[DCS-BS] Ka-50 No Tint Windows Mod
Publié : jeu. déc. 17, 2009 12:36 pm
Nouveau mod pour le cockpit de Luke88 (pas testé)
http://www.lockonfiles.com/modules.php? ... #dldetails
Je cite Luke:
This mod replaces the default windows in the Black Shark with ones that have all the tinting removed. There is also a little grime placed in the corners for realism. It was designed to remove the unnessesary colour bias when looking through the default cockpit glass texture to give a clearer look outside but still retain the impression of looking through a glass pane.
Modman compatable.
Traduc rapide:
Supprime les teintes et rajoute des "saleté" dans les coins des vitres
http://www.lockonfiles.com/modules.php? ... #dldetails
Je cite Luke:
This mod replaces the default windows in the Black Shark with ones that have all the tinting removed. There is also a little grime placed in the corners for realism. It was designed to remove the unnessesary colour bias when looking through the default cockpit glass texture to give a clearer look outside but still retain the impression of looking through a glass pane.
Modman compatable.
Traduc rapide:
Supprime les teintes et rajoute des "saleté" dans les coins des vitres