Vidéo de familiarisation de Requiem
Indicated stall speed in flight configuration: 161..193 km/h (100..120 mph)
Indicated stall speed in takeoff/landing configuration: 139..166 km/h (86..103 mph)
Dive speed limit: 665 km/h (412 mph)
Maximum load factor: 6.5 G
Stall angle of attack in flight configuration: 19.1 °
Stall angle of attack in landing configuration: 17.1 °
Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Combat: 505 km/h (314 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 1000 m, engine mode - Combat: 524 km/h (326 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 5000 m, engine mode - Combat: 544 km/h (338 mph)
Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Nominal: 467 km/h (290 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 2000 m, engine mode - Nominal: 500 km/h (311 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 5000 m, engine mode - Nominal: 525 km/h (326 mph)
Service ceiling: 8700 m (28540 ft)
Climb rate at sea level: 10.0 m/s (1969 ft/min)
Climb rate at 3000 m: 8.2 m/s (1614 ft/min)
Climb rate at 6000 m: 5.0 m/s (984 ft/min)
Maximum performance turn at sea level: 24.5 s, at 270 km/h IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m: 34.1 s, at 270 km/h IAS.
Flight endurance at 3000 m: 3.4 h, at 350 km/h IAS. Engine mode - Cruise, 1st supercharger stage
Takeoff speed: 170..195 km/h (105..120 mph)
Glideslope speed: 185..225 km/h (115..140 mph)
Landing speed: 150..170 km/h (95..105 mph)
Landing angle: 3.4 °
Note 1: the data provided is for international standard atmosphere (ISA).
Note 2: flight performance ranges are given for possible aircraft mass ranges.
Note 3: maximum speeds, climb rates and turn times are given for aircraft mass with 8 FAB-100 bombs.
Note 4: climb rates and turn times are given for Nominal power.
Model: Wright R-2600-11
Maximum power in Cruise mode at 5500 ft: 810 HP
Maximum power in Cruise mode at 12000 ft: 765 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at 5500 ft: 1350 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at 12000 ft: 1275 HP
Maximum power in Combat mode at sea level: 1600 HP
Maximum power in Combat mode at 11500 ft: 1400 HP
Engine modes:
(boost value is listed for 1st and 2nd supercharger gears)
Cruise (unlimited time): 1705 RPM, 27,5 / 30,0 inch Hg, mixture "Auto Lean"
Nominal (unlimited time): 2300 RPM, 36,0 / 40,0 inch Hg, mixture "Auto Rich"
Combat (5 min limit): 2400 RPM, 43,0 / 41,0 inch Hg, mixture "Auto Rich"
Oil rated temperature in engine output: 80..95 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine output: 105 °C
Cylinder head rated temperature: 140..240 °C
Cylinder head maximum temperature: 260 °C
Supercharger gear shift altitude: 2900 m (9500 ft)
Empty weight: 6781 kg
Minimum weight (no ammo, 10% fuel): 7359 kg
Standard weight: 8366 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 10466 kg
Fuel load: 1057 kg / 1468 l / 388 gal
Useful load: 3665 kg
Forward-firing armament:
12.7mm machine gun ANM2 .50, 200 rounds, 850 rounds per minute, nose-mounted
Defensive armament:
Top: 12.7mm machine gun ANM2 .50, 390 rounds, 850 rounds per minute
Belly: 7.92mm machine gun ANM2 .30, 600 rounds, 1150 rounds per minute
Up to 20 x 104 kg general purpose bombs FAB-100M
Up to 4 x 254 kg general purpose bombs FAB-250ck
Length: 14.54 m
Wingspan: 18.69 m
Wing surface: 43.18 m^2
Combat debut: spring 1942
Additional airplane configurations list:
20 x 104 kg General Purpose Bombs FAB-100M
Additional mass: 2080 kg
Ammunition mass: 2080 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 39 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 16 km/h
4 x 254 kg General Purpose Bombs FAB-250tsk
Additional mass: 1016 kg
Ammunition mass: 1016 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 39 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 16 km/h
Bendix MN-28Y fixed loop radio compass for navigation with radio beacons
Additional mass: 20 kg
Estimated speed loss: 0 km/h
Operation features:
- Engine has no manifold pressure automatic governor. For this reason, manifold pressure not only depends on throttle position, but also from RPM and altitude. This requires additional checking of manifold pressure to not cause engine damage.
- Engine is equipped with an automatic fuel mixture control which maintains optimal mixture if mixture lever is set to Auto Rich (66%) position. To use automatic mixture leaning to reduce fuel consumption during flight it is necessary to set mixture lever to Auto Lean (33%) position. In the case of mulfunction of the automatic mixture control the mixture lever should be set to Full Rich (100%) position. To stop the engine mixture lever should be set to the Cut Off (0%) position.
- Engine RPM has an automatic governor and it is maintained at the required RPM corresponding to the governor control lever position. The governor automatically controls the propeller pitch to maintain the required RPM.
- Oil radiators shutters are joint with engine cowl outlet shutters and manually operated.
- Airplane has trimmers for all flight-controls: pitch, roll and yaw.
- Landing flaps have a hydraulic actuator and they can be extended to any angle up to 50°.
- Airplane has independent left and right hydraulic wheel brake controls. To apply either brake push the upper part of the rudder pedal.
- Airplane is equipped with a parking brake system.
- Airplane is equipped with a siren that warns a pilot if the throttle is set to low position with landing gear retracted.
- Airplane is equipped with upper formation lights.
- Engine has a two-stage mechanical supercharger which must be manually switched at 2900m (9500 ft) altitude.
- Airplane have a fuel gauge which shows remaining fuel in left and right fuel tanks depending on switch position. In game the fuel indicator switch changes by itself during horizontal flight by every 15 seconds.
- The aircraft is equipped with an electromechanical safety system that blocks the hydraulic landing gear actuator while the aircraft is on the ground.
- The nose gear orients by itself, doesn't have brakes and can't be controlled.
- It is forbidden to open the upper cowl flaps during flight, so they should be closed before taking off.
- The upper cowl flaps are controlled simultaneously using a shared hydraulic actuator.
- There are white and red signal lamps in the tail: the white one is lit while bomb doors are open and the red one lights up for 5 seconds when bombs are released.
- The upper cockpit door can't be opened during flight, but there is an emergency jettison handle.
- Airplane is equipped with a bomb salvo controller that has four release modes: drop single, drop two in a salvo, drop four in a salvo or drop all bombs in salvo. There is also a controller for a drop delay between each bomb in the salvo.