Merci tout plein

Voler en "full" va être du "sport"

Good landings
Stonehenge est presque à la limite W de la carte de BoB...Sur ta proposition, Rodolphe, ni la JG27 ni la JG2 ne pourraient être modélisées...Rodolphe a écrit :...
Merci Snake de partager ces " very usefull " informations avec la communauté.
Un des Screenshots représente, d'une façon très convaincante, le site mégalithique de Stonehenge situé à plus de 120 Nm (220 Km ) à l'ouest de Dover.
As-tu pu apercevoir l'ensemble de la carte de notre prochain théatre d'opération ?
En placant le Pas de Calais au centre d'une carte incluant Stonehenge j'obtiens ceci.Pure supputation , bien sûr.
Crickey a écrit :ouaip, pour ma part retour en position stand by sur cette simu, mais bien relax, serein, détendut du gl...
jvmasset a écrit :Stonehenge est presque à la limite W de la carte de BoB...Sur ta proposition, Rodolphe, ni la JG27 ni la JG2 ne pourraient être modélisées...
La limite Sud passe par Beaumont le Roger, la Ouest quelque centaines de mettre au large du Nez de Jobourg (Jersey est out), et la limite Est passe à l'Ouest de Lille (mais englobe Vitry en Artois).
Il manquera encore pas mal de bases de Stuka et de bases de bombardiers (Ju88, He111) mais toutes les JG seront présentes...
Ocio che te copo
micksaf a écrit :.. très belles photos, quelqu'un a une idée pour expliquer l'usure de la peinture de chaque coté de l'arrière des cockpits sur la dernière photo ?
Oleg Maddox a écrit :It is really very hard task but my target.
At the moment we can't begin with civilian big aircraft. There is not some special features that are neccessary for modeling such aircraft and envirouments (modern radar system, speeches, etc)
Right at the time when we will release first tools will be possible to make:
Then... at the same time we should make own next sim. The next will be separate sim, but it will be possible to install as a merged version with previous one... Experience show me that this is the only one right way.
- 1. Sport piston engine aircraft
- 2. Almost any or any piston engine or multi engines aircraft of WWII time
- 3. envirouments, including new ground objects that will corresponds to that time (cars, ships, U-boats, tanks, rail road cars and many other things...)
- 4. to make own campagin engines, including for online. As a separate modules, that are using our API.
- 6. To program new devices for aircaft and other technics (this will happens a bit later that all above).
- 7. To add new calsses of controlable units in the game (cars, tanks, ships, u-boats, maybe even human as a first person... ). But this tool will be relased as the last from our side and for this we will need a time. The most complex.
With new sim we will add new features (like in the past).
Half or the models already done for the new sim so probably you may calculate what the sim it should be. Can't name you... because everything may happens...
And in reality we was planning two sims right after BoB.... Maybe this also happens. All will depends of success or no success on the market with BoB. Hope success... everything will be fine then.
I even can image how fine and how great will be life of this project:):) Then I can to retire on a pension
:):):) after some 10 years of SoW success