Patch 4.53 disponible
Publié : ven. févr. 16, 2018 3:37 pm
En grosHello All
We will be activating Version 4.53 on Steam. (should be up Friday February 16th)
- Netcode improvements
- Addition of hi resolution cockpits for all aircraft
- Added drag for Hurricane and Bf-110 bombracks
- Correct gunsights for British types
- Changes to AI gunner effectiveness (less effective)
- Fix to allow Vehicles to be driveable
- Fix to reduce the range at which active AI gunners are being drawn by the game engine... fps saving
- Some small changes to the Sounds
Please note for those wanting to host servers:
The server will have a tendency to park cores... which will increase lag.
Changing the power options to "high performance", will improve performance considerably. Please check your server settings.
2nd note: Our Chief Coder is busy with Real Life concerns and does not have the time at the moment to address a few bugs... these will be fixed in a final version... but we wanted to get this out for the players.
- The driveable vehicles are now listed in the Quick Mission aircraft selection screen.
- There is some smoke in the cockpit when firing nose mount guns
- The AI gunners have been adjusted to suit Single Player preferences... we will be releasing an optional version later which will be tuned to Multiplayer preferences.
Plus de lag en multijoueur ^^
ajout de cockpit HD pour tous les avions
Ajout d'une trainé aéro lorsque les emports de bombe sont montés sur Me110 et Hurricane
Correction des Collimateurs Anglais
Diminution de l'efficacité des mitrailleurs .... snif... :(
Correction du choix des véhicules "conduisibles" par les joueurs
Pour éviter les chutes de FPS, ils ont diminué la distance où les mitrailleurs deviennent actif
Quelques changements dans les sons
Croisons les doigts