3 questions about AdA Mod v2

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Inscription : 16 janvier 2014

3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Valium49 »

Frankly speaking, I'm not sure if it's the best place to put that topic. Sorry for the fact, that I am writing in English, which could be grammatically incorrect, but I don't understand French.

I've got 3 question to you, which I wanted to ask on the official site of the AdA Mod, but unfortunately, regestration is closed and I can't contact to admin.
I've got Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2 and I used to use VNAO mod. Because of the fact that I'm a fan of Armee de l'air and especially Dassault Rafale, I wanted to spice the game and install AdA Mod v2 instead of VNAO.

My 3 questions:
1. When I use Dassault Raffale, land on the carrier and I stop the plane, Raffale begins to go back ( to move backward ). I hold the "W" key ( brake ), because the plane may fall into the water. It's a problem, because when I land and turn off engine, I can't use brakes, so Raffale moves backward and leave the carrier by falling into water... :ouin:

2. I would like to find out, if you could tell me, what files, which are responsible for new sounds I should to remove? I have got my own pack of sounds, with breathing sound too, but when I installed AdA Mod, the sounds were replaced to this from AdA mod.

3. I have got the F/A-18E cockpit mod, which is a private mod and I would like to assign it to the Raffale, which is using Su-27 cockpit.
The Super Hornet's cockpit replaces MiG-29G, but when I use Mod Man to install that my cockpit, the game works, but there is any cockpit.
The Mod Man shows "the red pole" in "Kabina-MIG-29G.cmd" file in AdA mod and Super Hornet's cockpit too.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x60 ... 2/yq1l.png

Do you know how to solve that problems?

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Inscription : 29 décembre 2004

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Azrayen »


1/ I don't think this is AdA-related. As far as I remember, the problem is also present on the ("vanilla") Su-33 from FC2. There is no solution, and it's not "AdA's fault".
2/ Why don't you install your sound mod last (or after AdA Mod, at least?) This way its sounds will replace AdA sounds (only for thoses whose filenames match)
3/ AdA mod switches different files for MiG-29 cockpits (depending on which aircraft/version, Mirage 2000 or MiG-29, is used). I suggest you try to take the F-18 file and rename it to use as a Su-27 cockpit. I can't help more, and no garanty it'll work correctly (think: units systems, payload indicators...) nor smoothly. I would advise not to try to use a modded cockpit intended for replacing the MiG-29 one onto a Su-27-based modded aircraft.

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Inscription : 16 janvier 2014

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Valium49 »

Thanks for response on my questions.

I noticed that I can fly MiG-29K ... ( don't know where from, because I couldn't fly it before ) and when I landed on the carrier, MiG also moved backward, but when I set the plane to take-off position by pushing "U" key, everything was fine. I don't know, could it be the fault of some modification? Honestly, it's not a such important thing to me.

I haven't tried to install sounds, yet, but I'm going to do this in a way that you wrote. It's a Real Sound V3 pack, breathing sound mod, new cockpit sound mod and the beacon sounds.

So, you think that the best idea is not to replacing Su-27 cockpit by MiG-29 cockpit, just trying do edit F-18 cockpit files to replace Su-27 cockpit, right? I edited the name of the files - I've never done it so far - but it seems it's not enough. Is it possible to add automatic throttle and change units of measure to NATO style in Su-27 cockpit ( I mean that F-18 cockpit after replacing )?

I sent to you a more detailed message and I would be grateful, if you'll response on it too and you'll help me.

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Inscription : 29 décembre 2004

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Azrayen »

Valium49 a écrit :I sent to you a more detailed message and I would be grateful, if you'll response on it too and you'll help me.
Don't bother, not by MP at least : I have no time to do "private helping" and forbid myself to do it (even just a bit).
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Inscription : 16 janvier 2014

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Valium49 »

No problem, it's understandable.

I've got just one question. If AdA Mod v2 is compatible with DCS FC3?
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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Azrayen »

No, far too many changes between the two versions.

Oh, and the MiG-29K was activated to provide a basis for the Rafale M.
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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Valium49 »

Thanks for informations.
Do you think about make AdA mod compatible with DCS FC3 ?
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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Azrayen »

No I don't.
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Robin Hood
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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Robin Hood »

To the best of my knowledge, the AdA Mod team has no plan to develop an FC3-compatible version of the mod, probably because of the sheer amount of work it would imply (the modular system introduced in DCS World has its good points, but the flip side is that it is not possible to easily modify an FC2-style mod to fit the new structure, I think).
Also, I suspect they might have been a little upset to see that the huge work they did to bring about the AdA mod for FC2 was kind of nullified by the transition to FC3 and DS World (which happened not that long ago after the release of the mod) - but that's just me speculating (I know I would probably be upset).

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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Stratos »

Is there any template for the Mirage F.1 for AdA mod? I want to skin it for Spanish and Ecuador Air Force, but need a template. Not planning to release it only personla use skins.

Thanks in advance!!
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Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Azrayen »

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Inscription : 17 avril 2007

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Stratos »

Thanks, but the Mirage F.1 template is for the C version. There's a template for the CT?? You know So I can change the cammo.

Cpt Stark
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
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Inscription : 24 janvier 2007

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Cpt Stark »

The C, CT and CR version share the same template.
You can download and use it without any problem.

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Inscription : 17 avril 2007

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2


Message par Stratos »

I know, problem the template is for C version so no cammo schemes on the template, only the blue of the C version.

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