Patch de 137 Mb du 15/10/14

Salle dédiée à la série des Batlle of :
Stalingrad (BOS) Moscou (BOM), Kuban (BOK)
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010

Patch de 137 Mb du 15/10/14


Message par Pollux »

D'une taille de 137 Mb

Today in update (will be in a hour):

1. Offline game mode was added
2. New mission type - "Attack Planes Intercept" - was added in Campaign
3. New mission type - "Transport Planes Intercept" - was added in Campaign in 3rd, 4th and 5th stages for Soviet side
4. New mission type - "Attack Planes Cover" - was added in Campaign
5. HUD waypoint icons were changed a bit in Campaign
6. Artillery positions in Campaign now have additional decorations like ammo boxes, cammo nets and so on
7. Invulnerable Heinkels bug in QM Duel was fixed
8. Bridges, buildingsa, facilities now are counting in Flight Statistics (comment for mission builders - they should have non-neutral country assigned to be listed in stat)
10. Static planes and trucks now are counting in Flight Statistics (comment for mission builders - they should have non-neutral country assigned to be listed in stat)
11. Player statistics now is storing during Multiplayer Mission untill rotation even if he have exited server and back again
12. Player Campaign Statistics counting was fixed in Pilot Profile page (previous statistics was dropped to have correct future counting)
13. Ammunition indication on HUD was fixed in case of switch to turret and back
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG:

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