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This is Lorik's Korea version 1.11.
It is compatible with BMS 4.33 U5.
You can update from 1.10, or download the whole pack.
You will find 2 new campaigns (one having two slightly different versions of it) in it, with little modifications in the aircrafts' available loadout... as always if you played my Lorik's Balkans theater mod

Here's the readme, then a link to download. Enjoy and keep feeding me back please, I'm starving about what's going right and what's going wrong! =)
1.10 campaigns are compatible with 1.11.
1.11 updates the IR SAMs (check change log file in Add-On folder)
CHANGE LOG from 1.00 to 1.10Lorik's Korea 1.11
Welcome to this Campaigns Mod.
It is installed as an independant theater in your Falcon BMS folder.
It also is independant from Lorik's Korea 1.00 versions so people can keep it as long as they need.
Campaigns from 1.00 SHOULD NOT be compatible with 1.10 or 1.11. Check the change log.
*** If you already have 1.10: first, in your Data folder, rename "Add-On KoreaLorik 1.10" into "Add-On KoreaLorik 1.11"
Then add the...
Add-On KoreaLorik 1.11\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\KoreaLorik 111.tdf
(you can remove the 1.10 line)
... to your data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\theater.lst file
and unzip the "1.10 to 1.11" downloaded zip on Data\
*** If you don't have 1.10:
Add the...
Add-On KoreaLorik 1.11\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\KoreaLorik 111.tdf
... to your data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\theater.lst file
and unzip the "full 1.11" downloaded zip on Data\
The modified campaigns are detailed in the pdf files in your add-on folder. They are:
Number 1 : "Operation Yin Yang"
While pressing heavily on Seoul, DPRK leaves its Eastern region vulnerable to Combined Forces. Resist and strike back on the East.
Campaign ends: Day 5 0000 or earlier
Read Operation Yin Yang.pdf in the same folder for many more details! Or click that link to read it straight from here.
Number 2: "Operation Poseidon - Creel"
Number 3: "Operation Poseidon - Trident"
DPRK united Korea into one again, for the worst. The international community supports NATO into an operation to restore ROK.
Campaign ends: Day 6 0000 (probably way before)
Read Operation Poseidon.pdf in the same folder for many more details! Or click that link to read it straight from here.
Two WeatherMapsUpdates folders are provided with the theater.
Why these campaigns? (from 1.00)
Dynamic campaigns for BMS are an incredible tool on many aspects. And many people have been using it to create incredibly entertaining campaigns throughout Falcon 4, then BMS' life.
Something is regularly mentioned though: past the first few days, not to say the first 24 hours, most campaigns seem to loose their main interest and flavour to many people I speak with.
I've been trying to think of campaigns like playgrounds in the first place, and used them to experiment with Mission Commander and the BMS Editor - and the whole deal of things that come with campaign creation.
This is how I finally designed my first Balkans Campaigns Mod and its three very different campaigns, all trying to be short.
Then I wanted to try the same in Korea.
Operation Yin Yang strongly inherits from that, with its two different areas, its weapons limitations, forcing you to think more in term of squadron strategy rather than just "What are we loading today? Not that one, it's just too easy with it".
I wanted to narrow choices to tactical and strategic ones, while remaining in an entertaining environment.
The very idea of a campaign resembling a story, with different episodes, then came to my mind. This is why and how Operation Poseidon was designed. A simple look in the pdf explains it all. I'll probably try to dig into that kind of things more and more.
These campaigns leave a very good part to Nap-Of-the-Earth approaches - not because you really have a choice, but because that's how you will reach your objective.
Enjoy them!
Driftkioti (any news from him, someone?)
Nuno Santos (Clouds Pack!)
Unleashed Code
...and the unmentioned BMS team members and the whole community, obviously!
IR SAMS (7, 9, 13, 14, H5NA) were modified to simulate a more permissive nap-of-the-Earth approach. They should frequently miss on very low altitude (around <500 ft) if you're not slow (> 0.7), even if you are going straight, and not be able to launch at all under 200 ft.
I've always been frustrated with IR SAM when flying at few hundred feet from the ground at mach 0.85. The guys down there shouldn't have time to do that job so quickly and score so many and easy hits on you.
I changed the models for SA-7, 9, 13, 14 and H5NA, whether a guy or a vehicle fires them (same model). You can now reasonably plan a NOE strike with AIR bombs on a target without fearing ManPADS already pointed in your direction while you are ingressing at hell's speed near the ground. But don't mess with them if you start gaining altitude.......
In consequence, the missile flight model is altered. Let's face it, we don't see the missile in flight anyway... and I didn't find a way to increase the preparation time before launch. That's the best workaround I found.
If you want to know how it feels, place a SCUD battalion in a TE and overfly it. The BMP-CMD will attempt to shoot SA-14 at you. Feel the difference.
- One more WeatherMapsUpdates folder provided
- Poseidon
"Poseidon Hard" was changed to "Poseidon: Trident".
"Poseidon Normal" was changed to "Poseidon: Creel". The Vinson is near the west coast, and DPRK will have an operational Kuznetsov at some point on the same side. More F15 shall arrive in Fukuoka. Campaign goals are the same as former "Poseidon Hard".
Check the Set by HQ option for each squadron. Vinson's squadrons are set on manual.
- Yin-Yang
CVN71 Roosevelt changed for the CVN65 Enterprise for WDP compatibility.
Tanker squadron added off map on the east, same latitude as CVN65 Enterprise.
Check the Set by HQ option for each squadron. Vinson's squadrons are set on manual.
- Numerous objectives and air defenses added, including new Command Centers and Leader Palaces (Radar icons). Both are Very High buildings objectives.
- F18 C and D squadrons don't have AGM-45 Shrike anymore
- F16 block 30, 50 and 52 can't take GBU-24 and -27 anymore. Block 42, Mirage 2000D and Tornado GR.4 are your guys for runway strikes.
- AV-8B+ Kaos Mod applied for more realistic and permissive loadout
- Mirage 2000 D loadout changed for more permissive payload, inspired by actual attempt to load 4 GBU-12 (or 3 + pod). Buddy lasing could become very useful to preserve a hardpoint for a GBU-12. However guided weapons can't be loaded on ext 2000 lbs bags anymore (realistically).
- Altitudes for AI munitions deployment:
Air-to-Ground Missiles set to be fired from 16k ft
HARMs from 30k ft
GBU from 20k ft
Dumb high-drag 500 ft
Cluster 500 ft
Dumb low-drag 10k ft
Camera Alt 17k ft
IAM 25k ft
The link to download the whole Lorik's Korea 1.11 pack:
The link to download 1.11 from 1.10
See you back in the Briefing Room.