New press release @ FighterOps.

Le simulateur en développement de XSI basé sur le moteur OPENGL de X-PLANE

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Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Bonjour tout le monde!!

We are very excited to bring you our new press release in which we unfold the first part of the very original approach we are taking with FighterOps.

There are also new developer diaries up.


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Black Wolf
Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
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Message par Black Wolf »

Cool ! B)
A ceux qui nous ont quittés trop vite : bon vol les gars !

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
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Inscription : 16 avril 2005


Message par Totose »

go go go :D
M.I.A. ( 2006 )
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Légende volante
Légende volante
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Message par Jallie »

ça ce précise ...
 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  

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Message par AOC_PONPON »

Troisiéme ou quatiéme trimestre 2006 :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: , YES!!!

Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 404
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par Inferno »

Et en plus il supporte le multi-moniteurs ... :jumpy:

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Originally posted by Inferno@12 Jul 2005, 22:53
Et en plus il supporte le multi-moniteurs ... :jumpy:
uh...oh....grrrrr .... tu veut dire qu'on doit remetre ce part de la code?? :rolleyes:

j/k :exit:

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
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Message par SKYDEVIL »

Bon dieu que cela va être long d'attendre :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy:

Rafale Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 404
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par Inferno »

Originally posted by Pacman+13 Jul 2005, 14:09--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pacman @ 13 Jul 2005, 14:09)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Inferno@12 Jul 2005, 22:53
Et en plus il supporte le multi-moniteurs ... :jumpy:
uh...oh....grrrrr .... tu veut dire qu'on doit remetre ce part de la code?? :rolleyes:

j/k :exit:

Salut!! [/b][/quote]
Quoi tu veux dire que tu pensais l'enlever ? :angry: si tu fais ça je fabrique de ce pas une poupée à ton image que je pique de mille épingles, patte de poulet et autres viscères de crapeau (amuse toi pour la traduction !)
Allez, remets toi vite au boulot mon ami :D

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

hmmm oui pas facile pour traduire....
Donc une seul moyéne pour savoir quoi ca veut dire....

On ne remét pas la code

:boxing: :boxing: :boxing: :boxing:
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Merlin (FZG_Immel)
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 14336
Inscription : 18 août 2001


Message par Merlin (FZG_Immel) »

he just said that if you remove this part of the code, he will play with a Voodoo thing that will really look like you ;) you know, putting nails in it, etc etc ;)
1 Asus Z390-H - SSD M.2 EVO 970 - Intel I9 9900k@5.0ghz - 32gb DDR4 4000 - ZOTAC 2080ti AMP Extreme Core - Cougar FSSB + Cougar NN_Dan + HOTAS Warthog - Thrustmaster TPR Pedals - Track IR5
2 Asus Maximus VII Ranger - Intel I7 4970k@4.4Ghz - 16Gb Kingston fury - Asus 1080ti Strix OC
3 Asus Rampage III - Intel I7 950@3.33ghz - 6gb DDR3 Kingston - MSI GTX 970 4G - Track IR3 Pro VE

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Peut être pas mal pour faire le poste ici B)

Welcome to the second instalment of the developers diary. Another month as gone by and the Fighter Ops train continues to gather momentum.

Part of this month was used to take stock of the documentation and planning required for this project. As you could imagine with a project as large as this, and with developers spread around the world, planning is an important building block as we strive to build the ultimate flight simulator. We have taken some time to go back over all of our documentation and planning to ensure that we are on the right track, to improve and in some cases re-write some of that documentation so as to ensure that our foundation is strong.

This month has also seen the first builds of the User Interface. Some preview shots of the Fighter Ops UI are included below. I'm sure you will agree that it is looking fantastic, as always, these are early shots and subject to change, there are already a number of areas being improved or flagged for improvement, this is just an early shot for your enjoyment.




Two USAF instructor pilots have joined the team to help work on the flight school element; both are very keen simulator pilots and are already working hard to ensure that the Fighter Ops training program is modelled in detail never seen before in a PC-based flight simulator. Speaking of our advisors and the lengths they go to for this simulation, this month one of our F16 pilots almost lost his lunch for Fighter Ops. He was doing aileron rolls while looking over his shoulder to find out for us how much movement was in the ailerons at full deflection, such is the sacrifice these guys make for us all.

As hinted at in the last developers’ diary edition, the terrain you have seen so far is due for a massive overhaul, it's still very early days yet, and some time before we can expect screenshots, however with some of the experienced terrain developers who have recently bolstered our ranks and having seen their plans and experiments so far, I can assure you the Fighter Ops terrain is going to look better than what we could ever have imagined.

Our weapons experts have completed a beta code for calculating shrapnel spread and damage potential for different types of weapons, something that no PC simulator has ever accounted for in detail. Meanwhile our beta team researchers report that they have completed research on over 70% of the aircraft we have flagged for use in upcoming releases.

This month also saw a couple of Fighter Ops representatives visit E3. Unfortunately from their reports, flight simulators were virtually non-existent this year. Our representatives met with several hardware companies, game developers, producers and distributors all who were extremely positive about the Fighter Ops project and offered quite a bit of support.

Vous pouvez lire toutes sur Rico's materièle de son studio de son ici:


Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Originally posted by Merlin (FZG_Immel)@15 Jul 2005, 11:17
he just said that if you remove this part of the code, he will play with a Voodoo thing that will really look like you ;) you know, putting nails in it, etc etc ;)

Oh....euh....ok I surrender...pls no voodoo stuff on me :god:



Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 404
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par Inferno »

Ok Pacman, you made a wise decision, this time you're safe but ... I keep the voodoo stuff in the refrigerator in the case you change your mind ;)

By the way, do you already know the type of multi-monitor mode that fighterops will provide : 1PC/multiple cards or networked PC's like MS FS 2004 (and Xplane I guess) ?

See I am not alone looking for the multi-monitor Graal : ... index.html ... &NumPage=4


Inferno :devil:
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Merlin (FZG_Immel)
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 14336
Inscription : 18 août 2001


Message par Merlin (FZG_Immel) »

Pacman ! the UI looks great. very clean, very professional !

add a few more stuff like that, and you will have another supporter ;)
1 Asus Z390-H - SSD M.2 EVO 970 - Intel I9 9900k@5.0ghz - 32gb DDR4 4000 - ZOTAC 2080ti AMP Extreme Core - Cougar FSSB + Cougar NN_Dan + HOTAS Warthog - Thrustmaster TPR Pedals - Track IR5
2 Asus Maximus VII Ranger - Intel I7 4970k@4.4Ghz - 16Gb Kingston fury - Asus 1080ti Strix OC
3 Asus Rampage III - Intel I7 950@3.33ghz - 6gb DDR3 Kingston - MSI GTX 970 4G - Track IR3 Pro VE

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2775
Inscription : 22 juillet 2004


Message par PiF »

and merlin you could play FOPS before other guys who haven't access to area 51.

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Originally posted by Inferno@15 Jul 2005, 23:28
Ok Pacman, you made a wise decision, this time you're safe but ... I keep the voodoo stuff in the refrigerator in the case you change your mind ;)

By the way, do you already know the type of multi-monitor mode that fighterops will provide : 1PC/multiple cards or networked PC's like MS FS 2004 (and Xplane I guess) ?

See I am not alone looking for the multi-monitor Graal : ... index.html ... &NumPage=4


Inferno :devil:
The code was already in there and I need to check it out myself, or check with our lead coder.
Since he is redesigning FO to run on multiple pc's some code might need to be rewritten, dunno if he is into that part of things yet, for now I will have to ask you to hold on that question I'm afraid.
Untill I can give you a definite answer, on how it will exactly be implemented.

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Merlin (FZG_Immel)
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 14336
Inscription : 18 août 2001


Message par Merlin (FZG_Immel) »

and merlin you could play FOPS before other guys who haven't access to area 51
oh well, for this I am not affraid anyway ;)

If I had the insurance to see FOPS released one day I would pay those 25 bucks right now.
I just wanted to see how things were going on. You know, I saw too many projects vanishing as they were appeared this last decade.

But with what we have right now, im nearly conviced. I think next month i'll step ahead ;)
1 Asus Z390-H - SSD M.2 EVO 970 - Intel I9 9900k@5.0ghz - 32gb DDR4 4000 - ZOTAC 2080ti AMP Extreme Core - Cougar FSSB + Cougar NN_Dan + HOTAS Warthog - Thrustmaster TPR Pedals - Track IR5
2 Asus Maximus VII Ranger - Intel I7 4970k@4.4Ghz - 16Gb Kingston fury - Asus 1080ti Strix OC
3 Asus Rampage III - Intel I7 950@3.33ghz - 6gb DDR3 Kingston - MSI GTX 970 4G - Track IR3 Pro VE

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2775
Inscription : 22 juillet 2004


Message par PiF »

cool man B) . B) .

Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 404
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par Inferno »

Originally posted by Pacman@16 Jul 2005, 21:35
The code was already in there and I need to check it out myself, or check with our lead coder.
Since he is redesigning FO to run on multiple pc's some code might need to be rewritten, dunno if he is into that part of things yet, for now I will have to ask you to hold on that question I'm afraid.
Untill I can give you a certain definite answer, on how it will exactly be implemented.

Thank's Pacman
No problem, just tell me when you and your team have more information about that feature (definitive competitive advantage I tell you !)
Anyway I will follow the other good news about Fighter ops, I'm hooked now :wub:
I guess next step will be area 51 for me also :D

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Originally posted by Inferno+17 Jul 2005, 18:35--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Inferno @ 17 Jul 2005, 18:35)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Pacman@16 Jul 2005, 21:35
The code was already in there and I need to check it out myself, or check with our lead coder.
Since he is redesigning FO to run on multiple pc's some code might need to be rewritten, dunno if he is into that part of things yet, for now I will have to ask you to hold on that question I'm afraid.
Untill I can give you a certain definite answer, on how it will exactly be implemented.

Thank's Pacman
No problem, just tell me when you and your team have more information about that feature (definitive competitive advantage I tell you !)
Anyway I will follow the other good news about Fighter ops, I'm hooked now :wub:
I guess next step will be area 51 for me also :D

Parfait comme ca les autres on mieux des chances pour gagner le X-52 et Track IR 3 Pro maintenant :kid:

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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 76
Inscription : 09 juin 2005


Message par Birdkiller »

Hi Pacman,

Thanks for these beautiful screenshots of the GUI.
Are there some screens of the mission planner yet ? :rolleyes:

Thanks also for sharing your progress with us. :D
DCS: A10-C
Intel Q9300, GA-EX38-DS4, 8GB, GTX660, Logitech Ext3DPro

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Hi BirdKiller,

The missionplanner UI page is in development as we speak.
Seen the complex functionality of the mission/ campaign design system I don't see this finish soon.

The moment our developers feel it is in a state that it can be shown Area51 will definetly recieve the updates.

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Black Wolf
Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 6586
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Black Wolf »

Good news I will soon have a Visa card... I think you'll have one more area 51 member ;)
A ceux qui nous ont quittés trop vite : bon vol les gars !

Topic author
Messages : 246
Inscription : 07 avril 2005


Message par Pacman »

Ca serait bien de te dire bonjour dans les forums de Area51, vous aller avoir beacoup des choses a lire, parce-que il y a beaucoups des discussions interrésant a suivre. ;)

Pour toutes les mondes, quand vous avez des questions pour l'equippe, noter les sure le thread créer pour cette reason par Ghostrider.
Je peut pas dire qu'on vas pas avoir des responses sur toutes les questions, dans le stage de development que nous somme pour le moment, mais on vas éssayer notre meilleur pour les répondre.

Merci pour le bon atmosphere ici, j'aime prendre le temp pour visiter les forums de check six!! B)

A tout al l'heure,

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