Patch correctif 1.029b
Patch correctif 1.029b
#1Dear Customers!
We should inform you, that "Rise of Flight" Master Server will be offline for maintenance works from 9:00 till 11:00 UTC/GMT in 24th January 2013.
We should inform you, that "Rise of Flight" Master Server will be offline for maintenance works from 9:00 till 11:00 UTC/GMT in 24th January 2013.
C'est fort possible...
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole."
Cdt De Rose
Ah, mince, ch'uis à 48 victoires à hier soir, va falloir que je dessoude encore deux zincs avant le patch alors!!

- WSO Co-pilote
- Messages : 895
- Inscription : 31 octobre 2009
Dear community!
After some time after release of the 1.029 we have done several major changes and corrections in the RoF engine and physics, which are providing important improvements of the game quality. So, we have decided to not to wait for 1.030 and to create and release 1.029b with these corrections.
Most important - sound disappearing issue fix. It is old issue, in the past we have found that reason of this issue is inside the FMOD sound API, but in past it was hard to reproduce (from 30min to 2 hours before bug appearing) and locating of the exact reason was near to impossible. In new versions, where quantity of sounds have grown, the problem become to reproducing faster and we have received the ability to investigate it. Reason was inside the FMOD API and it was in incorrect behavior of the sound samples caching algorithm. Fortunately, another caching algorithm of FMOD is working fine and we have used this another one.
Second one - we have found and fixed the reason why plane have had incorrect reaction to the wind while level flight (different airspeed when flying with head-wind and back-wind, turn tendency with side-wind and so on). Reason was not in the plane aerodynamics but in the propeller vortex path evolution model - the vortex have had a bit incorrect interaction with wind.
Third - several corrections on Felixstowe which are improving it's quality. Plus - several other corrections including several issues of interaction between plane and water.
We sure that these corrections will improve the quality of your gameplay, and we appreciate your support.
With regards,
RoF team.
Change list of version 1.029b
1. Sound disappearing (without restoring) issue fixed.
2. Headwind and backwind flying air speed difference was removed (due to propeller vortex fix).
3. Plane tendency to turn aside of wind in level flight was removed (due to propeller vortex fix).
4. Plane behavior on take-off and landing with side-wind was corrected (due to propeller vortex fix).
5. Felixstowe now is sinking faster when damaged
6. Felixstowe waterline rising after land issue was fixed
7. Felixstowe engines now are sinking fast
8. Felixstowe "only photo" payload now provides camera in nose gunner's cockpit correctly
9. BW12 floats frame durability was adjusted
10. Engine now is damaging gradually when is flooded
11. Force feedback effect on water takeoff / land was improved
12. Hydroplanes drifting on water on slow speed was tuned
13. Propeller durability in collisions with ground/water was adjusted (now it's not "glass" and not "concrete")
14. High-speed collisions with water are not providing physics anomalies anymore
15. Water splashes were added to all plane debris
16. German anemometer now shows TAS as it should, not ground speed.
17. Durability of the damaged multi-wing spatial structure was restored.
Dear community!
After some time after release of the 1.029 we have done several major changes and corrections in the RoF engine and physics, which are providing important improvements of the game quality. So, we have decided to not to wait for 1.030 and to create and release 1.029b with these corrections.
Most important - sound disappearing issue fix. It is old issue, in the past we have found that reason of this issue is inside the FMOD sound API, but in past it was hard to reproduce (from 30min to 2 hours before bug appearing) and locating of the exact reason was near to impossible. In new versions, where quantity of sounds have grown, the problem become to reproducing faster and we have received the ability to investigate it. Reason was inside the FMOD API and it was in incorrect behavior of the sound samples caching algorithm. Fortunately, another caching algorithm of FMOD is working fine and we have used this another one.
Second one - we have found and fixed the reason why plane have had incorrect reaction to the wind while level flight (different airspeed when flying with head-wind and back-wind, turn tendency with side-wind and so on). Reason was not in the plane aerodynamics but in the propeller vortex path evolution model - the vortex have had a bit incorrect interaction with wind.
Third - several corrections on Felixstowe which are improving it's quality. Plus - several other corrections including several issues of interaction between plane and water.
We sure that these corrections will improve the quality of your gameplay, and we appreciate your support.
With regards,
RoF team.
Change list of version 1.029b
1. Sound disappearing (without restoring) issue fixed.
2. Headwind and backwind flying air speed difference was removed (due to propeller vortex fix).
3. Plane tendency to turn aside of wind in level flight was removed (due to propeller vortex fix).
4. Plane behavior on take-off and landing with side-wind was corrected (due to propeller vortex fix).
5. Felixstowe now is sinking faster when damaged
6. Felixstowe waterline rising after land issue was fixed
7. Felixstowe engines now are sinking fast
8. Felixstowe "only photo" payload now provides camera in nose gunner's cockpit correctly
9. BW12 floats frame durability was adjusted
10. Engine now is damaging gradually when is flooded
11. Force feedback effect on water takeoff / land was improved
12. Hydroplanes drifting on water on slow speed was tuned
13. Propeller durability in collisions with ground/water was adjusted (now it's not "glass" and not "concrete")
14. High-speed collisions with water are not providing physics anomalies anymore
15. Water splashes were added to all plane debris
16. German anemometer now shows TAS as it should, not ground speed.
17. Durability of the damaged multi-wing spatial structure was restored.
Tiens marrant, le son des avions en fly by est plus grave, plus rauque...
Testé sur Ni 11; Ni 17; Spad VII 150cv et Fokker D VII
Testé sur Ni 11; Ni 17; Spad VII 150cv et Fokker D VII
ca a l'air du tout bon ce petit patch.
quel bonheur d'avoir un suivi pareil. et en prime des explications sur ce qui n'allait pas et a été corrigé.
ca c'est de la transparence.
quel bonheur d'avoir un suivi pareil. et en prime des explications sur ce qui n'allait pas et a été corrigé.
ca c'est de la transparence.
P182, Z68XP UD3, I5 2500K@4,2Ghz, 12Go DDR3 PC12800 9 9 9 24, Asus Geforce GTX580 1,5Go, HDD 10.5To, PSU Antec 750W Bronze modulaire, Moniteur LG W2600HP-BF 26" LCD, FFB2, CH Product Pro Pedals, Track IR 2.
Crucial RealSSD C300 64Go.
Shane .Michel.
Crucial RealSSD C300 64Go.
Shane .Michel.
Traduction du post de Han sur le site de la Jasta 18, ici: ... html#12481
C'est vrai qu'au niveau de la communication, 777 met la bar assez haut.
PS: Du coup je modifie le titre du post.
PS: Du coup je modifie le titre du post.
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole."
Cdt De Rose
- Pilote Confirmé
- Messages : 3210
- Inscription : 02 janvier 2008
Obelix a écrit : 17. Durability of the damaged multi-wing spatial structure was restored.
Ah !!! chouette. Visiblement quand quelque chose coince,ils réagissent vite. bravo!
Seul bémol: il parle de la retauration de la dureté de tous les multi plans. Donc, ceux de l'entente aussi....
... Dommage

Existe il un fichier log dans RoF, car j'ai assez souvent un retour bureau (en mode carrière). J'ai vérifié mes températures de CG, rien, pas de soft tournant derrière RoF. Je suis en mods on (ia, skin moteur fubar, texture paysage fubar, meteo ankor et eau plus verte pour la manche.
Le plantage arrive presque toujours dans la même zone du front (!!!????), merci!
Le plantage arrive presque toujours dans la même zone du front (!!!????), merci!
Je pense qu'il doit y avoir un log mais je ne sais pas ou !Obelix a écrit :Existe il un fichier log dans RoF, car j'ai assez souvent un retour bureau (en mode carrière). J'ai vérifié mes températures de CG, rien, pas de soft tournant derrière RoF. Je suis en mods on (ia, skin moteur fubar, texture paysage fubar, meteo ankor et eau plus verte pour la manche.
Le plantage arrive presque toujours dans la même zone du front (!!!????), merci!
je n'ai jamais eut de plantage en mode carrière ..mais je ne joue pas en "mod-on"
C'est peut-être à cause d'une ancienne version de mod mal enlevée.
Regarde ici: ... 49&t=35209.
Essaie l'utilitaire en question là: ... =ModSearch
Regarde ici: ... 49&t=35209.
Essaie l'utilitaire en question là: ... =ModSearch
Ok, mais le toolmachin ne fonctionne pas chez moi.
Bon, j'ai viré un truc dans luascript, on va voir. Merci!
Bon, j'ai viré un truc dans luascript, on va voir. Merci!
Il y a peut être eu des changements sur certains fichiers affectés par le mod IA 8.029. Dans ce cas, merci de me signaler si le pack de mods fait planter avec la 1.029b, manière de voir 'où vient le porblème et de proposser une mise à jour.

Quel ...foiré lui!JV69_Devau a écrit : Donc, ceux de l'entente aussi....
... Dommage

Bon, y sont plus solides, enfin, perdent pas leurs ailes, mais on arrive à les descendre tout pareil!!
Euh, trop solides ces ailes ?
J'essaie ici d'empêcher un de mes ailiers de mitrailler un Albatros endommagé et qui va de toute façon s'écraser :

Jurons!!! Avion secoué!!

Jurons, puis soulagement le piège fonctionne...

Secoué mais intact, je reprends mon vol, mon gazier aussi et fini par descendre l'Albatros!
J'essaie ici d'empêcher un de mes ailiers de mitrailler un Albatros endommagé et qui va de toute façon s'écraser :

Jurons!!! Avion secoué!!

Jurons, puis soulagement le piège fonctionne...

Secoué mais intact, je reprends mon vol, mon gazier aussi et fini par descendre l'Albatros!