Nouvelle version de ce configurateur "universel"
Bon amusement et joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année à toutes et tous.
Joyeux Noël

Attention certains antivirus vont détecter faussement un cheval de troie : Trojan:Win32/Zpevdo.B ... /detection ... /detection
Explications du concepteur : l'outil compilant son code python est mal détecté par certains antivirus (exemple de code minimal générant la détection (faux positif) d'un virus).
Yeah sadly the tool I'm using to turn the python code into an executable appears to be triggering some anti virus tools due to how it behaves I think. For fun I tried to look at what a minimal example would result in, as far as virus detection goes. Turns out the following code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Hello World")
turned into an executable manages to trigger many anti virus tools ... /detection which I sadly can't do much about. In the past had happened as well so I'm hoping that the virus scanner vendors will update their heuristics over time to not trigger on the behaviour of the tool I use to create executable.