Eng -> Fr translation help needed

Tout sur Lockon et ses upgrades : FC1 et FC2 .

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Inscription : 27 avril 2005


Message par Brit_Radar_Dude »

I have recently been working on a rework of Shepski's Crimea/Caucasus Tour. I released the Caucasus section a couple of weeks ago to all the usual Download sites.

I've noticed that the Caucasus section had more downloads from C6 than any other, therefore it seems polite for me to try and put a French language version of the Crimea section onto C6.

I have just about completed the Crimea section, so is there anyone out there who has the language skills to have a go at translating it? There is the Mission briefing text, README file and a Word document of background info on the Waypoints. I reckon it is an evenings work?

Translation credit naturally ;)

When I posted this on Lockon.Ru (English) had a reply from Stefostef who said "Come to C6 and ask for Elcap , he is our specialist for translation" so if you are there Elcap or any other specialist??
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Message par berkoutskaia »

I guess Elcap is in Toulouse right now, waiting for the 380 maiden flight :P

Anyway, I have a few hours free this afternoon, I'd be glad to help ! :)

Check your PM's ;)
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Pilote Philanthrope
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Message par Psycho »

Originally posted by Brit_Radar_Dude@27 Apr 2005, 00:06
When I posted this on Lockon.Ru (English) had a reply from Stefostef who said "Come to C6 and ask for Elcap , he is our specialist for translation" so if you are there Elcap or any other specialist??
:lol: i think this was a private joke for Elcap. (because he always ask help for eng=>french translations ;) )

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Message par STEFOSTEF »

non c'est une blague de ma part :D
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Pilote Philanthrope
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Message par Psycho »

c bien ce que je dit :)

Jeune Pilote
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Message par ezechiel203 »


doit etre en train de baver en attendant le retour du ptit coucou dénomé A380 :D

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Inscription : 27 avril 2005


Message par Brit_Radar_Dude »

Berkout - Mail on its way........
Sorry Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum...

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Inscription : 27 avril 2005


Message par Brit_Radar_Dude »

A very big Thank You to Berkout for the translation - the Tour :adonf!: will be posted very soon on C6 and English sites.....
Sorry Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum...

Pilote Confirmé
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Message par berkoutskaia »

Anytime ;)
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