ZG26 Server & co-ops

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Inscription : 24 septembre 2015

ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

S! all

We enjoyed flying the French co-op with you all on LoupVerts Wednesday missions.

We are hoping to start some new co-ops based on the BOM Map and plane set soon, these will be hardcore IL2 type missions without tanks, respawn or refly although the details are yet to be decided. It will also be squad only (maybe with one or two exceptions) and we will not advertise them on the BOS forum so that we can be sure the squads who register first always get their seats. We hope to create a nice environment where we have a few regular squads on both sides who can fight each week and wish to keep it competitive serious flying but with a friendly atmosphere. I did not decide on a night yet but I will try to avoid clashing on the other co-ops.....maybe Sunday or Monday?

I am running a DF server every night this week with a BOM Map/plane set to test the server for maximum number of players....I need to know if I can host 40 players without any problems. The DF missions are BOM winter and Autumn and should be ok to get some nice fights going so we can see the performance. The plane set is mostly BOM aircraft but I added the 87, Pe-2 Series 67 and Il-2 1942.

As we always enjoyed flying with and against all the French squads we will let you guys know first when we are ready to start the co-ops and give you guys first choice.

In the meantime we would really appreciate it if you guys would join our server when ever you can this week to help us push the limits. We tend to fly 20:00-23:00 UK time.

Please if anyone speaks English could you please translate....my French is pretty bad :D

Many thanks and we hope to see you in the skies soon


ZG26_Emil Previously know as (JG5_Emil)
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par NN_Fahrenheit »

Voici une traduction approximative pour les non anglophones.
ZG26_Emil a écrit :Salut à tous,

Nous avons apprécié de voler avec vous tous sur la coop française avec les missions du mercredi de Loupvert.

Nous espérons pouvoir démarrer bientôt une nouvelle coop basée sur la carte et les avions de BOM, les missions seront réalistes et purement IL-2 sans chars ni réapparition bien que les détails soient encore à déterminer. Elle sera réservée aux escadrilles uniquement (avec peut-être 1 ou 2 exceptions) et nous ne les promouvrons pas sur le forum de BOS de manière à être sûr que les escadrilles inscrites en premières aient leurs places. Nous espérons créer un environnement sympa avec quelques escadrilles régulières dans chaque camp qui pourront combattre chaque semaine et souhaitons garder un esprit de compétition et de vol sérieux tout en ayant une ambiance amicale. Je n'ai pas encore décidé du jour mais je vais essayer d'éviter d'être incompatible avec les autres coop. Peut-être le dimanche ou le lundi ?

J'ouvre un serveur de dogfight tous les soirs cette semaine avec la carte et les avions de BOM pour tester le serveur le nombre maximum de joueurs... J'ai besoin de savoir si je peux accueillir 40 joueurs sans aucun problème. Les missions de dogfight sont sur BOM automne et hiver et devraient fonctionner correctement pour y voir de beaux combats de manière à constater les performances. Les appareils sont principalement ceux de BOM mais j'ai rajouté le Ju-87, le Pe-2 serie 87 et l'Il-2 1942.

Comme nous avons toujours apprécié voler avec et contre les escadrilles françaises, nous vous préviendrons en premiers lorsque nous serons prêts à démarrer cette coop et nous vous laisserons les premières places.

Dans l'intervalle, nous apprécierions vraiment que vous veniez sur notre serveur quand vous pourrez cette semaine pour nous aider à en repousser les limites. Nous avons tendance à voler de 20h à 23h (Londres, 21h à 00h Paris).

Merci beaucoup et nous espérons vous croiser dans les cieux bientôt.

The Normandie Niemen Virtuel squadron would appreciate to participate to your coop and we're looking forward the first mission. :Jumpy: :cheer:
I'll try to know quickly which Sunday or Monday would gather most pilots.

Thanks for this new incoming coop !
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par -IRRE-Simpel »

Irre are interest too

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Thanks guys our server is up and running now

Taeht Dewoht
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Taeht Dewoht »

Chouette nouvelle ! :Jumpy:
Image NN_Taeht Dewoht

" A vaincre sans péril, on rentre sans histoire"

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Pollux »

Thank you for this proposal
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Carleo »

The NNNFL team is interested by your proposal. Great thanks to your consideration and your work

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Inscription : 24 septembre 2015

Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Thanks guys

Maybe we could do a big test when you are all finished from the Wednesday night mission as a lot of you guys will be online and on coms?

All I want is to see 40 people on the server, we can fly around for 30 minutes and then if there is no lag or problems we can plan the co-ops.

Thanks again


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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

I removed the ping limit

Map is updated there is now an autumn and winter version of the northern sector. There are two others that need updating a little and then there will be 4.

These are just for testing but they work well as a DF missions and we quite like them.

Would it be possible for all of the French squads to come in and just fly around for 20 minutes after you mission tomorrow night?

I would like to see the performance with 30+ players


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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par NN_Fahrenheit »

We'll try to come in force just after our flight. ;)
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

We'll try to have as many as we can get online tonight.

In the meantime I will start preparing the first co-op so I can see how much people like the mission style.

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Hi guys

Could all the squad leaders for French squads (or a representative of each squad) or even everyone add me on steam please


Even on the nights we dont do co-ops we could get some nice squad V squad mid-week action :)
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par NN_Fahrenheit »

The problem is that all pilots are not using Steam to fly on BoS/BoM ;)
No NN's member is using it...
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

NN_Fahrenheit a écrit :The problem is that all pilots are not using Steam to fly on BoS/BoM ;)
No NN's member is using it...
I will still post here :)

It's very hard because everyone uses different ways to communicate. Even within our squad some use KiK, some use Steam, others use the forum or just turn up on TS.

I wish we still had Hyperlobby :)

Last night there were 15 people on the DF server and the sides were equal. We will be flying on there all week.

I think I am happy with this mission and I am going to create a single Co-Op for the first test/mission. If people like it then I will start making more of them. Are there any days that are the best for your squads? We were thinking Sunday might be ok.
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Elève Pilote
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Bex »

Well done !
I flew alone a mission in Pe2. I had to bomb a fuel depot. So i did but ... i pounded airfield fuel depot ant it was not that one :hum:
I wonder why i got no objects destroyed until i saw the right target near city. Not hidden but i was too hurry.
Nice mission : i love target area with a small object to destroy.
And i enjoyed navigation on Moscow map since il2missionplanner ran. :Jumpy:
Here http://il2missionplanner.com/#moscow

Happy flying !
Faire face.. Fais ce que dois. Advienne que pourra.
bexhausted dit Bex

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Some action from the Server over the last few days :)

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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Bex »

Nice video !
Faire face.. Fais ce que dois. Advienne que pourra.
bexhausted dit Bex

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Plenty of Finns flying German side now if you want some kills

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Never mind we already killed them all in our P-40s :D

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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Hi guys

Are there any nights that you guys can bring 20+ players for a co-op mission guys? Initially I would say 40-50 players to make sure everything runs ok and then maybe increase the numbers if needed.

I am thinking that maybe do one this week as a test and then run one per week on the same night after that.


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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Bex »

J'ai croisé Emil sur leur serveur hier soir. Ils sont impatients de voir des escadrilles frenchies venir en opposition sur leur nouvelle mission coop (carte Moscou automne) qui tourne sur leur serveur depuis hier soir.
A priori ils peuvent voler des deux côtés.
Ils voudraient savoir quel jour conviendrait au plus grand nombre.
Faire face.. Fais ce que dois. Advienne que pourra.
bexhausted dit Bex
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par Carleo »

Pour les NNFFL le mercredi soir est parfait (et ca permet de rester sur nos habitudes )

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Inscription : 24 septembre 2015

Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

If you are not flying the Italian server anymore on Wednesday we could do that.

I would like to do one on Sunday for anyone who can turn up though, it would be a good change for everyone to get familiar with the server and targets.

At first the co-ops will be modified from this DF server and then I will introduce more variety and challenges.

Also if you just want to fly DF style any night the server is running 24/7. Last night we had at least 20 people on there.

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Inscription : 24 septembre 2015

Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par ZG26_Emil »

Here's our 88 footage from Wednesday

That was one of the best missions ever :)

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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Re: ZG26 Server & co-ops


Message par -IRRE-Simpel »

ZG26_Emil a écrit :Here's our 88 footage from Wednesday

That was one of the best missions ever :)
For IRRE too, we have a lot of fun !

Carnage said " it's my favorite missions of my live this wednesday "


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