P3D 3.0 et produits FTX

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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 10037
Inscription : 04 août 2001

P3D 3.0 et produits FTX


Message par Franck66 »

Petite annonce qui a son importance sur le forum FTX
Sim engine and point release upgrades

With regards to Prepar3D Version 3.0 we will be charging a nominal upgrade fee for any Orbx products ported to it, depending on the complexities of the P3D3.x engine and work required. Since V3.0 is very far away I wanted to go on record and give you a heads up that our policy moving forward is to charge a nominal fee for upgrades to new sim platforms. The same applies for any 'point' release of existing products, i.e. like the charge for YMML when it went from 1.x to 2.x

I know this announcement won't please many of you but Orbx as a business is always revising itself, checking what works and what doesn't and there is an enormous amount of work going on behind the scenes that you aren't aware of to keep the business ticking over day to day. This means we refine and change processes, marketing, customer messaging and how we communicate. Any business that never adapts and changes to respond to market forces will stagnate and eventually fail. We don't plan for that to happen to Orbx.
John Venema
Pas de quoi paniquer, c'est la première fois que j'entends parler de P3D 3.0 mais il faudra repasser à la caisse pour profiter des produits déjà achetés. Financement causé par l'effort de portage sur la nouvelle version. Effort non quantifiable pour l'instant

Cela ne me choque pas,j'ai l'impression que le portage sur P3DV2 est aussi couteux en temps.

Pour l'instant je sens que je vais passer beaucoup de temps sur P3DV2

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