et si celui-ci pouvait fonctionner aussi sur DCS World cela serait la news de l'année

Déjà marre de la Georgie? Même si on vous rajoute un ptit bout de Grozny?Ghostrider a écrit :Mais j espere bien qu il sera possible de rajouter des cartes sous world car on toune en rond depuis des annees
Non, il veut la sdk pour ajouter les installations des JOBarnabe a écrit :Déjà marre de la Georgie? Même si on vous rajoute un ptit bout de Grozny?Ghostrider a écrit :Mais j espere bien qu il sera possible de rajouter des cartes sous world car on toune en rond depuis des annees
Courage plus que deux semaines!
Attention, même avec le SDK on ne pourra pas faire ce qu'on veut...luthier1 a écrit :This is the landscape editor. All its features will indeed be revealed.
However the ability to compile the final map and to let tanks drive or planes fly over the new landscape will not be released out. So, many features that relate to the terrain's implementation within the game will not be a part of the SDK.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this would make it impossible for developers to test their creations in the simulator. That seems pretty counterproductive. As a developer myself, I find this part hard to understand. If the concern is an oversaturation of mediocre or "half-baked" terrains, why release the tools to all backers in the first place. Why not just just to those with serious interest and capability, such as how 3rd party development of aircraft is currently operating?
If a user wanted to create a free terrain or even one that was only used by himself, would he really need to have ED/RRG convert it for him. What about every time he wanted to make a change?Luthier a écrit :Guys, we have an SDK for a game that's not out yet.
Even if we were to release the EDGE source code as freeware, you'd be in the exact same boat. Build, create, compile, and then what?
Until you have at least the DCS WWII alpha, you have no game in which you can fly over your terrain.
We cannot release an even earlier build than our alpha.
The SDK comes with its own landviewer, which is the app in which I did all the footage in the latest vid. That's where you'll test your landscape.
I'm sure we'll have the outstanding questions resolved well before DCS WWII hits alpha. Once we have an official stance on commercial use of EDGE by 3rd parties, everything else will follow naturally.
With non-commercial use, we're obviously interested in having a large amount of user-made content. We're also a very small team and we can't be the quality control or the publisher for everything our users make.
The only reason to release an SDK is to help your product grow. No one on this side has any desire to be the bottleneck in that process.
Je n'y pense jamais , tu as raison c'est plus compréhensible comme cela.Ago, pourquoi ne pas utiliser la bonne balise (quote) pour les citations ?