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Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : lun. nov. 09, 2015 11:45 am
par ClaudeJ
Soirée Friday Night Bomber Flight avec ce 13 novembre @ 20h50: "Crucible"


Heures de vol: 05:38-08:20
Conditions: Partiellement nuageux avec un vent depuis le Sud-Est.

The capture of Novomaksimov threatens to unravel the Chir/Don River line as Factories for both sides come under attack in the North. 64th Army units at Aksenovsky hold on but for how long and at what cost against possible 14th PzD envelopment as new air units enter the fray. Latest AAR... The 14th PzD drive to Stalingrad during the summer of 1942 continues.

**Les ordres de mission seront envoyés par MP à chaque camp (généralement la veille de la mission).
*Le serveur UK_1 sera configuré en mode Expert pour la Friday Night Bomber Flights.
*Les comms vocales se feront le serveur TS officiel de BoS (addresse: , mot de passe: bos2014) dans un des canaux libres.

Equipement disponible:

Ju-87 (6)
He-111 (8)
BF-109G (8)
BF-109E7 (4)

IL-2 (8)
Pe-2 (5)
Lagg-3 (3)
P-40E (3)
Yak-1 (8)


De préférence, en anglais: ... post315823 ... getnewpost

ou exceptionnellement ici et on relaie vers Tip.

Exemple de post d'inscription en anglais:
Spoiler: show
Hi Tip,
I would like to fly in [TYPE D'APPAREIL].

LoupVert is so great and Vive LaFrench!

Infos Friday Night Bomber Flights ... 4&t=190895

Re: Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : mar. nov. 10, 2015 8:03 pm
par YLB
Dommage il ne reste plus de Pe-2....

Re: Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : dim. nov. 15, 2015 6:26 pm
par ClaudeJ
Tx_Tip a écrit :Friday Night Bomber Flights Mission November 13th "Crucible" AAR


Destroyed 1 Medium Factory. Heavily Damaged 1 Medium Factory 70% at Kalach. Complex capacity reduced to 7%.
4 KV_1 Destroyed. 4 Air/Action.
10 Yak-1 Shot Down. 10 Air/Action.
1 Lagg3 Shot Down. 1 Air/Action.
1 P-40 Destroyed. 1 Flak.
3 Il2 Destroyed. 2 Air/Action. 1 Flak.
4 Pe-2 Destroyed 1 Air/Action. 3 Flak.
Destroyed 1 Hanger. Damaged 1 Hanger 35% Zahorov.
Destroyed 1 Ammo Depot. Zahorov.
Destroyed 7 Ammo Bunkers. Zahorov, Peschersksy Bridge 518 S.
Destroyed 1 Fuel Bunker. Zahorov.
Destroyed 12 Flak/Vehicles.
Resupplied Surovikino 90% following earlier Attacks*
Resupplied by Barge Forward Base.

1 Supply Depot. Ammo Depot at Surovikino Destroyed.*
1 Fuel Bunker. 1 Ammo Bunker Destroyed/Surovikino
Bridge 406 SE. Destroyed.
Bridge 518 S. Destroyed.
Bridge 446 S. Destroyed.
Bridge 376 N. Destroyed.
Bridge 412 Destroyed.
9 Pz MkIII Destroyed. 6 Air/Action.
61 Pz MkIV Destroyed. 6 Air/Action.
5 Ju-87 lost. 1 Air/Action. 4 Flak
2 109G lost. 2 Air/Action.
3 109E7 lost. 3 Air/Action.
3 He-111 Lost. 2 Air/Action. 1 Flak.
9 Pilots/Gunners.


Destroyed 1 Supply Depots. Ammo Depot at Surovikino.*
Destroyed 1 Ammo Bunker... 1 Fuel Bunker/Surovikino
Destroyed Bridge 406 SE.
Destroyed Bridge 518 S.
Destroyed Bridge 446 S.
Destroyed Bridge 376 N.
Destroyed Bridge 412.
9 Pz MkIII Destroyed. 9 Air/Action.
61 Pz MkIV Destroyed. 61 Air/Action.
5 Ju-87 Destroyed. 1 Air/Action. 4 Flak.
2 109G Shot. 2 Air/Action.
3 109E7 Destroyed. 3 Air/Action.
3 He-111 Destroyed. 2 Air/Action. 1 Flak.
Destroyed 12 Flak/Vehicles.

1 Medium Factory Destroyed. 1 Medium Factory Damaged 70% at Kalach. Complex capacity reduced to 7%.
4 KV_1 Destroyed. 4 Air/Action.
2 T-34 Destroyed. 2 Air/Action.
1 Il2 lost. 1 Flak.
4 Pe-2 lost 3 Air/Action. 1 Flak
5 Yak-1 lost. 5 Air/Action.
4 Lagg3 lost. 4 Air/Action.
1 Hanger Destroyed. 1 Hanger Damaged 35% Zahorov.
1 Ammo Depot Destroyed. Zahorov.
7 Ammo Bunkers Destroyed. Zahorov, Peschersksy Bridge 518 S.
1 Fuel Bunker Destroyed. Zahorov.
12 Flak Pieces/Vehicles Destroyed.
16 Pilots/Gunners.

In a true "Circle of Death". 214th ShAD Il2s decimated three separate panzer attacks....

Situation Mission 21...

We flown and well done folks.
Participation makes it happen.

Tip ... post315870

Re: Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : dim. nov. 15, 2015 6:49 pm
par NN_Fahrenheit
Je crois que certains chiffres entre LW et VVS ne collent pas, comme les pertes (Il-2, Yak, LaGG)

Re: Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : dim. nov. 15, 2015 6:50 pm
par ClaudeJ
Vois directement avec Tip pour les réclamations: ... post315870

Re: Ven. 13/11/15 20h50: Friday Night Bomber Flights, 20

Publié : dim. nov. 15, 2015 9:01 pm
par NN_Fahrenheit
Aucune réclamation ici, juste une constatation. ;)