Le SP1 final doit être proche

Changes in
* MP models had a persistent rounding error that was causing at least 2 loadout sets to show inconsistently.
* Cold/Dark, when checked, will now NOT save any switch states when you exit the sim. This will prevent the cold states from saving upon exit, thereby eliminating the need to load from backups to completely remove the cold/dark state. Just uncheck Cold/Dark and you're good to go. Note that if you save a flight with engines OFF, they're still going to be off when you resume it. This is unchanged from previous versions and out of our hands.
* Strobe master switch and strobe pattern switch states will now be persistent from flight to flight (if cold/dark is NOT checked).
* Landing lights will now not illuminate the ground during the day - period. This was done to eliminate a rendering bug in which the Fresnel for applying alpha was failing during the day.
* A bug in events was ignoring the LDDI PB-0 keyboard shortcut. This was different from an earlier reported (and fixed) ACM bug in which the 0 key was not working for ANY pushbuttons.
* VC CMWS switch will now persist, but still serves no function (perhaps TacPack).
* Station 11 weapons weren't correctly parented. This caused the AIM-9s on the right wingtip to RTB after firing.
* The GPS option button (PB3) was incorrectly responsive even on data pages other than HSI-->WYPT.
Changes in
* VC Station 8 had a geometry issue which was causing weapons fired from that station to track poorly.
* FLIR FOV was not being toggled by RAID switch (SHIFT-R) when TDC was on a FLIR DDI page
* A previous fix for the DDI PB0 key command equivalent never made it into the previous patch as reported. The command is now fixed for real.
* The NWS caution is now completely suppressed with the launchbar down regardless of whether it's in tension or not. A delay function was added to prevent transient cautions.
* MP model 2nd LOD strobes were not properly tagged which caused them to be stuck on.
* Removed gear UP requirement from primary and secondary low altitude warning systems.
* Fixed a bug in the MPCD PB3 which was preventing MAP toggle from working.
* ACM: Increased width of labels for fuel tanks to prevent wrapping on some systems.
* SDC: A fairly serious bug was found in the fuel system which was probably introduced in and caused fuel to draw from tanks 1/2 continuously. This was also spamming the events cue causing and performance degradation as well as interfering with event-based animations such secondary exits (boarding ladder, etc.)
* UFCD: SA page on full UFCD was keying on RDDI values.
* Autopilot caution can now be extinguished without having to cycle the A/P.
* Added discrete A/P disconnect tone.
* The external multiplayer model's refueling hose/drogue was not animating under the second LOD. In addition, the hose/drogue will no longer animate based on body inertia while stowed.
* New RWR backend improves performance and detection of HARM targets, which are now drawn at the proper altitude
* New traffic backend properly detects traffic inside of missions, allowing for moving carrier TCN/ILS and in-flight refueling.
* MP model engine nozzles no longer show through nozzle covers when powered down with ground handling.
* VC Model interior LT WARN and CHART knobs to animate, however these currently serve no purpose.
* MP model external stores were not always 100% consistent with the ACM.
* Replaced MP "Pylons only" variation with "Training" variation which includes 1 FPU-11, tip sidewinders and cheek AIM-120s.
* AIM-120s can now be fired at multiple targets when using caged firing mode. If a DT2 exists while an AIM-120 is tracking towards DT1, the next missile under the trigger will target DT2. Note that the radar missile flyout symbol will currently still only be shown for the last missile fired.
* Numerous random avionics fixes and efficiency enhancements.
Changes in
* Resolved VV placement issue introduced in
* Resolved ground TACAN station DME issue introduced in
* Should once again be able to pick up ILS and TCN from "piloted" carriers
* TACAN ETE and fuel remaining at arrival was not working properly for carriers or AA tacan.
* Reverted simultaneously fired DT1/DT2 AIM-120 fire control code due to unexpected consequences involving animations.
* Updated HUD geometry including fonts to be more consistent with RL features. (If HUD does not look MUCH different than previous versions, make sure you've not installed the old HUD fonts into your "%WINDIR%\system32\fonts" directory)
* Modified NIRD and GUN pipper symbology to include range arcs. NIRD will also flash when the TD box is HUD limited.
* Modified radar and SA page symbology to be more consistent with HAFU symbology and slightly increased efficiency.
* Fixed a bug involving HARM prebriefed targets which was preventing the ASL from working unless the target was within +- 15 degrees of boresight.
* The ACM multiplayer loadout label for "Pylons Only" was never renamed to "Training" despite the new ordinance working correctly.
* Fixed an issue with the ARS hose visibility on the second MP model LOD.
* Removed the holdback bar from the MP model until we find out why it's not animating properly.
* Several external NAV lights were on 24/7 in the MP model.
* HUD can now be masked to the HUD frame by enabling the ACM option under Simulation Preferences-->VC.
* HUD day/night switch now persists from flight to flight.
* First implementation of new RapidRaster(tm) MAP terrain drawing in MPCD. Option can be enabled/disabled in ACM under Simulation Preferences-->Avionics. See tooltip help for description.
* Fixed bug that prevented in-flight refueling of empty tanks
* Fixed: No voice on FIRE TEST B unless you pressed MC after FIRE TEST A
* Fixed: Issue switching from CV TACAN to ground TACAN and back again
* Updated Master Caution tone to more closely match the real tone
Bump. now released.
PLEASE NOTE: This will hopefully be the penultimate test release before SP1-final. Once SP1-final is released, development focus will shift to the TacPack and any bugs remaining in SP1 will likely have to wait several months. As such, please report ANY and ALL bugs you find, even if you've mentioned them previously. (All prior Pre-SP1 related threads have been moved here) If you don't mention it, it will likely end up in SP1, so please test and let us know. (This especially extends to the fuel system and related activities, given the complete fuel system rewrite in this update)
If you are running an earlier 1.0.9.x release, simply running the ACM should prompt you to upgrade. If you are still running, or if you have issues with the ACM upgrade, you can download and use the full installer.
(WARNING: Unlike previous updates, both the update and full installers WILL REMOVE YOUR 3RD PARTY LIVERY CONFIGURATIONS, and require you to reimport all 3rd party liveries via the ACM. Unfortunately, there was no way around this due to certain changes)
Again, please report ANY issues (even if you've reported them before) in the Pre-SP1 Reports forum.
(Please do not report the following issues to us as we are already aware of them)
* Weapons animate oddly if a target is designated leading to strange weapon flight paths (flying backward, flying up, etc)
* NIRD remains displayed after firing last missile
* Selection box around PB17 (CAGE) remains present after the last missile is fired even though the "CAGE" label is removed
* RapidRaster - Selecting NUP disables brightness adjustment (but should result in a much lower FPS hit)
* RapidRaster - DCTR mostly works, but there are still several oddities. (Map being partially drawn, etc)
Changes in
(NOTE: Potentially confusing or misunderstood changes are marked in red. Most of these are the result of additional information on actual aircraft behavior)
* HSI: can now display maps as CHART, DTED, and CIB (controlled image base). CIB is not yet implemented, and CHART is an interim display in lieu of sectionals, which may make it in to the TacPack. DTED is similar to the previous MAP mode and displays terrain relief.
* Waypoints: total number REDUCED to 16 in order to cope with issues arrising with offset aimpoints. More waypoints will be available in Pro.
* Waypoints: are now displayed as larger circles with the waypoint ID inside.
* Altitude warnings suppressed WonW.
* RapidRaster: No longer rotates map when NUP (North up) selected.
* RapidRaster: DCTR now "mostly" works
* HUD TD was persistently showing GO STT for an AIM-7 shot even with a DT (syntax error).
* Radar bug was allowing partial (bugged) designations in Velocity Search. Radar will now go directly to STT when a target is designated in that mode.
* ACM: Removed "MPCD Airspaces" and "MPCD Terrain" options (now superfluous because of MAP mode expansion).
* ACM: "Revert..." button wasn't working (file menu revert was).
* ACM: Added option to enable/disable colored DDI cautions. In the real aircraft these cautions are monochromatic.
* ACM: Added option to disable/enable FCS reset and GENTIE requirements.
* ACM: Added option to enable/disable radar operational readiness test requirements.
* Radar: Beam pattern now behaves properly when rolling the aircraft, adjusting properly for body axis in destabilized modes.
* Radar: Re-enabled visual B-sweep in ACM modes.
* Radar: Display scale will now properly reflect the maximum coverage for all selected modes, including ACM.
* Radar: Added Operational Readiness Test (ORT) cycle (settable via ACM simulation prefs).
* Radar: Added ACM "bump" feature which prevents the reacquisition of the SAME target in ACM modes for 2 seconds when switching ACM modes or undesignating with an ACM mode selected. This prevents a situation in which ACM targets couldn't be undesignated because they were being immediately reacquired.
* Radar: Selectable target aging with half and quarter intensity contact shading for up to 16 seconds. Note that targets which have aged beyond 4 seconds may in fact no longer exist and therefore cannot be bugged-up.
* AIM-9 seeker will now display a segmented circle when the seeker has no internal lock.
* AIM-9 seekers were not properly terminating their growls after the last weapon had been fired.
* APU and AV fan sounds were not playing correctly under all circumstances.
* Eliminated the tendency of electrical to go down momentarily when transitioning in and out of slew mode on the ground.
* Made final modifications to master caution logic. The caution will extinguish automatically if the initial condition which caused the caution no longer exists (with the exception of CK SEAT and CK TRIM, which must be acknowledged by resetting the Master Caution). The MC tone will never annunciate twice within 5 seconds regardless of whether the master caution was reset or not. This does not apply to voice alerts.
* All DDIs now have consistent AOA indications with the HUD.
* Added ACM simulation preferences-->advanced options lockout. This will ensure that advanced options such as cold/dark are not available to nuggets until they acquire a minimum of 1 engine hour. VRS has fielded more tech support based on nuggets enabling cold/dark and not knowing how to get the FCS running than any other single support issue. Uninstalling/reinstalling the Superbug should not reset your engine hours, so veteran users need not be concerned.
* Complete fuel system (SDC) rewrite to make the system more robust and serviceable. Fuel system will now simulate motive flow and transfer pumps in a way which is much more consistent with real life. Any tendency of the previous system to flameout due to valve switching latency has been eliminated by the new transfer system which always/only uses feed tanks as the primary engine sources. All other fuel is "pushed" inward by way of transfer pumps up to the highest transfer rate available until such time as the feeding tank is depleted or the internal tanks are full.
* GUN can no longer be selected in NAV master mode - ever. The only weapon available in NAV master mode is HARM in SP mode. In the event of a HARM SP event, the HARM will automatically be selected as before, but the pilot may no longer change HARM modes, cycle weapons, or perform any SMS related tasks.
* SMS will no longer bypass JDAM in favor of GUN when cycling weapons in A/G master mode.
* Traffic search backend now properly filters out ownship from the list of potential tankers (ie, you can't be your own tanker)
* Fixed bug that prevented tuning of ILS/TCN from "piloted" carriers that were in an MP session before you joined
* HUD: Tactical steering arrow only present up to 90 degrees deflection, then disappears, but heading tape diamond remains.
* HUD: Tactical steering arrow should not flash when HUD/FLIR designated target was out of HUD (no TD to get HUD limited).
* HUD: ASL extends through the target to the edge of the HUD (but is masked by the target diamond).
* HUD: Now caged by default and will persist cage/uncage states from flight to flight.
* Ground DT diamond remains perpendicular to ground.
* DDI/MPCD: MAPs no longer displayed above 40nm.
* DDI/MPCD: Scales added for 1 and 0.5nm.
* DDI/MPCD: Lubberline now extends through the rose (centroid now lies on the rose radius).
* Cautions: and advisories now mask anything behind them with a fixed-size rectangle.
* Radar: Contact symbology reduced in size for all displays which are capable of displaying sensor data.
* Radar: Format has had some menu options moved around into positions consistent with newly acquired research data.
* Radar: Range scale has been reverted to previous layout, ditching the intermediate scales along the right periphery of the tactical area, again, based on new data.
* Radar: Aspect pointers will now be 33% longer when the target is at or exceeding Mach 1.
* EADI: Now displays interlaced ground region (earth) instead of a solid fill color. This may present moire patterns, however it is completely consistent with the real aircraft.
* DDI/MPCD: HSI and SA compass roses are now rotated based on trigonometric shifts rather than an overall rotation. This results in much crisper text over MAP terrain. The side-effect is a slight scintillation of the text, however this is precisely what the real avionics do too.
* SA format has new Chaff and Flare depletion bars in the lower-left.
* DDI: Positions for SUPT/TAC labels adjusted.
* DDI: With the exception of SUPT and TAC, no 2 DDI displays can share the same format. When an option has been selected on one disp[lay, and the opposite display has the same format up, the opposite display will now be dropped back to TAC.
* DDI: TAC menu is now the default page whenever MENU is pressed from ANY display.
* HSI/SA compass, minor points are smaller dots, and EW format points are pipes.
* Sound: All advisory tones have been removed. In addition there is now no audio indication for autopilot engagement/disengagement, just as in the real aircraft.
* AFCS: The autopilot will trip a master caution (just the light) whenever a reversion has occurred either due to manual stick input with A/P ON or invalid data in a coupled mode.
# Sound: AV fan (reported as a hum) was incorrectly continuing to play in external views.
# DDI: SA page was incorrectly displaying radar sensor hash marks.
# DDI: DDIs were incorrectly forcing the opposite DDI back to TAC when SPIN page was up.
# DDI: (PB17) box (SMS page) was not blanking when the CAGE/UNCAGE option was invalid.
# HUD: Maximum number of HUD RWR repeater threats reduced to 6 as per new data (HMD sheets).
# HUD: Beta does not affect VV/ladder position with WonW (actually changed in but not documented).
# SDC: Fixed a bug which was not correctly shutting down the DUMP switch when tanks 1/4 were depleted. No dumping was actually occurring, but the switch and DUMP OPEN legend would remain.
# VRS_Fuel: Fixed race condition that caused the internal tanks to always start out full, rather than at whatever level was set in the ACM.
# SDC: Resolved issue that caused feed tanks to run dry (flaming out both engines) before the rest of the tanks were empty.
# SDC: Feed tanks will now properly refill during IFR.
# UFCD: Waypoint editing LAT/LON "N,S"E,W" legend was partially misplaced on the keypad due to an earlier change involving that page, but they are now restored to the correct locations.
# DDI/AP: Added Bank Angle Limit (BLIM) option to HSI-->DATA-->A/C page. The BLIM option will toggle between TAC(60 degree) and NAV(30 degree) limits for all horizontal navigation autopilot modes. Note that the TAC BLIM is clipped to 45 degrees if RALT is engaged in order to prevent data loss from the radar altimeter.
# AP: A/P would not respond to newly selected HSEL heading if the heading bug was changed via the physical switch below the EFD (as opposed to through the HSEL option on the UFCD autopilot sublevel).
# AP: RALT will much more aggressively track terrain height now, but please bear in mind this is still a look-down system which samples only the altitude directly below the aircraft. It is not forward-looking and cannot be expected to perform terrain following with rapidly rising terrain elevations.
# DDI: TACAN cross track distance and courseline deviation were being incorrectly displayed due to an inconsistency between reported local magnetic deviation of the navaid and the local magnetic deviation variable.
# RADAR: A DT2 will no longer be generated automatically in TWS until a the L&S is changed either by manually selecting a new one with the TDC, or by cycling targets with undesignate.
# RADAR: When the DT1/L&S is changed, the target that used to be the L&S target will no longer need to be re-scanned in order to be visible.
# HUD: Will now show the ICAO of DME-only navaids just like the HSI.
# MODEL: Weapon animations (bombs) in several older builds were acting wonky if there was an A/G or NAV designated target and when the bomb was released, sometimes taking strange twists and turns.
# LOCK/SHOOT now has the following meaning: In a CAGED (slaved to radar) mode, if only LOCK is seen on the canopy sil, it means the weapon is properly configured in azimuth and elevation to take the shot, and LOCK will be followed by SHOOT when the target is in range (if applicable). If a weapon is fired in a caged mode without at least a LOCK, the weapon will go ballistic. If an UNCAGED weapon is readied, both LOCK and SHOOT will illuminate when the weapon has an internal sensor lock, and can be fired. As with CAGED weapons, if no LOCK or SHOOT is illuminated, the weapon will go ballistic.
# UFCD: Tuning to XXX.X25 or XXX.X75 on a COM or ILS frequency in the UFCD resulted in the displayed frequency being XXX.X20 or XXX.X70, while the actual radio frequency remained correctly set. In general, there is no XXX.X20 or XXX.X70 accepted by FSX (only XXX.X25/XXX.X75 frequencies). So the UFCD will now show the correct frequency (XXX.X25/XXX.X75) and will return an error if XXX.X20 or XXX.X70 are entered.