Salut à tous,
Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé pour ceux qui comme moi veulent en savoir plus sur la notation des pilotes lors des appontages:
It is a common misconception that pilots are graded based on the wire their tailhook catches on the pass. LSOs don't look at where the plane landed, they look at how it got there. It is possible for a pilot to fly a safe pass and land on a 1 wire, it is also possible that a plane catches a 3 wire and the landing is unsafe. Under normal circumstances, on
Nimitz class carriers the targeted hook touchdown point is halfway between the two wire and the three wire.
LSOs grade the pass and write a comment, in shorthand, for use in the LSO-Pilot de-brief. An example comment might read, "High, slightly overshooting start, fly through down on comeback in the middle, low in close to at the ramp. Fair-2.", meaning that the aircraft was high at the start of the approach, and it had slightly overshot the landing area centerline. As the pilot corrected to centerline, he did not add enough power so he flew through the glideslope from high to low. The LSO likely would have given the pilot a signal at this time to add power. For the last portion of the approach, the aircraft remained below glideslope (but was on centerline because of the lack of a comment), touching down prior to the target 3-wire. The pilot caught the 2 wire, and received a grade of "fair".
LSO School Patch
Possible grades:
- "OK Underline" – a perfect pass, generally under extreme circumstances. Naval Aviators often have hundreds of carrier landings without ever receiving this grade. Worth 5 points.
- "OK" – a pass with only very minor deviations from centerline, glideslope and angle of attack. Worth 4 points.
- "Fair" – a pass with one or more safe deviations and appropriate corrections. Worth 3 points.
- "Bolter" - a safe pass where the hook is down and the aircraft does not stop. Worth 2.5 point, but counts against pilot/squadron/wing "boarding rate".
- "No Grade" – a pass with gross (but still safe) deviations or inappropriate corrections. Failure to respond to LSO calls will often result in this grade. Worth 2 points.
- "Technique Waveoff" – a pass with deviations from centerline, glideslope and/or angle of attack that are unsafe and need to be aborted. Worth 1 point.
- "Cut Pass" – an unsafe pass with unacceptable deviations, typically after a wave off is possible. Worth zero points.
- "Foul Deck Waveoff" – a pass that was aborted due to the landing area being “fouled”. No points are assigned, and the pass is not counted toward the pilots landing grade average.
Je n'ai pas traduit, mais en gros c'est pas parce qu'on attrape le 3eme brin que l'on a fait un bon appontage, la premiere qualité est d'apponter en toute sécurité, le bon point de touché se situe entre le 2eme et le 3em brin , donc forcement l'accroche du 3eme brin.
Bon je vous laisse traduire l'inscription du patch ça m'interesse ...