FSUIPC4 - utilité de cet utilitaire

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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 10039
Inscription : 04 août 2001

FSUIPC4 - utilité de cet utilitaire


Message par Franck66 »

Olivier dans le post sur le F-18/E vient de mettre le doigt sur un pré-requis de ce add-on prometteur

il est indiqué que FSUIPC4 est un prereq et qu'il faudra donc l'avoir pour faire fonctionner la bête

voila ce que j'ai trouvé sur le contenu de cet add-on
Joystick control facilities:

* Facilities for joystick calibration – specifically, more accurate setting of dead zones and centres.
* Joystick mapping for multi-engined aircraft throttles
* Facilities for reverse thrust adjustment on each throttle, or via a separate reverser,
* Joystick button programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignment menu.
* Joystick buttons can also be made to produce key-presses, for instance when this is the only way to control an add-on aircraft panel or other accessory.
* Joystick button assignments for Project Magenta controls, and for Roger Wilco’s PTT action.
* Joystick button assignments for use by WideFS clients on Networked PCs.
* All button assignments programmable separately for press and release
* Facilities for analogue flap and spoiler setting, with detentes.
* Facilities for analogue elevator, rudder and aileron trim setting.
* PFC COM-port connected devices, operating through my PFCFSX DLL driver, can also have their switches and buttons programmed using the same facilities.
* Capabilities for all of these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.

Direct axis assignments

* Facilities for asignment of any Windows API (not DirectInput) joystick axis to any FS axis control, or sequences of other controls dependent upon axis range and direction of change.
* Axes can be read as Windows Game controler calibrated values, or direct as ‘Raw’ values for setting specific values.
* Capabilities for these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.

Key press programming facilities:

* Key-press programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignments dialogues.
* FS controls can be sent with fixed parameter, for use in setting specific analogue values.
* Key-press combinations including TAB, MENU and WIN as extra shifts, for many more assignment possibilities.
* Key-press assignments for Project Magenta controls, and for Roger Wilco’s PTT action.
* Key-press assignments for use by WideFS7 clients on Networked PCs
* All key-press operations programmable separately for press and release, and for specific aircraft or general.
* A page of special Hot Key programmable functions for some special FSUIPC4 actions, such as clearing the weather, setting STD altimeter,
* switching throttle sync on and off, and hiding/viewing the FS message window.

Assorted ‘fixes’ and improvements, including:

* Extending the FS aircraft battery life, when the engines aren’t running to maintain them. This seems to be very useful still, as none of the default aircraft, at least, yet have true APU simulation nor external power connections.
* Synchronising the FS clock seconds (and minutes, within reason) with the PC it is running in, so that it doesn’t lose or gain time when running at normal simulation speeds.
* Optional addional FSX menu items for loading Flights and Plans from any folder.
* Removing unwanted spikes from main aircraft controls (as generated, for instance, by some panels).

Many weather filtering options:

* Too numerous to mention here, and not all fully useful yet due to FSX problems which will be resolved in due course. Please keep an eye on the Support Forum, where developments will be announced.

And, on top of all that:

* The possibility of additional user options to come. There are always a few on my list, but I cannot guarantee any until I get to them and study the implications. I am also open to requests and suggestions, as in fact I have been over that last seven years -- that is how FSUIPC has become what it is, and I don’t see why that will stop with FSUIPC4.
* Support from myself for any queries or problems arising from the use of FSUIPC4, or identifiable as FSUIPC4 even when using an application. I would still expect the application developer to be the prime support for his own application, and it is easier for him to sort out FSUIPC4 interfacing problems with me rather than between the user and me, if you see what I mean.
* All this for at least the life of FSX, provided I live that long. I cannot guarantee to continue this into and beyond FSXI or whatever, that would really be asking too much. There will be no charge for updates before the next version of FS, and, judging by the number there were over the last three years, that represents a lot of work, believe me!
En gros mise à part la dernière partie, que des fonctions que je sais déjà adresser via FSX ou d'autre add-on

Que va donc m'apporter cet add-on payant pour le F-18 et d'après vous en quoi cet add-on (bien qu'indiqué dans les prereq) va t'il m'empêcher d'utiliser le F-18
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Topic author
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 10039
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par Franck66 »


Tu indiques que cet utilitaire est gratuit, pour moi il est à 28€

http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson ... 8%29.phtml

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1794
Inscription : 27 décembre 2006


Message par Buck-Danny »

Non non :)

Si tu clique sur "FSUIPC4 4.60" dans le petit tableau ici http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html tu le telecharge gratuitement, a la fin de son install il te demandera si tu veux enregistrer ta version, repond par la negative et c'est bon :)
By Strength & Guile
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Topic author
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 10039
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par Franck66 »

ok, je file chez BM pour voir si ils offrent les mêmes conditions d'achat :)

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1794
Inscription : 27 décembre 2006


Message par Buck-Danny »

By Strength & Guile
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Black Wolf
Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
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Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Black Wolf »

Les points que t'as cité sont les avantages de la version payante par rapport à la version gratuite. Les fonctions d'intérfaçage entre les addons et FS dont a besoin p.ex le F/A-18 sont toutes présentes dans la version gratuite.
A ceux qui nous ont quittés trop vite : bon vol les gars !
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Topic author
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 10039
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par Franck66 »

merci pour la précision, il n'y a plus qu'à attendre patiemment l'arrivée du Super Bug

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