[DCS] Updates Open Beta

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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 35360
Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jojo »

Guy72230 a écrit :
dim. mai 01, 2022 8:13 am
Morpheus a écrit :
sam. avr. 30, 2022 7:26 pm
Guy72230 a écrit :
sam. avr. 30, 2022 6:07 pm
merci pour vos aides, mais j'ai finalement refait une install propre !
j'ai dû bidouiller quelque chose dans le dossier.
Normalement un "Cleanup" et un "Repair" suffisent mais bon quand on a la connexion qui va bien (sans doute) ;)
Justement le cleanup et le repair ne donnaient rien.
Même en passant par le powershell.
Je crois que je vais devoir y passer aussi.
J'ai des CTD avec rapport d'erreur DCS
Malgré les repair j'avais ça avant la dernière MAJ, et j'en ai encore après.
Ça m'arrive aussi bien en jeu que sur l'éditeur de mission.

De plus après le CTD, DCS semble nécessiter un redémarrage PC pour se relancer. Sinon c'est rapport d'erreur immédiat au démarrage (je n'arrive même pas au menu)...
Config: MSI Z270 GAMING M5/ I7 7700K + Water Cooling/ SSD 500Go/DDR4 4x16Go 3200Mhz/ MSI RTX 3080 Ventus 3x Plus 10Go
Virpil T50CM3 + WarBRD + TM Hornet/ MFG Crosswind/ HP Reverb G2

Photo aéro: Nikon D7000/ D500 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3
ma galerie: cliquez FLICKR / WARBIRDS

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Change log impressionant..
Open Beta
DCS World

Note: Basic Fighter Maneuver (BFM) for jets improvements are planned for a June, 2022 update.

Removed: PPI for HQ7 LN
JTAC cant work with AV-8B AGM-65L (E2/L) - fixed.
Fixed some crashes.
Crash if AV-8B takes off from 071
Crash if player enters HQ7 STR PPI view
Campaigns. Fixed Stuck on mission with LoadMission trigger, when you cannot press the button End Mission.
Aircraft AI. AI Wingmen do not use BVR missiles - fixed.
Weapons. Corrected ranges of Kh-31P ARM missile and Kh-31A anti ship missile.
Weapons. AIM-120. Fixed tracking issues due to wrong reference range gate choice when target locked.
Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Combat AI Improvements:
Available BVR tactics and skill of execution is highly dependent upon AI Skill Level setting.
Added timer for missile evasive manoeuvres when notching. This better allows the AI to defeat a radar operating in Memory (MEM) mode.
AI will use airspeed and altitude based on Skill Level to optimise missile launch kinematics. It will try to be fast and high.
AI will maximise distance between aircraft and target at time of missile impact, based on Skill Level, by using offsets (crank) and reduced airspeed.
Based on Skill Level, AI will appropriately use lead, pure, and lag intercept geometry.
AI will use a low slice in an offset/crank manoeuvre to force an incoming missile into denser air, provide the AI more manoeuvrability, and force hostile radar into a look-down.
Based on Skill Level, AI will use different defensive manoeuvres such as look down clutter notch and reversal/extensions.
AI will randomly use the direction of offsets (cranks) and notches.
Use chaff when the missile is 60 degrees off the nose. This allows the AI to use chaff more effectively when abeam of the threat radar.
Aircraft without radar guided missiles will not climb and accelerate to intercept the enemy.
AI aircraft. Decreased ground impact probability into hard manoeuvring.
Su-34. KMGU-2 racks restored.
Graphics. MSAA x4 breaks secondary shadows - fixed.
Fixed crash during request if JTAC will be destroyed.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed crashes/freezes in avionics.
Added ACLS Missing 10 SEC cue.
Added Additional carrier data to the kneeboard - ATC frequency, TACAN and ILCS channel.
Added ACL T/C available with simple carrier.
Fixed: CMD CNT doesn't appear after coupling.
Fixed: Stores diamond behaviour with BRU-55 with 2 * GBU-38.
Fixed: JDAM TOO / PP behaviour when using QTY.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

Improvement HUD Windows Range.
Fixed: Ghost targets on Datalink.
Fixed crashes/freezes in avionics.
Fixed: Dynamic launch for Maverick zone no longer shown in HUD.
Fixed: Time To Go timer on TGP not showing after weapon release.
Fixed: Incorrect information on HUD with HTS.
Fixed: Dropping PDLT lock doesn't remove TTL on HUD.

Note: Although additional Viper items have been completed like the Cruise DED page and the Expand function for the HSD and HAD pages, we did not have time to properly test due to the long holiday. These are planned for a June 2022 update.
DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Add TSD Threat Rings. Threat rings are based on hostile air defence units placed in the Mission Editor that are not “Hidden on MFD”. To display, select TSD SHOW at T3, COORD SHOW at T6, and then PLANNED TGTS/THREATS at L5. Yellow rungs indicate estimated detection range and red rings indicate estimated engagement range. When enabled, threats will also be listed on the COORD page, COORD list.
Add KYBD Key-bind for Collective Tail Wheel Lock/Unlock.
Improved Velocity Attitude ude Hold mode (between 6 and 40 kts).
Initial work on Position (Hover) Attitude Hold mode (between 0 and 5 kts).
Fixed crashes/freezes in avionics.
Fixed: Incorrect "Track Air Targets" translation in RU.
Fixed: EUFD brightness set before battery is turned on does not dim the EUFD.
Fixed: Desync after CPG left and join again to the slot.
Fixed: HAD Range Field Messages desync.
Fixed: HAD Weapon Inhibit Status Field Messages desync.
Fixed: Synchronisation of CPG's TSD map type and viewing range.
Fixed: Synchronisation of CPG's TSD map type.
Fixed: Synchronisation of CPG's RKT inventory choice.

Note: Although the Hellfire Ripple (RIPL) has been completed, we did not have time to properly test due to the long holiday. These are planned for a June 2022 update. Other items in development after June 2022 include 1st person pilot models, Target State Estimator (TSE), Altitude Hold, and Image Auto-Tracker (IAT). Following these, we plan to offer the DCS: AH-64D as part of the free Trial Program.

Known issues: Cold helicopter cannon is intersecting with ground.
DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

Added: Anti-torque pedals trim options Can choose between:
Instant Trim (does not read input for 0.5 sec. after trim button is pressed)
Central Position Trimmer Mode (does not read input until physical pedals axis returned to center)
Added: Anti-torque pedals automatic microswitch options. Can choose between:
Disable by setting pedal axis to neutral (This logic was built in module before, it engages microswitch as soon as yaw axis is deflected from neutral position)
Enable/Disable by presence/absence of pedal movement (this logic is added and it activates microswithing only for duration of pedal axis movement, deactivates it when axis stop moving)
Automatic Microswitch Off (disables any automatic pedals microswitch logic, control is only manual)
Added: Anti-torque pedals microswitch button bind (this bind allows manual control of pedals microswitch which will set heading autopilot channel to standby/adjust mode while it is pressed)
Added: Anti-torque Pedals Trimmer Button options (Unlike Mi-8, real Mi-24P pedals don't trim with cyclic trim button. In DCS trim for pedals is made for convenience):
Cyclic Trimmer Button (T) (Pressing Cyclic trim button will also trim virtual pedals axis, keyboard "T" by default)
Pedals Microswitch Button (Y) (Pressing pedals microswitch button will also trim virtual pedals axis, keyboard "Y" by default)
Do not trim (Will not trim virtual pedals axis, this is for pedals without springs etc. those which are stay where you left them)
Fixed: Map lighting switch is in wrong position when mission is start at night
Fixed: PU-38. Latitude knob does not change value when adjusted slowly
Fixed: Pilot-Operator's button for warning lights test does not work
Fixed: HUD reticle, textures distortion on the edges
Fixed: SPO-10 red highlight for "NO SOUND" warning does not work
Fixed: Full aft cyclic limits left rudder authority (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/300741-re ... eft-pedal/)

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Deck markings not visible in editor.

Known issues: Bug fixes for ACL in multiplayer are scheduled for the June 2022 update.
DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

Fixed: abnormal behaviours of LD10
Fixed: BRM-1 CCIP indicator
Fixed: BRM-1 in range notification
Fixed: bugs in SPI logic
Fixed: gear damage and repair
Fixed: surge detection caused by missile
Fixed: ATT hold
Added: fuel leak if fuselage or wings broken
Updated: WMD7 manual laser function by OSB R4 only (more details see forum thread)
Removed: “laser designator on/off” input binding

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

Added: First iteration of rewritten code for multicrew. (work in progress)
Added: Rocket launcher on SA-342L is now selectable/removable.
Added: New rocket types for Telson 8 launcher:
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 250 F1B TP-SM
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 251 H1 HE
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 252 H1 TP
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 253 H1 HEAT
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 254 H1 SM Green
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 256 H1 SM Yellow
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 257 H1 HE/Frag lg whd
Telson 8 - 8 x 68 mm SNEB Type 259E H1 IL

Known issues: Multicrew is only supported when players start pushing buttons after both player slots are occupied. Join in progress synchronisation (i.e. joining mid flight) will come later. 3 players in minigun version doesn’t work yet.
DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

Added: Special Option: Export MPCD on mission start
Updated: AGM-65F operation. When multiple missiles are selected (ACP QTY > 1), after firing a missile the next missile in the selected group will be automatically uncaged and locked at the same target.
Fixed: Steerpoint elevation is automatically updated when entering coordinates
Fixed MPCD Day/Night Switch keybind inverted and not working
Fixed: Formation Lights remain ON when in NORM or NVG

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

Added : Absolute BAD coordinate input in DTC format
Added : FPS-117 EWR radar to TAF sources
Updated: smoke helps finding IP in CCRP-IP quick mission
Fixed : PCM incitation staying after SABRE is switched off

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Complete ACLS overhaul:
ACLS will engage correctly within parameters now and fly a stable approach.
Safe engagement should be considered within 2.5° of the glidepath and 1° of the glideslope (+/-300 feet) at or around 3nm behind the carrier.
Glideslope has been adjusted from 3° to 3.5°.
Fixed VDI Caution Lights for ACLS.
Improved Autothrottle.
Fixed Authothrottle not disengaging with weight on wheels.
Synchronised disengagement in GT+ALT hold.
Fixed a small error in pitch dampening.
Fixed DLC not disengaging at MIL power with weight on wheels.
Added new DCS ACLS and Datalink to the Forrestal (for the F-18, not for the Tomcat).
Fixed ICLS point of origin for the Forrestal.
Adjusted runway azimuth for the Forrestal.
Forrestal: fixed taking damage when planes land on the deck.
Fixed Sparrow BRSIT: flood antenna only enabled after launch, and short LTE for first missile.
Fixed Jester tuning bad radio frequency during carrier cold start.
New SetCommand for Jester:
arg 10015 - tune AN/ARC-182 to a selected channel with the value 0.XX where XX is the two-digit channel number
arg 10016 - tune TACAN channel. The value should be constructed using the following guide: “0.XXXZ” - use negative (-0.XXXZ) values for A/A and positive for T/R. “XXX” is the three-digit channel number (001, 010, 100, etc.). Z is 0 for using X-mode, and 1 for using Y-mode.
example: “0.0630” is channel “63X, T/R” and “-0.0081” is channel “8Y, A/A”.
Added LANTIRN external draw arguments for Mission Creators:
The following args can be used to obtain the components of a unit vector aligned with the LANTIRN sensor:
LANTIRN_HeadX = 1023,
LANTIRN_HeadY = 1024,
LANTIRN_HeadZ = 1025.
Fixed pilot being able to disarm the RIO’s ejection seat.
AIM-54A now has a white default texture and uses a texture separate from the AIM-54C.
Fixed texture seam running along top of AIM-54C.
Added additional mesh detail to the gun tube.
Re-textured gun tube internals.
Improved modelling of TCS camera model.
Retextured TCS pod internals.
Improved TCS glass for a more accurate, coated look.
Increased reflectivity of HUD lens in exterior view.
Lower sidewinder station (shoulder) pylon extension texture added.
Lower sidewinder station launcher now properly represents a LAU-7.
Added textures to lower sidewinder station LAU-7.
Added texture for lower shoulder sidewinder station.
Fixed tacan presets for IA Case 3 missions and added Case3 briefing image.
Changed Normandy IA Case 3 missions to use CV-59 Forrestal.
Fixed AI blocking catapults in Marianas IA Mission Op. Clay Dagger.
Fixed INS mode switch bindings not being functional.
Fixed VHF/UHF ARC-182 Volume Pilot Inc/Dec keybindings.
Added “_(name)” for default.lua in mods/inputs.
Added new bindable inputs for the pilot:
Pilot Oxygen Toggle
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover Toggle
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Pull
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Push
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Pulled else Pushed
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Pushed else Pulled
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Pushed/ Pulled toggle
Eng/Probe Anti Ice Toggle
Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Cover Toggle
Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Toggle
Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Toggle
Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Cover Toggle
Fuel Feed Cover Toggle
Fuel Feed Toggle
VDI Screen Brightness Knob Inc
VDI Screen Brightness Knob Dec
VDI Screen Contrast Inc
VDI Screen Contrast Dec
VDI Trim Inc
VDI Trim Dec
HUD Brightness Knob Inc
HUD Brightness Knob Dec
HUD Trim Inc
HUD Trim Dec
HUD Filter Toggle
HUD Filter pulled else pushed
HSD Brightness Knob Inc
HSD Brightness Knob Dec
Antiskid & Spoiler BK - Toggle
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle move Fwd
Emergency Wing Sweep Handle move Aft
BINGO Fuel Level Knob Inc
BINGO Fuel Level Knob Dec
Radar Altimeter Control Knob +
Radar Altimeter Control Knob -
Radar Altimeter Test
Master Test Selector CW
Master Test Selector CCW
Master Test Selector: OFF
Master Test Selector: LTS
Master Test Selector: FIRE DET/EXT
Master Test Selector: INST
Master Test Selector: OBC
Master Test Selector: EMERG GEN
Master Test Selector: WG SWP
Master Test Selector: FLTGR DW
Master Test Selector: FLTGR UP
Master Test Selector: D/L RAD
Master Test Selector: STICK SW
Master Test Selector PULLED else PUSHED
Master Test Selector push/pull toggle
HSD Test Button
Added new bindable axes for the pilot:
HSD Brightness
HSD Selected Heading
HSD Selected Course
ICS Volume Pilot
Sidewinder Volume
ALR-67 Volume
VHF/UHF ARC-182 Volume Pilot
HUD Brightness
HUD Trim
VDI Screen Brightness
VDI Screen Contrast
VDI Trim
TACAN Volume
Maneuver flaps (unrealistic but wanted by some)
Emergency Wing Sweep
Added new bindable inputs for the RIO:
ATTK mode CW
Elec Fuse CW
Elec Fuse CCW
Elec Fuse: Safe
Elec Fuse: VT
Elec Fuse: INST
Elec Fuse: DLY1
Elec Fuse: DLY2
Missile Speed Gate CW
Missile Speed Gate CCW
TID range +
TID range -
Added new bindable axes for the RIO:
ICS Volume RIO
AN/ALR-67 Volume
VHF/UHF ARC-182 Volume RIO
TACAN Volume

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed jamming not functioning properly in multiplayer.
Fixed CTD with >92 data cartridges in DCS_AJS37 folder.
Master volume knob now changes sidewinder tone volume.
Removed the mobile-ground-crew relocation from the kneeboard.
Fixed kneeboard selection of ground crew RB04 right group target.
Mirrors can now be toggled by clicking them.
Fixed errant polygons in the speed indicator gauge.
Added rotation to the altimeter knob.
Added 60° and 90° markers to the ADI.
Fixed Bx7 not showing in the correct place when in ANF and Bx8 selected.
Fixed Bx6 not being able to move.
Bx6 will now correctly move along the line drawn from the aircraft to Bx7 and from Bx7 to Bx8, while also not being allowed to get too close to the aircraft, Bx7 or the target.
Fixed RB-15F not descending at the Bx6 waypoint.
Fixed Grans Lines (ingress lines) showing by default.
Slightly reduced radar screen glass size to prevent the artificial horizon line from escaping the screen boundaries.
Fixed flight director needles on FLI37 hiding behind the 'aircraft wings'.

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Adjusted damage to infantry and added chance of a critical hit on an infantryman.
Fixed firing of MLRS with S-8 rocket when assigning a target on the F10 map.


DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

Fixed campaign progress with Event 4 mission.

DCS: MiG-21bis Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo

Trigger zone update
AI skill level update
Victory conditions

DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo

Tanker speed update
Trigger zones update
Briefing updates

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo

Trigger zones update
Active runways
Victory conditions
AI units logic

DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon

Fixed the name for A-10C liveries, so campaigns skins should now work automatically.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon

added ACLS / Link 4 in mission 04, 08, 10, 11, 13
Mission 11:
fixed issue with enemy SAM not activating properly
fixed issue with wingman jettisoning his ordnance during the dogfight
fixed issue with mission not progressing after encounter with bandit

DCS: A-10C II The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon

Mission 1: updated loadout for player's wingman

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633

Mission 10: Attack Helos adjusted to ensure 420 kills them in time
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 35360
Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jojo »

C'était donc pour ça que dans la mission sur laquelle je travaille mon ailier n'utilisait pas ses Super 530D et les MiG-29A ennemis n'utilisaient pas leurs R-27R ! :emlaugh:
Config: MSI Z270 GAMING M5/ I7 7700K + Water Cooling/ SSD 500Go/DDR4 4x16Go 3200Mhz/ MSI RTX 3080 Ventus 3x Plus 10Go
Virpil T50CM3 + WarBRD + TM Hornet/ MFG Crosswind/ HP Reverb G2

Photo aéro: Nikon D7000/ D500 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3
ma galerie: cliquez FLICKR / WARBIRDS

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Nouvelle maj conséquente :
DCS Open beta

Introducing brand new DCS South Atlantic map by RAZBAM.
DCS World

Added: Type-59 Medium Tank.
Fixed: JF-17 AI radar emission/detection range.
Voice chat:
Fixed. Radio window updated each time when additional client enter or exit the cockpit
Added. When user switches to the Radio mode it become inactive in Rooms
Fixed. Radio transmission indicator turned OFF when another client connected to the server or enter the cockpit
CVN-74 Stennis - the 3D model is updated.
Crash when AV-8B tries to take off from Type 071 Amphibious - fixed.
Changed description of F4 view to 'F4 Camera mounted on airframe.
AI aircraft. MiG-29 can't attack unarmed helicopters - fixed.
AI aircraft. Decreased health level of Mi-28 DM. It will now not absorb three Hellfires without problem.
FARP not changing colour or coalition on F10 map when captured - fixed
Campaigns. Briefing Images With Same Name: View Not Updated - fixed
AI aircraft. Refuelling E3 never returns to task, follows tanker and crashes - fixed
Carrier. Aircraft Intersecting with a hangar door on an aircraft carrier in some cases - fixed
AI aircraft. Incorrect AI behaviour after parking in some cases - fixed
AI aircraft. When AI are given a task to bomb a target along a heading either with the bombing task and forcing a heading or runway bombing with default settings will often result in the aircraft needing to over adjust their path - fixed
AI aircraft. If you sent up waypoints for a F/A-18C to arrive at the refuelling point before the tanker is on station to refuel, the Hornets slow down with heavy AOA and then slowly drop out of the sky and crash - fixed
AI aircraft. An AI Aircraft (not a wingman in your Aircraft group) cannot hold formations properly on a human piloted aircraft when performing the 'Follow' or 'Escort' tasks when there is a head or tail wind - fixed
AI sea. Kuznetzov automatically turning to launch anti-ship missile breaks SU-33 flight attempting to take-off - fixed
Weather. Update of a static weather templates (NTTR compatibility issue resolved, fog removed from rain/snow)
Weapons. Updated 9M39, 9M311 and FIM-92 exhaust visuals. Made 9M39's booster fall off as it should.
Light effects. increased lifetime of the lights, improved the fadeout of lights and dying of lights, changed lights radius, changed speed of growing.
Rocking when shooting adjustment for all ground units. Recoil coef decreased.
AI ground. Missing sound for some ground units - fixed
Fixed the name of the SAM "AUXILIARY_EQUIPMENT" when attacking AI.
Fixed restrict target for AA MG Ground AI.
Ground AI. Adjustment of weapon accuracy for AI Infantry.
Added pickups in historical mode.
Fixed launch of Harpoon missiles from the wrong side for CG-60 Normandy.
Fixed: Arleigh Burke firing too many missiles at incoming ASM.
AA missiles. Corrected target tracking extrapolation.
ME. Added Option to Show/Hide Engagement and Detection Circles in the Mission Editor. Added buttons to the menu.
MP. Unit burned (before explosion) different time for different clients - fixed
F10. Naval unit group name not displayed in F-10 view - fixed
Sound. Fixed glitches on switching F5 cameras.
Weapons. AIM-54 launched by AI will enable active mode automatically instead of semi-active guidance in TWS.
AI aircraft. Helicopters cannot attack targets in mountain terrain - fixed
ME. In the ME will be automatically set the date and time of current entering to ME.
Weapons. AIM-120 Battery life increased to 100 seconds.
Weapons. AIM-120 better compensation for autopilot lag. This improves missile performance against highly manoeuvrable targets.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

New FLIR implementation fixes and adjustments.
Added AIM-7P Sparrow air-to-air radar-guided missile.
Fixed: In multiplayer when several supercarriers are active in mission, only the first one gets ACL commands.
Fixed: Incorrect laser spot position.
Fixed: AG radar mode TDC cursor lost after AA lock.
Fixed: The AGM-154A JSOW model is displayed when AGM-154C is fitted.
Fixed: Bullseye TRUE heading.
Fixed: DL13 menu behaviour without weapons.
Fixed: Unable to create offset for markpoint / OAP.
Fixed: Home waypoint should be X'd out when FPAS cannot provide the home fuel calculation.
Fixed: Instant action - Persian gulf - Missile City briefing is for F-16.

Note: the ADM-141A TALD requires further testing and is planned to be available in the next update. Work is also proceeding on the UFC-BU page, updating the flight model and flight control system, IAM Loft cues, and finaling the INS/GPS alignment system. We are focused on completing the Hornet roadmap.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

New FLIR implementation fixes and adjustments
Added Cruise (CRUS) DED Page.
Added GBU-24A/B Paveway III LGB.

Note: We are investigating the addition of all the possible delivery modes for a later update. In the meantime, the GBU-24A/B provides greater range and better hard-target capability than the GBU-10.

Add default loadouts with GBU-24A/B to ME.
Added HAD Expand (EXP) function.
Added HSD Expand and Zoom Function.
Added Digital FLCS (W.I.P).
Added VIP/VRP, OA1, OA2, and PUP to HMD Symbology.
Additional ME preset loadouts.
Fixed: CTD when setting unaffected code for the HARM tables.
Corrected FCR and HSD Symbols. Radar tracks colour error in off state and ambiguous state error.
Adjust payload drag indexes.
Fixed: Radar elevation becomes stuck.
Fixed: GBU-10/12/24 multiplayer desync issues.
Fixed: Autopilot will not disconnect at AOA over 15 when HDG or STR Select is engaged.
Fixed: Pitch oscillation at low fuel states.
Fixed: Instant transition between cruise gains and take-off & landing gains.
Fixed: Incorrect VIP and VRP behaviour.
Fixed: TLL line does not point directly to the target outside the HUD.
Fixed: Destination page - grid is two characters but allows for 3.
Fixed: TWCS throttle - Problem with deadzone.
Fixed: HTS don't switch HARM to prev submode after undesignate.
Fixed: CCRP Mode - Able to drop bombs well after initial drop.
Fixed: AO1 and AO2 slewed is offset from start location.
Fixed: SPI on HSD is only visible when TGP or FCR are SOI.

Note: We have read all concerns regarding radar performance, and we are preparing a White Paper that reviews and explains performance. For the following update, we hope to add the new features of MAN bombing mode and ACAL / FIX DED pages. In parallel other new items are in development like setting up IDM/L16 networks, flight air-to-air target assignments, ALE-50 towed decoy, MK-84AIR, smoke pods, and more.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Added Hellfire RIPL Mode.
Added key in battery switch.
VKB input for pilot and operator.
Added two separate missions: Lesson 8 is Rolling Landing; Lesson 9 is Hover Landing.
Added B to the controls indicator for the parking brake.
Improved threat updates on ASE and TSD pages.
Fixed: TADS: Incorrect Target or Waypoint Stored Indication.
Fixed: ASE Desync in multicrew.
Fixed: Diamond symbology on IHADS in VR moves with head.
Fixed: Incorrect network synchronisation of Weapon Action Switch.
Fixed: Central Position Trimmer Mode implementation.
Fixed: Return from ENG WVN Page Error.
Fixed: Laser Range Finding Errors.
Fixed: Inverted text is barely visible on screens.
Fixed: ADF beacons page presets hardcoded to Caucasus.
Fixed: Cockpit 3D Model PLT Station - ADF/CMDS Knobs.
Fixed: External model TEDAC handles misaligned.
Fixed: Wiper park should be spring loaded to off.
Fixed: Squelch switches should spring load to centre.
Fixed: Door handle latch animation wrong.
Fixed: Instant action Tbilisi guard radio frequencies.
Fixed: TSD should not automatically assign point type based on IDENT.
Fixed: Dashed LOS cross starts too high.
Fixed: Delay on missile warning sound.
Fixed: Wind direction on TSD reporting wrong.
Fixed: Fire test repeats each warning.
Fixed: Missing Cyclic Arrows in both front and rear cockpits.
Fixed: HDU / FLT page displaying ground-speed not true airspeed under 30kts.
Fixed: AI Wingmen will not engage - Red Flag Day 3 mission Nevada.
Fixed: LRFD first detent sets range 9999.
Fixed: Check ability to rearm with weapon station missing.
Fixed: Bezel Option Barrier Error.
Fixed: FLT Page - Delay Error When Changing Units.

Note: Items in development that we hope to release for the next update include the Altitude Hold mode, Target State Estimator (TSE), updated Performance (PERF) page, and George as pilot improvements for settling with power conditions.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

Added: R-60M missile. To be able to use this missile you need to check the "R-60 equipment" box for Mi-24P aircraft slot additional properties in the mission editor (it is checked by default). R-60M missile launchers can be mounted only on racks 1 and 4. DCS WORLD: MI-24P || R-60M Air to Air Missile.

Additional points:
If R-60M launcher present at least on one of those racks it blocks usage of any other weapon on its symmetric rack
If current loadout have R-60M and ATGM, then Petrovich AI ATGM launch command shortcut on cyclic weapon release button is disabled if R-60M launcher is engaged.
If you untick the "R-60 equipment" box in additional parameters of the Mi-24P aircraft slot in the mission editor it will automatically restrict R-60M for this particular aircraft using loadout restriction system. Although if you tick this box again in the same aircraft it won't remove the restriction automatically, it can be removed manually at any time.
Usage of R-60M blocking release of bombs from inner racks.
Added: VKB input preset for pilot
Added: New liveries
Improved: Adjust controls menu now minds in which cockpit you are currently placed and opens menu for that cockpit respectively by default
Improved: Anti-Icing system overall refactoring WIP. Indication and electrical consumption fixed. Plan to finish for the next update.
Fixed: Client aircraft rotors have no blur in multiplayer
Fixed: Nose Wheel is rotated in well when viewed by other clients in multiplayer
Fixed: Troops amount for embarking
Fixed: Wrong label for TAXI lights switch for Pilot-Operator
Fixed: Textures collision on RWR day and night switch

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Update of free CVN-74 Stennis model.
Fixed: AI does not perform a clearing turn on Case III launches.
Fixed: IFLOLS illuminate for no reason.

DCS: A-10C II Tank KIller by Eagle Dynamics

New FLIR implementation fixes and adjustments.
Backlight issues now corrected.

DCS: FW 190D-9 Dora by Eagle Dynamics

Added mouse control to the emergency rocket release gate.
Expanded button bind options for rocket emergency release controls.
Rocket release control matches the one of the A-8 model.

DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

Added messages to the autostop script
Auto-shutdown now works correctly

DCS: WWII Assets pack by Eagle Dynamics

Added. New reticle scope for Daimler Mk 1 and Tetrarch
Add Bedford as an analogue of KDO for allies

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed. Issue with units moving uphill.
Fixed. MANPADS turn 180 degrees when taking control.
Added the ability to quickly regain track after losing the target track for SAM Osa (SA-8).
Added playable Chieftain Mk.3.
Fixed engine power for Leopard1 and M60-tank.
Fixed maximum speed for LUV Tigr.
Fixed being able to activate cruise control at zero speed.
Fixed an issue with the player's max speed being limited when dealing damage to enemy AI.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

Added: probability of detection for AA radar
Added: unstable track of AA contact if detected range is near detection boundary
Added: if no hpt/spt, AA radar shows bearing/range from TDC to current waypoint
Added: clickable eject handle
Fixed: AA radar VS mode
Fixed: hpt/spt position prediction after being notched
Fixed: small bugs in RWS and SAM+NAM/ASM modes
Adjusted: AA radar notch gate speed
Adjusted: radar mode display
Improved: TWS/RWS contact acquisition (super search before entering STT)
Improved: TWS/RWS raw hit to track file

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Reduced AIM-54 induced drag.
Returned to original guidance parameters thanks to a guidance fix by ED.
ED: AA missiles. Corrected target tracking extrapolation.
ED: Weapons. AIM-54 launched by AI will enable active mode automatically instead of semi-active guidance in TWS.
Fixed fuel flow initialisation - fuel now drains from the correct tanks again.
Removed the new unrealistic maneuver flap axis again.
Turn on BRSIT flood antenna during sparrow LTE procedure to ensure the first missile can find a target.
Fixed incorrect LTE for fist sparrow launched in BRSIT mode.
Clear radar tracks when switching to transitional radar modes (PLM, VSL, MRL).
Inhibit AVIA display when NAV GRID shown or A/G mode selected.
TACAN Mode X keybind fixed - now switches to X instead of the middle position.
Fixed RIO's pilot flap axis command affecting pilot’s flap control.
Fixed Iceman taking control and throttling up on ground during SP RIO startup.
Fixed AUTO THROT light illuminated when disengaging APC via throttle mode switch.
Fixed Iceman overriding ALT HLD and oscillating when the player switches to RIO seat.
Fixed AP not working correctly with FFB sticks.
Fixed LANDING CHK light remaining illuminated after touchdown.
Updated deck object placements for all missions including the new Stennis model.
Removed OP Reforger SC version - temporarily.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed Training mission 07 RB04.


DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

Mission 4: Cargo ship trigger fires too early – fixed. Tanker too close to Iran border – fixed. Recovery just changing from CASE 1 to CASE 3 – recovery time bit earlier. Start landing checklist - message corrected.
Mission 6: Ships firing far away targets – fixed. Alert 15 blocking catapult – fixed. AWACS may give relief for interceptors even if enemy still present – fixed.
Mission 7: Enfield 4 sometimes fails to leave holding – fixed. Mission edited for better performance.
Mission 8: Landing list – fixed.
Mission 11: Colt 1 silenced.

DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Outro: Forrestal replaced Stennis because that's more accurate for 1969.

F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633

Missions 8 (All variations), AI not killing SAM fixed, Attack Helos fixed
Mission 14 (All variations), Deck parking conflict fixed
Mission 6 (All variations), Attack aircraft adjusted.
Mission 1 (All variations), Adjust for new Stennis model.
All Mission (All variations), SAMs unhidden, ACLS added.

F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633

Missions 1, 4 to 10. (All variations), Add ACLS, Adjust for new Stennis model.

F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

Mission 5: Reduced MANPAD threat on pop up tasking.
Mission 6: Fixed potential bug where pop up target is not recorded as a kill
Mission 16 part 3: Updated target location information to include elevation.

DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

Mission 11: Modified Ronnie’s attack waypoints for better results.
Mission 12: Adjusted Davy AI options to keep him on mission at all times.
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 6994
Inscription : 18 août 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par dimebug »

nouvel uodate dispo :

https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... .16.27869/

Introducing DCS: Mirage F-1 by Aerges

DCS World
ME. Payload window. A new auxillary panel has been implemented for individual settings for certain types of World War II weapons, primarily settings bomb fuses. This is the first iteration and the functionality of the panel will expand to all types of weapons. This includes fuze arming and delay timings.
Note: We are also working on new fuzes and a fuze and laser code selection panel for modern-day weapons. This includes JPF, DSU-33A/B, FZU-139, and others.

AI ground. Added the Soviet AAA 100mm gun KS-19 and the SON-9 AAA radar.
Weapons. R550 Magic 2 is now visible again for the C-101CC.
Theme. Added wallpaper, logo, and music for the China Asset Pack.
Added saving and restoring of the 2D Radio panel position.
AI aircraft. The AI makes a left/right zig-zag between wpt 1 and 2, seemingly for no reason - fixed.
AI aircraft. New sounds for CH-53, CH-47D, OH-58, and SA-342 Gazelle.
ME. The name value of the draw shape will be required to be unique. Same names are forbidden now.
AI aircraft. Mosquitoes can attack ships with rockets.
AI Helicopters with Hellfire ignore the limit on the assigned number of missiles used.
AI aircraft. Illumination rockets M257 delivery to high and short - fixed.
ME. Trigger zone can't be selected under unit - fixed.
Weapons. Corrected AH-64D weapon weights.
Weapons. RP-3. MP. Trajectory desync - fixed.
Weapons. Harpoon search range logic was fixed.
AI aircraft. AI would not use guided weapons for Attack Runway Task - fixed.
AI aircraft. MQ-9 Reaper does not engage with laser-guided weapons - fixed.
Voice chat. The “Default” can be chosen as a hardware item.
WWII. Fix to the B-17 Javelin formation.
WWII. Fix to broken LOD of ships.
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
Added: Gun sparks.
Adjusted: Detection and lock radar range.
Fixed: When designating with the TPOD, the currently selected waypoint is overwritten with the designation coordinates.
Fixed: Harpoon explodes on launch in BOL mode - destroys player aircraft.
Fixed: TWS generates all track info with single sweep.
Fixed: Elevation value changes on waypoint when undesignating.
Fixed: Cannot detect helicopters in ACM mode.
Fixed: HMD: incorrect weapon sometimes is displayed.
Fixed: AACQ behaviour.
Fixed: AACQ in conjunction with Spotlight is locking targets outside of the spotlight region.
Fixed: AG RADAR image glitch if the TDC is used without undesignating first.
Fixed: Scan RAID does not maintain trackfiles when ageing set to 2.
Fixed: Exiting ACM does not return to previous PRF, PRF can't be reset with RESET.
Fixed: Undesignate Switch behaviour in TWS SCAN RAID.
Fixed: Able to cage VV in AG mode in AUTO Bug.
Fixed: AG radar sticks in AGR mode when undesignating.
Fixed: MFD AGR image twitches when VSync is disabled.
Fixed: Creating an offset bearing with a leading 0 creates incorrect offset data.
Fixed: TALD dual Rack Jettison behaviour.
Fixed: Undesignate button does not exit flood mode.
DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Added Airshow smoke.
Added JFS Door animations.
Added B-Scan format (Designating after FTT has been entered (second depressing TMS-Up) will change the display symbology to a standard B-scan format with no video map background).
Adjusted ACAL DED page.
Added HSD Threat Ring Color Change. Will become red when threat is within the ring.
Added ability for FCR AG range changing, system automatically go in MAN
Fixed Possible crash in avionics when using IAM.
Fixed: SPI on HUD does not follow moving target in point track on TGP.
Fixed: AG Radar and TGP do not always align when using TGT.
Fixed: HSD Cursor Zero (CZ) Function.
Adjusted Radar detection and designation range. There will be a slight delay when the radar first detects a target as a Search hit before it becomes a valid track file. The time between first detection and valid track file is much less now. It now matches references.
Adjusted Radar look down effect to make it less severe. It now matches references.
Adjusted radar sensitivity to look-down clutter notch at close range.
Check stability when airspeed at 340kts + in AAR gains.
Fixed: Offset Aim Point (OAP) correction.
Fixed: TGP goes to the side when switching slaved waypoints.
Fixed: DED HUD Repeater Hot start issue.
Fixed: Wing Tanks moved backward.
Fixed: Possible to start JFS2 with no fuel.
Fixed: HARM - Can power on HARM after all missiles fired.
Fixed: On the Range Mission needs LatLong Coordinates JTAC uses MGRS.
Fixed: Text overlays Bullseye symbol in A/G Radar.
Fixed: CBU-97 CCIP release cue.
Fixed: A/G radar - target point changes position when changing scan width.
Fixed: MARK indication failed.
Fixed: TMS UP not working in AG RADAR SEA mode.
Fixed: In AG mode slant range on HUD is still shown as "F" even if FCR disabled.
Adjusted: AG radar range in Exp/DBS1/DBS2.
Fixed: ICP dobber switch can be used as a 8 way switch position.
Fixed: Unable to set a bullseye higher than steerpoint 25.
Fixed: Home plate can be set independently from steerpoint.
Fixed: HSD Expand Bug - Unable to Select Steerpoints in EXP2.
Fixed: CRUS Page BINGO endurance at bingo.
Fixed: AGR Manual scale after lock.
Fixed: With Maverick selected angle data is not shown in HUD.
Fixed: HARM not firing after ground jettison and rearm.
Fixed: FCR Slaved to HMCS gimbal limit.
Fixed: CRUS page logic correction (When in the CRUS page, when a CRUS option is mode selected, when you RTN and then go back to CRUS, it should take you to that mode page. If no option in mode is selected then it should take you back to TOS).
Fixed: EXP Zoom in HSD with CPL.
Fixed: HSD - missing route lines in EXP2 center mode.
Fixed: FUEL test numbers on dial instantly show 6000.
Fixed: HUD DED comm symbology should highlight when transmitting.
Adjusted: FCLS gun trigger gain.
DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
George as CP/G Target Identification System. Please see link on forum.
Rocket avionics adjustments.
Fixed: Potential of APU not starting on cold start.
Fixed: MP. Engines stop for CP/G.
Fixed: MP. Laser rangefinder desync.
Fixed: LMC incorrect behaviour when measuring range.
Fixed: LMC could cause strange TADS behaviour.
Fixed: Range source should be maintained to Point when PLT changes ACQ from a Point (B5) to TADS.
Fixed: TADS image desync after C/PG using gun.
Fixed::Previous radio frequency not stored.
Fixed: Radio presets set in ME are ignored for all radios.
Fixed: Unable to use the cursor to give coordinates when using EDIT.
Fixed: A/C Fixed Action Button behaviour on MFD.
Fixed: Incorrect TADS behaviour in multicrew.
Fixed: COORD page shows incorrect distance to WP until set DIR TO.
Fixed: CP/G head movement on client connect.
Fixed: Point saving via HMD using MAN range can be incorrect.
Fixed: George set safe after every Hellfire shot.
Fixed: The NVS Sensor Select switch should only be functional in NORM or FIXED mode.
Fixed: After switching MFD for cursor PAN mode move cursor to top right corner.
Fixed: MPD behaviour when ENG Start is pressed.
Fixed: No radar alt tape on FLT page.
Fixed: VID page TADS double cross.
Fixed: Multicrew parking brake not working.
Fixed: ZSU-23-4 Shilka does not spike.
Fixed: ASE page is lacking several items.
Fixed: Gun jiggling.
Fixed: FLIR Polarity not correctly working in multicrew.
Fixed: External tank advisory.
Fixed: Missing advisory message when internal auxiliary fuel tank is empty.
Fixed: Tooltips of comms volume knobs incomplete/wrong.
Fixed: MSL NOT RDY and dashed constraints box erroneous behaviours.
Fixed: Fuel XFER issues with C AUX.
Fixed: Flicker Pipes R AUX or L AUX when turned on if AUX GALLONS EXT.
Fixed: Fuel can't be pumped from external tanks.
Added: TSD route leg animation.
Fixed: TSD Artillery Fire Points Error.
Fixed: WPN-MSL-UTIL page incorrect FCR indications.
Fixed: Missile indications errors.
Fixed: When the TADS FLIR is turned off on the WPN UTIL page, with the TADS as the selected sight, "FLIR OFF" should display in the Sight Status field of the High Action Display.
Fixed: Keyboard unit - “A” key behaves differently than other keys.
Fixed: FLT Page behaviour if already active on right MPD.
Fixed: Check ASE autopaging behaviour when ENG and FLT pages are displayed.
Fixed: Check MPD video underlay and ASE autopaging behaviour with TSD.
Fixed: Check MPD when EMER HYD switch on the EMERGENCY panel is pressed.
Fixed: C AUX on A/C FUEL page is not cursor selectable.
Fixed: INT Fuel QTY should turn yellow when low fuel state is reached.
Fixed: ASE/ASE UTIL pages.
Fixed: TADS stores waypoints in NAV phase.
Fixed: Manual page 333 creates confusion about ROE state
Fixed: Сanopy errors in the cockpit
DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
Added: Rear cabin Kord machine gun place multicrew and AI gunner capable.
Improved: Petrovich AI target identification system.
Improved: Mirrors third state for "mirrors" button. Third press removes mirrors from the cockpit.
Improved: Petrovich AI interface refactoring.
Improved: Petrovich AI notifying that target is in range even if it was in range when was locked.
Fixed: No missile launch after rearming in Multiplayer.
Fixed: Rearming disables countermeasures.
Fixed: Some dial positions off on electrical panel.
Fixed: R-60 indicator panel 3d model collision with ASP.
Fixed: Pilot clock indicator bug: forum.dcs.world/topic/282111-achs-1-shows-the-mode-indicator-in-the-wrong-order/)
Fixed: ARK-15 compass mode discrepancy between single player and multicrew.
Known issue: Multicrew Kord gunner client will desync if aircraft will rearm and change Kord gun mounting side.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Stennis radar dish spinning too fast.
Updated: 3D model of the Airboss room.
Fixed: Incorrect state of the CVN-75 crew in MP.
DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Unable to bind Warthog throttle to any controls.
Fixed: When TCN and ILS are both selected on the NMSP, the ILS should be in charge of the ADI bank steering bar.
Fixed: Rotary switches can move from one to another end positions with one click.
Fixed: RMB/LMB inverted logic of some switches in the cockpit.
New cockpit switches sound.
Note: The ARC-210 radio is now in work.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: cycle guns switch keyboard command gets stuck
Removed night vision goggles controls
Rearranged default keybindings to deconflict controls for landing/cockpit lights, pitot heater/oil diluter
Fixed: Rocket counter knob can not be rotated properly with keyboard input.
DCS: FW 190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics
Added 4 separate UV lamps and controllers
Removed bomb detonator timing calculation from electric system, available in new detonator itself
Fixed: Fuel selector lever key bindings
DCS: FW 190D-9 Dora by Eagle Dynamics
Removed bomb detonator timing calculation from electric system, available in new detonator itself.
DCS: Bf 109K-4 by Eagle Dynamics
Removed bomb detonator timing calculation from electric system, available in new detonator itself
Added: Trim on Axis doesn't function correctly
DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics
Added payload with the same bombs (by type) for use in carpet bombing tasks
Added fire extinguishers
DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
NEW: Added the ability to remove the refuelling probe door by triggering Argument 1616.
NEW: Added AFAC Role assignable from the mission editor.
Switched AIM-54 from parallel navigation to proportional navigation.
Added missing Liquid Oxygen gauge on front right pilot's panel.
Fixed AP reacting over-sensitively to small roll or pitch inputs and disconnecting.
Re-added SC version for OP Reforger.
Fixed a bug in the ALR-67 threat association algorithm causing constant misassociation for groups of threats of the same type.
Fixed compass N-S switch N position.
Fixed an issue where Iceman would continue to go to steerpoint after disengaging and re-engaging him.
Fixed Iceman not holding altitude at low IAS.
Fixed Iceman having issues to hold heading.
Fixed Iceman not responding to inputs for altitude and airspeed correctly.
Fixed LTE in PD-STT ACM mode (was 3s, now 1s).
Fix BATR max time not updated by ground kneeboard burst length adjustments.
Default the M61 round limiter to 50 for F-14A in mission editor aircraft properties.
Fixed sensor track file remaining on TID display even if PAL mode was selected.
Improved LANTIRN GBU-24 accuracy.
Improved LANTIRN laser spot collision detection accuracy.
Fixed LANTIRN lasing for AI.
Fixed COMP panel push button fast syncing not working in certain situations.
Fixed wing sweep delay causing a too slow sweep rate.
Fixed wing sweep flags:
MAN flag shows in BOMB mode and
AUTO flag shows when AUTO program is cached in MAN mode.
Fixed wing sweep program resetting to AUTO after pressing MASTER RESET
Fixed Emergency Wing Sweep handle and Spider Detent logic around the Oversweep threshold.
Re-enabled normal maps on F-14 sealant surfaces.
Fixed COMP (COMB) typo on hydraulics gauge face.
Fixed droopy emergency brake handle.
Corrected broken normals on gear and TACAN panels.
Corrected various broken normals on RIO radar control surfaces.
Added label for Phoenix cooling switch on left side of RIO cockpit.
Added Chinese Localisation for the campaign “The Final Hour”. Thank you Alphabet_Ghost!
Updated Chinese Localisation for several missions. Thank you Alphabet_Ghost!
Updated general Chinese Localisation. Thank you Alphabet_Ghost.
DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
Completely overhauled Landing Gear suspension.
Fixed Landing Gear traction.
Ground Crew can now be called from ground start.
Fixed missing night lighting on rollers.
Fixed broken normals on the canopy frame and attached parts.
Improved the texture seam down the middle of the canopy frame.
Updated Chinese Localisation for several training missions. Thank you Alphabet_Ghost!
Updated general Chinese Localisation. Thank you Alphabet_Ghost!
DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations
Fixed: Steerpoints Elevation not being saved for Targetpoints
Fixed: Internal MPCD FLIR Page won't change polarity when TPOD page is active and in IR Mode
Fixed: AGM-65F IR Mav page missing Wide FOV Symbology after firing the first missile.
Fixed: GBU-12/16 Laser code is adjustable in flight.
Update: INS will be set to NAV mode for missions dated before March 1994.
Added: GBU-12/16 Laser code in the kneeboard page.
DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations
Bug Fixes
Fixed S530D on pylon position and plume position
Fixed thrust getting low shortly when nozzle closes/opens
Fixed reverse thrust when nozzle destroyed
Fixed RPM warning on ground
Fixed unlimited ammo for missiles
Fixed nozzle fire happening at high altitudes
Fixed SAMP250 drag
Fixed MISSION ACCOMPLIE texture mipmaps
Aircraft handling and performance
Drag FBW and autopilot tuned to engine changes
Improved wake turbulence effect
Improved roll autotrim
Improved pitch autotrim
Improved landing gear on-ground modelling
Improved VTB startup visual effect
Added transonic mach cone visual effect (player side only)
Removed obsolete full asynchronous radar option (now always on)
Set parking brake on when hot starting on parking
M53-P2 Engine Model rework (already present in 06/2022 update)
Improved : New physical engine model
Improved : Performance evolution with pressure, temperature, speed
Added : Effect of precipitation
Improved : More realistic transient
Improved : More realistic FADEC with alternate (SEC CALC) and emergency (SEC CARB) modes
Added : SEC CALC can be set manually or automatically and reset manually
Improved : Engine alarms
Updated : Drag tuning (aircraft and stores) to match engine performance
Added : Supersonic idle flameout
Updated : In flight restart held by solenoid
Added : Engine physical data logging feature
Damage (already present in 06/2022 update)
Added : Engine smoke in case of damage/fire (not yet MP synced)
Improved : More engine failures
Added : physically based performance degradation
Added : overtemp engine damage
Added : Engine fires (main and afterburner)
Added : Cascading engine damage (exploding compressor can cause other damage)
Added : Engine damage with high mach and cones retracted
Added : Oil leak modelling and SEC HUILE (emergency oil) switch
Added : Guns damage
Improved : All 4 slats can be damaged independently
Weapons (already present in 06/2022 update)
Added SAMP250 high and low drag bombs
Misc (already present in 06/2022 update)
Added : absolute BAD coordinates in DTC text format
Improved : AP pitch correction are less aggressive
Improved : more realistic HUD FOV and constrained FPM/target box law
Added : Fuel dump trails (not yet MP synced)
Improved : Exterior light levels
Improved : Landing gear model
Added : Customizable elastic limit (force based stick G-limiter threshold)
Improved : Airbrake aerodynamics
Improved : Green radio guard standby added to SRS
Liveries (already present in 06/2022 update)
Tigermeet liveries renamed to avoid being set by default
Added MISSION ACCOMPLIE retirement celebration livery
Bugs (already present in 06/2022 update)
Fixed : Default green radio channel set to 01
Fixed : PCM incitation stays when SABRE switched off
Fixed : Issue displaying RWR threats in some cases
DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
Fixed: AA radar bug/lock distance issue
Fixed: AA radar mode disordered after losing hpt/spt
Fixed: AA radar jamming contact in VS mode
Fixed: AG radar GMTI mode should not detect vehicle in water
Fixed: WMD7 no laser in slave mode
Fixed: launch two C802AKs, 2nd missile not follows 1st configuration
Fixed: C802AK LOS abnormal behaviour issue
Fixed: CM802AKG cannot switch from ATA to MAN issue
Fixed: CM802AKG valid control area
Fixed: Checklist anti-col light power error issue
Added: special option to choose CM802AKG control mode
Added: AA radar shows mach number for hpt/spt
Added: South Atlantic map UTC for clock
Adjusted: LD10 params
Adjusted: attitude limitation for rocket launch
DCS: I-16 by OctopusG
Fixed ground crew interaction (intercom)
Improved gun sound: fixed rate of fire sound
Added items announced but not included in previous update:
Single Missions
EN Training Missions
Voice for Training Mission
EN Flight Manual
DCS: MiG-21BIS by Magnitude 3 LLC
Added inputs:
Aileron boosters On, Off
Flaps 0<>25 - for joystick
Flaps 45<>25 - for joystick
Airbrakes On, Off
Airbrakes On<>Off - special for joystick
Pylon 1-2 Power On, Off
Pylon 3-4 Power On. Off
GS-23 Gun On, Off
Missiles Heat On, Off
Missiles - Rockets Launch On, Off
Added: VoIP radio
Added: ASP view in HUD only view (LALT+F1)
DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
Added: VoIP radio
Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics
F-15C: Green glare on the HUD - corrected.
DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics
Rotate turret not working in isometric view - fixed.
Stryker Family of Armored vehicles have had sights updated
M1A2 Abrams added 3x, 6x, 13x, 25x and 50x to FLIR sights.
DCS: NS430 by Eagle Dynamics
Added options for F-14, Mi-24P and JF-17 cockpits
Adjusted the rotation speed of knobs
The Channel Map by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed black surface texture on the distant LOD of surface at the autumn and the spring
Manston airfield: the fence was too close to the taxiways, which led to a collision with some aircraft
Fixed a lot of glitches in the shoreline geometry of England
Fixed some glitches of surface geometry along roads
South Atlantic Assets Pack by RAZBAM Simulations
New - Added Ski Ramp static object for aircraft to practice take-offs on land
New - Added Nodding Donkey 3d model
Fixed - Taxi routes on Invincible
Fixed - Landing point on Invincible - AV-8B NA now lands on the flight deck instead of in the sea.
Fixed - Attribute to Invincible "Armed Air Defence" to Give Aircraft Launch Warning
Fixed - Added beamwidth parameter to Seacat missile Changed Ariadne, Achilles, Andromeda, A. Condell and A. Lynch to attribute "Frigates", was "Cruisers"
Fixed - SA Asset Pack - No RWR returns from Invincible or Leander ships
Fixed - reduced Sea Dart ammo count to correct value of 22
Fixed - SA Assets: HMS Invincible Zodiac boat missing texture
Fixed AI taxi route on Invincible deck for AI
Fixed - Added Lods for all Leander and Condell class ships
South Atlantic Map by RAZBAM Simulations
New - Airfield Pampa Guanaco
New - Airfield San Julian
New - Terrain Detail maps (still WIP) most of the south and parts of the mid to north areas
New - Some additional cliffs added around Falklands Islands
New - introduction of vegetation maps in the north of the mainland
New - custom beaches around Falklands Islands
Fixed - AI Taxiway collision at Punta Arenas
New - Towns: Gobernador Gregores, Puerto San Julian, Estancia La Maria, Punta Quilla, Santa Cruz
Fixed - Some texture fixes across the map
Fixed - Added additional AI Taxi Route at Rio Gallegos
DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

Added 6 new voices characters for a total of 500 more lines of dialogue
A-10C II and A-10C loadouts modified to enhance mission parameters
Missions 3, 8, 10, 11, and 12 significantly changed
Updated Triggers and Conditions for most missions
Updated objectives and scoring for most missions
Added "Objectives Completed" radio message to all missions
Updated _ README FIRST_AGILE SPEAR Gameplay Settings
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon

Horizontal: Changed the names of all missions (should have the same format now). Turned off enforcing labels (players can use their own option). Updated skin localization.
Mission 01: Removed information about ACLS being down. Fixed final BRC calls (204, as should be). Fixed possible issue with LCRA Tower calling to switch to Ground before landin.
Mission 02: Fixed issue with missing subtitles for Akrotiri. Femoved countermeasures and ammo from Flip's aircraft. Updated quality of some VOs.
Mission 03: Updated briefing (fixing the DMPI order, adding UTC time; in game and PDF). Updated altitude blocks for other Ravens.
Mission 04: Updated location of the Russian vessel (no longer over another static ship).
Mission 05: Added info for the player to use CAT 2 (briefing and PDF). Blade should now rejoin correctly at WP1 with Player. Added note about radio discipline during the mission.
Mission 06: Added info about possible damage by Tomcats on the deck (briefing and PDF).
Mission 10: Fixed critical bug with Tomcats getting stuck on the deck at mission start.
Mission 14: Fpdated briefing adding clear information about player's task (briefing and PDF).
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Tanker speeds adjusted
Subtitle lengths adjusted as a workaround to a new DCS radio transmission bug.
Player has to confirm fencing out
New 'mission complete' visuals and music
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Briefing typos corrected
DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Campaign progression issues solved
Mission 6, the southern LW group shouldn't attack Gimlet
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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 35360
Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jojo »

Hotfix prévu pour aujourd'hui.

Nouveau comportement poir les Phoenix du Tomcat.
MAJ Pour le Mirage F1CE et autres...
https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... .17.29493/
Config: MSI Z270 GAMING M5/ I7 7700K + Water Cooling/ SSD 500Go/DDR4 4x16Go 3200Mhz/ MSI RTX 3080 Ventus 3x Plus 10Go
Virpil T50CM3 + WarBRD + TM Hornet/ MFG Crosswind/ HP Reverb G2

Photo aéro: Nikon D7000/ D500 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3
ma galerie: cliquez FLICKR / WARBIRDS
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 7794
Inscription : 09 janvier 2004

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par diditopgun »

Le patch 2.8 prévu pour aujourd'hui est repoussé au mieux à demain suite à un problème de dernière minute:
Apologies all, we have found an issue and 2.8 patch has been moved to the 27th of October 2022.

thank you for your patience.
Image Intel I7 8700K / RTX 3080 / 32Go DDR4 PC21300 G.Skill Ripjaws V / MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon / Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold - 1000W / Noctua NH-D14 / Acer XB270HUDbmiprz 27" G-synch 144Hz / SSD Samsung 860EVO 250Go + 1To / Cooler Master HAF X / Warthog+VPC WarBRD / Thrustmaster TPR / Track-IR v5 / Windows 11 64bits.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 392
Inscription : 06 avril 2003

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par chacal_IX »

Les nouvelles lumières seront dans un premier temps uniquement disponible sur PG puis rapidement étendues aux autres cartes. Elles illumineront également l'intérieur du cockpit.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 7794
Inscription : 09 janvier 2004

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par diditopgun »

Despite our best efforts to patch today the 27th we will be moving the patch to the 28th

Thank you for your patience
Image Intel I7 8700K / RTX 3080 / 32Go DDR4 PC21300 G.Skill Ripjaws V / MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon / Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold - 1000W / Noctua NH-D14 / Acer XB270HUDbmiprz 27" G-synch 144Hz / SSD Samsung 860EVO 250Go + 1To / Cooler Master HAF X / Warthog+VPC WarBRD / Thrustmaster TPR / Track-IR v5 / Windows 11 64bits.

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1381
Inscription : 20 octobre 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jef32 »

Aujourd'hui 28 octobre, nous y sommes, enfin presque. Il ne reste plus qu'à préciser l'année car pour l'instant, il est 18h11 heure locale et toujours rien.
CPU: I7-12700K, GC: nVidia RTX 3090TI ASUS 24Go VRAM, RAM: 32 Go DDR5 Kingston Fury, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z690-GamingX 3. OS: W10-64 Famille, 2 HD WD BLACK SN750 M2 NVME GEN 3, 2TO (pour les simus)+ 1 HD WD BLACK SN850 M2 NVME GEN 4 2TO (Système) +1 HD SSD CRUCIAL M.2 NVME 1TO (Données diverses). Casque VR: HP Reverb G2.
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1896
Inscription : 02 juin 2003

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par MikiBzh »

Ben si
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 4535
Inscription : 28 novembre 2004

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par gillouf1 »

Téléchargement en cours: je dois pas être le seul, ça rame...

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1246
Inscription : 10 mars 2006

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par clanitho »


"Added copy of JTAC 9-Line data to kneeboard."
MSI Z97 Gaming 5 - Intel I7 4790K - Artic cooling freezer 7 pro rev 2 - RAM GSKILL 32 Go - SSD Crucial M5 120 Go - SSD Crucial MX500 2 To - HDD western digital caviar blue 1 To - Gigabyte GTX 1070 gaming G1 - iiYAMA G2530HSU-B1 G-Master 24.5" - Windows 10 home 64 bits
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 518
Inscription : 03 août 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par didier »

GROSS mise à jour actuellement en téléchargement,du lourd :technologt :technologt :technologt ,il semblerait que ce serait la Edge 2.8,on va voir ce que donne dessus ma nouvelle carte graphique,une rx 6800 xt en rodage :taz: :taz: ...
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 504
Inscription : 27 avril 2019

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par Vicom »

Nouvelles caractéristiques graphiques : https://forum.dcs.world/topic/170893-dc ... nt-5073924

Ajout d'effets atmosphériques : arc-en-ciel, éclat, et halo de glace. L'effet de halo de glace est paramétrable dans l'onglet Météo de l'éditeur de mission.
Les nuages volumétriques se déplacent désormais en fonction de la direction et de la vitesse du vent. Chaque couche de nuages respecte les paramètres de vent dans la bande d'altitude définie.
Nouveau système d'éclairage du terrain pour la carte du Golfe Persique avec un ombrage précis en temps réel. Il s'agit d'un test, et une fois finalisé, il sera implémenté pour toutes les cartes DCS World.

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 2155
Inscription : 26 février 2005

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par lefuneste »

J'ai regardé vite fait : comme prévu mon mod est HS, il y a un nouveau compteur de fps quand on presse RCTRL+Pause, qui donne des courbes plutot qu'un chiffre, perte de fps sur la mission AH64 runway start. A priori d'autres se plaignent aussi de pertes de fps en VR (-25% ?). Ils ont enfin mis un effet de floutage sur les bords des ombres. A suivre...
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Légende volante
Légende volante
Messages : 17728
Inscription : 08 septembre 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par DeeJay »

Vicom a écrit :
ven. oct. 28, 2022 9:41 pm
Les nuages volumétriques se déplacent désormais en fonction de la direction et de la vitesse du vent. Chaque couche de nuages respecte les paramètres de vent dans la bande d'altitude définie.
Signature IR atténués par humidité, le brouillard et les nuages?
ASUSTeK ROG MAXIMUS X HERO / Intel Core i5-8600K (4.6 GHz) / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti FE 12GB / 32GB DDR4 Ballistix Elite 3200 MHz / Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2To / Be Quiet! Straight Power 11 1000W Platinum / Windows 11 Home 64-bit / HOTAS Cougar FSSB R1 (Warthog grip) / SIMPED / MFD Cougar / ViperGear ICP / SimShaker JetPad / Track IR 5 / Moniteur incurvé 27'' 1080p Samsung C27F396 / HP Reverb G2
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 7794
Inscription : 09 janvier 2004

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par diditopgun »

DeeJay a écrit :
ven. oct. 28, 2022 10:20 pm
Vicom a écrit :
ven. oct. 28, 2022 9:41 pm
Les nuages volumétriques se déplacent désormais en fonction de la direction et de la vitesse du vent. Chaque couche de nuages respecte les paramètres de vent dans la bande d'altitude définie.
Signature IR atténués par humidité, le brouillard et les nuages?
Quand l'IA ne verra plus à travers et qu'on ne pourra pas non plus laser à travers, ce sera déjà un grand pas pour le petit monde de DCS.
Alors tes histoires d'humidité.... Au siècle prochain peut-être. lol
Image Intel I7 8700K / RTX 3080 / 32Go DDR4 PC21300 G.Skill Ripjaws V / MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon / Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold - 1000W / Noctua NH-D14 / Acer XB270HUDbmiprz 27" G-synch 144Hz / SSD Samsung 860EVO 250Go + 1To / Cooler Master HAF X / Warthog+VPC WarBRD / Thrustmaster TPR / Track-IR v5 / Windows 11 64bits.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 15290
Inscription : 05 août 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par phoenix »

C'est toujours d'actualité l'IA qui voit à travers les nuages ?
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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 17
Inscription : 02 septembre 2022

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par clactatronche »

lefuneste a écrit :
ven. oct. 28, 2022 10:15 pm
J'ai regardé vite fait : comme prévu mon mod est HS, il y a un nouveau compteur de fps quand on presse RCTRL+Pause, qui donne des courbes plutot qu'un chiffre, perte de fps sur la mission AH64 runway start. A priori d'autres se plaignent aussi de pertes de fps en VR (-25% ?). Ils ont enfin mis un effet de floutage sur les bords des ombres. A suivre...
Je confirme les chutes de FPS en VR ... on avance pas on recule de ce côté là :ouin:
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 659
Inscription : 20 juillet 2015

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par OBT~Lionel »

clactatronche a écrit :
sam. oct. 29, 2022 8:54 am
lefuneste a écrit :
ven. oct. 28, 2022 10:15 pm
J'ai regardé vite fait : comme prévu mon mod est HS, il y a un nouveau compteur de fps quand on presse RCTRL+Pause, qui donne des courbes plutot qu'un chiffre, perte de fps sur la mission AH64 runway start. A priori d'autres se plaignent aussi de pertes de fps en VR (-25% ?). Ils ont enfin mis un effet de floutage sur les bords des ombres. A suivre...
Je confirme les chutes de FPS en VR ... on avance pas on recule de ce côté là :ouin:
C'est normal, ils ajoutent des effets visuels mais ils n'optimisent rien ...
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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 17
Inscription : 02 septembre 2022

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par clactatronche »

Oui il essaye de nous faire manger un bon sandwich avec du vieux pain ...

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1381
Inscription : 20 octobre 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jef32 »

Téléchargé et assez content. Bon en VR chute de fps si pluie mais sinon ça va. Par contre toutes les skins que vous aviez ajoutées à l'ancienne, dans le répertoire du simu et non dans "parties enregistrées\DCS OpenBeta\Liveries\ " se sont fait la malle.
CPU: I7-12700K, GC: nVidia RTX 3090TI ASUS 24Go VRAM, RAM: 32 Go DDR5 Kingston Fury, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z690-GamingX 3. OS: W10-64 Famille, 2 HD WD BLACK SN750 M2 NVME GEN 3, 2TO (pour les simus)+ 1 HD WD BLACK SN850 M2 NVME GEN 4 2TO (Système) +1 HD SSD CRUCIAL M.2 NVME 1TO (Données diverses). Casque VR: HP Reverb G2.
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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 35360
Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jojo »

jef32 a écrit :
sam. oct. 29, 2022 9:58 am
Téléchargé et assez content. Bon en VR chute de fps si pluie mais sinon ça va. Par contre toutes les skins que vous aviez ajoutées à l'ancienne, dans le répertoire du simu et non dans "parties enregistrées\DCS OpenBeta\Liveries\ " se sont fait la malle.
Mais pourquoi faire ça ? :crying:

Config: MSI Z270 GAMING M5/ I7 7700K + Water Cooling/ SSD 500Go/DDR4 4x16Go 3200Mhz/ MSI RTX 3080 Ventus 3x Plus 10Go
Virpil T50CM3 + WarBRD + TM Hornet/ MFG Crosswind/ HP Reverb G2

Photo aéro: Nikon D7000/ D500 + Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3
ma galerie: cliquez FLICKR / WARBIRDS

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1381
Inscription : 20 octobre 2001

Re: [DCS] Updates Open Beta


Message par jef32 »

Tout simplement que d'un ordi à l'autre, mon DCS a été transféré depuis très longtemps, du temps où "parties enregistrées\DCS OpenBeta\Liveries\ n'existait pas encore. Et donc nombre de mes vieilles skins étaient dans bazar\liveries\ ou Coremods\aircraft\XXX\Liveries\.
Depuis, les nouvelles étaient mises au bon endroit dans parties enregistrées\DCS ou DCSOpenBeta\Liveries\ mais pléthore subsistaient dans le répertoire de DCS.
CPU: I7-12700K, GC: nVidia RTX 3090TI ASUS 24Go VRAM, RAM: 32 Go DDR5 Kingston Fury, Motherboard: Gigabytes Z690-GamingX 3. OS: W10-64 Famille, 2 HD WD BLACK SN750 M2 NVME GEN 3, 2TO (pour les simus)+ 1 HD WD BLACK SN850 M2 NVME GEN 4 2TO (Système) +1 HD SSD CRUCIAL M.2 NVME 1TO (Données diverses). Casque VR: HP Reverb G2.

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