Voici le texte du MCH histoire d'apporter du vrai contenu :
Du coup je m'arrête là. Contact Established. The first decision is whether to lock the previous aircraft or to fly a no-lock trail departure. A no-lock departure allows you to clear your flight path and maintain better overall SA, but it is normally easier to maintain precise position and “TIED” with a lock. As Number Three or Number Four, selection of situation awareness mode on the nearest aircraft will put the radar in single target track (STT). Ensure the cursor is precisely placed over the correct aircraft prior to commanding lock. ACM mode to gain a lock in the weather is not desired. If, for example, you are Number Three and do not realize that the ACM lock is on lead instead of Number Two, the result could be a mid-air collision since both you and Number Two are trying to fly the same position behind lead. No matter the method, all locks should be verified by ensuring the target is at the correct range, azimuth and altitude, and is flying the proper ground track at the briefed airspeed. If there is a doubt, immediately return to a search mode to regain and ensure SA. If radar SA can be maintained call “TIED.”