et un commentaire intéressant que j'ai glané sur la façon de piloter la chose...
bizzarre hein.... en mode vertical, les gaz controlent le mouvement longitudinal, alors que le manche, controle latéralement le déplacement latéral, et verticalement l'altitude..I've had the opportunity to try out an F-35B simulator on two occasions. The way the controls are implemented
and change function between conventional and v/stol modes is very innovative and also very easy to manage.
In conventional flight, the controls are very conventional. Throttle on the left, control stick on the right, rudders
on the floor.
One point of interest is that the throttle controls move in a linear fashion, not through an arc like on an F-16.
Just straight forward and back.
In v/stol mode, which is activated by throwing a switch on the forward console,
The throttle becomes your forward/backward thrust control. Idle position is neutral, hover mode.
Pull back farther and the plane backs up. Push forward and it goes forward, faster as you push farther forward.
The rudder pedals now control yaw, nose pointing side to side.
The control stick now controls your altitude and lateral position. Apply right stick and the plane slips right, apply
left stick and it slips left, while its direction it's pointed in doesn't change. Apply forward stick and the plane settles
toward the ground. Pull back on the stick and the plane ascends. What you don't have in this mode is direct
control of the nose high or nose low attitude of the aircraft. Nor is there any need to have that control in this mode.
It's smart, too. Unlike with a Harrier, you aren't allowed to make a maneuver that would cause the aircraft to fall off
the column of lift. If you tilt a Harrier too far to the side in v/stol mode, it'll fall off and (probably) crash. The F-35B's
flight control software won't allow you to get that stupid.
It's a great bit of thinking
pas très instictif tout ça... et avec un tel FBW, fini les "salut" à la harrier lors des airshows !