Pour les "cuirassés", je pense qu'il s'agit simplement des croiseurs lance-missiles Ticonderoga déjà en service, surtout vu que la phrase parle de défense anti-missile.
Enfin c'est ce que je comprends de ce que je lis sur le site officiel :
PS : Moi aussi j'adorerais revoir voler un F-14 et voguer un dreadnought, mais bon...DONALD J. TRUMP’S VISION
Work with Congress to fully repeal the defense sequester and submit a new budget to rebuild our depleted military.
Increase the size of the U.S. Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers, which the Army Chief of Staff says he needs to execute current missions.
Rebuild the U.S. Navy toward a goal of 350 ships, as the bipartisan National Defense Panel has recommended.
Provide the U.S. Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need.
Grow the U.S. Marine Corps to 36 battalions.
Invest in a serious missile defense system to meet growing threats by modernizing our Navy's cruisers and procuring additional, modern destroyers to counter the ballistic missile threat from Iran and North Korea.
Emphasize cyber warfare and require a comprehensive review from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and all relevant federal agencies to identify our cyber vulnerabilities and to protect all vital infrastructure and to create a state-of-the-art cyber defense and offense.
Pay for this necessary rebuilding of our national defense by conducting a full audit of the Pentagon, eliminating incorrect payments, reducing duplicative bureaucracy, collecting unpaid taxes, and ending unwanted and unauthorized federal programs.