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La beta du Mirage III d'Isra est dispo !!

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 2:01 pm
par Daube
Salut tout le monde,

Le fameux Mirage III d'Isra ( ) vient d'etre mis a disposition en version BETA sur le site

C'est un avion FS9, et je ne sais pas encore s'il fonctionne sur FSX.
Je testerai ce soir dans tous les cas.
En ce qui concerne les utilisateurs de FS9, il semble qu'Isra desire obtenir du feedback pour corriger les derniers bugs. Le Readme vous en dira plus :)

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 2:07 pm
par Daube
Je cite une conversation qu'un membre de SimOuthouse a eu avec Isra:

D'abord, au sujet des performances, notemment de l'impact enorme de cet avion sur les FPS...
I have a I7 CPU wich is the Main reason to have good FPS! Even I have a Videocard with 1780BM Ram.
At the outside View I have about 70-80FPS, VC has 20-40FPS, depending on the Scenery...!
I know this is the big problem with Framerates and I also know the problem. It's mainly the VC Configuration!

Ensuite sur le modele de vol:
With 31000ft I reach 1.95 Mach, but it takes some time like in real!
Above the Radios there are some Switches with Letters on it, T,L,P,R,H!
Push the "H" to hold the current Altitude on 31000ft with full throttle and AB and just wait a while. A Mirage Pilot told me that many People have a wrong unterstanding of Speed in a Jet. With the Mirage IIIS you could reach on very low Altitude maximum Mach 1, not more! To get to the Sound barrier it was kind of battle he said, but after you have Mach 1.2, the Speed goes up easy up to Mach 2 on high Altitude. That's actually exactly how I have it here on my System.

About Altitude:
The Pilot said that it took at least 8 Minutes to reach a Altitude of 50'oooft. It is not like in many many other Aircrafts for FS that you are on Mach 2 and 40000ft in 3 Minutes....that's fare away from reality.

Quelques fonctionnalites:
If you are on Ground, Parking Brakes on and Canopy open, the Remove befor Flights at the Model show up and they are animated like it would be a bit Wind in the air

One other thing...RWR
Go to the Radar warning receiver an push the Mode Button
You have to wait a while until the startup Circle is finished, Time is depending on the PC System.
The last thing at the end is a cross in the middle of the Screen wich shows up, after this is gone, push the SYS TEST Button "at least" 1 Second, the System Test starts now and you hear all the different Sounds.
After this Cirle is finished with a cross at the end...(goes faster then the Start-Mode) you can switch between Ground and Air Symbols with the Search button.
Every changes of the AI Traffic or Ground Symbols, (in our Case Airports) will give a Sound in different Frequencies.
The "U" Symbols are Unknowns Airports with 1-4 Dots in the Middle, saying in wich Frequency-Band they are sending. The Symbol with the Number 4 in a Circle are Ground to Air Bloodhound Missiles! If you go to Payerne LSMP you will find one! There are 5 Missle Stations in Switzerland and they also give out a Sound 750Hz if you get close to them.
Aircraft freq is 1744Hz, Ground has 1500Hz.
If you get used to the RWR you can easy distinguish between the different Sounds...
The full RWR Sytem I have made for the Tiger Panel, but there are still a few Functions missing in the Mirage Version!
Also working on it...

Et les mises a jour en cours de developpement:
Here are some other Infos about the Updates wich will follow later!
- Soundfile will be completly new!
- RWR will be finished
- Radio, Radar, Warningpanel, Movingmap and I hope Nighttextures for all Gauges overworked
- All Switch functions as real as I can do in FS9.
- Differend Models and Loads
- Manual
- and I hope better frames

Best regards
Voila, bonne lecture :)

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 2:37 pm
par diditopgun
Essayé sur FSX et il ne fonctionne pas, plantage lors du choix de l'avion. En plus en le désinstalant il m'a viré des fichiers Effets d'FSX, me suis retrouvé avec des carrés noir à la place de la fumée...

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 3:41 pm
par Daube
J'essaierai quand-meme, merci pour les infos.
Pour la desinstallation ou l'installation d'un avion, je fais toujours 100% manuellement. Les programmes automatiques sont banni d'acces a mon precieux repertoire FSX :)

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 8:29 pm
par Daube
Digitopgun, il faut virer les deux fichier .GAU (lies au sons) et ca marche.
Faut aussi editer la transparence de quelques textures, par contre :)

Publié : mer. avr. 14, 2010 11:41 pm
par Daube
Isra a confirme que les gauges pour le son (les deux fichiers .GAU) causent un probleme de performance.
Il a egalement indique que les mirroirs du panel 2D sont egalement une source de chute de FPS, et il recommande de desactiver tout ca dans le panel.cfg.

Le Mirage marche assez bien dans FSX mais je me heurte a un probleme majeur lie aux eclairages, qui fait que des carres facon "mirroir" viennent masquer les gauges lorsque les lumieres de l'avions sont allumees. Je pense que ca vient de la modelisation, et non-pas des textures en elles-memes.

Publié : lun. mai 03, 2010 1:27 pm
par sony tuckson
pas de screenie?

Publié : lun. mai 03, 2010 2:27 pm
par Daube
Si si ! :)


