Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?

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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 445
Inscription : 26 janvier 2007

Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par JollyJumper »

Reportedly, one single-seater and one two-seater were already in the flight-test process in 1990.
Then SH went on his Kuwait adventure and Jordan sided with Iraq.. and the Jordanian Mirage 2000 deal was cancelled.
Are any photos known oft the two Jordanian Mirages ?
And what has happened with them.. maybe converted for another customer (Taiwan?) ?
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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
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Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par jojo »

What is the source for that ???
Config: MSI Z270 GAMING M5/ I7 7700K + Water Cooling/ SSD 500Go/DDR4 4x16Go 3200Mhz/ MSI RTX 3080 Ventus 3x Plus 10Go
Virpil T50CM3 + WarBRD + TM Hornet/ MFG Crosswind/ HP Reverb G2

Photo aéro: Nikon D7000/ D500 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3
ma galerie: cliquez FLICKR / WARBIRDS
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 445
Inscription : 26 janvier 2007

Re: Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par JollyJumper »

One of the 'Featured Aircraft' articles in World Air Power Journal
Looked it up - WAPJ Vol. 10 (Autumn/Fall 1992) - Mirage 2000 by Paul Jackson
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 784
Inscription : 17 septembre 2002

Re: Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par SEG »

Found this Reuters's archive :

Jordan Agrees to Buy 20 French Mirage Jets
February 05, 1988|From Reuters

PARIS — Jordan agreed on Thursday to equip its air force with the French-built Mirage 2000 warplane in preference to the West European Tornado and the Soviet MIG-29, French officials said.
The officials said French Premier Jacques Chirac and Jordanian Prime Minister Zaid Rifai signed a memorandum of understanding on the purchase of 20 Mirage 2000s and the modernization of 15 Mirage F-1s.

WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
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Inscription : 12 février 2018

Re: Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par rescator »

Then SH went on his Kuwait adventure and Jordan sided with Iraq.. and the Jordanian Mirage 2000 deal was cancelled.
Il me semble que c'est l'Arabie Saoudite qui finançait le contrat et elle n'a pas apprécié la prise de position jordanienne...
Les plus cyniques pourraient y voir également l'ombre US alors prompte à venir assister les Saoudiens contre Saddam. Du coup, les Jordaniens ont fini par acheter des F-16... :hum:

Légende volante
Légende volante
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Inscription : 18 mai 2006

Re: Jordanian Mirage 2000 ..?


Message par ironclaude »

SEG a écrit : ...
The officials said French Premier Jacques Chirac and Jordanian Prime Minister Zaid Rifai signed a memorandum of understanding on the purchase of 20 Mirage 2000s and the modernization of 15 Mirage F-1s.
Encore une promesse non tenue de Chirac

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