Modèle de dommage...Enfin !!!
Publié : ven. oct. 19, 2018 7:53 pm ... ekend_news
ED va enfin travailler sur les effets des munitions.
Il y aura 3 types d'effets:
- impact
- onde de choc
- éclats (shrapnel)
Les premiers à en bénéficier seront les avions WW2, puis les modules plus modernes et enfin...les unités au sol
ED va enfin travailler sur les effets des munitions.
Il y aura 3 types d'effets:
- impact
- onde de choc
- éclats (shrapnel)
Les premiers à en bénéficier seront les avions WW2, puis les modules plus modernes et enfin...les unités au sol
Donc si c'est bien fait on n'aura plus besoin de faire un impact direct avec les bombes lisses pour foutre en l'air un camionModeling Update
We recognize that an important aspect to improve in DCS World is more realistic damage modeling in regards to localized effects, visual effects, affect on hit components, and type of weapon impact. Regarding the latter, the new damage model will be based on two types of weapon impact: penetrating impact and proximity impact. This provides us with three primary weapon effects on a unit: penetrating (projectiles), volumetric/pressure wave (high-explosive) and volumetric/shrapnel. This last effect allows weapon casing fragments to be tracked as unique objects entering the unit. This is not modeled in our current damage model system, but it will provide a great improvement to aircraft, and later, ground unit damage.
When a projectile or shrapnel penetrates a unit, the strength and functionality of the of the unit component it intersects with is affected. This includes components like spars, flight control surfaces, engine, weapons, fuel, etc. This, in turn, can greatly affect aircraft performance and system functionality.
The team has been working hard on this new damage model system, and the primary work is now complete. It is now undergoing internal testing. We will first roll out the new damage model system in our World War II aircraft, then later move to our more modern aircraft and then ground units