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Publié : mar. août 03, 2004 11:36 am
par raptorman
En avant, pour les personnes qui a jamais etendu de Project Phoenix, une petite introduction (mes exuses que ca n'est pas en Francais :blushing: ):
1. Introduction to Project Phoenix

Project Phoenix emerged out of a concern in the Falcon 4.0 community that their favorite pastime, simulating combat aircraft operations, was threatened by a lack of suitable computer application programs. This concern reached its peak when Infogrames and G2I, which acquired the intellectual property rights to the Falcon4 program of Microprose, limited the community in their freedom to enhance the program. This had been common practice in the previous years, resulting in patches for the original Falcon 4.0 program, like the Reality Patch, eFalcon and Superpak. Without complete freedom to shape Falcon 4.0 in the desired form, the community became dependant on the initiatives of commercial companies. As it was felt that the features the community wished for had no commercial viability, they took it upon themselves to develop a completely new combat simulator. The main objective of Phoenix therefore is to develop a state-of-the-art combat simulator, based on open source and involving the flight simulation community.

2. Project objectives

To determine what the project’s objectives are, it is important to establish for whom it will deliver products and services. Obviously, combat simulator enthusiasts belong to our ‘customers’. Less obviously, the members of the project team are customers in a sense as well. They are contributing not only because they are interested in the end product, but also because they are interested in the work itself. In this project the way really is as important as the destination.

Thus, the project objectives are:

1. To provide combat simulator enthusiasts with an open source, multiplayer, state-of-the-art, highly realistic combat simulator program that surpasses Falcon 4.0, Superpak 4, FreeFalcon 3 and any current and future commercially available programs.
2. To provide people interested in the development of this program an opportunity to use or develop their skills in a fun environment.

3. Project constraints

1. There is no budget, so we cannot acquire any paid goods or services.
2. There is no deadline (a non-constraint)
3. There is no maximum to the effort spent on the project (a non-constraint)
4. The project will be staffed by volunteers.
5. Project staff will work on the project in their spare time.
6. Project staff cannot meet in person as they are scattered around the globe.
7. The end products must be free from license fees.

4. Assignment to tasks

Tasks will be assigned on a voluntary basis. Each task will be posted so volunteer can apply to do the job. The management team will decide which volunteers will actually do the job, based on skills, available time, and resources needs for other tasks. When insufficient volunteers apply, or the volunteers lack the skills to guarantee the quality of the job, the task will be marked “unpopular”. Unpopular tasks will be traded for popular tasks. “You may do this, but then you’ll have to do this as well”. This way the fulfillment of all tasks is guaranteed, even in a volunteer project.

J'espere d'etre capable de poster quelque ingame screenshots en futur, ici sont quelque screenies du 3d models:








Si il y ont des personnes qui veulent aider avec se project, fait une poste dans ce thread: ... threadid=9

Publié : dim. août 08, 2004 4:13 pm
par raptorman


Publié : dim. août 08, 2004 5:13 pm
par wikers
si j'ai tous compris vous commencez une nouvelle simulation de combat aérien... c'est exacte ?

Publié : dim. août 08, 2004 5:15 pm
par raptorman
Originally posted by wikers@8 Aug 2004, 15:13
si j'ai tous compris vous commencez une nouvelle simulation de combat aérien... c'est exacte ?
Oui, ca c'est notre goal.

Publié : dim. août 08, 2004 5:25 pm
par wikers
et je paris que vous programmez en c/c++ ..

Publié : dim. août 08, 2004 5:29 pm
par raptorman
Originally posted by wikers@8 Aug 2004, 15:25
et je paris que vous programmez en c/c++ ..
Oui, ca c'est le language nous utilisons

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 4:37 pm
par raptorman
A small update :)

Presently we're working on the system core, which cannot be captured in screenshots. There just aren't any graphical properties for schedulers, callback hooks, event systems, IPC links, logging functions, or XML I/O libs. That you're not seeing much is good, as this part of the project has to complete before all the components people associate with flight sims, graphics, flight models, avionics, etc., are added in. While this work continues there are others working on art, research, and FDM modelling in parallel. Admittedly it's hard to motivate or excite people in a situation like this, but there's no other way than forward. ... stcount=29

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 7:43 pm
par Cartman
Ooh, you use OGRE. :)

I use the same engine (I'm Crashy in the ogre forums).