Perso n'étant pas spécialiste des moteurs, je ne sais pas si ses arguments sont fondés ... f8#p494222ou also have to remember that the F135 is carrying some additional items:
1. All of the aircraft generators and pumps are mount directly to the engine gearbox, instead of an airframe mounted AMAD like the F-15/16/22. This makes the gearbox heavier, even though the total aircraft weight is reduced
2. The F135 has ECS air coolers mounted inside the fan duct to be cooled by bypass air, and ducting for the coolers on the outside of the engine - adds weight to the engine
3. The multi function turbine exhaust case holds the AB spraybars, acts as the flame holder, supports the back of the low turbine, and has a low observable function. Weighs more than a traditional exhaust case and flame holder.
4. Has a 2 stage low turbine that was necessary for the F-35B lift fan power extraction, but wasn’t really needed for the CTOL version. Adds weight.
And it is a very long life design. All these things make it a pretty beefy engine.