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Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : ven. oct. 17, 2014 11:41 pm
par Pollux
L'annonce officielle: ... ntry181903

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday I asked Vander for an interview and luckily he agreed to answer my questions. You know Vander if you’ve ever played on Syndicate’s servers. But if you never did then you definitely should try one in BOS as soon as you can, and I bet you’ll figure out why it’s so popular.

1) Please introduce yourself

Hi, my name is Pieter aka SYN_Vander. I live in the Netherlands and I'm 45 years old. I have been interested in flight simming for a long time. My first flight simulator must have been "F-15 Strike Eagle" on the Commodore 64 in the late eighties! After a period of racing I returned to flight sims when I found out about the original IL2 game and I had bought my first TrackIR.

2) Tell us who's behind the SYN server idea? Who's actually making this greatly popular server?

The Syndicate squadron is now 15 years old and started as a small Irish "clan" playing FPS games online. One of the original founders, SYN_Jedders is still an active member and does a great job of keeping the squadron together as well as feed us with new ideas. When I joined the Syndicate in 2010 the server was already running missions for "Rise of Flight" but pretty quickly I was heavily involved in mission creation and server maintenance. Back then we had to learn a lot of stuff the hard way! Nowadays I'm happy to say that we have multiple members running our server and making missions: SYN_Blackrat does an excellent job keeping both our servers running for Rise of Flight and Battle of Stalingrad (which is not always easy if the software is still in beta!). SYN_Haashashin has learned to build missions for RoF which he now puts to good use for BoS and SYN_Per manages our donations and keeps track of costs since without money there would be no server. Of course the list is not complete as we have several other members that help with organizing events and occasional fund-raising.

3) The service you're providing is of really impressive quality. Is this anything like you're doing for living? How much time does the SYN server take from your daily spare time?

In real life I work in IT as an enterprise architect so yes I have a good knowledge of computers and networks, but most of the stuff I need for running the server I have learned along the way. Luckily the internet is an excellent resource for anything IT related and you can always find helpful individuals in our community. In the early days the server took quite some time to manage, but nowadays we have a lot of automated scripts running; to automatically restart the server for instance.

4) What do you personally enjoy most in your project? BTW do all SYN members fly on their servers and play these missions?

As soon as I realized the great potential of Rise of Flight with its Digital Nature engine and high fidelity simulation of flight, I hoped to one day see WW2 era aircraft in the sim. Although I must admit I have become quite attached to the WW1 era of flight and it's unique atmosphere, a WW2 flight simulator potentially has a much larger scope, both in number of aircraft types and theaters of operations. The number of interesting mission scenarios you can create is huge!
Most of our SYN member fly BoS as well as RoF. Others are waiting for it to be finished first.

5) Describe your perfect multiplayer mission? What is it like and do you think, can it be created?

I have always tried to focus on team based game play. Nothing beats flying online together with and against organized groups of people. It really brings a flight simulation to life as you get a brief glimpse of how it may have been in real life. Although you may be sitting safe and sound behind your computer, as soon as you meet an enemy flight and "mix it up" the adrenaline will start pumping and your hands get sweaty! Something I never experience when playing single player missions.
My perfect MP mission is when groups of players are working together to achieve realistic goals, preferably set in a historical scenario. Ideally, the mission goals should be part of a larger online campaign with a persistent environment. Think of having not a number of independent servers running totally different missions, but one "campaign server" and several connected servers that offer missions from a central mission pool. The results of the individual server missions will then decide the direction of the campaign.
Because I have a busy job and a family I find it difficult to commit to scheduled, longer missions. So ideally, some sort of match making logic should be present where you can sign-up for a particular flight and sortie. This also to make sure not everyone is flying on his own, but is always part of a flight having one clear objective. I think the tools and technology are already there to achieve this, but we need some talented individuals working together to make this a reality.

6) What improvements are coming to the SYN BOS server next? What should players be expecting?

I think we just scratched the surface really. Just as the game itself is still in development, so are our missions. Most of the missions are us testing various aspects of game play: Are the airfields to close together? Is there enough AAA? Are the targets visible from the air? etc. Our short term goals are as follows: For weekdays, when we expect not everyone has a huge amount of time to play, we want to create a simplified "online campaign". This means we'll have a set of pre-defined missions, each with a specific objective for one of the factions, e.g. capture airfield "A". The actual outcome of the mission will decide which mission will be loaded next. This will give the player an idea that the mission goals are actually worth achieving and we should see different missions every night. For weekends or special occasions we want to create more historical mission scenarios. Players will then have to prepare more and have to be willing to participate in organized flights. This is something we have done several times for Rise of Flight and in a sense is what we are doing every Sunday with our "Vintage Mission" night. I would like to stress that anyone who has created an interesting mission can always contact us and we may run it on a weekend!

7) Is there anything you'd like to suggest other players who are eager to be involved in mission creating? A couple of advice from a SYN pro.

A lot of people keep saying that the mission editor for RoF / BoS is too complex to use. I will admit that it may be daunting at first, but I think once you have overcome the first hurdles and understood the basics it is actually pretty straightforward. It just needs some patience and determination. There are several youtube tutorials (for RoF) to help you on your way.
But getting to grasp with the various functions in the editor is not the hardest thing of mission making. You need to design the actual game play. Anyone can make a simple dogfight/dual mission where everyone meets up in the middle of the map. But how to create objectives that actually motivate players? How to give the player a feeling that he is part of something bigger, part of on-going battle? What conditions should be met to achieve victory? How long can the mission last before it gets boring? All these questions are actually quite hard to answer. The good thing is that creative people in our community can already think about this and share this in our forums without understanding the editor at all. We will most certainly listen to any interesting idea!

Un update est prévu cette nuit avec pas mal de modification et rajout.

Change log:

1. Night missions were added to the Campaign;
2. Destroyed villages and bonfires were added to the front line areas in the Campaign;
3. Bonfires in Stalingrad were added to the Campaign;
4. The skill level of allied AAA was changed in the Campaign. It should be safe now on the home airfield;
5. Ammo counter for the turret armament was added in multiplayer;
6. The lag between hits and hit sounds was decreased in multiplayer;
7. Trucks and train cabs should be swinging on the road in multiplayer as they are in single player modes;
8. The bug with ground vehicles shooting after being destroyed and removed from the map was fixed;
9. The bug with flares and headlights random disappearing was fixed;
10. Sun glint on the airfields coming from the already set sun was removed;
11. The bug with turrets not shooting when the aircraft is damaged was fixed;
12. FW 190 A-3 climb rate was corrected according to the reference data;
13. Engine limits added not only to extreme revs but for extreme supercharge as well (with possible break down in case of prolong use);
14. Ju 87 D-3 and He 111 H-6 now have an automatic supercharger mode instead of switching to the 2 stage;
15. Time for takeoff and climb engine modes on He 111 H-6 and Ju 87 D-3 was increased, so after 1 minute of takeoff mode the engines should be able to run 30 minutes in climb mode;
16. After 1 minute of working in extreme engine mode Bf 109 F-4 should be able to run in combat mode for 30 minutes;
17. After 3 minutes of working in extreme engine mode FW 190 A-3 should be able to run in combat mode for 30 minutes;
18. Reheat time limiter on La-5 bug was fixed;
19. Animation for landing lights, nav lights and cockpit light switches on He 111 H-6 was added;
20. Flaps lever animation on He 111 H-6 was fixed;
21. Basic set of scenarios was added (standalone single missions).
22. Speed indication on FW 190 A-3 fixed;
23. Speed indication on Ju 87 D-3 fixed.
24. Parts which have fell off from plane now have damage on them
25. Temporary design of Plane Setup dialog was replaced by final one
26. Special marks were added to Premium customers HUD icons in Multiplayer game

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 12:01 am
par actionjoe
7) Is there anything you'd like to suggest other players who are eager to be involved in mission creating? A couple of advice from a SYN pro.

A lot of people keep saying that the mission editor for RoF / BoS is too complex to use. I will admit that it may be daunting at first, but I think once you have overcome the first hurdles and understood the basics it is actually pretty straightforward. It just needs some patience and determination. There are several youtube tutorials (for RoF) to help you on your way.
Oulà, faut-il comprendre qu'ils ne l'auront pas tellement amélioré, cet éditeur de mission?

(Je dis ça, même si je pense qu' effectivement, il n'est pas si dur à utiliser, une fois qu'on a pigé le fonctionnement général, plus quelques petits trucs. Pour les intéressés, j" avais fait un petit tuto ici: ... 0&t=186714)

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 3:36 am
par Taeht Dewoht
Le développement est arrivé à 100%? je n'ai plus cette indication sur la page d'accueil du jeu. D'autre part, il y a une erreur à mon pseudo : un "g" y est accolé (on dirait une faute de frappe).

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 8:35 am
par stef57
Salut à tous,

Idem pour le g...

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 8:48 am
par Katsuo
Pareil pour le g devant le pseudo... Sinon point 16, pour être sûr de bien comprendre, le 109 F4 est capable désormais de tenir 30 minutes à 2500 rpm et 1.3 ata ?

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 9:22 am
par Pollux
Le patch fait 207Mb.

Lancé vite fait:

- plus de pourcentage de développement affiché.(bug ou 100% fini ?)
- la lettre "g" devant votre pseudo. (bug)
- la section mission voit le retour de nombreuse missions.

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 9:40 am
par J.j.
1) Je suis quasi certain que l'éditeur de BOS est identique à celui de ROF, les seuls trucs qu'ils avaient annoncés c'est que "peut être, si on a le temps, après la sortie définitive de BOS on se penchera dessus pour l'améliorer".

2) Un mode automatique pour le compresseur du Bramo du Ju 87D-3, ça a existé?

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 9:53 am
par PIPS
Pour le g devant le pseudo, c'est pareil pour moi (c'est Bardounet qui va être content........ :hum: ne suis plus C6 mais gC6 :jerry: ) suis persuadé que ça correspond à GOLD (ceux qui ont acheté le jeu en version GOLD)

Sinon, interface bien plus jolie (au moins dans le quick mission que j'ai lancé vite fait !!!)


Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 11:15 am
par Taeht Dewoht
Ah alors ça va pour le "g"... Si tout le monde a la même maladie... cela me rassure !

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 12:16 pm
par Katsuo
J.j. a écrit :2) Un mode automatique pour le compresseur du Bramo du Ju 87D-3, ça a existé?
Certainement contrôlé par une capsule qui réagit à la pression atmosphérique et dont l'expansion/contraction commande indirectement l'ouverture de la prise d'air du compresseur et la vitesse de la turbine. Un peu comme sur le Merlin du Spit sauf erreur de ma part :emlaugh:

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 1:47 pm
par space-ace
pollux18 a écrit :Le patch fait 207Mb.

l'update m'indique 214,78 Mb

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 2:00 pm
par PIPS
Il vient d'y avoir (1 heure environ) une deuxième couche !!! :yes:

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 2:28 pm
par space-ace


Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 4:25 pm
par Pollux

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 8:59 pm
par MikiBzh
J'ai pas tout suivi :

L'outil de création de mission sera dipo finalement ? J'avais cru comprendre que seul certain y aurait accés ?

Après, qu'il soit comme dans RoF, pas grave, c'est un coup à prendre...

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 9:20 pm
par phoenix
MikiBzh a écrit :J'ai pas tout suivi :

L'outil de création de mission sera dipo finalement ? J'avais cru comprendre que seul certain y aurait accés ?

Après, qu'il soit comme dans RoF, pas grave, c'est un coup à prendre...
Oui, mais pas forcément à la sortie du jeu.

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 9:34 pm
par MikiBzh
Dommage, merci pour la réponse.

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 10:10 pm
par Obelix
Surchauffe de la mitrailleuse du mitrailleur de l'iL2

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : sam. oct. 18, 2014 11:56 pm
Pour le JU87 D c'est du JUMO, BRAMO c'est pour le DO17 Z

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 1:36 am
par Taeht Dewoht
Quelle claque et quelle ambiance.
J'ai fait une nouvelle mission intercept du premier chapitre.
Grosse couverture nuageuse: nav et interception au dessus des nuages. C'est bluffant tant les nuages donne l'impression d'un matelas.... et le passage à travers la couche ... les bombers sont passés après un moment dans la couche. pas pour ruser je pense mais parce qu'ils approchaient de leur base.

Le soir tombait et des feux s'allument pour baliser la piste au retour.

Lors d'une mission scénarisée, mode custom (vues externes), j'ai trouvé les sons moteurs impressionants ... et l'ambiance de l'interception des stukas au moment où ils piquent avec leur sirène.... o_O

Il y a quand même un fameux travail de fait...

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 7:00 am
par Katsuo
La qualité et le potentiel sont indéniables. Rien que pour ça et bien que nous ne soyons pas toujours d'accord sur la route à prendre, je souhaite aux devs que les ventes soient à la hauteur de ce travail ... :flowers:

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 9:23 am
par kpax2004

Je ne comprend pas bien ces points :

13. Engine limits added not only to extreme revs but for extreme supercharge as well (with possible break down in case of prolong use);

15. Time for takeoff and climb engine modes on He 111 H-6 and Ju 87 D-3 was increased, so after 1 minute of takeoff mode the engines should be able to run 30 minutes in climb mode;
16. After 1 minute of working in extreme engine mode Bf 109 F-4 should be able to run in combat mode for 30 minutes;
17. After 3 minutes of working in extreme engine mode FW 190 A-3 should be able to run in combat mode for 30 minutes;

Ce sont ces modes qui me tracassent pour les 3 derniers points; à quoi correspondent-ils exactement ?

Merci pour toute aide.

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 9:47 am
par phoenix
Voilà comment je le comprend. Ca correspond au point de rupture du moteur. En fait, le premier mode correspond à la limite de ton moteur pour l'endommager. Une fois cette limite dépasser ton moteur est endommagé. Mais si tu reviens à un mode plus tranquille, tu pourras voler encore pendant x temps avant que ton moteur rende l'ame.

Par exemple pour le 109 F4. Si tu pousses au maximum ton moteur pendant une minute ou plus (pas beaucoup plus), si tu reviens dans des conditions d'utilisation de combat (RPM/ATA), tu pourras voler, encore 30 minutes avant que le moteur s’arrête.

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 10:19 am
par J.j.
Du coup, sin on pousse l'analyse, est il possible de faire 1' au max, puis "redescendre" à la puissance de combat 30', puis "remonter" à la puissance d'urgence 1', puis 30', puis 1'... Et alterner ainsi?

Re: Journal des développeurs N°83

Publié : dim. oct. 19, 2014 10:59 am
par phoenix
J.j. a écrit :Du coup, sin on pousse l'analyse, est il possible de faire 1' au max, puis "redescendre" à la puissance de combat 30', puis "remonter" à la puissance d'urgence 1', puis 30', puis 1'... Et alterner ainsi?
Non, à mon avis, si tu repousses le moteur, tu vas le cramer en quelques minutes/secondes. Pour moi, si tu reste à la puissance max plus d'une minute, il faut considérer ton moteur mort. Ce n'est plus qu'une question de temps avant qu'il lache définitivement. En revenant à la puissance de combat, tu ne fais que retarder l'inévitable. Pour faire une comparaison avec RoF, c'est lorsque tu as trop sollicité le moteur, et que ton aiguille de RPM fais le yoyo. Tu sais que ton moteur va lacher, et qu'il faut que tu rentres à la base, espérant qu'il tienne jusque là. Donc tu voles en l'économisant.