F-16C Viper Datalink Update

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Mécano au sol
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Inscription : 27 avril 2019

F-16C Viper Datalink Update


Message par Vicom »

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1134
Inscription : 16 septembre 2002

Re: F-16C Viper Datalink Update


Message par Eaglebow »

Et ce post de Matt Wagner:

Dear all,

In the next update to Open Beta, you can expect a large number of fixes for the DCS: F-16 Viper. Over the past six months, the F-16 team has been revamping the aircraft's air-to-ground sighting and weapon delivery sub-modes to be more authentic and to address many reported bugs in how the F-16 integrates it's sensors, HOTAS, and targeting logic. Along with the upcoming changes to the datalink within the F-16, this has been a very large task that required our dev team to address many aspects of the F-16 all at once, due to the level of integration such changes would require within the aircraft systems.

Understandably, this may seem like a lot of changes, but for the most part very little will actually change within the DCS F-16. These changes are mainly focused on ensuring all the minute details that are required for the F-16 avionics to function are properly implemented to prevent any sort of logic conflicts when using the air-to-ground targeting systems. While the Early Access Guide is still receiving revisions to sufficiently explain how all of these weapon delivery sub-modes are intended to work within DCS F-16, we are including a brief conceptual overview for our Viper players to frame the underlying logic in hopes that it will enhance everyone's understanding of why these updates were necessary; until the Early Access Guide can be updated to reflect these concepts.

F-16 Conceptual Overview

The F-16 sensors (FCR, TGP, and HTS) drive a singular System-Point-of-Interest (SPI). As such, only one sensor can be in a track mode at any given time.

When any sensor enters a track mode, it will cause the other sensors to exit their track mode. For example, if the FCR is in Fixed Target Track (FTT) against a surface target location and the TGP enters POINT track, the FCR will exit FTT. This is because the non-tracking sensors must remain aligned to the tracking sensor to maintain the singular SPI location. If two sensors were in track mode simultaneously, the single SPI logic of the F-16 would be violated.
When a sensor enters a track mode (FCR FTT/MTT, TGP AREA/POINT, or HAD designation), this automatically puts DTOS, VIS, or EO-VIS into a post-designate state at the corresponding location.

The F-16 A-G master mode includes many weapon delivery sub-modes that may be used, depending on the weapon selected on the SMS page. These sub-modes are categorized as either "Pre-planned" or "Visual" weapon delivery sub-modes.

"Pre-planned" sub-modes revolve around the use of steerpoints that have been programmed at pre-planned target locations.

These sub-modes include CCRP, LADD, PRE, EO-PRE, and EO-BORE. (PRE is used with AGM-154A, GBU-31/38, CBU-103/105, or GBU-24; EO-PRE and EO-BORE are only used with AGM-65)
These sub-modes permit direct sighting options (STP/TGT) or offset aimpoint sighting options (OA1/OA2), as well as the Snowplow sighting method.
Sighting points are used to ensure the accuracy of the targeting solution to the target steerpoint prior to weapon release. Offset aimpoints are not targets themselves, but are used to ensure the target location (TGT) is accurately placed for weapon delivery (i.e., due to INU drift in a pre-GPS scenario)
The selected sighting point determines where the System-Point-of-Interest (SPI) is placed relative to the steerpoint, which directs all sensors to a singular location.
Snowplow permits employing a "Pre-planned" weapon delivery mode when existing steerpoints are not practical, and provides a means to rapidly direct the SPI in front of the aircraft at the Snowplow cursor. If a designation is performed while in Snowplow, the main Navigation cursor is slewed to that location and Snowplow is exited.

"Visual" sub-modes are geared toward visually acquiring a target location independently of a pre-planned steerpoint.

These sub-modes include CCIP, STRF, DTOS, VIS, and EO-VIS. (VIS is used with AGM-154A, GBU-31/38, CBU-103/105, or GBU-24; EO-VIS is only used with AGM-65)
Sighting options are not available in these sub-modes, nor is the Snowplow sighting method. The sighting option rotary and the Snowplow OSB options are removed when these sub-modes are entered.
These modes will automatically place the FCR in AGR (Air-to-Ground Ranging) and the mode cannot be changed except for placing it in OVRD/STBY.
The TGP (if installed) is automatically slaved to the weapon solution in CCIP or STRF sub-modes.
The TGP (if installed) is slaved to the TD Box in DTOS, VIS, or EO-VIS sub-modes, even when these modes are in a pre-designate state. This augments the visual identification of targets and assists in optically locating targets at extended ranges.
When a target location is designated in DTOS, VIS, or EO-VIS sub-modes, this also updates the current steerpoint location by moving the Navigation cursor to the same location. This ensures a seamless transition between sub-modes (Example DTOS->CCIP->CCRP) against the same target location in which the SPI is maintained on the target.

Visual Initial Point (VIP) and Visual Reference Point (VRP) sub-modes are a means of conducting strikes against pre-planned target locations in CCRP sub-mode while using visual landmarks for final alignment of the targeting solution. These are especially useful when conducting low-level strikes in which the target may not be visible until just prior to weapons release.

These sub-modes permit cursor slews to be performed to align the targeting symbology with visual landmarks without affecting the cursor deltas of the main Navigation cursor.
VIP adds "IP" as an additional sighting point option that may be selected using TMS Right-Short while the HUD or FCR is SOI, or by pressing the corresponding sighting point rotary at OSB 10 on the FCR or TGP MFD formats. When VIP mode is entered, the sighting point is automatically set to "IP", after which the sighting points may be advanced in a sequence of IP->TGT->OA1->OA2->IP.
VRP adds "RP" as an additional sighting point option that may be selected using TMS Right-Short while the HUD or FCR is SOI, or by pressing the corresponding sighting point rotary at OSB 10 on the FCR or TGP MFD formats. When VRP mode is entered, the sighting point is automatically set to "TGT", after which the sighting points may be advanced in a sequence of TGT->OA1->OA2->RP->TGT.
These modes allow a single overfly designation of the IP or RP in which the SOI is automatically set to the FCR and the sighting point is set to the TGT. This allows a seamless transition with one button press from the ingress phase into the final attack phase, without the requirement to manually slew the cursor to align the diamond symbol in the HUD with the physical landmark that represents the IP or RP.


Sighting Points & Cursor Slews

Cursor slews are now possible in several different modes that are independently accumulated. As an example, the VIP cursor may be slewed and zeroed independently of the Navigation cursor. If Cursor Zero is pressed and "CZ" remains displayed on the MFD, it is because another cursor still has cursor slews applied. This may be seen when the DTOS/VIS cursor is zeroed back to the FPM, but the main Navigation cursor may still be slewed away from the original steerpoint location. To zero the Navigation cursor, CCRP or CCIP should be entered and then CZ pressed.
When cursor slews are applied, Cursor Zero is needed to remove them. For a time, changing the selected steerpoint was erroneously zeroizing the cursor when it should not have been. This has been rectified so that cursor deltas are maintained during steerpoint switching (ie, if the TGP was looking 500 meters west of steerpoint 1, it will be looking 500 meters west of steerpoint 2 if the STPT is advanced from 1 to 2).
The TD Box occludes the steerpoint diamond. If they are co-located, which is the case in "Pre-planned" A-G sub-modes like CCRP or LADD, the steerpoint diamond will be hidden by the TD Box.
When the steerpoint is slewed using the cursor, the OA1 and OA2 offset aimpoints will always slew with it to maintain their programmed offset distance/direction as entered on the DED DEST page.
Pressing Cursor Zero no longer zeros the OA1/OA2 settings. These can only be zeroed by manually editing the RNG value to 0 on the DED DEST page.
If the RNG value of OA1 or OA2 is set to 0, the OA triangle symbols will be removed from the HUD/HMCS and will not be available in the sighting point rotary options.
OA1 and OA2 will not be available in the sighting point rotary options if FIX or A-CAL are displayed on the DED.
When not in VIP or VRP modes, the OA1 or OA2 triangle symbols will not be displayed in the HUD/HMCS if not selected using the sighting point rotary option. When in VIP or VRP modes, both OA triangle symbols (if RNG is not 0) are always displayed along with the IP/RP diamond, TGT TD Box, and PUP circle symbols.
Sighting point options are not available if in any "Visual" weapon delivery sub-mode: CCIP, STRF, DTOS, or VIS; or if MARK is displayed on the DED with "HUD" as the marking method.
Sighting points may be cycled using TMS Right-Short while the HUD or FCR is SOI (prior to this it was only possible with FCR as SOI).
The "Ghost A-G Cursor" (white crosshairs) is now displayed on the HSD at the current sighting point location for all sighting points (including OA1, OA2, IP, and RP). Prior to this it was only displayed when TGT was the selected sighting point.
The Azimuth Steering Line will only be referenced to the TGT sighting point location, even if the sighting point is changed to OA1, OA2, IP, or RP. Only the direct sighting point (TGT) can represent the target solution for weapon delivery; offset aimpoints only assist in alignment of the targeting solution.
Only one sensor can be in a "track" mode at any given time, since the SPI represents the location to which all aircraft sensors are directed. Entering a track mode in one sensor will cause other sensors to break lock.
If FCR enters FTT or MTT, the TGP will exit POINT/AREA track and any HAD designation will be dropped.
If the TGP enters POINT or AREA track, the FCR will break FTT/MTT lock and any HAD designation will be dropped.
If a threat radar symbol is designated on the HAD, the FCR will break FTT/MTT lock and the TGP will exit POINT/AREA track.
If the sighting point is changed, the aircraft sensors will exit their respective tracking modes to prevent cursor slews from being erroneously input into the system.
The TGP is automatically slaved to the DTOS/VIS TD box while in pre-designate state.
If in DTOS/VIS sub-mode and a sensor is commanded into a track mode, the sub-mode will automatically enter post-designate state at the corresponding sensor track location. (ie, if the TGP is SOI and being slewed in DTOS mode and commanded to POINT track, DTOS will enter post-designate at that location)
If in any "Visual" weapon delivery sub-mode (CCIP, STRF, DTOS, or VIS; or if MARK is displayed on the DED with "HUD" as the marking method), the FCR will enter AGR mode and cannot be changed.
FCR mode selection page is corrected to prevent manually changing the FCR out of AGR mode without changing the weapon delivery sub-mode.
When a laser-guided bomb is selected in SMS, the TGP laser will be inhibited from firing if the sighting point is set to OA1, OA2, IP, or RP. This prevents an LGB from being diverted from the intended target location, which is represented by the direct sighting points of TGT or STP.


Snowplow is only available while in a "Pre-planned" weapon delivery sub-mode: CCRP, LADD, PRE, EO-PRE, EO-BORE; or if in NAV mode if the FCR is not in an A-A mode.
When Snowplow is entered (via OSB 8 on the FCR or TGP MFD formats), the SPI is placed at the location of the Snowplow cursor in a pre-designate state (represented by the TD Box in the HUD).
In NAV mode when there is no TD Box and the steerpoint diamond represents the steerpoint location, there will be no HUD symbology corresponding with Snowplow cursor while in a pre-designate state.
If TMS Up-Short is pressed while the HUD, FCR, or TGP are SOI, Snowplow is exited via post-designate and the main Navigation cursor is moved to the location of the SPI (represented by the TD Box in A-G master mode or the steerpoint diamond in NAV master mode).
If Snowplow is exited from pre-designate by pressing "SP" at OSB 8 on the FCR or TGP MFD formats, the SPI simply returns to the existing location of the main Navigation cursor since a designation was not performed.
The Snowplow cursor location is placed in three dimensions by the following.
Aircraft Heading: The cursor will remain along the aircraft longitudinal axis and cannot be changed.
Range: The cursor will be placed in front of the aircraft at 50% the A-G FCR range. Adjusting the FCR range (even if the FCR is in OVRD or STBY modes, or if the RF switch is in QUIET or SILENT) will move the Snowplow cursor in range.
If the FCR is powered OFF on the SNSR PWR panel, the Snowplow cursor is fixed 5 NM in front of the aircraft and cannot be changed.
Elevation: The cursor is set to the same elevation as the current steerpoint while in pre-designate. When Snowplow is exited via post-designate, the elevation of the SPI is re-calculated to the terrain elevation.
When weight-on-wheels, the cursor is set at the same altitude as the aircraft.


It is no longer possible to enable VIP and VRP for the same steerpoint. Enabling one mode will disable the other if set to the same steerpoint.
When VIP or VRP mode is entered, a Cursor Zero is no longer performed to the main Navigation cursor.
When an overfly designation is performed in VRP mode, the designation will now designate the location of the RP, not the TGT.
Only one overfly designation may be performed of the IP in VIP mode or the RP in VRP mode, using TMS Forward-Short while the HUD is SOI. Cursor slews may still be performed before or after the designation, but VIP and VRP modes must be exited and then re-entered to perform subsequent overfly designations.
When entering VIP mode, the EHSI will be directed toward the IP and the Azimuth Steering Line will be to the TGT. When an overfly designation of the IP is performed, the EHSI will switch to the TGT.
When entering VRP mode, the EHSI and the Azimuth Steering Line will be to the TGT, even after an overfly designation of the RP is performed."

Le F16 de DCS progresse :yes:

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5731
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002

Re: F-16C Viper Datalink Update


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Ce F16 commence vraiment a ressembler a un F16.
Cool :yes: :cheer:
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Légende volante
Légende volante
Messages : 17725
Inscription : 08 septembre 2001

Re: F-16C Viper Datalink Update


Message par DeeJay »

ENFIN le SPI! :banana:

On va voir ça de près :yes: c'est un truc qui peut être TRÈS prise de tête, il y a pleins de pièges pour le dev de nature à foutre le brin dans le HSI, HUD, calcul des ETE et ETA ... etc ... gros boulo.
Va p'tete falloir bien shouffer et les aider à debugger ça (si il y a des bug, mais je n'en doute pas trop).
(A tout hasard, rien au sujet de la poignée train qui fonctionne comme sur aucun autre avion au monde?)
ASUSTeK ROG MAXIMUS X HERO / Intel Core i5-8600K (4.6 GHz) / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti FE 12GB / 32GB DDR4 Ballistix Elite 3200 MHz / Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2To / Be Quiet! Straight Power 11 1000W Platinum / Windows 11 Home 64-bit / HOTAS Cougar FSSB R1 (Warthog grip) / SIMPED / MFD Cougar / ViperGear ICP / SimShaker JetPad / Track IR 5 / Moniteur incurvé 27'' 1080p Samsung C27F396 / HP Reverb G2

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1134
Inscription : 16 septembre 2002

Re: F-16C Viper Datalink Update


Message par Eaglebow »

Et du data pour le SEAD:


NOTE 1. A TDOA member can only contribute if they are not already tracking an emitter with the HTS.
NOTE 2. This works for both single player and multiplayer. When in multiplayer and a Slave, you will get an audio DATA alert.
NOTE 3. Due to complications stemming from our other businesses, we had to adjust datalink terms. In this case, Tactical Net Datalink (TNDL).
NOTE 4. As always, these videos provide a preview of an upcoming feature to assist you in understanding a new feature. Later, it is quite possible that the feature will change, and the feature functionality has changed. As much as I’d like to, I lack the time re-record these videos.

Hey everyone, Wags here from Eagle Dynamics.

In this DCS: F-16C Viper video, we’ll build upon the previous video about new datalink features. Namely, the ability to use participating data linked Team members more accurately and quickly pinpoint a threat radar emitter, like a SAM site. This is termed Time Difference of Arrival, or TDOA, and it is only available when each Team member is loaded with a HARM Targeting System, or HTS, pod. There must also be a minimum of three Team members in a TDOA team.

We’re here over the Persian Gulf map in a four-ship, with each member assigned an HTS POD and two AGM-88 HARMS. This is a common Viper SEAD flight in which both elements support each other. Let’s first bring up the Data Link page by selecting LIST from the ICP, then Enter to select Data Link, and Dobber right twice to display the data link assignments of Team members. For a Team member to participate in the TDOA team but must have the “T” enabled next to it. This can be toggled by Dobber up and down to select the Team member and then selecting any keypad 1 to 9 keys to toggle the TDOA selection. All eight Team members can participate in a TDOA network.

From the HAD page, select TM for Team members or AL for all to have all selected TDOA members to participate. If you wish to disable then, select NO.

After designated an emitter by pressing Target Management Switch, or TMS, up while the cursor is over a target, you can then press TMS left for greater than one second to display TDOA on the HUD and command TDOA participant members to designate the same target with their HTS and provide multiple triangulation angles. Note that the target will need to be within the Team member’s HTS field of view.

To provide optimal triangulation, the other element will attempt to approach the target from a different angle than yours.

When TDOA designated, TD-M is indicating that the target has been designated and you are the Master. If in multiplayer and receiving a designation as the Slave, you get a TDOA HUD message and DATA voice message, and once you designate, you’ll see a TD-S on the HAD for Target Designated Slave.

When a TDOA Team member participant is also tracking the target and contributing, it will have a segmented, white line between it and the target. You notice that the Position Quality, PGM, value will attain a high precision, 1 value much faster.

To exit TDOA tracking, press TMS down.

Happy weaseling! "

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