[BoS] Ce qu'on sait à ce jour

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Stalingrad (BOS) Moscou (BOM), Kuban (BOK)
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 491
Inscription : 28 octobre 2012

Video volé en Exclu pour vous donner l'eau à la bouche.


Message par I/JG2_Bouma »

30 Secondes de vidéo surement volé. voila a quoi ressemble le cockpit du Lag 3 dans BOS.

Config: I5 2500k / 8 Go DDR3 2400mhz / GTX 970 / Trackir 5 / Joystick : FFB2 Microsoft / Palonier : Saiteck Rudder Pro / Ecran: IIyama G2773HS
Site web et forum de la I/JG2 Richthofen : www.1jg2.net


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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2727
Inscription : 18 mars 2005


Message par Rama »

611Sqn_Bouma a écrit :30 Secondes de vidéo surement volé.
Volé? non. La vidéo a été faite par un développeur et le lien publié sur le site officiel.
Rama: Mesquin, Rancunier, Trucideur de projet, Malhonnête, Saboteur, Diffamateur, Chauve et Bigleux
Que du bonheur....
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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 11656
Inscription : 17 septembre 2001


Message par jeanba »

7) Will photographic equipment installed on the aircraft as in RoF? Will it work online? If so, will the log file record the fact of air reconnaissance?

Such types of missions as reconnaissance or photographic reconnaissance will be added to the game with time. We'll start with simple and common tasks for pilots. But when they are added they will work similar to the system ROF.
ça, ça me plait :) :D
"Tu as peur, Boyington, tu refuses le combat" (Tomio Arachi).
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

611Sqn_Bouma a écrit :30 Secondes de vidéo surement volé. voila a quoi ressemble le cockpit du Lag 3 dans BOS.

Ça fait plaisir de voir enfin un peu de mouvement... :yes:

Oui je sais, il ne me faut pas grand chose mais bon c'est mon coté :innocent: ... lol
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 5987
Inscription : 24 avril 2008


Message par actionjoe »

7) Will photographic equipment installed on the aircraft as in RoF? Will it work online? If so, will the log file record the fact of air reconnaissance?

Such types of missions as reconnaissance or photographic reconnaissance will be added to the game with time. We'll start with simple and common tasks for pilots. But when they are added they will work similar to the system ROF.
ça, ça me plait :) :D
En espérant qu'ils simplifient la mise en place dans l'éditeur de mission, et améliorent la chose pour le online. A ct'heure, dans ROF, le véritable système de reco (avec l'appareil photo et tout) est pas tip-top en multi, grosso-modo, une icône te dit quand appuyer sur le bouton-c'est mieux que rien certes, et puis ça a été fait par un tiers qui sait bidouiller le flash. J'espère du mieux!
Messieurs, vous ne pouvez pas vous battre ici! C'est la Salle de Guerre!

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

J'aimerais bien un vrai système qui prendrait de vraies images. J'avais un simu sur Amiga (Combat Air Patrol) où l'on pouvait faire de la réco en F-14 et voir les images ou film pris dans le moteur du jeu au retour à la base :)
Brebis syndiquée
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Journal des développeurs partie 17: http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry11990

Hello dear friends!

Virtually the entire month of May I was out in the office due to frequent travels. It's good for the project because the producer who always sits in the office is a bad sign, you need to move, you need to learn and you should always look for interesting things to do and visit. Of course because of this I missed a few weeks of communicating with you. We'll catch up.

This month has been eventful. We're well advanced in the work on the project, a lot of new features and modules are introduced and functioning properly. I can’t confirm with help of some pictures at the moment, so you’ll have to trust me, I don’t think I have given you a reason to not trust me. Please share with me the joy of what was conceived as a risky idea, but now shows progress and that we can really cope with such incredible challenges.

Lately, we had a lot of visitors in our office. Our pilot friend Barsuk came to visit us along with some of his fellow pilots with which we experimented with in air combat a few weeks ago. And recently we also received a very important guest, it was Stepan Anastasovich Mikoyan.

We're very grateful to him that he found time to come visit us (he is 90 years old and still drives) and really appreciated our work and promised to visit us a few times in the future and to give comments and suggestions. All these VIP visits were recorded on the camera and later we'll show videos with all these wonderful guests. We certainly got a lot of information, but most importantly a common response from all of them is "you're doing it right."

From May 9-11, we were also visiting our friends in Volgograd (Stalingrad) where we saw with our own eyes the battlefield. We pretty well know the city from a height but the first time we walked through the streets. It was a very intense experience and of course we spent two wonderful evenings in the company of our friends who came to these few days from different cities. We converged early in the morning because the topics of conversation were very many. Video about this trip we'll also show you later.

In these diaries we present you a cockpit of Bf 109.





And the traditional answers to your questions:

1) What will be included in the list of ground targets? Will there be implemented army warehouses, defensive front, attack and supply columns?

We plan to make more than 30 types of ground vehicles, more than 500 different localities and objects. All columns or dynamic ground objects depend on the scenario of each specific mission and its type and goal.

2) What are the reasons behind starting the game at Operation Uranus, roughly three months after the outbreak of the battle?

This period fits well in our capabilities. We cannot create several types of seasonal textures and so many models of equipment in the available time and meet our deadlines. Initial and late periods of the battle are fundamentally different. The prequel may be full-fledged add-on, but not sure yet.

3) A pair of aircraft will be made in the same order in which they were presented community?

No. There's no magic involved. The production plan is completely independent from any diaries or sequence of announcements. It's formed on the basis of maximum efficiency.

4) Will AI leading plane fly at cruising or at full throttle during the flight to the target or to the home?

AI will act as a player for flight in the group, they will save fuel and engine life. In the original "IL-2" the problem was that the AI ​​flew with the simplified FM, but the player flew with the complete and complex model. In BoS this problem will not happen.

5) Will there be a competent flight executive officer who knows how to land any group of AI without sending to the 2nd round?

In the real life it was also difficult to find competent men.

6) NVIDIA or ATI? What platform BoS will give preference??

There will be no any difference of principle. Usually, the difference arises only because of the mistakes that make the driver developer makes. Sometimes this allows one or the other platform to show better performance in some tasks. We don't make any distinction between them.

7) Will the engines refuse because overcooling on full realism given the fact that we'll have winter in the game? Let's say I glided for 3-4 minutes with the open radiator then I added the throttle but the engine refused because it become too cold. Will this done?

Yes. If you find that this is excessive realism, you'll be able to engage the automatic machine for the different systems that will not make such mistakes.

8) Will the game loader have built-in protection for the checksums to somehow avoid the possibility of replacing terrain texture or technique? Those which allow to find an opponent earlier than standard.

Yes, checks of the integrity of the content will be made in different places, not only before loading the game, but during etc.

9) Will the cartridge case fall down from the planes?

Yes, but only of those planes where they did leave the aircraft.
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Journal des développeurs Partie 18: http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry12189


There is only a week before the beginning of June. And in June there will come a very important turning point in the development. Until now we've been doing technology, creating the conditions for gameplay and finishing models. In June we'll begin to gather it all together. We'll see all of our highs and lows. By the end of next month we hope to have a stable pre-alpha version of the project. And this of course is a real milestone for us and if it happens it means that we'll make the rest.

Attendance of the forum has increased and we are pleasantly surprised by the growth at this stage. The prevailing thought is that simulators primarily attract the interest of only a small group of fans of the genre. But now we see that the audience of those who follow our news is growing even though we aren’t showing anything "commercial" yet or any cool videos with dogfights or promotional materials. So our work is becoming more interesting to new folks. This is amazing and great news. Maybe we'll be able to bring back the legend to the sky together. We say thanks to all those who invite new members and thanks to the virtual squadrons who are active in the forum. With the Sturmovik community growing larger, maybe we can change the direction of the genre as the values of simmers and gamers may have not changed that much after all.

In this diary entry we publish below a video shot by us during our flying experiment in March. In it I recall our visit to the airfield outside Moscow to arrange a dogfight with sporting aircraft. We wanted to understand some of the feelings experienced by pilots in combat and conduct a series of physical experiments. Everything turned out very well. We got a lot of materials which we are using in our work. And at the airfield we decided that we should show some of this stuff to the public. We hope that you will enjoy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d59wI2Uf ... r_embedded

And the traditional answers to your questions:

1) Will the flight model in BoS use some kind of linear compressibility correction to avoid the problems in 1946 where certain aircraft could be flown way too fast, and in some cases even break the sound barrier?

Yes, BoS will take into account the impact on the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft Mach number and the effect of the compressibility of air.

2) By curiosity what is the process applied if the devs find existing data to be inaccurate in order to determine the most correct value? How can it be determined that a value is inaccurate? Please don't understand this as provocative. I really want to know. I also think it would be smart if devs show the same transparency in how they choose and use the data as with respect to other aspects so that none can accuse them of twisting or selecting specific data to the benefits of a certain side.

Of course, it's hard. In the first stage we first try to find the maximum number of documents from a variety of sources. Thus at this stage we can see if the data sources are different. Working with such sources for the different aircraft we get used to them and we make out for them a "confidence rating".

Next, we create our own model. It's created based on 3D model and some data of the weight of liquids or equipment on board. Working with this model we derive our internal characteristics. Now we can compare them. Usually they are the same for most parameters, but sometimes there are big differences. Now that we've got our own data we again check for sources and find the one in which the indices are getting closer to what we received in an independent test. After a few such iterations we get our most accurate model.

3) Can you - for future development - imagine to include the option of a pilot body in cockpit view? Please note the "for future development". I know that it has already been stated that such a thing is not part of the release but I'm interested in knowing whether this is a no-go for the devs in general or if it might be possible in the future. I presume that it will require a huge load of animation work and possibly more detailed pilot models as well but to some people this would greatly add to the immersion of the game. Since many others don't want/need this, I imagine to have this as an option.

Yes, it's possible. We're not doing this now because we want to do everything we do include right and not release features in a broken state. And in order to make this feature good, you need to spend a lot of resources and come up with original technologies. Some day we'll return to this issue.

4) Will the leading damaged object in a tight spot affect to the change of course of the convoy (in the opposite direction or the other nearest road if they can not drive around it)? Or objects which follow will push it off the road?

At least the convoy will go around the obstacle. Also during the attack they will try to get away from the open space or off the road if possible. Phase of work on this aspect is yet to come.

5) How will slightly damaged AI plane behave in the dogfight? Whether he would continue fighting and will chase the enemy or it will come out of the fight and will go to the nearest friendly airfield or at towards the frontline? Il-2 had a big problem with this but I don't know how this done in the ROF.

AI is able to make the decision to return to base. This is due to a number of different reactions, for example empty of ammunition, the loss of the lead aircraft or various damages. But not all damages are critical and sometimes AI ​​can continue to fight even after being damaged. This logic is implemented and we'll only adjust it in the future.

6) Will the visibility of horizon increased in the BoS?

At the moment the visual range is 40 kilometers. I don't see why you need a larger range. Visibility is much lower in real life quite often. Fly ROF and you will notice you can see quite far into the distance. We have had no complaints about our horizon draw distance in ROF.

7) Will there also be something like (dynamic) snow storms over the fields?

Yes, that would be cool. While I can not promise, we'll make these features near the end of development. Maybe we'll implement something like that.

8) Will the "Rustsatze" alterations be included for the Bf-109G-2 to carry drop tank, bombs and MG 151 pods?


9) Will you able to simulate combat damage in the cockpit? For example: broken glass and devices, damaging of the visible elements in the cockpit. And how this feature might be interesting (than willing to pay) in your opinion?

We planned this. The main question is now just how cool we can do it. Perhaps it will be just more beautiful than was done in the "IL-2" or we can take a new approach. Time will tell.

10) Will there be any improvements made to the damage modeling from RoF? I mean this in the sense that when you crashed at a very high speed, small components came off (wings, etc) but the fuselage typically stayed intact. Will the modeling be consistent all the way to the innards of the planes, or just on the 'most likely to fail' parts?

We've already done a lot of work in this area. As in ROF the damage model will be unique and complex. It will be both physical and dynamic. But also it will take into account the correction for the speed and of course to other materials that make up the aircraft. Some parts can be bent, others just break off.

"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1253
Inscription : 15 mars 2006


Message par Balto »

Oh put1 ca c'est du lourd !
In the original "IL-2" the problem was that the AI ​​flew with the simplified FM, but the player flew with the complete and complex model. In BoS this problem will not happen.

Et je ne dis pas ca que pour les problemes de vols de croisiere mais cela reglera aussi les models de vol UFO des IA que nous avons dans IL2 qui nous empeche de 'faire comme à l epoque' ( exemple : piquer à grande vitesse puis donner de l aileron pour larguer un A6m2 quand on joue avec un F4F)

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1764
Inscription : 01 février 2006


Message par maverick6 »

La suite est dispo:

http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry12189

Il est fait mention d'une vidéo. Celle-ci, plutôt impressionnante, est visible ici:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8XsLHa ... edit?pli=1

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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

maverick6 a écrit :Il est fait mention d'une vidéo. Celle-ci, plutôt impressionnante, est visible ici:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8XsLHa ... edit?pli=1o_O
Et si on en croit les propos de Loft, cela ne représente en rien le niveau réel du jeu.


"Most likely this week the hottest topic of discussion will be the video that has leaked from my YouTube channel. I'll be careful here. I'm not mad at anyone because I understand that you're interested, but we're not ready for such videos. We’re not ready because all of the elements in these videos are just prototypes and they don't show the game itself, but only show the development process. The moment when we ourselves begin to show you the video is near, you’ve endured six months while we were working, be patient a little longer."
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 5564
Inscription : 12 août 2006


Message par sport02 »

belle video en effet je ne m' attendais pas deja a cela , cela avance vite leur projet .
cette video me rappele mes debuts avec il2 , ma plus grande sensation au niveau simu meme si ce domaine a bien evolué depuis mais ce jeu fut une révolution a l' époque .
i7 6700k - ASUS Z170-A GTX1080ti - 16go DDR4 2666mhz HyperX Fury - SSD intel 330 180go - SSD Sandisk ultra II 960 Go - 2 hdd WD - Acer 27" 3D HN274HBbmiiid 1920x1080 + 2eme ecran samsung 22 " 3D - ffb2 crosoft/throttle hotas thrustmaster warthog + 2 Throttles Quadrant + rudder TPR thrustmaster/trackir 3/ son 7.1 - Volant DD osw + pédalier CSL élite fanatec - Windows 10 64bit
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Journal des développeurs partie 20: http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry12501

Hello dear friends!

There is not much time until the completion of the first version of the project. So far we've been able to move without excluding ideas and wishes for inclusion into the product, but sooner or later we expect that we will have to start saying "no" to suggestions from not only you, but ourselves. This is definitely a difficult process to decide what to include, because all ideas without exception seem to be important and interesting to someone.

Since time is short, I think I can begin to tell you about the gameplay. First I want to remind you what goal we set for ourselves. First of all, we know that the audience is very heterogeneous and it has different groups of players often have conflicting wishes. Some players think that only multiplayer is worthy of attention, others would like to see the entire ground war modeled instead of focusing on missions, some folks just wants to know what it was like to dogfight during the Second World War and lastly, some will just get a disc as a gift and not know what he or she wants from the game. Realizing that our audience is so different, we came to a strategy of the gameplay that we call "Single Player Online".

As you can see, this term consists of two parts that usually are divided into Single - Single Player and Online - game over a network. It's believed that if you're playing through a network then this must necessarily be a game against other players, but it's not. The network gives us other possibilities for constructing the gaming process. For further explanation I use two more modern terms of the gaming industry: PvP and PvE (PvP - Player versus Player and PvE - Player versus Environment).

Of course PvP mode creates excitement because there is nothing that excites the nerves as the realization that in your gun sight of a human player. The first victory in the network is always memorable and then you can excitedly tell others how you won. But, alas, this excitement often means primitive gameplay.

PvE mode gives the opportunity to tell the story for the player and the AI ​​plays the role of the statistician and the scenery in this process. PvE missions have a story and imply role-based gameplay.

In our new project we're creating PvP and PvE part of the game that will be linked. But PvE mode will be a little more important because this specific type of gameplay will allow us to recreate a complete picture of one of the most tragic and heroic battles that took place on the Volga.

In order to meet the needs of such different audiences, we decided to build the gaming process so that everyone can find exactly the style of gameplay that best matches his or her gaming requirements or time restrictions.

Missions represent 5 main phases of the Battle of Stalingrad (the list and the names of the phases are not final).

1) Phase 1 - On the eve of the counter-offensive
2) Phase 2 - Operation "Uranus"
3) Phase 3 - Fight against air bridge
4) Phase 4 - Operation "Winter storm"
5) Phase 5 - Operation "Ring"

The phases are placed in historical sequence and you'll get a general idea about the course of ​​the battle when you'll go through them all. To move to the next phase, the pilot must successfully complete the necessary tasks of the previous phase.

At each phase, the location of the Soviet and German armies is unique and corresponds to the historical realities. This applies to the location of the armies themselves and airfields. The situation varies from phase to phase and illustrates the course of the battle. How does the logic of missions work? In this article I'll talk about the general logic and the next Friday we'll talk about the details.

Single Player Online allows us to create a unique structure which will form the basis of the game. Mission generator will be on the server as well as a template for the phase of the battle. A customer chooses a phase and some other conditions such as type of aircraft and makes a request. The pilot receives a unique generated mission. Every mission is unique and differs in detail from any other mission that is generated for any other players. Two missions identical in the details will be very rare (less than 5%). And no player knows what task he or she will be assigned until the request is made. This will ensure a fair and unbiased game for everyone involved. Of course, the most important factor is the performance of tasks in the mission because only such an outcome will bring you a real advantage. Destroyed enemy aircraft or equipment that is not the purpose of the mission, of course will be recorded in your stats, but it does not help you in advancing the story.

You'll find continuation of the story about the gameplay in the next diaries.

As a bonus, I want to show you a short video that demonstrates the capabilities of the sound engine. In the video you’ll see a Bf-109 flying at a distance of about 100 meters away from the camera. You can hear that the sound engine is very complex and simulates all the sound effects from the real world.

Vidéo Alpha version d'un BF109 Sound test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hlXqg52 ... r_embedded
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »

Mama mia !!!!!!!!!! le son du 109 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!o_Oo_O:notworthy

La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 5564
Inscription : 12 août 2006


Message par sport02 »

ils savent y faire aussi pour les sons
i7 6700k - ASUS Z170-A GTX1080ti - 16go DDR4 2666mhz HyperX Fury - SSD intel 330 180go - SSD Sandisk ultra II 960 Go - 2 hdd WD - Acer 27" 3D HN274HBbmiiid 1920x1080 + 2eme ecran samsung 22 " 3D - ffb2 crosoft/throttle hotas thrustmaster warthog + 2 Throttles Quadrant + rudder TPR thrustmaster/trackir 3/ son 7.1 - Volant DD osw + pédalier CSL élite fanatec - Windows 10 64bit

Taeht Dewoht
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 3210
Inscription : 02 janvier 2008


Message par Taeht Dewoht »

Par contre, l'image de fin avec le logo Il2 ... Sachant ce qui s'est passé et d'où on vient... mouais.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 5564
Inscription : 12 août 2006


Message par sport02 »

faut voir le coté positif , le premier il2 fut une reussite , et là avec cette equipe je ne crois pas trop a l' echec .
i7 6700k - ASUS Z170-A GTX1080ti - 16go DDR4 2666mhz HyperX Fury - SSD intel 330 180go - SSD Sandisk ultra II 960 Go - 2 hdd WD - Acer 27" 3D HN274HBbmiiid 1920x1080 + 2eme ecran samsung 22 " 3D - ffb2 crosoft/throttle hotas thrustmaster warthog + 2 Throttles Quadrant + rudder TPR thrustmaster/trackir 3/ son 7.1 - Volant DD osw + pédalier CSL élite fanatec - Windows 10 64bit
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

PIPS a écrit :Mama mia !!!!!!!!!! le son du 109 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!o_Oo_O:notworthy
Le plus impressionnant pour ma part, c'est de ne pas regarder l'image et de n'écouter que le son !

Je ne suis pas un spécialiste sonore, encore moins sur des avions de la WWII mais je trouve l'effet de propagation du son dans l'air très bien rendu.
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »

Il faudrait demander à Tiger33 ce qu'il en pense:detective

La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 15020
Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par phoenix »

Le son du 109 est énorme. :cowboy:
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5865
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Sinon concernant le contenu du jeu lui même, je trouve l'histoire du "Single Player Online" plutôt intéressante. Avoir comment cela fonctionne bien-sur.

Et si j'ai bien compris, la Map Stalingrad va être décliné en 5 versions différente correspondant au 5 batailles suivante:

1) Phase 1 - A la veille de la contre-offensive
2) Phase 2 - Opération "Uranus"
3) Phase 3 - Lutte contre le pont aérien
4) Phase 4 - l'opération «tempête d'hiver"
5) Phase 5 - Opération "Ring"

On aura donc un front évolutif. Imaginez si cela était transposé à ROF pour toute la durée de la guerre... :innocent:
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 5987
Inscription : 24 avril 2008


Message par actionjoe »

Et si j'ai bien compris, la Map Stalingrad va être décliné en 5 versions différente correspondant au 5 batailles suivante:
Je ne l'ai pas compris comme ça. Plutôt, voici les 5 phases de la bataille que vous pourrez jouer(et chaque phase aura des objectifs spécifiques). Le front bougera, mais comme c'est déjà un peu le cas dans ROF (bon sauf que le gros No Man's Land ne bouge pas lui-bien que ce soit tout à fait faisable à travers les mods).
je trouve l'histoire du "Single Player Online" plutôt intéressante. Avoir comment cela fonctionne bien-sur.
Oui, bien intrigué par ça aussi.
Messieurs, vous ne pouvez pas vous battre ici! C'est la Salle de Guerre!

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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 898
Inscription : 28 janvier 2008


Message par gris »

1 la vieille de quelle contre offensive ?

sinon ca veut dire une belle carte 250 x 300 km
pour uranus

la bataille du don aussi pourrais être intéressante

a propos de stalingrad je ne saurais que trop vous conseiller
le stalingrad de jean lopez
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

phoenix a écrit :Le son du 109 est énorme. :cowboy:
L'effet Doppler est vraiment remarquable (son plus aigu quand l'avion s'approche, plus grave quand il s'éloigne... tous les enfants remarquent ce phénomène lorsqu’ils imitent des bruits de voitures...)!

Je ne suis pas spécialiste, mais il me semble que ça ne doit pas être facile à modéliser sur toutes les fréquences de façon réaliste... les sons basses fréquences (graves) deviennent "chevrotant" après passage de l’avion, tout en conservant des harmoniques (un timbre).

Les gars connaissent leur affaire, c'est pas simple du tout mathématiquement de comprimer ou d’étaler un "paquet d'ondes", de transformer une impulsion et toutes ses harmoniques, le "signal" sonore devant à la base contenir un gros, gros paquet d’informations (que votre petite cervelle traite sans même y prêter attention...) pour que cet effet soit réaliste avec des différences de vitesse aussi conséquentes (mettons +400 km/h quand il arrive, -400 quand il part, sachant que l'effet Doppler en général est parfaitement audible à même pas 20 km/h!)... avec forcément des tas d'astuces et de raccourcis pour que ça ne bouffe pas toutes les ressources de la bécane à soi tout seul...

C'est vraiment remarquable, encore une fois!
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 408
Inscription : 06 février 2005


Message par tiger_33 »

PIPS a écrit :Il faudrait demander à Tiger33 ce qu'il en pense:detective
Ile me semble avoir lu quelque part que le gars en charge des sons de BOS est le même qui a fait ceux de CLODO dernière mouture,c'est a dire avec FMOD EX en ce qui concerne l'environnement sonore et quand j'entends le son du 109 ca ressemble fortement a ce qu'il a déjà fait pour COD.

FMOX EX est un outil vraiment très puissant utilisé depuis pas mal de temps dans un gros paquet de jeux en tout genre mais très difficile a modifier quand on ne possède pas le fichier de programmation principal de l'auteur ni le code source du jeu en question pour retrouver "qui fait quoi":crying:

Ce qui est possible de faire ,en outre, avec certains outils existants non officiel de FMOD, c'est de modifier les samples,ainsi que certains fichiers de Clodo utilisables par la dll de KEGETYS afin de faire ressembler les sons des moteurs de Warbird a quelque chose:innocent:

Pour ceux qui n'ont pas déjà vu c'est par la que ça se passe:
(pour le 109 c'est a partir de 10:22)


J'ai fait ceci pour le fun a un moment ou j'avais un peu de temps libre et ou je me suis dit que bon y'en a un peu marre d'avoir des sons de Warbirds bizarre dans les simus de 1C

EDIT: C'est pour mon usage perso,pas compatible avec le patch TEAM FUSION
ceux ci ayant malheureusement verrouillé l'utilisation de la dll de kegetys bref.....
Vivons Heureux,Vivons caché.

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