Ca va TUER
Et bonne surprise : un SDK pour injecter le TacPack dans les autres avions FSX
TacPack Features: Note: This list is subject to change. The Tacpack will be a multi-part release. Features which are not part of the initial release are noted under Phase II
Weapons:ACMI: [list]
- Single and multi-player operation.
- Initially released specifically for the VRS Superbug, with third-party aircraft support to follow in later releases.
- Lethal (to both aircraft and simobjects) weapons simulation for all the current systems carried by the VRS Superbug, with all associated avionic displays:
- M-61A1 20mm Gatling Gun
- AIM-9X “Sidewinder”
- AIM-9M “Sidewinder”
- AIM-7 “Sparrow”
- AGM-65E “Laser Maverick”
- AGM-84D “Harpoon”
- GBU-10 “Paveway II”
- GBU-12 (singles or pairs)
- Realistic weapon ranges and maneuvering performance (dependent on engagement geometry).
- As with the classic Superbug, any one of thousands of combinations of ordinance can be loaded, and the weight and drag of the weapon is simulated on the airframe and removed after launch.
- Weapons are positioned on and fire from individual stations, not a generic aircraft centroid.
- All systems work in FREE FLIGHT and do not require scripted missions.
- Destructable objects include ships, aircraft, ground vehicles and sim-object structures. If it's a simobject, you can lock it up and kill it.
[*]ACMI recorder for FSX, readable by Vyrtuoz's TacView
[*]Can record flights in any aircraft, and records all aircraft present (AI and MP) in the simulation.
[*]Minimal FPS impact.
[*]Facilitates after-action debriefing/training.[/list]Tanker:IFF:
- Call aerial tankers through a simple menu interface (similar to AI Carriers).
- Can use any aircraft loadable in FSX as a tanker.
- Select tanker orbit type.
- Dynamically adjustable tanker altitude and speed.
Coming in Phase II:
[*]MP compatible IFF system to facilitate division into "teams".[/size]
- Third-party aircraft drop-ins to allow BASIC integration with other aircraft.
- SDK to allow ADVANCED integration with other aircraft.
- Basic, aggressor and target drone AI (via in-flight menu system).
- "Wingmen" (Formation flying partners).
- VRS LSO/Greenie Board.
- Much more...
Ce SDK sera par contre d'une grande utilité pour importer les avancés du TacPack dans les autres avions. C'est vraiment une excellente nouvelle puisqu'il sera ainsi possible d'avoir des M2000, F16, Mig29, Su27, exct... qui garderont leur propre identité avec la possibilité d'avoir une véritable avionique et des fonctionnalités compatible avec le F18 et qui pourront donc ainsi combattre dans la même court si l'on puis dire...TacPack SDK (phase 2, available to everyone), which will follow the initial release, will overcome the limitations of the drop-in paradigm by allowing developers to create royalty free, officially sanctioned (and most importantly, balanced) aircraft weapon systems and avionics for integration into their own aircraft at the build-level, while maintaining their aircraft's identity and avoiding generic, drop-in modules which would otherwise destroy anything unique about the host aircraft. The TacPack SDK is the ONLY way the multi-player environment can be balanced, unique to each aircraft's systems and provide maximum tactical diversity. TacPack SDK will be a royalty free system available to any qualifying developers.
Ca arrive et ca va faire malHello all,
We'll post a full update by the weekend. We've got some really cool features working, but there's still a bit more to do. The good news is we're going to have an open beta shortly, the bad news is we're going to be a little late on release (shocker, right)? I know you're all anxious, and I know you've heard this before, but we promise it'll be worth the little extra wait.
Alors à bientôt pour quelques combats BVR acharnéswolf.dma a écrit :Moi aussi je l'ai pré-acheté et attend cela avec impatience !
A suivre ...