[BoS] Ce qu'on sait à ce jour

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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2127
Inscription : 24 mai 2005


Message par OBT~Miguel21 »

Rama a écrit :Post initial mis à jour avec les dernières réponse de LOFT.
Les nouvelles informations sont en orange.
Merci Rama ;)
"Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe..."
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Merci pour les news et aussi pour les couleurs... :notworthy
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
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Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1467
Inscription : 21 octobre 2004


Message par micksaf »

... je ne sais pas qui lui pose les questions, mais la plupart du temps elles ne veulent rien dire, il y manque juste le verbe ... :yes:

Il a du mérite d'être capable d'y répondre le gars ...!! lol
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

Developer's diary, partie V

http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... #entry8196

Hello. One more week has passed. We finished two units of ground equipment (2 tanks), and also worked more on the technology. Some of these technologies have been graphics based and some physical. So for example, as we have mentioned in the forums, was extended speed range. More precisely those aspects of physics, which are related to the collision of objects at high speed (1200 km/h). We got a good result, but we have to make more tests in the online. Improved display of system damage of the aircraft, it will become more diverse and will look more realistic. Progress continues with the map, but it's still at the stage of assembly and processing of all information. We have already decided on the lighting and the general perception of how it will look like "that" winter.

Today we publish the second part of the video interview, which focuses on the MiG-3. For me this movie has provided quite a lot of new information and some moments I was frankly surprised. As it turned out, the reality presents many surprises. Look and you'll see what I mean.

1) One nice addition for IL-2 1946 made by Daidalus Team is radio navigation with beacons/AM stations, we can expect this in BoS?

No. But it's an interesting idea. Let's talk about this in the future. We'll try to make a step forward in the development of radio communications in comparison with the original "IL-2", to make them more meaningful and add a connection to ground units.

2) How do you plan on balancing the game. I'm sure you and the Devs have had alot of discussions about this. Didn’t the Germans have quite an advantage in aircraft back then? Thanks.

There will be no forced balance. We build aircraft as they were. Of course, in popular games, built on passion or F2P model, balance is needed. But we're working in a different genre, the value of this genre is just the lack of balance. Will the German planes have an advantage or not – we'll know only after we'll create them. And with such precision and detail which will be recreated for the first time, so I expect surprises.

3) Will be this sim of yours just another joystick twister or you actually want to show to the rest of the world how different Soviet - German war was.

You're just part of the battle. You will control one plane or a group that performs a specific task, which was performed daily on the Eastern Front. The player will be just one of person who involved, not like Bruce Willis who saves the world alone. You take on the lead role for yourself, but on the scale of the operation you are extra.

Imagine a huge movie, which involved thousands of actors, each playing a role. We put the film on pause and suggest you choose the role of one of them in one of the missions of this battle. This is how I see it. But, of course, it will largely remain a game, interesting and exciting, but just outside the cockpit window - you will see a war.

4) Will BoS have Sli/Crossfire support? From a recent poll at 1C forums there were about 30% of the members who use multi card setups.


5) The Channel map has been released and looks fantastic. But I read it won't be compatible with IL2. Why not?

Thanks for such a review of our work. In this new project we change many of the modules which are responsible for virtually all aspects of the simulation because we want to make a really modern and quality product. Some technologies are not compatible directly. If it's time to create a "Battle of Britain" in the new series, we'll transfer the most important thing - the experience that we received.

6) I would like to know if admins would be able to limit the amount of fuel, types and quantities of weapons available and types and quantities of certain types of aircraft.

I think yes. We have not yet made this. And it may not be that easy as we and you would like but we'll definitely look forward to. Multiplayer is an area in which we would like to leave space for creativity community. We know and see that there is a very interesting scenario played out and you need freedom of action for these scenarios. We'll try to keep it. Unfortunately, I can not yet give details.

7) What's the plan for pilot's field of view changing? Will it be continuous like in RoF or there will be the stone aged Il2's three steps settings?

This will be made as in ROF. You can move your head slowly and smoothly.

8) Will Battle of Stalingrad include "dumb" static objects (trucks, tanks, aircraft,...) that can be used to form potential targets for bombers and such without taking up as much resources as would a bunch of AI enhanced objects like we have in RoF?

Yes, we want to create scenery that has minimal impact on performance but can make a scene saturated. I understand what you're asking. We'll surely try. I don't know just how many 3D objects and textures we have time to create in this period. But we'll continue to make this after the release.

9) Will there be ground lighting at night in BoS?

Only what was acceptable during the WWII. I think that even in Paris turned off the lights at the Moulin Rouge.

10) How does the complexity of the FM compares to Clod and what sources will be used for the performance data? Factory numbers or test flight data? Or can it be calculated?

Flight model will be much more accurate and harder. We'll use all possible sources of data. We already have a lot of experience in previous projects. The integrated approach allows us to avoid mistakes. For example, after the completion of the aircraft and the calculation of its characteristics, we have clear data to begin to comparisons with the sources. Sometimes situations occurred when we thought that the sources had an error and after checking out the different sources we received confirmation that in the records included mistakes and sometimes blunders. We will try to make the FMs as good as possible, but I'm confident that no matter what we do, disputes over the FM will be your favorite entertainment on the forum.

11) How important is it for you to get close to the historical plane performance values such as level speed, rate of climb, turning rate?

We create the aircraft as accurately as possible with our resources. And as we have stated before “historical” believe it or not can be a subjective term as many factors affect performance and tests.

12) Is there a plan or did you spare a thought about something like this:
"Not only can BoS include modules developed internally by 1CGS, but it can also include those by certified third party developers." thx for answer

This may be possible and both Jason and I we have sort of done this before in ROF. But it's very much dependent from the quality of which we can be produced by these teams. There are many pretenders out there. We can even offer good talent a legitimate income with us if their product will interest the audience, but nothing comes to mind of yet. This is not our initial concern, first we need to make the release product.

13) Over the last few iterations of the IL-2 Series they have been including a 'Black Death' track to show of the highlights of the sim and show game engine under a bit of stress. (It also gave the Dev’s a chance to show off their flying prowess!) Is there any chance of having one included in BoS at release?

I'll remember this offer, thank you. Single benchmark for all it is very comfortable, I understand that.

14) In regards to 3D modeling guidelines for BoS development, what will be the maximum poly count for optimized aircraft models used in the sim? How does this compare with titles like RoF and CloD?

More than RoF and more than CloD. Optimization does not mean a decrease. It means redistribution of load, as well as the need to even think about the little things.

15) But what way or how will the BoS be better that original IL2 (including mod) other than graphical and special effects? as it is stated that "Would like to return to the original IL-2 [1946] idea. (LOFT)"

I don't know. "IL-2" with all the additions and modifications was a great product. It drew attention for more than 10 years. If ever we can approach the same result I'll be very proud. But BoS is not ten years old and we still don't have many talented assistants. So we're at the beginning. Of course, much will be done initially and it will be brighter, better, more detailed than the original "IL-2", as we have more technical capabilities. However, we have a long way to go to achieve the same amount and in some places the quality.

When I said "would like to return to the original "IL-2", I didn't mean graphics or physics, I mean only the perception of the players. We would like to make a project that would be difficult and realistic from the inside, but clean and easy on the outside, which you would want to go back and play over and over. Here is an analogy, my homeland is able to make things such as the AK-47 assault rifle J It’s worse than many advanced weapons systems with a heap of options like Jason’s AR-15, but it has one distinct advantage - reliability. I would call it "friendly" submachine gun for the user. We want new IL-2 series to be the reliable and user friendly sim for WWII pilots that delivers much fun. :)
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »

De bien bonnes nouvelles, je trouve!!!! :flowers::flowers::flowers:

La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

Purée! La vidéo du MiG 3!

Il faut activer les sous-titres (anglais), et là on apprend des trucs!o_O

Si j'ai bien tout compris (si j'ai fait des erreurs n'hésiter pas à me corriger) :

_Le MiG 3 est très sûr en vol, très facile à piloter.
_Son problème c'est l'atterrissage et le vol (et le combat) à basse altitude : on voit rien dessous (position des ailes), les indications des instruments sont mauvaises (l'altimètre indique la bonne altitude avec un délai important, et une marge d'erreur importante à basse altitude), rendant les manœuvres près du sol dangereuses. C'est ce qui effrayait les jeunes pilotes. Sinon, le comportement de l'avion est très sain.
_ Le MiG 3 est une bête de voltige! Il surpasse l'I16 en manœuvrabilité à toutes les altitudes. Seul le I153 peut l'égaler!:wacko:
_Ses vitesses d'atterrissage et de décrochage sont inférieures à celles de l'I16 (volets sortis).:wacko:
_Avec sa maniabilité et sa vitesse, on atteint rapidement des facteurs de charges importants (jusqu'à 8g sans problèmes). Même à grande vitesse sous fort facteur de charge, le manche reste mou et les manœuvres faciles, ce qui donnait un immense avantage sur le Bf 109 (dont les commandes durcissaient très vite, apparemment) chez les pilotes russes en suffisamment bonne condition physique (qui ne se voilaient pas trop vite).

En résumé, c'est une bête de voltige très sûr. C'est son comportement à l'atterrissage et le manque de visibilité avec les défauts des instruments à basse altitude qui a fait sa réputation d'avion difficile à piloter par des pilotes inexpérimentés...

Puisqu'il y a la video, ça paraitrait logique qu'il sera présent dans le jeu...:yes:
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

micksaf a écrit :... je ne sais pas qui lui pose les questions, mais la plupart du temps elles ne veulent rien dire, il y manque juste le verbe ... :yes:

Il a du mérite d'être capable d'y répondre le gars ...!! lol
Je pense que c'est lui qui écrit les questions (elles lui ont bien été posées mais il les réécrit et les pense en russe)... Et s'il traduit du russe un peu vite, ça donne ça, puisqu'en russe beaucoup de verbes courants au présent de l'indicatif sont parfois omis (sous entendus parce qu'évident, suivant le contexte).

Par exemple le verbe "être" n'existe que comme auxiliaire au présent. Il est toujours sous entendu.
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1467
Inscription : 21 octobre 2004


Message par micksaf »

... je comprends mieux là, merci pour ces précisions ...
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

Mon russe est vraiment très basiquelol... Je n'ai compris la vidéo qu'avec les sous-titres anglais. Et elle vaut vraiment le coup d'être vu, cette vidéo! Ça augure bien du réalisme de BoS, avec des modèles de vol basés sur des avions qui volent encore (quand c'est possible).
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »

Oui, c'est surtout le désir (semble t'il, bien affirmé) des devs de rendre des mdv les plus réalistes possibles

Pleins d'autres trucs aussi d'ailleurs!!! :flowers:

La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2023
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Gerfaut »

Nonolem a écrit : _Avec sa maniabilité et sa vitesse, on atteint rapidement des facteurs de charges importants (jusqu'à 8g sans problèmes). Même à grande vitesse sous fort facteur de charge, le manche reste mou et les manœuvres faciles, ce qui donnait un immense avantage sur le Bf 109 (dont les commandes durcissaient très vite, apparemment) chez les pilotes russes en suffisamment bonne condition physique (qui ne se voilaient pas trop vite).
Si tu es intéressé, il y a tout un chapitre sur le sujet, avec le type d'appareil et les commentaires des pilotes :

Werner M
Messages : 233
Inscription : 07 septembre 2004


Message par Werner M »

Le MiG 3 est très sûr en vol, très facile à piloter.
_Son problème c'est l'atterrissage et le vol (et le combat) à basse altitude : on voit rien dessous (position des ailes), les indications des instruments sont mauvaises (l'altimètre indique la bonne altitude avec un délai important, et une marge d'erreur importante à basse altitude), rendant les manœuvres près du sol dangereuses. C'est ce qui effrayait les jeunes pilotes. Sinon, le comportement de l'avion est très sain.
_ Le MiG 3 est une bête de voltige! Il surpasse l'I16 en manœuvrabilité à toutes les altitudes. Seul le I153 peut l'égaler!
_Ses vitesses d'atterrissage et de décrochage sont inférieures à celles de l'I16 (volets sortis).
_Avec sa maniabilité et sa vitesse, on atteint rapidement des facteurs de charges importants (jusqu'à 8g sans problèmes). Même à grande vitesse sous fort facteur de charge, le manche reste mou et les manœuvres faciles, ce qui donnait un immense avantage sur le Bf 109 (dont les commandes durcissaient très vite, apparemment) chez les pilotes russes en suffisamment bonne condition physique (qui ne se voilaient pas trop vite).

En résumé, c'est une bête de voltige très sûr. C'est son comportement à l'atterrissage et le manque de visibilité avec les défauts des instruments à basse altitude qui a fait sa réputation d'avion difficile à piloter par des pilotes inexpérimentés...
M'ouais ça devait être pour cela que Pokhrychkine disait du MiG3:"On pourrait le comparer à un cheval rétif,au tempérament de feu; entre des mains expérimentées il filait comme une flèche,mais si on perdait le contrôle, on finissait sous ses sabots".
"Tout ce que Boelcke nous disait était parole d'évangile !" Manfred von Richthofen

Août 1916 Laguincourt:"Rétrospectivement mes succès en solitaire sont désormais d'une autre époque,l'effet de surprise risquant un jour de se retourner contre moi.Il faut donc organiser les formations de combat pour minimiser l'effet du hasard." Oswald Boelcke.
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

Nouveau Developer's Diary:
Hello dear friends. The guys in the office already know that if I sit and smile then the screen has a lot of text and tomorrow will be Friday and I read your questions. A smile is an integral part of these diaries.

February begins, so one month of development of BoS is over. Of course, this is a very short period to draw conclusions, but I think that we have everything that we need to make a very good product. We are moving purposefully and steadfastly towards our goal. Amongst the team there is a mutual understanding, the atmosphere is working and it is safe to say that the team that was formed at 1C Game Studios is off to a very good start.

In this diary we publish the third part of the test pilot interview, which will be dedicated to the I-16 aircraft. Once again there is some interesting information and unique shots.


And I put in this post the screenshot of Bf-109. This is the first import to the engine, we still have a lot to do with it. As you can see it is already visible in our simulated natural world.


1) What is planned for the sound? Will it be some kind of "average sound" as in "IL-2" or something very similar to the sounds of real prototypes of aircraft?

I already answered similar questions. We make sound serious as it was in our previous projects. The sound is very good and informative.

2) Which layout is planned by developers for different modules: "button or axis" or "button and axis"? This refers, for example, for the flap will only be a button or axis, or both? If you can, please give at least a rough layout (radiators, brakes, superchargers, etc.) to know how many buttons, switches and axis I need.

Now we make a button and the axis. It's too early to talk about the final layout. We still have a verbal battle for it to provide only the necessary options for the average pilot, but professional pilot could adjust to a maximum of possible options. This refers to a decision to create a main interface.

3) Would it be possible to shoot a parachutist? Would it be possible to break the aircraft in a collision with him or roll the parachute on the plane? Or they will be made as ghosts in CloD?

If we ignore the brutality of this question, technically it can be done. I.e. they will not be "transparent" for collisions.

4) Will implemented the change in the psychological state of the pilot (fear, panic, stun, shock) when hit or close the passage of bullets, or at near tears flak, or the death of a comrade in his eyes as in RO2?

This is an interesting topic, but we have no plans to address this issue very seriously. Overload and injury, of course, will be visually displayed and it will have an impact on the gameplay. But we don't want to create complex logical system because it's not very obvious. It's all such features "at once", ie causes a wow effect, and then begins to irritate.

5) Will there be an option as the airdrop of paratroopers? If so, what extent it will be implemented.


6) Another question is about gunners accuracy: in CloD use the gunner position was a lost of time, in RoF we have a free movement of the gun (although moving the mouse seems to me a little uncoordinated). As I enjoy very much to play as a gunner I would see again something near the IL2 approach in this issue. What is planned for BoS?

We don't know yet. We'll consider the mistakes that we made in the ROF and the experience that we got, but of course, it will be make more interesting than it was in the original "IL-2". I would be very grateful if community to share your thoughts about this question in a separate thread. Try to answer the question: "What really made the game interesting in the role of the gunners."

7) Will ram attacks be possible? In the original IL2 series it was possible to chew the tail off an aircraft with your propeller. This was stopped with a patch after complaints from the Dogfight servers regarding deliberate collision once someone was out of ammo. It would be good to see this modeled once again for historical reasons in BoS.

Yes, we work with physics and it will allow you to perform ram attacks more accurately and damage system will react to midair collision more adequately.

8) If possible, please describe what progress has been made in the optimization of the engine DN, in which direction, whereby, etc.? In general terms, please.

This is the big question. Quite a lot of parts affected. Physics, graphics and system of interfaces. Wherever we can, we use our experience to improve. Speaking of technology, it's very difficult to be specific. We need some completely new technology and parachutes and damage in the cockpit. For the map, we would like to apply some new techniques to make the landscape more plausible. Give specific examples too early, because they need to illustrate. There are global issues that we are discussing, such as moving to 64-bit systems and not support 32-bit systems.

9) Whether additional configuration is implemented for the course weapons (in addition to the existing in the "IL-2", RoF)?

We think about it, but it is certainly not a priority.

10) Will there be open hangar or museum in the game menu as in the release version of RoF (and not a museum as it is now)?

This question applies only to graphics. I.e. that we draw in a hangar it will be. These items will be in production much later. But share ideas, what would you like to see, we'll read. Snowy airfield? Parking? Hangar?

11) Tell me how will be implemented view through the gun sight and how will be made an option "cling to the gun sight"? This will be done as in "IL-2" or as in CloD: unfasten straps/fasten straps?

I already answered about the field of view changing, the head moves freely, and you can customize it as you see fit. There will be no actions with straps. The pilot will be fixed in the optimum position.

12) Will there be an adequate fuel system? Pumping, feed tanks, fire hydrants.

Fuel management system will be make correctly and optimally for each aircraft. But the players don't need to manage this system, everything will happen automatically. Of course, the damage will be to make amendments.

13) Will realized oxygen equipment and the need to use it in BoS?

Only if in the form of a graphical features. We'll not let you die if you forgot to press the button. Maybe fatigue loads at high altitudes made ​​stronger.

14) Will realized the "real" time to work systems? For example, the flaps on the Bf-109 can be extend in 30 seconds, while at this time (for example) can not work with the throttle (for example) or you can work with the throttle, but the extend of the flap stop. Will this implementation?

I still will not talk about the exact rules, but in general, yes. The player starts the procedure for some, for example flaps and all systems begin to operate as a working reality, moving some animated knobs, etc. The process itself will take as much time as would occupy in reality. Let's try to be accurate, wherever we can.

15) Will detailed ground equipment (better than the level in BoS) and ships?

Ground equipment will be made well enough for flight simulator. Later I'll show you pictures. But the ships have not got in the Volga due to its size. Carriers don't fit the width, battleships don't fit on the length and the December ice serious obstacle to conduct operations for submarines. But the subs in the ice of the Volga definitely not lower quality than in CloD.
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

Gerfaut a écrit :Si tu es intéressé, il y a tout un chapitre sur le sujet, avec le type d'appareil et les commentaires des pilotes :
Merci. C'est intéressant.

Ça confirme. Les commandes du 109 avaient tendance à beaucoup "durcir" à grande vitesse, même si ce n'était pas considérer comme un défaut rédhibitoire par ses pilotes.
Werner M&#246 a écrit :M'ouais ça devait être pour cela que Pokhrychkine disait du MiG3:"On pourrait le comparer à un cheval rétif,au tempérament de feu; entre des mains expérimentées il filait comme une flèche,mais si on perdait le contrôle, on finissait sous ses sabots".
Je n'en sais rien. Je ne fais que citer ce qui est dit dans la vidéo. Mais ça fait la troisième vidéo d'interview du gars (Vladimir Barsouk), avec celle sur l'I-16, et c'est vrai qu'il a l'air de piloter n'importe quel zinc comme un vélo, et a l'air de ne pas beaucoup aimer les atterrissages...lol

Point de vu subjectif, sûrement, sans doute que chaque pilote (je n'ai jamais piloté quoique ce soit...) a sa façon de faire et perçoit les choses à sa façon...

Cependant, à l'entendre, les pilotes russes ont l'air de ne pas avoir peur de tirer tout ce qu'ils peuvent de leurs vieux coucous restaurés!

Ça augure bien des modèles de vols basés sur leurs impressions et leurs mesures (et les gars qui vont se pointer avec les tables tirés de leurs bouquins pour contester les modèles de vol vont se faire claquer le beignet vite fait par les devs, preuves à l'appuilol).
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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 191
Inscription : 16 juin 2011


Message par Erel »

[quote="Rickenbacher"]Fuel management system will be make correctly and optimally for each aircraft. But the players don't need to manage this system, everything will happen automatically. Of course, the damage will be to make amendments.

Si je comprend bien, les systèmes seront modélisés mais le joueur n'aura pas (/ne pourra pas?) à intervenir.
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

Developer's diary, Partie VII:
Good afternoon.

Everything is going according to plan, which pleases me as a producer. If the producer is happy with the results then this is a good sign for those who are waiting for the project. Literally every day, something changes and there are new elements and results. Now is a very active phase of our work which will last probably a month or so. After that, we will configure specific parts and begin to move to the alpha version.

Today we show another part of video interviews. (We want apologize. English subtitles are not yet ready. Too much specific technical, piloting words and senses. We plan to finish to translate video ASAP)

And I want to show you a model of the pilot. This guy will suffer for all your mistakes and flying experiments. Don't give him name or you cannot easily watch when he falls in flames to the ground, knowing exactly that you condemned.


1) Who will make the sound, I hope Valery Kornilov?

Yes. Together we are planning a lot to get done.

2) How will be modeled the system of radio communications and control the AI? Will it be done as in "IL-2" or it will be something new?

This will be done as in other aspects of the game. We rely on the "IL-2" as the necessary minimum, but almost everywhere trying to add some new elements. This is evolutionary movement. Radio commands to the AI ​​will be duplicated voice and AI itself will report some information. For atmospheric we'll add voices for the front ground gun players who will communicate with you, while your group will reach the target. Airfield services also become more sociable. Of course, details and examples will be in the future.

3) How much attention will be spare to music in the future game?

Attention will be spared to the music for the first time. We're working on a unique track specifically for BoS, but I'm not ready to tell you the name of the composer or any details. We're planning to make the design consisting of video tapes and they will talk about the different stages of the battle. In general, everything will be at a high level, and I hope this will be interesting. We entrust the job to professionals and all will be done qualitatively accurate regardless of whether it aligns with your personal taste.

4) Will there be support for external devices? Will these devices to work in online? In ROF this is not enough.

I don't know. Technically, it is achievable, but we'll start to talk about these things with you only after the alpha release, when it will be clear how much time and resources we have left and how much we can give to such features.

5) Will support vibrating cushion in the new game?

We won’t do any special coding to support it, but if it works with existing sound output then that is cool.

6) Can we have the chance to see BoS, modeling the pilot out of the cockpit that he ejected?

Yes. More details will be in the future.

7) For lovers of aerobatic aircraft were added pylons in the latest patch for CloD. Can we expect something similar in the BoS (map for racing / flags / pylons / visual platform etc.)?

Only if you make it yourself. We'll give you all the necessary tools and information.

8) Will fix a situation where the wreckage of the planes on the ground disappear over time in RoF?

Write letters to Intel, NVidia and other manufacturers of computer accessories, demand lower prices for their products. We cannot afford to store as much data without sacrificing performance. But I don't know what exactly will be the lifetime of the wreckage, the tests have not been run.

9) How the image will look like in the new game, as in CloD, RoF or in old "IL-2"? Also, there is the question about the effects. Effects are quite adequate and they look realistic in CloD, will we not see the cartoons as in War Thunder?

Regardless of what I write, you will still expect something different. It will not be like anything of the above, it would be something new. Cartoons, of course, will not, we're boring naturalists. But it will not be boring.

10) Please tell me have you a contract with 1C only for this project or you have agreement for a long-term relationship?

(Albert) This will depend on how well we'll make our work. I think that 1C will find a way to keep us if we're really good developers.

(Jason) We have a long-term partnership with 1C as we have announced. It is more complex than just a publisher – developer relationship, but we are not going to go into details. If this product is successful there will be much more content and products coming.

11) Stated that the development of the game has a limited budget, which will last until the beginning of 2014. Have you thought about the Kickstarter as possible to increase the budget? You refused it or remember about this opportunity?

(Albert) We remember about this. But we have our own idea of ​​how to use this site. I personally don't want to take the money just for the promise to do something. "The promise does not mean that the act will be committed" as we say in Russia.

(Jason) As we have shown the past 3 years, we are always looking for new ways to ensure that this genre does not die, but we do not take promises we make to the community lightly. Using crowdsourcing options is not something we would do flippantly. However, as the market continues to change and demands of the community evolve we will seriously consider all options available.

12) If Albert is a general producer of the projects RoF, CloD, BoS and even the original "IL-2" now, then will results of work with AI of DT be used in the BoS​​?

I've already checked. My position in the company does not have any effect on the game code. I took the hard drive with code written for example in Java, and swore at it and demanded, threatened with dismissal and motivated him and even offered money. Unfortunately, Java has not turned into a C++.

13) Will organized full-fledged bug-tracker for users and beta testers?

We have our own methods of working with testers. And they are very effective.

14) Will I be able to land safely a real plane after flying in the new simulator?

I don't know. And I ask you, if you decide to try then do it in deserted places. This was the best question in this series so far
Screenshot du pilote

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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 900
Inscription : 28 janvier 2008


Message par gris »

n'ayant pas parcouru tout le sujet
est t'il mentionne quelque part ou sur le forom il2
la distance a laquelle les contact apparaitrons ?
c'est surement prématuré que de demander ça
mais au cas ou
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 657
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

gris a écrit :n'ayant pas parcouru tout le sujet
est t'il mentionne quelque part ou sur le forom il2
la distance a laquelle les contact apparaitrons ?
c'est surement prématuré que de demander ça
mais au cas ou
ha ben oui, c'est plus que prématuré...lol
le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

Developer's Diary, suite:
Hello dear friends.

We missed a week in our diaries. The reason was the lack of proper technology to teleport people over long distances. Of course, there is a certain romance to write about our game, dedicated to airplanes when you are actually on board an airplane. But I'm too often distracted by the view from the window.

Soon, we'll show you some new screenshots. You already know about a pair of planes from the project; the LaGG-3 and Bf-109F-4. The IL-2 (1942 year's model) and Ju-87D-3, two major aircraft for attacking ground vehicles, will be the next pair we show you. Work on them is already under way and cockpits for the first fighters will be ready soon.

And of course will be pictures, video and more details about the map and ground equipment. In this diary we publish the fifth part of the test pilot interview, which will be dedicated to the I-153 aircraft.


1) Will realize two different radio frequency (own and enemy) as in IL-2 FB or will be heard on the radio the Russian and German speech at the same time?

We'll implement different radio frequencies and you'll be able to listen to radio of enemy under certain conditions.

2) Will the features of RoF use in BoS? For example: gestures of the pilots, signal pistol, skinspacks and mandatory reloading before opening fire?

BoS is a very different project. We'll use the experience gained in the development of RoF for work with BoS. Of course, there will be similarities, but to the same extent as with the original "IL-2". In the spring we'll be prepared to discuss the details of the gameplay.

3) Is the pilot from your videos (the guy who flies the Il2 and the MiG-3), involved in the FM testing? Is he a consultant for BoS?

Yes, we'll consult with pilots at the various stages of development. We hope that we can get the highest rating of the parameter "plausibility" from the pilots who fly now. We will necessarily represent anyone who will advise us.

4) It's possible to have in some point of development to see the low temperatures of the Russian winter affecting the performance of the engines? I mean, in a sunny and hotter day, the engines would run better and star up easer than in a bad weather frozen day. This aspect was crucial for both sides during the battle.

This was made ​​in our previous project RoF. There was an opportunity (in the difficulty settings) to start the game with a cold engine. In winter, it gave a big advantage to rotating engines. But this possibility does not become popular among the players. Even those who thought he was ready for an uncompromising realism. Oil quickly freezes. And if you don't start the engine just in the first ten seconds, then the probability of a successful start is dramatically reduced. Perhaps this is too much, but we can do it. :)

5) Will we be able to crush and break the models of planes from CloD as the planes break in ROF?

Modeling principles remain the same. But the speeds and the materials from which to make the planes is changed. So it will look different, but always spectacular.

6) Will we be able to open the cockpits (on the ground / in mid-air)?

Yes, of course. This will occur with very good sound effects and even have an effect on the aerodynamics of the aircraft.

7) Will the normal electrical fuses make for German aircraft bomb?

I'll check personally to setup the normal fuses. :) We are responsible for the quality of our fuses.

8) Opponents will have the same color as in "IL-2" or in RoF?

The enemy will have red color always. On the other side is always the bad guys, but on this side of the comrades-in-arms, regardless of the selected side.

9) What is the maximum number of players can take part in multiplayer?

This will depend on the capacity of the server. If we would open our server, I think there would have been 100 or more pilots in one dogfight session. We'll pay attention to optimization and improvement of all parameters associated with the work of the network. We would like to build the servers for you, including a common for all scenarios, but it will depend on the success of the project on the market. There are concerns that it is too hardcore for the MMO project. But I'm an optimist and we consider this possibility.

10) How will Stalingrad look like? This refers to the different degrees of destruction of certain areas.

The town will be recreated quite accurately. The historical component plays an important role. We really want the world remember about these events.

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »


Que voilà un forum bien actif......que d'enthousiasme de la part des foules!!!

ça donne envie!!!!


La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 3941
Inscription : 21 janvier 2005


Message par J.j. »

Faire de longs posts et tirer des plans de la comète, je ne vois pas spécialement l'intérêt. Autant attendre un peu, quand on aura de véritables nouvelles de l'avancée du jeu, avant de se remettre à taper frénétiquement sur le clavier et relancer les guerres de forum...
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 657
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

PIPS a écrit :Super!!!

Que voilà un forum bien actif......que d'enthousiasme de la part des foules!!!

ça donne envie!!!!

En même temps on a pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent ( ce qui est normal à l'heure ou je tape ces lignes ) Mais les vidéos du pilote sur les avions d'époques sont intéressantes et rassurent sur les futur MDV
Donc, en réalité, pas grand chose à commenter lol
le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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WSO Co-pilote
WSO Co-pilote
Messages : 867
Inscription : 12 octobre 2009


Message par Nonolem »

Les vidéos sur youtube sont publiés par 1C. C'est donc eux qui font les interviews de Vladimir Barsouk (et probablement beaucoup d'autres gens). Et ces entretiens doivent être beaucoup plus techniques et approfondis que ce qu'ils nous donnent à voir.

Ce que ça nous dit, c'est que les devs sont en train de collecter une masse d'infos de première main pour les MdV. C’est assez habile comme com, d'autant que ces vidéos sont vraiment intéressantes.

Je leur ferait un reproche cependant : on ne voit pas assez les avions en vol...:innocent:
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1259
Inscription : 15 mars 2006


Message par Balto »

Bon moi toutes les annonces je les trouve cool sauf 1 :

-L'infanterie au sol ne sera pas modélisée

je jouer à IL2 pour jouer à la guerre alors bon straffer/bombarder de la colonne de fantassin fait partie de la guerre.
Et puis ca rend tres immersifs.
Mais bon avec un peu de bol un moddeur fou reglera cela un jour.

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