
744_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145416.32 114917.06 405.00
745_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145423.19 114910.22 405.00
746_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145430.05 114903.31 405.00
747_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145436.79 114896.53 405.00
748_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145443.71 114889.54 405.00
749_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145450.66 114882.57 405.00
750_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145457.55 114875.74 405.00
751_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145464.49 114868.85 405.00
752_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145471.46 114861.84 405.00
753_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145478.47 114854.90 405.00
754_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145485.41 114847.89 405.00
755_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145492.42 114840.86 405.00
756_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145499.33 114833.94 405.00
757_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145506.29 114827.03 405.00
758_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145513.33 114820.02 405.00
759_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145520.33 114813.12 405.00
760_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145527.26 114806.14 405.00
761_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145534.02 114799.32 405.00
762_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145540.96 114792.44 405.00
763_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145547.95 114785.46 405.00
764_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145554.88 114778.55 405.00
765_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145561.85 114771.51 405.00
766_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145568.80 114764.39 405.00
767_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145575.71 114757.45 405.00
768_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145582.52 114750.58 405.00
769_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145589.48 114743.62 405.00
770_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145596.30 114736.78 405.00
771_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145603.15 114729.90 405.00
772_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145609.93 114723.15 405.00
773_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145616.71 114716.41 405.00
774_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145623.40 114709.69 405.00
775_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145630.16 114702.96 405.00
776_bld House$FurnitureFenceLongLand 1 145636.93 114696.17 405.00
777_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 146130.06 116655.70 630.00
778_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 146601.01 116655.78 675.00
779_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 145451.29 114886.14 495.00
780_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 145033.33 115304.64 495.00
781_bld House$AirdromeControlTowerSmallW 1 144863.76 115858.13 540.00
782_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146306.67 116167.79 540.00
783_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146283.20 116162.40 540.00
784_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146261.62 116138.65 540.00
785_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146293.45 116148.50 540.00
786_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146303.98 116141.76 540.00
787_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146282.26 116137.44 540.00
788_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146271.60 116129.21 540.00
789_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146283.34 116114.37 540.00
790_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146261.62 116113.16 540.00
791_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146241.52 116119.09 540.00
792_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146251.37 116104.39 540.00
793_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146271.47 116091.17 480.00
794_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146286.84 116095.08 480.00
795_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146295.88 116111.40 480.00
796_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146309.78 116124.89 570.00
797_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146327.58 116144.18 570.00
798_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 146319.09 116164.69 690.00
799_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145712.21 116138.82 380.00
800_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145709.58 116150.75 410.00
801_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145718.77 116167.83 410.00
802_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145729.28 116165.86 410.00
803_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145740.77 116165.53 410.00
804_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145754.23 116167.83 410.00
805_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145765.07 116164.54 410.00
806_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145777.55 116161.92 410.00
807_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145787.72 116155.35 410.00
808_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145792.32 116145.83 410.00
809_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145749.64 116144.52 365.00
810_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 145793.63 116134.67 420.00
811_bld House$AirdromeMaskingnet 1 145731.57 116145.70 450.00
812_bld House$AirdromeMaskingnet 1 145767.98 116145.77 450.00
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8715
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

arf, y'a juste un détail,le copier coller ne marche pas bien du site vers le .txt :(

tu peux les mettres en download qq part ?

sinon je sais plus si tu as mon mail ?

en tout cas ça fait plaisir de voir des avancées :)

pour ma part j'ai 3 bases complètes,les autres avancent petit à petit...
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...



Message par fight69 »

J'ai pas ton mail....

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