Relocaliser un Escadron en campagne

Falcon 4.0 BMS
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Légende volante
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Inscription : 02 novembre 2002

Relocaliser un Escadron en campagne


Message par Jallie »

question posée sur Frugal ...

réponse donnée ...étape par étape

à essayer pour confirmation ;)
Took me quite a while to figure this out. In each campaign folder(e.g Korea): rolling fire iron fortress tiger spirit
I did it like this: Back up and rename to save0.tac. Open save0.tac with mission builder in tactical engagement. Add a squadron of EF2000 to Seoul AB(It was named the 1031 fighter squadron). Save and exit. Rename save0.tac to and enter the campaign(New-Rolling fire-Seoul AB-1031FS). The campaign isn't running correctly right now, but I just exit and let the autosave function save the update. Then I replace the adjusted by the original one. Re-enter the campaign(Saved-auto save), a redeployment message and a newsreport came up. I was redeployed to Sunwon AB, just south of seoul. And campaign engine was assigning my EF2000s BARCAP missions. 8 slammers and 2 Asraams! Yeah!

The complete procedure:
1. Backup the you want to edit.
2. Rename to saveX.tac
3. Fire up FalconAF.exe and open the saveX.tac in the TE editor.(Don't click on the CAMPAIGN button on the main UI or the game will CTD)
4. Make whatever changes you want to with the TE editor. But remember, we have to do all the editing in the TE Editor in ONE STEP, i.e., don't save the file and then try to come back to it later to edit more. (Thanks Napalmski and Sherlock)
5. Save the tac file and exit the game.
6. Rename SaveX.tac to
7. Start the corresponding new campaign.( rolling fire; iron fortress; tiger spirit)
8. Set the priorities. Don't click the start campaign button tho. Otherwise SAMs might not show up.(Thanks Sherlock ) Just exit and there will ba an autosave file. (Or manually save it at 09 00 00, it's the same).
9. Replace the edited with the original one. Overwrite it.
10. Re-enter the campaign from the campaign save file that has just been created in step 8. Done.

Don't forget Steps 8,9 and 10! They are essential for this to work.

The campaign save file doesn't save objects data so there will be quite a lot of mess up before the final step. However everything will be fine in the end.

et le post complet sur Fraugal ...;) ... hp?t=97101

petite remarque sup de Swabie ...
After you replace the edited with the original, enter the campaign through the autosaved file(or you can manually save it, doesn't make any difference), not starting a new one. I guess the total idea is that we create a save file that makes the campaign engine thinks reinforcements (like the squadron you added) arrived after the campaign started. So the edited in fact isn't important, you can just delete it away. What is really important is the save file.

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Messages : 16158
Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Vraiment TRES intéressant! :sorcerer:

Je n'ai pas le temps de tenter la manip là, mais si personne ne l'a faite avant mardi, je tâcherai sans doute de faire ça à ce moment-là. Autrement, ça m'intéresserait beaucoup d'avoir le résultat chez vous, si vous essayez vous-mêmes. :cowboy:

Reste ensuite à savoir si, en plus de créer un nouvel escadron dans une campagne, il est également possible d'en supprimer un déjà existant (histoire de pouvoir, en quelque sorte, faire un déplacement d'escadron, et pas forcément un ajout, en fait).
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
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Inscription : 26 août 2004


Message par chataz »

Cela marcherait il pour la dite "Campagne Inter ssquadrons"? (qui n'est pas une campagne mais une Te)
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Messages : 16158
Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Ben pour un TE ça marche forcément, puisque dans l'esprit c'est simplement une édition de TE appliquée à une campagne. ;)
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking."

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