Voici l'accord préliminaire :
This in regarding with FRANCE law not US, here a sample of the letter :
This Letter- Agreement contains 7 (seven) pages.
This Letter-Agreement is made and entered into as ……………………………….…… 2005 by and
ATARI EUROPE S.A.S.U. , a company organised and existing under the laws of France,
whose principal offices are located at 1 place Verrazzano, 69252 Lyon Cedex 09,
FRANCE, represented by Mr. Yves BLEHAUT, its duly authorised Senior VP European
Operations, (hereinafter the “Licensor”)
the physical person, Mr. Mohamed Ouedarbi, Rue Fineau 11, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium
(hereinafter the “Licensee”)
Licensor and Licensee will be hereinafter referred individually as the “Party” and
collectively as the “Parties”.
Whereas, Licensee wishes to develop a patch fixing the bugs and updating the video
game known as “F22 Total Air War” (hereinafter, the “Title”) and which downloading will
be offered to end-users on Licensee’s website, at the following terms and conditions:
1.1– Licensor grants to Licensee the non exclusive, non transferable rights to:
Ø Develop a patch fixing the bugs and updating the Title (hereinafter the “Patch”) in
accordance with the design brief and the Specification, as set forth in Schedule A
of this Letter, in English, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish versions (the
“Authorized Language Version(s)”), only and subject to the prior written approval
of Licensor following the process as described in Section 1.2, below;
Ø To put on line the Patch, as approved by Licensor, on his own website registered
under the domain name: “[url]http://f22taw.com”[/url], in order to permit the Internet
users to download for free the Patch.
Ø give to the end-users a non exclusive license to play the Patch;
Ø install a link on his own website towards the Atari group’ website registered under
the domain name “www.atari.com”.
1.2 – In order to enable Licensee to proceed with the Patch in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this Letter, the English version of the source codes and development
tools of the Title shall be delivered to Licensee.
Licensee acknowledges and agrees that, for each Authorized Language Version, he will
provide Licensor with the final version of the said Patch, for Licensor’s prior written
Licensor may accept or refuse such Patch, at its sole discretion. Approval of Licensor
may never take place tacitly and shall always be in writing on Licensor’s head paper.
Licensor shall do its best endeavour to accept or refuse the project of the Patch within 15
(fifteen) working days from the receipt by Licensor of the said project.
In the event Licensor refuses the Patch required by Licensee, Licensor will set out its
recommendations for modification by notice in writing.
Licensee shall then proceed to correct or modify the Patch and shall re-submit the
relevant Patch to Licensor for approval by Licensor.
So this licence is between me and Atari so i think we must make a team quickly for give the name and adresse of other team members who have acces to the tools and to the source code.
I wait for guys who want to be in the project and after this i send to each one a letter to sign it and send back to me.
Regards Moms_killer.
Martin Kenwright ex PDG de chez DID à donné son accord de principe pour fournir le code source et les outils de développement dès que "Moms" lui aura fournit la copie de l'accord de licence définitif
