Operation Waterfall
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Operation Waterfall
#1Operation Waterfall sur le serveur ATAG
Operation Waterfall [INDENT] Announcing a new battle, Operation Waterfall. This is an early ship convoy attack/defend BOB scenario.
1. Battle Objectives:
Blue mission: Ship convoy in Thames Estuary, attack convoy. Red mission: defend convoy. Score 3,000 points to win, all enemy objects are targets & attract points.
2. Dynamic Ai plane numbers.
The fewer players in the battle, the more frequently Ai flights will spawn & vice-versa. Ai flights at all altitudes, especially 20,000ft+.
3. Continiously moving vehicles.
Vehicles move back & forth on their waypoints continually until destroyed. Vehicles are often found around airfields, but could be anywhere ie in towns, along roadways between towns etc.
4. Upgradable airbases.
All airbases begin the battle with a basic (early BOB) planeset. Planes are 'upgraded' as the battle progresses, so for example, a base with a Bf109E-1 may upgrade to having a Bf109E-3, Spitfire Mk1's may upgrade to Spitfire Mk1a's & so on. Airbase upgrades are announced on the HUD screen as they occur.
5. Random AA units at airfields.
Airfields have random AA defences generated on battle start. Some airfields may have few AA defences, others may have more defences. Because the AA units are generated at random, airfield defences will be different every time the battle starts up.
6. Dynamic airbase AA defences. Airbase commanders at frequently attacked airfields will regularly call-in additional AA defences. So frequently attacked airfields tend to become more defended over time. Airbase AA additions are announced on the HUD screen as they occur.
7. Custom in-game stats.
Includes kill counts & airforce personel losses ie. KIA's MIA's, POW's etc.
8. Radars & ground observers.
Allies have working chain high & chain low radars & ground observers. Axis have Freya radar. Enemy air contacts are called out & plotted as icons on the mini-map showing their altitude. Chain radars are quite accurate, Freya radar will not always call out contacts, this is to simulate the 'uncoordinated' air defence methodology of the Luftwafe.
9. Destroyable airfields.
Airfields can be 'bombed' out of action. The amount of bombs it takes to destroy an airfield is proportional to the airfield size, so it takes more bombs to destroy a larger airfield than a smaller one. The level of destruction of an airfield is shown in the HUD display when an airfield is bombed. Spawn locations at airfields are lost when the airfield is destroyed & destroyed airfields do not repair themselves.
Info ici: http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/f ... php?t=3897
Operation Waterfall [INDENT] Announcing a new battle, Operation Waterfall. This is an early ship convoy attack/defend BOB scenario.
1. Battle Objectives:
Blue mission: Ship convoy in Thames Estuary, attack convoy. Red mission: defend convoy. Score 3,000 points to win, all enemy objects are targets & attract points.
2. Dynamic Ai plane numbers.
The fewer players in the battle, the more frequently Ai flights will spawn & vice-versa. Ai flights at all altitudes, especially 20,000ft+.
3. Continiously moving vehicles.
Vehicles move back & forth on their waypoints continually until destroyed. Vehicles are often found around airfields, but could be anywhere ie in towns, along roadways between towns etc.
4. Upgradable airbases.
All airbases begin the battle with a basic (early BOB) planeset. Planes are 'upgraded' as the battle progresses, so for example, a base with a Bf109E-1 may upgrade to having a Bf109E-3, Spitfire Mk1's may upgrade to Spitfire Mk1a's & so on. Airbase upgrades are announced on the HUD screen as they occur.
5. Random AA units at airfields.
Airfields have random AA defences generated on battle start. Some airfields may have few AA defences, others may have more defences. Because the AA units are generated at random, airfield defences will be different every time the battle starts up.
6. Dynamic airbase AA defences. Airbase commanders at frequently attacked airfields will regularly call-in additional AA defences. So frequently attacked airfields tend to become more defended over time. Airbase AA additions are announced on the HUD screen as they occur.
7. Custom in-game stats.
Includes kill counts & airforce personel losses ie. KIA's MIA's, POW's etc.
8. Radars & ground observers.
Allies have working chain high & chain low radars & ground observers. Axis have Freya radar. Enemy air contacts are called out & plotted as icons on the mini-map showing their altitude. Chain radars are quite accurate, Freya radar will not always call out contacts, this is to simulate the 'uncoordinated' air defence methodology of the Luftwafe.
9. Destroyable airfields.
Airfields can be 'bombed' out of action. The amount of bombs it takes to destroy an airfield is proportional to the airfield size, so it takes more bombs to destroy a larger airfield than a smaller one. The level of destruction of an airfield is shown in the HUD display when an airfield is bombed. Spawn locations at airfields are lost when the airfield is destroyed & destroyed airfields do not repair themselves.
Info ici: http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/f ... php?t=3897
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9. Aérodromes destructibles.nacy a écrit :[INDENT]
9. Destroyable airfields.
Airfields can be 'bombed' out of action. The amount of bombs it takes to destroy an airfield is proportional to the airfield size, so it takes more bombs to destroy a larger airfield than a smaller one. The level of destruction of an airfield is shown in the HUD display when an airfield is bombed. Spawn locations at airfields are lost when the airfield is destroyed & destroyed airfields do not repair themselves. [/INDENT]
Aérodromes peuvent être bombardés. La quantité de bombes qu'il faut pour détruire un aérodrome est proportionnelle à la taille de l'aérodrome, donc il faut plus de bombes pour détruire un aérodrome plus grand qu'un petit. Le niveau de destruction d'un aérodrome est affiché à l'écran lorsque l'aérodrome est bombardé. Les aérodromes sont perdues lorsque l'aérodrome est détruit et l’aérodrome détruit ne se répare pas.
Les bombardier de la RAF ont du travail pour détruire les aérodromes de la Luftwaffe en France.
Les bombardier de la Luftwaffe ont du travail pour détruire les aérodromes de la RAF en Angleterre.
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Hier soir on a fait un vol sur la mission Operation Waterfall, je pence que c'est en phase de test encore.OBT~Gib a écrit :Elle est pas toujours en phase de test ?
La mission Operation Waterfall change de tactique, aussi bien pour la Luftwaffe que la RAF.
Comme dit Mike_Sky, Salomo ou les programmeurs du groupe ATAG sont très bons.
Où trouver Waterfall
#6Hum... je ne suis pas très routinier des missions online... Mais où puis-je trovuer Waterfall? Et comment puis-je y accéder? 

Il faut juste lire, le titre...laurel a écrit :Mais où puis-je trovuer Waterfall? Et comment puis-je y accéder?

nacy a écrit :Operation Waterfall sur le serveur ATAG
Waterfall où çà
#8OUI, bien sur, Mike... sauf que quand je clique "multijoueurs" puis "client", je ne trouve pas ATAG Waterfall dans ma liste de serveurs (ou ATAG "Axis vs Allies" et "Overflow" se retrouvent par contre. Qu'est-ce que je fais mal (ou pas)?
Rien.laurel a écrit : je ne trouve pas ATAG Waterfall dans ma liste de serveurs (ou ATAG "Axis vs Allies" et "Overflow" se retrouvent par contre. Qu'est-ce que je fais mal (ou pas)?
Les serveurs proposent des séries de missions, en boucle.
Si tu choisis le serveur ATAG (Ax vs Al), tu tomberas peut-être sur la dite mission, ou pas (tu ne peux pas la télécharger pour la pratiquer à ta guise:sad:).
Si tu t'y connectes "régulièrement", tu as tout de même de fortes chances de tomber dessus.