Concours skin FW 190-A8

Salle dédiée aux avions WWII de DCS World
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 866
Inscription : 15 octobre 2017

Concours skin FW 190-A8


Message par Gibe »

Info trouvé sur le mail de DCS :

Win the Channel Map!

For those of you that enjoy painting skins for your favourite aircraft, this contest is for you! Using the official template found here, we are holding a paint the Anton contest. We will choose the top 10 (or so) best submissions. If your submission is chosen, you will have your name added to the DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Anton credits, and your work will be included with the Fw 190 A-8. You will also receive one free copy of the upcoming DCS: Channel Map (no substitutions).

Here are some of the requirements and details:

The skin must be created using this template
The skin can be historically accurate or fictional. However, the skin must be associated with one of the countries currently present in DCS World
Please do not use nazi swastika
Here are instructions for saving textures with MIP levels using NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop.

Please upload completed skins to dedicated topic in the forum.

The contest will run until February 16th, 2020.

Best of luck to all contestants!

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